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Posts posted by razer

  1. Was she drunk when she ordered the attack ... and the gang drunk? Hope so. Then a Wai ... so sorry ... and a small fine will do.

    It amazes me that Thai men have no personal issues with gang violence on small women and old people. Apparently being a coward isn't an issue for them. Terrible loss of face for men in gangs to do this.

    The legal consequence to these kind of crimes is a disgrace to the Thai legal system.

  2. I love France and have French friends ... but the <deleted> French politicians really make me angry. IMO, they are just a bunch of incompetent, ineffective, inept aristocrats or egocentrics with old school-tie connections that are contributing to the downfall of the European Union and jeopardizing national security across the continent.

    Seems any illegal migrant of Muslim persuasion can just say <deleted> off and the government will say OK ... OK ... no problem ... What do you want?

    This whole debacle was allowed by the French government and should be remedied and paid for by the French government.

  3. Full justice under Thai law .... The Thai justice system is very relaxed on these type of crimes. It's usually a Wai ... so sorry ... and a small fine when the police actually go out and find the perpetrators. Being drunk is a legitimate defense to avoid accountability for the committed crime.

    It took 24 hours for the police to know about this? Where were they? It is very hard to believe the hospital or a citizen DID NOT contact the police within the first three hours after the attack.

  4. Regardless of the opinions ... Why would it be necessary for a gang of five or six men to brutally assault pensioners, and a woman pensioner at that? Sounds like the group were planning to do something like that.

    Gang attacks on old people is not normal behavior in any society.

    Thailand's Karma. The police have ignored crime or opted for "Wai ... so sorry" punishment so long, crime is getting out of control so much so it makes international news.

  5. It's not just social media. This is a piece of paper with a photo of a foreign national, his residence, bank account, auto description, and places frequently visited.

    It would be very easy for someone to take an iPhone photo and sell the information to criminal gangs who could stalk a foreign national resident, kidnap him or a family member and empty their bank account. It seems to happen quite often as it is.

  6. He can't he charged with premeditated. He didn't think about or plan to kill someone. Which I believe are prerequisites for that charge. I don't believe it will matter anyway. This guy's too rich to ever see the inside of a prison. More likely, he will become a monk for a couple months to atone for his actions and make a lot of payoffs to the families to get the pressure off of him.

    Prosecutor's trick. If the prosecution wants to let someone off the hook he files charges that can be proven untrue.

    Manslaughter will result in a conviction. Negligent Homicide will result in a conviction. Homicide with a motor vehicle will result in a conviction. Premeditated murder won't.

  7. Tax avoidance and tax evasion are two different things.

    Tax evasion is for the little fish. ... Tax avoidance is for the big fish.

    Governments world-wide have made tax avoidance legal via offshore companies and tax loopholes.

    BUT ... the public will buy this BS and will be happy eating it.

  8. I lived in Germany for a lot of years and it was known the Turks in Germany were in organized crime but it was very low key, unlike the Italian Mafia in New York. But, just like in New York, the Turkish Mafia in Germany has been tolerated by authorities for a very long time. Now this live and let live ... leave the migrants alone mindset is coming back to bite Germany in the a**. They went after the Neo-Nazis with more fervor than the Turkish gangs. Hell, they went after driving law violators with more conviction.

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