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Posts posted by Bigfarang1948

  1. No travel insurance?

    Expensive lesson learnt for this bloke.

    The chance of this happening to me has made me reevaluate my retirement visa options. I cannot afford hospitalization insurance at more than TB 15,000 per month, my US Medicare Insurance here and my Veterans health insurance are not worth a penny here either. If I become disabled, there is no way my family can pay the medical bills and I will not put them in a position of maybe losing our house and farm land if I am seriously disabled like this poor man. I have decided, along with my wife, that ours will be a commuting marriage and I will come back to Thailand as often as I can, and if I cannot buy trip insurance, God knows what I will do. I sincerely hope enough money can be raised to help this man. Maybe there is a link for expats who want to contribute to his relocation fund.

  2. He could start to offer himself to drive the dunk home nest time.

    Sorry Uber not allowed - BANNED.

    The PM knows very well the causes of these horrible deaths and injuries, but his Ministry is not doing anything concrete to reduce the deaths, In my opinion, this is at the core of what is wrong with so many Ministries in LOS; everyone pontificates, gets his mug in the news then hibernates until nest year when the mayhem will return in force during the holidays, as if Thailand needs a holiday to continue this carnage. Why not do something tangible like implement drug testing for all hired drivers, mandatory vehicle inspections for brakes especially,and reduced speed limits plus another thousand Highway patrol cops who are above bribery. Stiff fines and jail time would probably serve as a deterrent, but vehicle inspections would be the first step then lower speed limits then heavy fines and jail for offenders. Get serious for a change Mr Prime Minister

  3. A group of farang was found doing a workout [at a temple], supposedly yoga. They spread their arms and legs while their friends were taking photos. This was done in public view of both locals and tourists," the caption said. Common temple etiquette requires visitors to remain calm, and act in a composed manner"

    Boo hoo hoo

    If they are doing something wrong then say so to their face instead of this cowardly, chicken crud online BS outrage campaign.

    So many foreigners have such little respect for cultural norms in foreign countries. I would liken this to someone doing Yoga in the middle of my church sanctuary. Their actions were entirely inappropriate and if they get bashed enough maybe they will take their inconsiderate behavior elsewhere and those who are outraged by them getting bashed will have to be outraged over something else, so that is my story; bashers, the ball remains in your court. Your serve

  4. Ice? In Indonesia? Why is that planes can fly in -50 for hours at a time without any problems? Is it just airasia planes that designed differently?

    Yes Ice. How about minus 40 C at about 12,000 meters and temperatures much lower than that at lower altitudes during bad weather could definitely result in large pieces of hail being sucked into the intakes; thus engine failure and resulting crash.

  5. As Thailand strives to become Number 1 ........

    I would suggest that U turns in themselves are not dangerous as railroad crossings are not dangerous unless drivers drive to fast and do not take ordinary precautions anyone with a shred of common sense should have when coming into U turns or approaching railroad crossings. Thailand will continue to blame road conditions but I expect the Ministry will do nothing but talk about improving traffic safety. It is quite possible Thailand will become number one in road deaths, given the fact that little is being done to reverse this terrible rate. The ministry could start by protecting every rail crossing with flashing lights and barricades and larger warning signs. alas, that will never happen either.

  6. Was at one time! not sure now.

    I can agree with some of the points about retirement, but I guess I do not understand about the low cost medical. Maybe someone can explain; possible the survey included only the ultra rich Farangs with millions of baht to get by on. On a personal note, having to pay more than $500 a month for health insurance is not a bargain by any standard, but that is my only option at age 67. That is for hospitalization only. I am charged about 4 times Thai prices for meds when I use any doctor or hospital and my wife just says sorry about that GI, LOL. You no Thai, you pay mak mak baht you sick. Other than that I have no objection to getting the shaft from every tuktuk driver and sidewalk vendor in the area. I love Thailand......most of the time

  7. Don't attend a Nye party and drive. I'd bet my bottom dollar that the breathalyser isn't fixed yet.

    What is a drag marking, and how could it impact the fact that the man said he fell asleep before crashing. How can anyone with a shred of accident investigation background, tie a drag mark, found 150 meters before the crash site, to this accident? This surely has me stumped, and inquiring minds want to know.

  8. Looks like the interior minister is good at sarcasm.

    190 killed, 1,782 injured in 1,737 road accidents in first three days of seven-day road accident monitoring period for New Year holidays /MCOT

    I am just a simple Farang with about a million miles driven, under my belt. Please explain how officials have made roads safer and how they have reduced the deaths and injuries this holidaay period. Point to some specific, measurable initiatives and some hard statistics which show reduced numbers of fatalities and injuries. I think it is a challenge that will go unanswered because the facts do not support the ridiculous claims. I am tired of reading these face saving lies.

  9. Soak them first, rubbing any stains with wash powder.

    I agree, top-loaders are shiite, the wash procedure is incorrect, needs to be done with gravity not just movement of water and twist. Have an HE front loader here, 95 degrees, and it's the dog's doodahs even on a low temp setting. Towels and bedding come out absolutely crisp. With the top loader, they are still cruddy.

