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Posts posted by ayakiawe

  1. It’s true; this place is going fast now environmentally speaking!

    I think we need to save Thailand (and the rest of Asia) from Thai people (and clueless Farangs) who mostly and absolutely “don’t know the difference between a banana leaf and a plastic bag” it’s clearly plain to see.

    They are killing themselves and the land with the “new technologies” which they don’t really have a clue about or what its doing to them and the land.

    I love Thailand and do my best to preserve it but its going to take a lot of understanding and effort on everyone in the country.

    I only wish the Thais would listen and follow their great King who is far advanced on environmental subjects for the lands and people here in Thailand.

    Their Prime Minister on the other hand is the worst environmental disaster.

    When have you even heard him mention the importance of the environment?

    He is the “George Bush” of Asia in my book and he better step up to the bat quickly and create an strong environmentally priority (instead of his pocket book for his friends and family) for this country or else it’s a hopeless situation!


    Edited: Removed rediculous increased font size and unpleasant nickname for the PM. (Please don't post in increased size type unless there's a real good reason for it.) -Chanchao

  2. Did The Thai Visa mailing list give these guys my e-mail address?

    Or is it a virus, spoof or just a bad dream?

    THis came an an e-mail to my Yahoo and hotmail inbox, I wonder why?

    Please explain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Polygraph Center Thailand Co., Ltd.

    ?Pre-employment Criminal background check

    All of Thailand provinces

    From 250 B per record



    ?Pre-employment On line ethics test

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    For more information call us at


    Or click here

    To remove

  3. If someone had killed my daughter this way it would not take long to figure it out!

    I would stay in the West and earn what ever money it took (no matter how much!) To have the bastard sent to his final resting place ASAP!

    Isn’t this clear to everyone reading this site?

    In Lie-land (excuse me, I mean Thailand) it can happen very cheaply too I reckon.

    If you are going to kill a woman like this best not do it to my daughter or you won’t be around much longer.

    If others had this attitude, sh-t heads (ok "cockroaches" if you want the best description) like this would think a long long time before they pulled this

    kind of sh-t again!

    May this trash of a human be put out ASAP!

    I think we will all rest better and the rest of the "trash" out there (there is a lot believe me) will think a bit more before they act out their "new trash culture".

    One problem though, can a cockroachs :o think?

  4. A friend sent this to me, it is a beautiful and an important message.

    Get ready for a really good story!

    What do trees have to do with peace?

    Thirty years ago, in the country of Kenya,

    90% of the forest had been chopped down.

    Without trees to hold the topsoil in place,

    the land became like a desert.

    When the women and girls would go in search

    of firewood in order to prepare the meals,

    they would have to spend hours and hours

    looking for what few branches remained.

    A woman named Wangari

    watched all of this happening.

    She decided that there must be a way

    to take better care of the land and

    take better care of the women and girls.

    So she planted a tree.

    And then she planted another.

    She wanted to plant thousands of trees,

    but she realized that it would take a very

    long time if she was the only one doing it.

    So she taught the women who were looking

    for firewood to plant trees, and they were paid

    a small amount for each sapling they grew.

    Soon she organized women all over the country

    to plant trees, and a movement took hold. It was

    called the Green Belt Movement, and with each

    passing year, more and more trees covered the land.

    But something else was happening

    as the women planted those trees.

    Something else besides those trees was taking root.

    The women began to have confidence in themselves.

    They began to see that they could make a difference.

    They began to see that they were capable of many

    things, and that they were equal to the men.

    They began to recognize that they were deserving

    of being treated with respect and dignity.

    Changes like these were threatening to some.

    The president of the country didn't like any of this.

    So police were sent to intimidate and beat Wangari

    for planting trees, and for planting ideas of equality

    and democracy in people's heads, especially in women's.

    She was accused of "subversion" and arrested many times.

    Once, while Wangari was trying to plant trees, she was

    clubbed by guards hired by developers who wanted

    the lands cleared. She was hospitalized with head injuries.

    But she survived, and it only made her realize that she

    was on the right path.

    For almost thirty years, she was threatened physically,

    and she was often made fun of in the press. But she

    didn't flinch. She only had to look in the eyes of her

    three children, and in the eyes of the thousands of

    women and girls who were blossoming right along

    with the trees, and she found the strength to continue.

