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Everything posted by JimmyJ

  1. Thank you. As mentioned, is there a specific dentist there?
  2. Interested in a specific dentist name rather than e.g. "The XYZ Company". Someone you know is excellent for this task, and (at least ideally) with very good bedside manner and very good English. Thank you.
  3. Chase definitely sends OTPs. I assume you do not delete cookies. That's probably why you aren't so far bothered with that. Eventually you'll need to delete cache and cookies, and then you'll probably have to receive. With every login, they give me a choice of calling or texting me the OTP and only use 1 of my #'s (I.e., I don't get a choice of which of my #'s they will deal with). Very surprised they accepted an Int'l. phone #. I can't imagine that will work on their banking side.
  4. In Phil., can expats own pistols? If so, is concealed carry legally possible?
  5. A 20 year marriage without knowing? "M. Butterfly". https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/M._Butterfly
  6. Yet his method is succeeding whereas yours failed.
  7. The light bulb went on when someone told him that women's periods do not last 30 days.
  8. superal - "Putins actions are causing devastation to the world with 30% of wheat coming from Russia and Ukraine combined and then of course the oi;l and gas that is controlled by Russia ." USA sanctions on Russia are causing this.
  9. Paypal Bronze Age, isn't it? Or did Thailand insist on this? (Seems unlikely to me).
  10. Was getting PAPOUTSANIS TRADITIONAL OLIVE OIL BAR SOAP (Olive Oil, Water, and one other substance I suppose to solidify it) shipped to me but too difficult here. Read labels on all soaps at 2 markets - every one has "Fragrance". "Fragrance" can have any ingredients and for some reason they don 't have to be listed. I also don't buy animal products, and almost every soap I looked at has Glycerin. Anybody found something sold in CM (or Thailand) without those ingredients?
  11. Less expensive than Ram or Bangkok Chiang Mai? If so - If a Dr. I want to see works Sriphat and also Ram or Bangkok CM, is there any reason not to make the appointment at Sriphat?
  12. There have been threads about this in the past - I think both general and Chiang Mai specific. I reread them and made notes, but it's extremely difficult and confusing to compare prices. Many of the testing labs have websites with text in Thai and I couldn't find any way to change the language to English. One lab has extensive writeups in English about the testing, but a search of the site revealed no prices. Etc. As I recall, there is (at least in general) no "STD packages" - everything is a la carte and some seem insanely expensive 1 lab which was recommended in 1 thread has an HIV test priced at 2500 THB, a price that would keep many from getting the test. In the US one finds County Health Services and NGO's offering such tests for free or very little. Has anyone done a price comparison of at least a few labs and come up with one with a fairly complete list of tests available at a better price than the others? Hopefully with some English speaking staff. Although 1 poster said that some cheaper labs do not have their equipment calibrated frequenty enough and to make sure they are "certified". Any suggestions on where to go?
  13. Looking for ones in Santitham and nearby - Nimman/Old City. Serving iced Cappuccino without any condensed milk or whipping cream. Comfortable padded/cushioned chairs, air conditioned, lots of electrical outlets, music very low or better yet none. In these Covid times, decent sized room(s) - not small room with a few small tables squeezed in where people seated on top of each other. Recommendations appreciated.
  14. I.e., when clicking on the bell icon. I see there is now a bright red "Clear notifications" link. If that is clicked on, is there then a Confirmation to make sure that is what is wanted? I positively did not click on that unless accidentally, and if there is then a Confirmation popup I positively never saw that and never clicked on it, so I'm having a hard time understanding how this occured. Any ideas? Also - I'm assuming there is no way to restore the missing Notifications. Correct?
  15. For me - native language (American) English.
  16. I entered from the USA on a SETV. Within a week my 1st 60 days are up and I have to renew for the final 30. Would appreciate help for some questions: What line do I get in? What time do I have to be there by? Do I need passport size photos or anything else to provide other than my passport? Is there a fee for the renewal? Also, Bangkok Bank told me they would open an account if I get what is apparently a Certificate of Residency from Imm. I've been staying at a hotel so I probably will be denied but will give it a try. Can the person renewing my Visa also grant me this or do I need another line after I get renewed? I can see from the sample form the bank gave me that a passport photo is needed for this (or possibly 2). Thank you for any info.
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