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Posts posted by ayakiawe

  1. formalin in the sea food cause this type of reaction with me....

    I thought I was going to die when I had it....

    Asians must love putting this chemical in many things too! Its even in the beer here too!

    Watch out is all I can say and prepare your own food sources better yet!

  2. how long time frame are you needing to store your things?

    how many square meters of secure dry floor space?

    how much per month are you willing to pay for this as well?

    can you transport the things to the place yourself?

    it will be boxed up and packed ready to store or not?

    if you let me know I can offer suggestions more easy

  3. Former Bush Team Member Says WTC Collapse Likely A

    Controlled Demolition And 'In

    Posted on Sunday, June 12 @ 12:18:45 EDT by drew

    Highly recognized former chief economist in Labor

    Department now doubts official 9/11 story, claiming

    suspicious facts and evidence cover-up indicate

    government foul play and possible criminal


    June 12, 2005

    By Greg Szymanski

    A former chief economist in the Labor Department

    during President Bush's first term now believes the

    official story about the collapse of the WTC is

    'bogus,' saying it is more likely that a controlled

    demolition destroyed the Twin Towers and adjacent

    Building No. 7.

    "If demolition destroyed three steel skyscrapers at

    the World Trade Center on 9/11, then the case for an

    'inside job' and a government attack on America would

    be compelling," said Morgan Reynolds, Ph.D, a former

    member of the Bush team who also served as director of

    the Criminal Justice Center at the National Center for

    Policy Analysis headquartered in Dallas, TX.

    Reynolds, now a professor emeritus at Texas A&M

    University, also believes it's 'next to impossible'

    that 19 Arab Terrorists alone outfoxed the mighty U.S.

    military, adding the scientific conclusions about the

    WTC collapse may hold the key to the entire mysterious

    plot behind 9/11.

    "It is hard to exaggerate the importance of a

    scientific debate over the cause(s) of the collapse of

    the twin towers and building 7," said Reynolds this

    week from his offices at Texas A&M. "If the official

    wisdom on the collapses is wrong, as I believe it is,

    then policy based on such erroneous engineering

    analysis is not likely to be correct either. The

    government's collapse theory is highly vulnerable on

    its own terms. Only professional demolition appears to

    account for the full range of facts associated with

    the collapse of the three buildings.

    "More importantly, momentous political and social

    consequences would follow if impartial observers

    concluded that professionals imploded the WTC.

    Meanwhile, the job of scientists, engineers and

    impartial researchers everywhere is to get the

    scientific and engineering analysis of 9/11 right."

    However, Reynolds said "getting it right in today's

    security state' remains challenging because he claims

    explosives and structural experts have been

    intimidated in their analyses of the collapses of


    From the beginning, the Bush administration claimed

    that burning jet fuel caused the collapse of the

    towers. Although many independent investigators have

    disagreed, they have been hard pressed to disprove the

    government theory since most of the evidence was

    removed by FEMA prior to independent investigation.

    Critics claim the Bush administration has tried to

    cover-up the evidence and the recent 9/11 Commission

    has failed to address the major evidence contradicting

    the official version of 9/11.

    Some facts demonstrating the flaws in the government

    jet fuel theory include:

    -- Photos showing people walking around in the hole in

    the North Tower where 10,000 gallons of jet fuel

    supposedly was burning..

    --When the South Tower was hit, most of the North

    Tower's flames had already vanished, burning for only

    16 minutes, making it relatively easy to contain and

    control without a total collapse.

    --The fire did not grow over time, probably because it

    quickly ran out of fuel and was suffocating,

    indicating without added explosive devices the firs

    could have been easily controlled.

    --FDNY fire fighters still remain under a tight

    government gag order to not discuss the explosions

    they heard, felt and saw. FAA personnel are also under

    a similar 9/11 gag order.

    --Even the flawed 9/11 Commission Report acknowledges

    that "none of the [fire] chiefs present believed that

    a total collapse of either tower was possible."

    -- Fire had never before caused steel-frame buildings

    to collapse except for the three buildings on 9/11,

    nor has fire collapsed any steel high rise since 9/11.