    And that is how it came to be that 30 million trees

    have been planted in Africa, one tree at a time.

    The landscapes--both the external one of the land

    and the internal one of the people--have been transformed.

    In 2002, the people of Kenya held a democratic

    election, and the president who opposed Wangari and

    her Green Belt Movement is no longer in office.

    And Wangari is now Kenya's

    Assistant Minister for the Environment.

    She is 65 years old,

    and this year she planted one more tree

    in celebration and thanksgiving

    for being given a very great honor:

    Wangari Maathai has been awarded

    the Nobel Peace Prize. She is the first

    African woman to receive this award.

    After she was notified, she gave a speech entitled,

    "What Do Trees Have To Do With Peace?"

    She pointed out how most wars are fought

    over limited natural resources, such as oil, land,

    coal or diamonds. She called for an end to

    corporate greed, and for leaders to build more

    just societies. She added:

    "Our recent experience in Kenya gives hope

    to all who have been struggling for a better future.

    It shows it is possible to bring about positive change,

    and still do it peacefully. All it takes is courage and

    perseverance, and a belief that positive change is possible.

    That is why the slogan for our campaign was 'It is Possible!'"

    "On behalf of all African women, I want to express

    my profound appreciation for this honour,

    which will serve to encourage women in Kenya,

    in Africa, and around the world to raise their

    voices and not to be deterred."

    "When we plant trees, we plant the seeds of

    peace and seeds of hope. We also secure the future

    for our children. I call on those around the world

    to celebrate by planting a tree wherever you are."

    As she received the Nobel Peace Prize this week

    in Oslo, she invited us all to get involved:

    "Today we are faced with a challenge

    that calls for a shift in our thinking, so that

    humanity stops threatening its life-support system.

    We are called to assist the Earth to heal her wounds

    and in the process heal our own."

    * * *

    Can we accept Wangari's invitation?

    As we look around our neighborhood or city,

    as we look at our own country,

    What is needed?

    Where are women and children suffering?

    Where are people feeling disempowered?

    Where does the Earth need our help?

    What is our equivalent of planting one tree?

  5. Sauron maybe you are the kind of white plastic trash that is helping to ruin Thailand and the Planet?

    Smoke more and drink a bit more too quickly so we can be done with you by your own free will please!

    Or maybe it is possible to un-thai (I mean un-tie) your mind from the trash pit its in?

    Hey then you could help plant the trees and other good works to turn this mess around!


    Hey I am doing a lot to turn this around, take my word for it.

    All my families wastes (all of it) are recyled back to the Earth and into our gardens in a way that makes the soil sweet and rich. And very Fertile.

    My wife is know for having the best papaya fruit in the area!

    I do this where ever I go. Its part of who I am and I feel what the Earth needs around me.

    I developed this awarness as a child and have carried this with me everywhere I go.

    We too set examples and some even learn and follow now too around our place.

    I hope everyone can start doing what they can to help the nature and soils out which will help us all out in the end!

    Love the Earth, its the only one we have and its our 1st Mother to care for!

  6. Hi friends this was PM to me a bit earlier today I think.

    See below.

    I have to say, it made my day and I wanted to share it.

    There is hope but the <deleted> that are sitting around living on their cheap Thai baht just make me sick I must say.

    They live in Thailand giving nothing back and taking so much.

    Cheap housing, land, cheap woman, cheap food, etc, etc.....

    It’s not cheap! This is very precious so start treating it like that!

    This man is making a difference, read his pm below!

    Get on the bus before it’s too late and your cheap baht won’t buy you Jack's sh.t

    "Hi I have now for more than 5 years read this column very careful and in many occations I agree what has been said.

