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Posts posted by Bigfarang1948

  1. Only a Farang gets hot  inside leathers here, have never seen a Thai use them. Leather will protect you from most road rash unless you are unfortunate enough to slide 100 meters down a paved road if you crash at a high rate of speed; in which case you will be able to see, first leather marks on the pavement, then blood, and more blood the further you slide. I used to investigate motorcycle accidents  and even with the best helmet and leathers, sometimes you lose...

    Hot or hospital you choose.

    Leather every time.


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  2. It is quit puzzling to read so many similar posts and understand why many people think this forum will give them ALL the correct information for such a request, when the first thin you should have done is to contact your embassy. Folks here mean well but you will get more advice, some correct, some vague and some outright ill advised.  Good luck and don't forget to keep your passport handy always...

    OP - I'm not trying to be smart, but one has to wonder why you didn't inform yourself about these matters before marrying a Thai National, or deciding to live and work in Thailand.


  3. Sounds like a line from a Star Ward movie with Darth Vader telling whats his name Jedi Knight to come over to the DARK SIDE LOL

    Safer than many places in the world,but my suggestion would be to have a car/truck.The roads have many pitholes and flood easy. There are many many farangs, and no doubt some good and some bad.

    Plenty of baht buses on klang too.

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  4. Toast and tea at Mucky D's   LOL  You can gt a big breakfast with coffee green scrambled eggs  soggy buttered English muffin and a grease soaked sausage and deep fat fried potato wedge but no tea I think. Why don't you ask the hotel you stay in? Maybe they will send up a pot of Earl Grey and some soft boiled eggs and boiled bacon then you will not have to leave the confines of your room   LOL  Hard to believe how simple finding snack food can be if you look outside your door and possibly take a late night stroll along the streets  Live and learn my friend

    Love them or loath them, McDonald s and Burger King are 24hr, some of the places in the Anusarn may still be open for food after midnight.


  5. If your name is not in the wife's family book you are out of luck too and if she does not go with you same same. Even if you were still together you will have to put 400,000 baht in a Thai bank and show the 40,000 monthly income statements from your home bank, or at least that is what happened to  me when applying for a marriage visa Now, I just pay a VISA fixer to solve all the yearly visa issues  Good luck because you are gonna need it.

    To prove your income you need a letter from your embassy to confirm the income of 40k baht or more.

    If you are separated from your wife you will not qualify for an extension of stay based upon marriage. She has to go with you to immigration when you apply and you will need to show proof that your are living together as husband and wife (photos and home visit).


  6. Amazing LOS  been here for 7 years staying in Udon Thani and alternately for a week or so in the village where our farm is located then back here. I guess I better print a bunch of the forms so I can give to the Military rep, no longer the headmaster, of the village, then go to Immigration as soon as I get back to Udon/.  Is that about the sum of this nonsense? Dictatorship is on its way      good by Monarchy. Time for this Farang to get my last exit visa




    is it just me or do others detect a "trend" here?



    Yes the trend is that many offices do something to look good to their superiors. Of course, the laws have always been in place.


    At least that confirms that unlike some parrot has been claiming, keeping the original passport all the time, it NOT the law.



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  7. What makes you think the next bunch of farangs who Buy their teaching certificates here will be any better than the border runners who teach?. I can't grasp the logic. There will probably be no noticeable gap between the time the border runners with visa problems can't get back in and the time new Farang teachers are hired.

    Of course it would help. How could it not help.


    The thing that would happen is they will have to start raising their salaries. Qualified people will not work for 6 dollars an hour no matter how many ill informed people come out of the woodwork to defend that rate. Once they do that, standards will go up, a little. 


  8. How would the British embassy know this poor man was even in prison and getting beaten? I  think he might have been better off not traveling alone, but my opinion alone. Horror stories abound about what goes on in Thai prisons, Another thought is why did this man not go directly to the British Embassy and tell them of his plight. A telephone call to his mom would have solved the problem before  this man got thrown in prison and having the s$%t kicked out of him. I am glad he was not more seriously injured and is back home where he should probably stay

    Bit strange the British Consulate did not react when they found he was being shuttled from place to place to keep him away from them.   On second thoughts not strange....we are talking about the British Embassy.