    -- The fires, especially in the South Tower and WTC-7,

    were relatively small.

    -- WTC-7 was unharmed by an airplane and had only

    minor fires on the seventh and twelfth floors of this

    47-story steel building yet it collapsed in less than

    10 seconds.

    -- WTC-5 and WTC-6 had raging fires but did not

    collapse despite much thinner steel beams.

    -- In a PBS documentary, Larry Silverstein, the WTC

    leaseholder, told the fire department commander on

    9/11 about WTC-7 that. "may be the smartest thing to

    do is pull it," slang for demolish it.

    -- It's difficult if not impossible for hydrocarbon

    fires like those fed by jet fuel (kerosene) to raise

    the temperature of steel close to melting.

    Despite the numerous holes in the government story,

    the Bush administration has brushed aside or basically

    ignored any and all critics. Mainstream experts,

    speaking for the administration, offer a theory

    essentially arguing that an airplane impact weakened

    each structure and an intense fire thermally weakened

    structural components, causing buckling failures while

    allowing the upper floors to pancake onto the floors


    One who supports the official account is Thomas Eager,

    professor of materials engineering and engineering

    systems at MIT. He argues that the collapse occurred

    by the extreme heat from the fires, causing the loss

    of loading-bearing capacity on the structural frame.

    Eagar points out the steel in the towers could have

    collapsed only if heated to the point where it "lost

    80 percent of its strength," or around 1,300 degrees

    Fahrenheit. Critics claim his theory is flawed since

    the fires did not appear to be intense and widespread

    enough to reach such high temperatures.

    Other experts supporting the official story claim the

    impact of the airplanes, not the heat, weakened the

    entire structural system of the towers, but critics

    contend the beams on floors 94-98 did not appear

    severely weakened, much less the entire structural


    Further complicating the matter, hard evidence to

    fully substantiate either theory since evidence is

    lacking due to FEMA's quick removal of the structural

    steel before it could be analyzed. Even though the

    criminal code requires that crime scene evidence be

    kept for forensic analysis, FEMA had it destroyed or

    shipped overseas before a serious investigation could

    take place.

    And even more doubt is cast over why FEMA acted so

    swiftly since coincidentally officials had arrived the

    day before the 9/11 attacks at New York's Pier 29 to

    conduct a war game exercise, named "Tripod II."

    Besides FEMA's quick removal of the debris,

    authorities considered the steel quite valuable as New

    York City officials had every debris truck tracked on

    GPS and even fired one truck driver who took an

    unauthorized lunch break.

    In a detailed analysis just released supporting the

    controlled demolition theory, Reynolds presents a

    compelling case.

    "First, no steel-framed skyscraper, even engulfed in

    flames hour after hour, had ever collapsed before.

    Suddenly, three stunning collapses occur within a few

    city blocks on the same day, two allegedly hit by

    aircraft, the third not," said Reynolds. "These

    extraordinary collapses after short-duration minor

    fires made it all the more important to preserve the

    evidence, mostly steel girders, to study what had


    "On fire intensity, consider this benchmark: A 1991

    FEMA report on Philadelphia's Meridian Plaza fire said

    that the fire was so energetic that 'beams and girders

    sagged and twisted, but despite this extraordinary

    exposure, the columns continued to support their loads

    without obvious damage.' Such an intense fire with

    consequent sagging and twisting steel beams bears no

    resemblance to what we observed at the WTC."

    After considering both sides of the 9/11 debate and

    after thoroughly sifting through all the available

    material, Reynolds concludes the government story

    regarding all four plane crashes on 9/11 remains

    highly suspect.

    "In fact, the government has failed to produce

    significant wreckage from any of the four alleged

    airliners that fateful day. The familiar photo of the

    Flight 93 crash site in Pennsylvania shows no

    fuselage, engine or anything recognizable as a plane,

    just a smoking hole in the ground," said Reynolds.

    "Photographers reportedly were not allowed near the

    hole. Neither the FBI nor the National Transportation

    Safety Board have investigated or produced any report

    on the alleged airliner crashes."

  4. 100% bullshlt story

    This is a total distraction to make gullible people fearful and forget the real terrorist are Bush and Co.