    I am one of those stupid farangs here in NE Thailand (Udon province) who has paid 15 bath for 3 bags of cow manuvre twice a week during the past 6 years, and has been digging this down, my land is also old rice farming land and as all other farm land it has no humus in the soil. Now after 5 year can I see the result, my banana, lichie, coconuts and all other tres are well over 4m in heigt and all the fruits are bigger than all other in this area, my vegitables is bigger and has a good taste, and I have plenty of it. I have NEVER usen any chemicals on my 5 rai land but only animal fertilizers. It pays off, all my neighbours are now asking me for advise and those listening can see the outcome of their hard work now. Khon Thai knows what to do, (when someone tells'em) but it is too easy to use chemicals. For Goods sake, try to look at it from the opposite site, the Thai site. I am very much respected here because I talk the language and i show prober respect to my fellows khon Thai, and I go to the Wat and talk with the monks, too. If farangs just would be more respectful to the country and the people they visit as GUESTS anything would go much smoother. I have also teached'em not to burn the vaste and special plactic, because it creates dioxines, we are collecting bottles and beer cans as well. My village is quite clean compared to other small communities in this size (aprox. 200 people), and it does'nt smell bad in the evenings. It's a hard work but it pays off when you really can se it makes a difference. "

    This is a real man and he is walking his talk what do you have to say for yourself?

  7. Yes “Permaculture” works on small scale and large scale. Even over the hundreds of thousands of hectares that Thai agro-business deals in it will work no question about it.

    It adapts to the solutions and problems at hand and I think should be required study for all studies everywhere in the world.

    Look into it when you have the time.

    Talk about solutions, I can think of no better on this planet!

    I am not looking to jump on the helpless folks actually and am waiting for some more intelligent discussions on this subject.

    Too bad you couldn’t contribute towards this end “sabai dee”.

  8. First of all it's good some folks managed to get this thread going!

    Ok I did write:

    1.)"There are solutions! Check out “Permaculture” that would be a great start"

    2.)"The King here actually has it right on this account (he is big time organic farming and permaculture supporter"

    Magnolia_fan it appears you didn’t bother to read much of my post or is it your not even in the 1/2 brain level quite yet? Pathetic!

    Learn to read English and maybe you could begin to help start the changes we need to survive.

    "Nitrogenous fertilizer will always rule.”

    Sorry this isn’t true and impossible actually as they will eventually destroy the soils and the farm won’t be able to produce anything.

    Kogrutter you are really out of touch man get a grip on reality.

    The normal guy on the street in Thailand has no clue about much of anything on this subject I am afraid to tell you. You sound like some prerecorded sales pitch right out of some high price USA biz school.

    Why don’t you drop in for a visit to planet Earth and proceed on to Thailand, you will be in for a real shock!

    I am afraid only Drew9906 got it right nearly anyway!

    I am not wondering though, I know what I am talking about.

    I live it and you don’t, this is why I can write about it and you can't so far.

    Are you on the bus or not?

    I can connect the dots yes this is true.

    Most of the responses show me a true lack of being able to do this so far.

    Maybe some of you need to go back to the sex scandal thread where you can feel more comfortable with your expertise? Meanwhile those who know there are more important things pressing can continue with comments, discussions and yes solutions absolutely on this extremely important issue.

  9. To me it’s interesting all the energy and comments (now more than 10 pages or so) from all the super important “Farang Thai Sex Experts” on the thread about the 61 year old Farang who got caught with a 16 year old compared to the small amount of attention that this thread has been given so far.

    Its shows me that most Farang on this web site too have no inkling or the least bit of understanding of what is going on here or possibly anywhere environmentally speaking.

    They think their plastic ATM cards will protect them from the “incidental problems” of this country.

    Hey “Steven” my friend, if there is no water coming out of the sky or your sink pipes and the land is all desert (no food or water, hello anyone catching on?) it won’t make a ruck all difference what the unit price of water is my friend!

    The Thais are all a in a western dream of environmental ignorance, I got that but what is the excuse for all the Farangs gross stupidity?

    Pushing some buttons? I hope so!


    Not a good report I am afraid but what can you expect from what is happening in the last 30 years here in Thailand?

    From my many years of observations here in Thailand, Thais generally know nothing about sustainable farming, soil and water conservation.

    They burn nearly all organic material and most of their plastic as well.

    I have asked many if they also burn their money in their bank account, wanting to stress the absolutely vital importance of the “organic cycling of nutrients” that they religiously continue to burn and waste year after year on the same piece of land, over and over.

    If you think about it carefully you will see the insanity behind it.

    In fact they actually are not farming at all, those “in the know” (I am afraid most readers of this web site are clueless as well, not just the Thais mind you) call this “mining”.

    The farmers here are literally mining the soils and depleting them till nothing will grow, as in the large deserts which cover many areas of the world now and are growing at alarming speed.

    Thais now are very heavy into chemical fertilizer and poisons which they liberally put on most of their lands.

