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Posts posted by ARISTIDE

  1. Lampang could be a boring place but a good place to find a good looking girl with fair skin -Chinese descended type (but may be most farangs prefer dark skin lady who cares)

    I think Lampang is my least favorite province in the North. I'd rather go just about anywhere else, in my personal order of preference:

    1. Other Places in Chiang Mai Province

    2. Pai and Mae Hong Son

    3. Phrae

    4. Chiang Rai

    5. Nan

    6. Phayao

    7. Lamphun

    8. Are we really out of provinces.. maybe I'll visit Pai again.

    9. Tak (Mae Sod).. is this considered North.. not really but at least it's not Lampang

    10. Stay home and play Candy Crush or watch Game of Thrones again.

    11. Shopping with the Mrs.

    12. Watch DVDs of all of Prayuth's speeches.

    13. Lampang.

  2. What do you mean, it's Loi Kratong already today and tomorrow (2 days event) and roads closed around 4 pm everybody should get out of the city!

    its only Tuesday, with the bigger days of Loi Kratong to come !!

    Royal family will takes around 10 minutes to pass by not the whole day!

    some "VIP" is about to drive down it from the airport so the rest of us not permitted to use it.

  3. James McCarthy has a Thai name (Par-wi-park-phu-va-dol) he was the first Director-General of Royal Thai Survey. His book was translated in Thai and people enjoy reading them. His story is mention on the Royal Thai Survey website. His book can be read free on-line in Thai as well.

    It is a relatively short ride from Fang to Thaton and you can usually find some decent western conversation up in the few restaurants up in Thaton in the evening as Thaton is more of a tourist destination than is Fang itself. The Farangs who live up around the upper Kok river drainage basin (Fang) are few and far between. And, by the way, there is a thriving Thai pub scene in Fang. Go check out the gt-rider web site for recent updates. And most Khon Muang can shift to Central Thai. Live a decent life, don't chase their women, do drink Sang Som and buy a few rounds, and watch the conversation switch to Central Thai. And then slowly learn some Kham Muang. I use to live up in that region in the 1980s and have a great affection for the region.

    Your intelligent and well-informed posts appear regularly in threads about Lanna T'ai history.

    If you have lived in the area, perhaps you could provide some information concerning the location of Fang at the end of the 19th century when it was visited by James McCarthy, the British surveyor employed by the Siamese Government Surveys.

    McCarthy's book, Surveying and Exploring in Siam [reprint, White Lotus 1994] has a short passage about Fang as he saw it during the twelve years [1881-93] that he and his team were mapping the region.

    His description is interesting and concise: "On February 17th [1890] we reached Muang Fang. The day was beautifully clear after the previous night's rain. This town, old and irregular in shape, was surrounded by a moat and walls of half burnt bricks, with a backing of earth 12 feet thick. The walls had originally been crenellated, but now trees, not less than sixty years old, were growing on them. A great deal of the town was jungle. The surrounding rice-fields were extensive, but very little was actually under cultivation. The few pagodas [chedis] were more than half in ruins. At the junction of two main streets stood a curiously designed building, said to have been built by a man starting a new religion, the chief tenet of which was that the people should not respect the princes. Inside the town there is a small hill, with a broken-down temple and pagoda, and through the town flows the river Mae Choi, which comes from Doi Pahom Pok. This magnificent mountain stands on the north-west, and as its position was fixed by the Indian triangulator, I made a mental resolution to start my work from this peak."

    If you have any additional information about the location of Old Fang, it would be interesting to me, and possibly to the OP and other members who share an interest in the history of Lanna T'ai.

  4. Why would any one rent out a place include electric unless it is hotel room.

    A lot depends on what floor you live on and how well furnished the condo is. Ammenities also play a part as does length of stay/contract.

    8500 is very reasonable for HS4 IMHO.

    Yeah pretty good price. But I'm guessing that doesn't include electric, wifi, water and cable. Wonder what the cost would be after figuring the utilities.

  5. Soon you won't have to bother with nothing as the new road is being built through the airport

    Just did my M/cycle & Car.

    On entering the building avoid the 'Airport' type zig zag, thats your last destination.

    Facing that Office, go down it's left side to the small window, where the application papers may be obtained B5 each.

    The go outside rear of building to a row of Tables & chairs.

    This years surprise, form is Thai only, and only the Photo page of you passport and page 4 of the vehicle ownership book are required.

    A Thai Military Police Officer took pity and helped me fill mine in.

    Then over to a table also outside where three police sat checking your forms where correct.

    Then back inside join the zig zag and pay B100/vehicale to officer.

    Simple even for an old naker like me.


  6. International Students in the west alway have to pay more than twice as much higher tuition fee than the local westerners. When coming over here as a tourist you only expect to pay 80 bath more to access national park which is next to nothing compare to your average wage you earn in the west! That amount is like 1/3 minimum wage in Thailand. Many sign were written in Thai number only because it is by law only Thai number can be used in all government official document and it's always been like this for 700 years! Certainly not every thing and everyone is out to rip you off!

    I hate this kind of discrimination too. It's not about the 80 Baht more, its about the feeling to be cheated.

    It's also funny that the authorities are aware of the fact that the foreigners feel bad. Therefore they write the Thai prices with Thai numbers and not with Arabic ones because they think that we cannot read it.

  7. Yes surprisingly nice burger at Jeffer! the last place I thought of but they made a pretty tasty burger but I don't know about now

    Jeffers restaurant fourth floor Central Airport Plaza. 99 baht very nice hamburger with lettuce, tomato and onion. Small order of fries and small salad. Consistently good beef.

  8. That wouldn't do the business any better. Who would want to go through the bottle neck of that road each morning or evening!