    He and Co are the most dangerous men in the world absolutely.

    9/11 was totally made up story too!

    Look at the fact my friends.

    Most of the Arab guys on those planes are not dead now and have normal job back in the Middle East right now.

    But somehow they have perfect unblemished passports from them supposedly they found after those building fell down!

    No huge jet even hit the Pentagon. It was a US military devise used to do that destruction. An airliner would have left a huge wide hole in the building. The size whole in the side of the building was tiny compared to a huge commercial jet liner. Hey it just doesn’t add up and there is a Gov conspiracy 100% behind all this I am sorry to report.

    That story was eaten up hook line and sinker by the gullible masses... Study the fact and you will see this is all BS. There are excellent VDOs on the internet that explain a lot of it now. But not many people want to hear the truth let me tell you all about it!

    Tomorrow the USA in Wash DC is having a huge mass demonstration anti war/ anti Bush.

    This made up story is to try and take the headlines away from that as there will be a big turn out and the numbers will show the USA people mostly hate Bush more than you will ever know now…

  5. hey we are on the island close by (Koh Samui) and have an orgainc garden here and she can hang out with my Thai girlfriend and study for free natural Thai foods and organic gardening.

    Write Ta is you would like to contact her at:

    <snip - email address deleted - please see the Forum Rules>

    /Mod Edit - In the interests of privacy protection please do not post email addresses on the Forum.

  6. Thais unfortunately aren't much when it comes to their communication skills

    I think a long time ago if you did such things.... say at the wrong time anyways...... they just cut your head off....... so they are still coming from that place with their modern communication skills...

    Ever heard one of them talk on the phone?

    So how many times do you need to tell them where you will meet?

    7 times is a bit over done? Maybe you need to say it 5 more times...

    Its no wonder the PM is so rich with such wasted time on the telephone calls in this country!

    Its like they have not got the basic skills of communication and must really work over elementary things many times before they get it

    My Thai girlfriend communicates normally worse than our dog actually she (the dog) at least will lick me and let me know how it feels.

    TGF is a nice person and I love her but pathetic as far as her ability to communicate on really basic adult levels as far as I can see after 8 years. I think its a cultural problem and they suffer for this.

  7. why dont you take a hammer and hit yourself over the head every morning instead of smoking that will be better for the "sane"(non smokers) people around you as it wont hurt others. 2

    2nd hand smoke kills other people and if you smoke around others at all you are causing pain for others including me!

    Whine all the way to the grave is the way I see it.

    I think they should just put in a bit more poisin and get the thing over more quickly is the way I see it........educated people who smoke have a death wish..... plain and simple.

    this is just my opionin about this... do what ever you like but not around anyone else but another foolish smoker only!

  8. Here see new info about why coconut oil is such a "big deal" now!

    Question: What is the deal with coconut oil? I hear that it is "wonder oil." How is that possible considering that is among the oils highest in saturated fat?

    Answer: Thank you for your question. Saturated fat is considered "bad" by some authorities only when it contains LONG CHAIN fatty acids, as is the case with animal fat (in flesh, dairy, and eggs, where it is also associated with cholesterol, another "reason" for its bad reputation - a reason that is not based on good, up-to-date science but on the drug-pushing pharmaceutical industry's desire to sell more cholesterol-lowering drugs to the unsuspecting public).

    Coconut fat contains SHORT and MEDIUM CHAIN fatty acids, making it a perfect food for gut cells, for healthy (thyroid-protective) metabolism, and for prevention of the negative effects of unstable fats in vegetable oils (coconut fat functions as a cardio-

    protective, immune-protective, and cellular defence antioxidant, preventing the formation of dangerous fatty acid free radicals in rancidity-prone seed oils).

    Also, these coconut fatty acids have good antimicrobial capabilities (inhibiting the growth of viruses, bacteria, fungus or yeast, and parasites while promoting gastro-intestinal health). They enhance the immune system as well, and improve our overall hormonal balance.