    Most of the leadership here in Thailand including the PM is clueless as well.

    I am sure the chemical companies interest are wrapped tightly in the political powers that be and have no interests or ethical leadership principles to lead the uneducated masses out of this chemical quagmire they will find themselves in if they ever wake up that is.

    You can’t keep doing this terrible thing forever. There will come a time when you must “pay the bill”.

    But I am afraid this bill has accrued a lot of unpaid interest as well!

    The rice farming particularly and now the corn farming techniques that they use here are creating a desert where once tropical paradise was enjoyed for eons.

    The Thai people better wake up really fast or they will destroy the land possibly forever and loose this great country.

    The King here actually has it right on this account (he is big time organic farming and permaculture supporter) but who is listening?

    In reality almost no one it appears to me.

    The Thais really think they know a lot (very proud about it too) but so far I have yet to meet but only a tiny few (can count on one hand easy) that have a clue what is gong on here environmentally speaking.

    They have a new technology (chemical and mechanical farming) that will ruin them, as they absolutely don’t know what they are doing.

    There are some Farangs and a handful of Thais here in Thailand and of coarse abroad who could offer important helpful solutions for the immediate and imminent environmental disasters which the country and the whole area is heading towards quickly.

    The tsunami that just hit recently is nothing I am afraid compared to the man made environmental disaster which is here now and will continue to decimate large areas of this country in the next 1-15 years.

    Anyone listening out there?

    There are solutions!

    Check out “Permaculture” that would be a great start for anyone with even half a brain.

    I too am available if there is any interest too.

    PM me and lets save Thailand before there is no Thailand left to save!

  11. my wife sells some exotic fruit trees(from tropical America) but not grafted avocado or lemon. She has plants from seeds from Hawaii of avocado in Koh Samui.

    call her if you are interested 09-594-9432 Ms Ta

  12. Hey "sun sailor" you said it all!

    I wish the pathetic creeps supporting this kind of crap would shut up and listen to you!

    They realy dont have the balls to fik it out I suppose!

    Not racism but pure logic which most folks here are very short of it appears

    I like this one the best though!

    So I post it again to make my point!

    "What an idiotic post...This guy is trying to tell us that the experience of the crew of this boat is not an issue!

    The crew sailed this boat which was greatly overloaded into a stormy sea and it capsized.

    Not racism fact..the crew were stupid and crap..."

  13. Most Thais are very proud people and don’t like to be told anything really, even if you are suggesting something likely to save lives and their livelihood.

    For many their “face” (what ever that is?) is worth more than a few lives for sure.

    If you do say something (offer just an honest suggestion) they are likely to want to hurt you at least.

    So the story goes on, everyone keeps quiet while the Thai men running things mostly, normally strung out on drugs (caffeine energy drinks, nicotine, alcohol, etc…) will run the show till shit hits the fan like this time.

    Then the buddy system of corruption takes over and covers things up nice and tidy (they just throw it all in the ocean sort of like) and act like nothing happened and everything is back like normal.

    In the West this doesn’t happen as often because you must be responsible with what you do, here you just pay off the right person and “Walla” back in biz!

  14. Koh Samui

    A tourist found a big bottle of, I think, some kind of chlorine tablets on the beach and dropped them off with us and I don’t know what to do with them?

    Any ideas for us?

    My TGF is afraid to bring it to the police as they might make trouble for us she said but I don’t think they belong in the garbage either as they might be burned which could really be toxic.

    Is the some kind of Gov agency the handles this kind of thing here in Koh Samui?

    What to do with them?

    While I am asking what to do with old AA size radio batteries too?

    The house we moved in to had a big pile of them sitting in the house and have not decide what to do with them?


  15. i really dont like this gov in thailand. they told me at the border when i was sick and one day late that even if i was dead i would still have to pay over stay!


    /edit out comment

    see forum rules

    You will not use thaivisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy

    You can make your point without insulting people , countries, or races

  16. This thread covers what you need to know by the way! see>>>>



    I just got a land line and am selling my Itigno mobil modem which is used with a lap top to access the GPRS AIS system.

    I bought it new from AIS and will sell it for a resonable discount.

    Its simple to use you just plug it into the USB port of the Lap top and your in biz.

    The sim cards cost under 1000 baht.

    [email protected]


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