  9. Yea, seeing a young elephant with its ribs and hip bones clearly standing out, most likely because it was taken from its mother's milk way to young is a sad sight. Feeding these beautiful animals sugarcane is not the nourishment  young elephant needs

    Elephant tourism should be banned. Thailand and other countries should be internationally prohibited from running elephant shows.


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  10. I agree;tarantula bites and even brown recluse bites don't kill' I would hazard a guess that the unnecessary amputation and subsequent poor hospital care caused the death two or three days after village home remedies failed.  MY Lao friend insists that for any spider bite if you pour fresh urine on the bite it will stop the pain and possible infection,  I will be sure to keep that in mind just in case.....




    It was not a tarantula or a brown recluse.....people simply don't die of spider bites....unless they get the wrong kind of treatment or there is some delay or complication.

    Or as seems possible someone decided that "traditional medicine" was suitable.

    (let's just hope they didn't misdiagnose ebola!)




    Anaphylactic shock can strike. Different people, different reaction.



  11. Muslim expansion is pervasive in many countries; Australia might be an exception, but the problem in southern Thailand will eventually creep north, village by village, city by city until there, one day, in the distant future, there will be more mosques that Buddhist temples here; we wont live to see it but put this in a time capsule in some corner stone and open it in 200 years

    Unless there is cooperation from the Muslim community to help put a stop to the violence, peace will never come to the region. Unfortunately, Muslims don't seem to be able to even get along with each other, much less those of other faiths. The word "tolerance" is not even in the extremist's vocabulary.


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  12. Same post as as few months ago. I have eaten street food for years if I can scarf it up before the soi dogs beat me to it. If you see street vendors crowded with farangs stuffing all sorts of Thai food down their necks you might draw the conclusion that it is safe. The only way you are going to know for sure is try it yourself; be sure to get your bottle of immoduim and Belcid for the hot chili dishes LOL Personally, I try to stick to eating the sidewalk Schwarmas on soi 4 in BKK

    On the whole street food is safe, the authorities spend a lot of effort ensuring there is some understanding of food hygiene. One issue is how long they keep using oil for cooking, while not a hygiene issue there can be long term issues with the over use of food oil.

    The vendors only buy enough stock to last for the day. They have a good/reasonable understanding of ice and keeping food at the right temperature until it cooked or the ice melts.

    The people you see selling food at lunch time are not usually the same ones you see in the evening. The usual caveat is to look at the stalls and if they popular the food is usually safer and better quality.

  13. Nothing but the best in journalistic sensationalism to restore tourist confidence a car bomb will not go off if the tourist pay only 50% for hotels, reduced business at the Y, plus massage with happy endings for remainder of tourist season. Workers will return as normal as soon s they have spent their last baht for daily expenses but I doubt any farang will come loaded, even to the hub of sin city called Bangkok, with $20,000 in baht

    100 million "dent" in the economy?

    That translates to a loss of 5000 tourists each spending 20,000.

    What time frame is he talking about? I think the calibre of the tourists going to the district for a weekend of nooky are not the 20,000-in-a-weekend type of customers, and not in those numbers either.

  14. How can you possibly think Me Yingluck is responsible for the devastating floods? Thailand's reservoirs, dams and flood canals have been in a sorry state for years before she bought her position as Pm

    Now that it is flooding gain in some parts of Thailand, who d you want to cast the blame on?

    The govt has been unwilling for years to spend the billions of baht for needed repairs and the victims in the low lying areas have no where to go

    May I be the first to congratulate yingluck on this ruling. Well done.

I will not throw sh#t at the courts, burn effigies of the judges or burn coffins out the front of the court house. I will not intimidate the judges or give their addresses out. I am not a fanatical monkey. I am educated and understand that in a democracy the rule of law must be respected. I don't agree with the ruling and in fact strenuously disagree with it, but democracy must prevail. Respect must be given to the courts and judges. Maybe they had more evidence that we got from the Thai media. Maybe they mulled through the 100's of pages of statements and facts that we are not privy too. Maybe just maybe they made the decision based on these facts and not an agenda.

