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Posts posted by ayakiawe

  1. I agree DONT paid the bastards!

    Phuket immigration has been the most corrupt immigration office I have come accross in Thailand!

    CORRUPTION plain and simple!

    I hope they all go to ######.

    The big boss there was a gay guy (I think for sure though no proof) too and not friendly to me either! :o

  2. Ok I just read this part now what about all the other rules and reg?

    For example:How often does a married Farang (USA) man have to leave the county for example etc etc.....?????

    I have been living with my Thai girlfriend now for 7 years and getting tired of this 2 month visa deal!

    Its expensive now and I dont like mini buses!

    Can some one recommend differn possiblites for me and what is involved?

    I can make a bank account here in Thailand say I have 400K (or more if nessary) but I am only 44 years old.

    Please let me know what is really involved?

    I may end up gettting a fiance visa and take her back to the States but want to know what other options I can do here instead?

    I am not working and have quite small income.

    Anyone who knows the score and can recommend to me what I should do I am all ears!

    Thanks, SM

  3. Spitting is a way of detoxing or cleansing the body.

    If you can still detox thats good for the body and no problem in a natural place.

    But in a city with no soil watch out!

    The world diet/ life style is for shit now and many people are sick!

    Its worse every day too!

    Everywhere now!

    Their body's are cleaning out the trash and this is what happens.

    Yep shit happens!

    Cleaning out the trash inside the body is all it is.

    So not good to stop this but good to change the diet and life style choices for sure!

    Set a good example is my only advice!

    Dont worry about the germs too much just keep yur own immune system way up for all this disease on the planet

  4. I would really like to know what these new rules will mean for Koh Samui ???

    Can anyone tel me what "zone" Koh Samui is in?

    I dont know if there will be a change or what here?

    Are there diffent zones for this island?

    Is Chawang for example really closing at midnight?

    What about Lamai?

    Do the kadaoki shops in Naton have to close up too?

    Please if you know answer these questions??

    Thanks from Samui

  5. Thais to me are not very smart. Most are nice for sure!

    Like most Asians I see they are good at doing but not thinking at the same time.

    A book was written by a man from Singapore called "Can Asians think?"

    You know I didnt even need to read the book to find out!

    What more can I say?

    Only that the modern diet and modern drugs (medicines, caffine, nicotine, sugar, msg, glue, wiskey, tons of chemicals in the diet and enviroment etc) are not making this problem any better.

    Sick and not too bright? Whats the future?

    Let all become more ORGANIC!

    Set a good example if you do stay here is all I can say!

  6. I think you are lucky your body gives you the straight message about the dangerous products you may be taking in.

    The problem I think it is is not the "beer" per say but all the chemicals they add to the beer here in Asia to preserve it!

    They use, I hear, formalin based persevatives which are not good for anyone!

    Does anyone know this to be a fact?

    Try beer on "tap", fresh beer or homemade versions too possibly?

  7. This e-mail just came in to me from friend in Penang Malaysia?

    Is it true or what?

    " i got news that visa laws are changing on june 1.... a farang can only stay 3 months on 3 months off,

    it still can happen but it appears things are moving towards heivy dictatorship. Prime minist was quoted as saying "thailand is for thai people.....what are the farang doing here..." there are many thais who just go along with it. i beleive the oppertunity for t land to be becoming like indo is ariving. if the visa things going about no way i bring my dog here, i canceled his flight today. If farang must bolt out for 3 months, the magority of business that suppliy farang will shut down.........can u imageine thai dive instuctors and dive mastrers??? well i can easily...i met one and she was cool. but ko tao will close down fast, phuket, and samui too. thaland is prepubesant for this big step, with these bus. gone the local reg. thai will get hurt from the decrease of income, that will make every body more up tight, then the thais will get too pushy with short term tourists....then its .looking like bad word of mouth. "

    Is this true?

  8. Thanks for your help so far.

    I am confussed about "Take a medical certificate from a reasonable clinic evidencing" what?

    The health probelms I have are not easy to show.

    I have already sent in the fiance visa forms to the USA.

    I love this woman but personally dont like the idea of marriage(been there and done that and it cost me most of my dough) unless I am forced to which is what it came to if I wanted to take her to the USA so this is the plan now.

    I dont have a any provable/testable diseases either just a bad immune system.

    No "aides" but just not that healthy.

    Any more ideas for me?


  9. Holding USA passport and I am 44 years old this coming week.

    Latest tourist visa with the costly 30 day extension already used up and ending Jan 22.

    Wondering what i should do?

    Here are more details and questions I have........

    At the Thai consulate in Kota Bahru, Malaysia? what can you get there?

    At this Thai consulate in Kota Bahru, Malaysia can I get a double entry 60 day tourist visa?

    What about triple entry?

    Do they also issuse other kinds of visas there like the non-immigrant "O" visa?

    I may have to be here in Thailand for a while as I am applying for a fiance visa for my Thai girlfriend for the USA and it cold take a while to come back, say 6-12 months what should I do?

    I would like to not have to leave the counrty so much as my health isnt so great to travel.

    I have more than 800K in a Thai bank, a truck, insuance health and motor, long term house rental in Thailand too.

    I have been with my girlfriend for 6 years now. I'm one of those good boys!

    I have been to Penang, Malay Thai Consulate so many times for tourist visas they are probably sick of seeing me there.

    Whats the best I can do?

    Thanks for the help guys and gals!

    [email protected]

  10. Hi, my Thai girlfriend's Thai passport is about to expire in about 6 monhts.

    We live in Samui and she would like to extend it 5more years.

    Dont really want to go all the way to BKK to extend.

    I heard something abut a new service that will extend passports in the Thai post offices?

    Is this true?

    The Samui post office couldnt help us?

    Any body know the scoop?

  11. Hi friends,

    So I am looking for info on the "other place" to go (not Penang, Malaysia as they see me too much there and ask a lot of questions) in Malaysia near the Thai border for visas?

    Do they offer a full visa service there?

    Is it a consulate or embassy?

    What's the name of this city?

    Do they issue double entry tourist visas there??

    What about triple entry tourist visas?

    What about cheap clean accommodations in the town there?

    Is there a train that goes there from Hat Yai?

    Thanks, for the help!

    [email protected]

  12. No way Jose!

    Super stupid idea.

    Why don't they do something useful like set up people to make organic farms/ gardens with composting rather than burning and spraying toxic chemicals all over the place?

    Clean up the big plastic and toxic waste all over the country and oceans.

    This leader "doesn't have a clue" what it will take to insure a really long term successful country.

    Outlawing the plastic bag would be a good start!

    Unfortunately the  average person still does not know the difference between a plastic bag and a banana leaf , like most of Asia.

    Next they should out law chemical agriculture, this would be the next important thing.

    Everyone needs to get really conscious or we are going to loose it here, got it?

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