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Posts posted by razer

  1. This is Thailand and not unlike a few other countries in Asia. There may be a product you really like in stock at TESCO, Big C, Tops, whatever ... but because it is in stock today does not mean it will be in stock next week, next month or next year. SO ... when you see something you really like, buy enough to make you happy for a long time.

  2. I knew a person (now deceased) who was taking his dispute with a developer to court and was shot point blank by a thug hired by the developer who, by-the-way, was a wanted criminal in the UK but enjoyed protection here.

    This is Thailand ... be careful. Consumer protection doesn't deal a bullet through the spine.

  3. Dear OP ... to respond to your question and comment on the threads one saying yes and the other saying no ... well both are correct. This is Thailand. Always have a few thousand handy when you deal with Immigration.

    You suggesting BOTH are correct. Has this actually happened to you or friend, or your posting a theory?

    I would prefer to listen to the experienced members for my advice. That advice has been clearly provided.

    Yes ... both are correct ... I have been here 9 years and yes it has happened to me. If I were you I'd do an on line 90 day ... CYA.

  4. OK ... thanks ... I am still confused ... How can they give me a 90 day that's good for two months after my visa extension expires? And why would they validate my 90 day report only until my extension expired?

    BTW .... the Immigration officer also told me we had to make appointments for a 90 day report in person and advised me not to use the mail service because it was so slow and could cost me another late fine.

  5. Is the 90 day report to Immigration due 90 days after an “O” Visa extension is approved or is it due 90 days from the previous 90 day report or is it due the same day the extension is granted?

    Very confused about this and this is about my 34th 90 Day Report.


    Completed the 90 Day on-line June 2nd. Good until June 30th the expiration date of my “O” visa extension.

    Visa extension granted on June 30th.

    I made the 90 day report at Chiangwattana in person a week before the “understood” 90 day report was due (from June 30th) because the online site was not working. I have been doing the 90 day report 90 days after extension date the past 9 years without a hitch. First with Non “O” and now “O” the last two years.

    Upon reporting the Immigration officer said I was late and hit me with a 2,000 Baht fine. The Immigration officer said the 90 days starts from the last 90 report. I said yes but my last 90 day report was good only until June 30th when my visa extension expired. She saw all the dates on the June 90 day report and the visa extension ... didn't matter ... It was pay up or suffer the consequences.

    What’s right? If the Immigration officer is correct, then I should have done the 90 day report the same day I renewed my visa extension and Immigration has been getting it wrong with me since 2008.

    Anyone know if there any fixed immigration rules on this?

    When I deal with Thai Immigration people I feel like I am in a card game with a 7 year old that picks up his hand and says “OK … all red fours are a wild card this time.”

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  6. Moving ....

    1. Be prepared to pay a tax on everything (new and old) you ship into Thailand via a logistics company.

    2. Refuse to give up your passport to any logistic agent. Get a certified copy from your embassy. The Thai Customs has to recognize it (I think) Check with your embassy.

    3. Examine carefully ALL the logistic services you agree to pay for and question everything as to what that charge means.

    When I first moved to Thailand I gave my passport to the local logistics agent clearing my personal effects through customs. They charged me 15,000 Baht for a service they did not provide. I refused to pay for it. They refused to return my passport. I won the 60 day battle at the end but it was a real learning curve in my welcome to Thailand.

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