    Apparently Powerhouse gym is moving to Hang Dong soon. I suspected something was up when they actually offered me a decent deal on a 1 year membership without me having to haggle a bunch.

  9. Expensive Powerhouse has turned in to a fart house as each morning I come in to the gym and the place smell disgusting, worst in the bathroom. I put up with it for a while then cancel my membership for over 7 years I was there.

  10. Come back in a few years when the new government is elected, with out the military government may be the police can relax on the laws a bit and earn their usually tea money from the bars.

    it seems like a step back into the dark ages to have cops telling you to drink up and go home at 11.45.

    The people I chatted to said in their view if this carries on it will affect tourism/ visitors from western countries. They said theres a kind of travellers/ backpackers network, and word is already spreading that CM is no fun any more.

    Perhaps thats the way the authorities want it? Chinese will still come in large numbers, but if CM gets in effect crossed off "the list" it will have an affect on all the thousands of people here working directly or indirectly in the tourism industry. Its all those people I feel sorry for, and shame on "the authorities" here who are by their current attitude actually putting people out of work.

    Example? My Mrs. is an independent higher end private tour guide, and her bookings for the high season are down by at least 50% based on last years numbers. Thats a fact !!!

  11. Many times, explosions in Bangkok and Chiang Mai are intended to create headlines or just scare people and they are for political purpose. Unlike the explosive device that use to kill people used by the Muslim in South Thailand, those explosives are often made of large firecracker to create sound and chaos. This time the bomb intented to kill means it is a TNT explosive that meant for taking live not just scare people like manytimes before. Learn about the country you live in may reduce insult and gap between farang and Thai.

    Bomb was intended to kill?

    Now that is what I call ..a very helpful piece of info.

  12. Thanks for the updates, I'm so happy that he find a new home. Talking about "We were uninformed about, and ill-prepared for" I hope you know about another Thai breed that is known as aggressive called "Thai bangkaew dog" which is extremely loyal and aggressive toward others. But I've seen plenty of kind pit bulls and good Thai bangkaew dog, so its depend on how the owner raise them.


    If you think Thai Ridgeback is bad, you don't know Thai bangkaew dog!

    Thanks for the suggestions regarding kittens, hamsters and the like. Note that I will not be getting any of those, and when our ridge back is gone we will definitely be getting another dog. Saying ridge backs don't have any issues is like saying pit bulls and and rotweilers don't have issues. Get your own ridge back, raise him for nearly three years, then get back to me with your comments. And for the record, I have no moral qualms about having a dog put down humanely. I would rather put a dog down than have it maul one of the neighbors children. To date our dog has bitten me, my mother and several of my closest friends. I am completely unmoved by suggestions that a dog should never be put down. Though obviously it is not something anyone would want to do under normal circumstances.
    As I said before, our mistake was taking this dog in the first place. We were uninformed about, and ill-prepared for, the type of attention a dog like this requires. We live on three rai in the countryside, fenced off so he cannot get out. He has been in a loving environment since the day we got him, with plenty of other people coming around the house. I would dare to say that we have a pretty much perfect environment for raising a dog. With all dogs I have ever owned, this would be enough and no special training would be required. Suggestions that we somehow made him into the potentially dangerous animal that he is today are way off the mark.
    When I posted this I knew I would be flamed. But there have been some constructive suggestions and I am especially thankful for those. In any case, we seem to have located a new home for him already. One with plenty of land and people who have the experience and dedication to hopefully turn him around.
  13. All I know that the dog loves the owner but the dog also doesn't want his life to end as well. We don't have the right to take his life and he didn't want to die particular the dog love the owner so much. Why not try changing your behavior toward him first and see what happen.

  14. I agree with taotoo

    Before you do anything I wish you could see some of the Dog Whisperer here on Youtube

    Please type in "The Dog Whisperer Season 1 Episode 19 [feat. Sunshine and Teddy]"

    And other episodes about dog aggression and see how Cesar Millan do it. Give him a chance. At lease if it doesn't work at lease you've tried everything.


    Hear;s an excerpt

    Dealing with obsessive dog behaviors

    Obsessive dog behaviors and dog fixations can become as seriously harmful as addictions are for humans. When we laugh at a dog that is fanatically mad over a toy, a bone, a shaft of light, a game of fetch, or the neighbor's cat, it's like laughing at someone who is a falling-down drunk.

    Sure, his behavior looks comical at the moment, but the truth is, he's truly got no physical or psychological control over himself.

    Someday, he may really hurt himself and those around him. That's exactly what obsessive behavior is to a dog - an addiction. An interesting fact is that the term addiction derives from the Latin word addicere, to sentence. When we allow our dogs' habits to progress to the point of obsession and/or addiction, we are actually "sentencing" them to a very frustrated, unhappy existence.

    Correcting obsessive dog behaviors

    Make sure your dog is properly exercised and is not living with pent-up energy. Most of the time an obsession is something that the dog has discovered can work as an outlet for anxiety, frustration, or suppressed energy.

    Correct obsessive/possessive behavior immediately: this is where the importance of knowing your dog comes in. You must learn to recognize the physical cues and energy signs that your dog is getting into an obsessive state, and stop her at level one before she escalates to level ten. Your job should be at that very moment to correct the dog, to bring her to the highest level of submission, keeping the toy or object of obsession (if that's what it is) next to her until she moves away from it voluntarily. Most people will snatch a toy away and say, "No!" By doing this, they can escalate the obsession into a higher level - making the object prey, and making you a potential target. Your dog may not want to bite a family member, but she's in a state now where she can't stop on her own. Remember, dogs don't rationalize.

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