    Coconut oil is perfect for improved fat-burning metabolic activity, so it is an excellent addition to any weight-loss program (remember, good fat is necessary for general health!). It is great for skin care, since "you don't want to put anything on your skin that you won't put in your mouth" - our certified-organic coconut oil is a delicious food, minimally processed using traditional methods while supporting fair trade.

    One reason saturated fat is actually very good is that it is very stable (does not go rancid in heat, oxygen, and light). The seed industry has brain-washed us to believe that all saturated fats are bad, so that we would use their extremely unhealthy, unstable cheap oils (especially soy, corn, peanut, safflower, sunflower, and canola oils) instead of the previously highly available, highly stable coconut oil.

    This info was revised from Dr T's info on the subject.

    Ms Ta offers the best quality raw coconut oil in Thailand

    write her form more info at

    [email protected]

  9. see this web page about weight loss and coconut oil

    > http://www.mercola.com/products/coconut_oil.htm

    also good news letter below free >

    "Some Supplements Can Make You Fat - This startling finding shows the most common vitamin supplement given to pregnant women -- when put in a pregnant mouse's diet -- can make her offspring fatter.

    The #1 Most Highly Recommended Coconut Oil: What to Look For, What to Avoid - Coconut oil can be exceptionally healthy, but how it is produced makes all the difference. Learn the "Requirements for a Healthy and Safe Coconut Oil" now, and learn which one meets the highest standards.

    A Novel Way to Scare Americans Away From Canadian Drugs - Evil marketing geniuses write a spy thriller intended to scare Americans away from buying cheaper Canadian drugs.

    Subscribed to the Newsletter Yet? Click Here to Subscribe Now and Begin Your Journey to Independent Health!

    Ms Ta sells the best virgin all organic coconut oil in Thailand you can write her at

    [email protected]


  10. you love your kids huh? do u smoke around them? I hope you dont and nobody else does either!


    The Dangers of Secondhand Smoke

    Published: July 1, 2006

    The new surgeon general's report on secondhand smoke should demolish any lingering contentions that inhaling the fumes from smokers is simply a nuisance that should be tolerated, not a health hazard that needs to be eliminated entirely. The report persuasively argues that inhaling secondhand smoke can cause both immediate and long-term harm to the millions of Americans, young and old, who are still regularly exposed to it despite crackdowns in many states and localities.

    Although the strength of the evidence varies from one ailment to another, the report cites many alarming findings. The smoke inhaled by adult nonsmokers increases their risk of heart disease by 25 to 30 percent and lung cancer by 20 to 30 percent. Such smoke is even more dangerous to children and infants because it is a known cause of sudden infant death syndrome, respiratory problems, ear infections and asthma.

    Surgeon General Richard Carmona refrained from calling for a federal ban on smoking at work or in public places, but his report surely strengthens the case for such a ban either at the federal level or in any state or locality that has yet to crack down. The report concludes that halfhearted measures like separating smokers from nonsmokers, cleaning the air and ventilating buildings won't suffice. The only sure way to protect nonsmokers from the dangerous chemicals in secondhand smoke is to eliminate all smoking indoors.

  11. i have a Colloidal Silver generator a friend left here for sale for 2000 baht. It's new and is the best one on the market I understand.

    It cost him 4000 baht plus import tax and shipping.

    Let me know if you are interested //email removed//

    located in samui but can ship it anywhere in Thailand for 100 baht

  12. 'No trouble brewing,' beer industry insists

    By Zhang Feng (China Daily)

    China's beer industry, the most prolific in the world, yesterday struck back at reports that 95 per cent of domestically bottled beer contains formaldehyde.

    The chemical, famously used to preserve Damian Hirst's controversial dead cows and known to cause cancer, does play a part in the brewing process, but does not pose a threat to public safety, Xiao Derun, director of the beer branch of the China Alcoholic Drinks Industry Association, told China Daily yesterday.

    for the rest go to


  13. I agree formalin might be the problem but dont know for sure

    I did the same thing with a cheap Thai wine bought from 7-11. Thought I would die. 3 days of a killer headache non stop.


    They dont know what they are doing with chemicals in this country. It will cause a lot of pain and suffering here for 100s of years no doubt about it!

    Organic is the only way to go! when will we all wake up?

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