I for one cannot help but think the courts are non partisan after all the ruling that have gone in favor of the red shirts and the PTP of late and in fact in the past as well, but that is just silly to suggest that so I won't as not to embarrass myself. It is scape goating and an easy out for defenders of criminals to use as a last ditch effort to defend the criminal elements in society.

One must remember not to applaud the courts when decisions go for you and denounce them when they go against you. Again I do not agree with the decision, but I applaud the courts for making it based on all the facts and evidence presented. I am glad that I was wrong in this case and that she is not guilty.

    If this attitude was adopted by all sides it would go along way to making Thailand a more peaceful democratic country.

  15. Barred for life; never happen because the more money they have the higher the position they can buy again  Politicians always find another way to milk the poor

    The interim charter also sought to prevent an individual or a group of people from dominating the entire MPs of a party to the extent that they cannot think by themselves but have to be submissive to their boss, said Bovornsak.


    One would be forgiven for thinking that the deformed cousin of the Worachai bill that was swept through parliament with a vote of 307 - 0 when the majority of Thai's did not want it, but one man did is stroll fresh on Bovornsak's mind. He knows it is not democracy when the voice of the people is not reflected in parliament by the peoples elected officials who were elected to represent them in parliament. Those elected officials represented one man. One unelected, accused mass murderer, accused terrorist and convicted criminal fugitive. That is called a dictatorship. 


    Lets hope this initiative becomes law. It will a sure fire way to legally and quickly remove the PTP from the political landscape because as long as night follows day committing election fraud and being corrupt is part of their fabric and it won't change under strict new laws. 


    In mature democracies with an educated voter base these parties that are hinted to be involved in these anti democratic actions are usually voted out. Because they were not here it highlights that education is paramount to Thailand's democracy as well. 


  16. Visa rules are not always applied evenly; seems many times it is up to the immigration officer who has the stamp in their hands

    no one knows   when the new overstay rules will be effective, no date has been set.


    If he get his Non B in Singapore he will be able to enter Thailand.




  17. Just the beginning. My wife said the military in her village have banned all card games and arrest anyone on any whim plus random urine testing at any time and any place including your own home, ?she says these soldiers cannot be bought like the previous BIB who visited regularly to get their tea money Maybe the cardgameers have not offered the proper amount of tea money but they are afraid to ask

    Soon it will be pristine clean and boring like Singapore.

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  18. There is the same situation with a 9 year old girl in Sang Khom village NongKhai province, the girls folks have been gone for years and this beautiful child takes care of herself by selling fruit and veggies and giving shoulder and back rubs, she refuses to sleep with any of the other villagers and although the villagers buy her school supplies and clothes, the local child welfare authorities, if there is such a thing, are unaware of the situation or don't care OR the village mayor has not reported it. The girl looks well nourished but the rest of the village seems to care less as if this is not a problem.

    Amazing, this shows true inner strength I wish him well

  19. Why take the advise of Farangs who will ultimately give you several personal experience ways of solving this problem when a lawyer can sort it out hassle free. maybe it is money issue but that is my advise; so many visa questions here good luck

    Apply Work Permit first, travel out of Thailand with correct paperwork including letter of approval from labour, which will be issued against a successful filing of WP paperwork.

    Below is a link to the MFA list of required paperwork for a non immigrant 'B' visa, assuming you are not a teacher then you need the papers listed in section 2.1(1).


    Get 90 day single entry visa, re-enter Thailand, get 90 day non 'b' stamp in your passport, take this to labour and they will complete the Blue Book issue process (TT4).

    Once you have the WP you can legally start work.

  20. I disagree. You have to be MOTIVATED to exercise; why blame yur lack of that on grimy Thailand? You should leave the country if you hate it so mesh; Your excuse is just that.

    I think the move to rid yourself of them is move out of Thailand. I guess it depends on your activity level, but I personally just can't be active here. I step outside and I am done, I want to head back in. It is so grimy and disgusting. I hate gyms so that is out. The answer is to just be active, and that is very difficult in thailand for many.

    I'm very active and exercise most days, and not overweight. I have no intention of leaving Thailand, and I'm sorry you feel the way you do, but good luck to you anyway.

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