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Posts posted by razer

  1. "On arrival at the airport he reported the matter to police who said they would do nothing because he had already paid. "

    I needed police help two times (nothing life threatening) and each time they found an excuse not to do anything. Not the least bit interested.

    Got to go viral on social media to get their attention. Keep it up Thailand.

    No need to say more about the DO NOTHING RTP.

  2. The original Budweiser was Czech. Some years ago there was a court case over the name. Maybe that has something to do with it. A backroom agreement? I'll take the original over the American brand any day.

    Have to say, American style beer is really good on a hot day, you are dying of thirst and you want to down something cold and bubbly that's not 50% sugar. German beer ... well, that's something you want to sit down and enjoy.

  3. They say that knowledge is power … power to defeat and power to defend. Everybody loves rags to riches story and I sincerely wish Mr. Khan a successful tenure as Mayor. However (the West) should not be babes in the woods trusting without caution. I refer to the Muslim Brotherhood, declared a terrorist organization by the UAE, Egypt and under consideration in the US Congress. The Muslim Brotherhood’s objective is to wage jihad from within “That Islam and its Movement become a part of the homeland it lives in”. The MB strategy ... see or download the PDF ... Government Exhibit 003-0085 3:04-CR-240-G in U.S. v Holy Land Foundation, et al.... "An Explanatory Memorandum: From the Archives of the Muslim Brotherhood in America"
    http://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/.../an.../ ....... Mind you, if you read about the MB you will see this as a global strategy.

  4. In all fairness ... I don't think police know the traffic laws that well and that's bad management. Also I think the police do what they are told to do when they are told to do it, and if they are not given a specific task, they don't do anything. Tell the traffic police to go out and stop illegal U-turns and they will ... on that day. Tell them to stop motorbikes using overpasses and they will ... on that day. Tell them to go after motorbikes on walkways and they will ... on that day. They may, however, balk at walking patrols. With low pay, it's just a job.

    I just figured it out. Been here ten years so I guess I am a little slow on the uptake.

    And regarding corruption? According to an Indonesian minister ... greedy, selfish wives are the cause of corruption in men.

  5. Place your guess on the official verdict ...

    A. There were no signs of forced entry so this is a suicide.

    B. The victim was drunk and was showing-off for a "beautiful Thai woman" he just met in a bar and fell off the balcony.

    C. The jumper was drunk and had an argument with a "beautiful Thai woman" and he was so upset he killed himself.

    I think this one is too complicated ... so I didn't use it in the game

    The jumper was drunk and got into a fight with a ladyboy (possibly trying to rob him) and the ladyboy pushed him off the balcony.

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