    Unless you use clorox you can forget about most stains ever coming out. I quit worrying about them after about a year of having same results. Hot or warm water helps but I have never had a house with a hot water connection for the washer.

  10. i have yet to meet a thai with any respect for the enviornment,or any knowledge of what damage plastic bags,foam bowls and containers and or these disgusting lanterns do to the planet..but..when you dont care ,every thing is easy..

    Please tell me what evidence you have of the damage these lanterns do to the environment. I will make allowances for you to go hug an environmentally friendly tree first. LOL

  11. The day I see the police enforce this rule will be the day that hell freezes over! I seem to recall a ban on burning as well and we all know how well that is enforced. coffee1.gif

    Must be another law enforcement joke. Everyone knows the city cops go home at 4 PM and don't come back out for donuts until 8 AM. I don't expect the cops to catch a single offender because the people are smart enough to launch the lanterns out of site of the cops. I mean, really what a useless edict.

  12. There are a number of tablets now being made specifically for young kids; stronger cases and screens designed to hit the floor many times and not break.

    Just GOOGLE "Tablets for kids"

    My opinion is that you are wasting your money. Your child is likely to break it before he learns how to use it and a child's attention span is not likely to make him spend enough time on it to learn anything except how to bash on the screen and slam the pad onto the floor when he has had enough of it, unless you are the child's tutor. I say give the kid a cardboard box,an empty liter plastic bottle, a stick and a few pots and pans and he will have endless hours of child like fun. He/she can learn about tablets when he is old enough to read and write. I speak from experience on the cardboard boxes, pots and pans issue and my children are well developed despite not having a pad at 20 months of age, as if tbllets were even a thought so many years ago, BUT they did have Etch A Sketch!! LOL

  13. Thais just fold the boards up and throw them away, but the rats will starve to death slowly, stuck in the glue. They make pitiful noises and struggle to get away.

    I take a long, fairly wide pvc pipe and cover their head and put all my weight on it. It will break their spine quickly and then I use the same pipe to crush their skull completely with the edge. It is the fastest and most humane way that I have found to put them out of their misery after they are stuck.

    Another way to put them out of their misery quickly is to drown them in water that is not going to be reused. Rat urine can be deadly.

    All the comments are true. If you use the traps outside you willl surely catch a beautiful house wren and a couple of lizards. It is a nasty but effective trap, unfortunately it does not discriminate against birds and lizards. I caught something once that managed to ter itself away from the trap in the night. I could not see any fur or hair on the trap but I am betting on a stray cat...The pink rat poison pellets are effective too and you are not likely to see the slow internal bleeding to death these pests suffer. If you have to use the pink pellets , please be careful so that infants and small children cannot get them since they look like another piece of candy. We went through a nasty incident over that a few years ago where a neighbor child ate some pellets we put down outside. The child was sick for a couple of days and we paid out some money to the parents. Thank God th child did not die. BE WARNED ABOUT THE DANGER OF THIS RAT POISION, PLEASE.

  14. I knew something like this would happen after UK convictions on "He said-She said" evidence on something that allegedly happened 20 years in the past. More to come I am sure. This just may become the biggest extortion business in the 21st century. Sex offenses are terrible but in a democracy there should be solid evidence for civil or criminal convictions.

    His royaltyness must have been talking to Bill Cosby to get advise on how to deny having sex without the girl's permission. Would not surprise me if he got some a few years ago, so BFD, prove he did wrong. I don't think you can get any evidence for this accusation

    Please something news worthy OK?

  15. Cheap shot. She'd have to be about 32 years old now. If she wants to make such an accusation, show her name and face. An anonymous (to the public) shot like that with the prince's name and picture splashed all over the world is over the top.

    The US has a policy of not divulging the name of minors in situations like this which I think is good. But to come along about 15 years later when it's too late for a decent defense is the craps.

    Maybe his royaltyness has been talking to Bill Cosby recently to get advise on how to deny 20 year old allegations of forced sex...So he got some a few years ago. bfd prove it was him

  16. Aquired Learning Deficiency Syndrome

    Prompting authorities to adjust road safety measures accordingly. This must be the latest way of saying we have done nothing to reduce the senseless deaths and injuries during the holidays. I knew the Ministry's words on this subject were empty when they were printed here. Nobody in Thailand cares about these stats. Deaths and maimed people are so common as to not cause a ripple in the Ministry except for word speak before the annual carnage begins.That's my 7 year story and I am sticking to it until I am hopefully proven wrong by the Ministry....

  17. Income letter only applies to income - not to any transfers or having in Thailand. But Embassy may require supporting documents too account for the deposits (don't know what they would require to issue letter).

    It may depend on which nationality you are. My embassy looked at the income statement and said Ok to apply for marriage visa, but getting Thai Immigrations to grant that visa is an entirely different issue. Your income is going to have to be deposited into a Thai bank account and you might have to show $400 K income in your Thai bank account as well. That has been my experience the past 7 years when getting my Marriage visa renewed. The 40,000 monthly was not enough. I had to have the 400,000 in my Thai bank account for two months before applying for the visa. Good luck

  18. I realize the year is new, and maybe there is still hope for some of the News contributors in this Forum to capture a Headline that is creative and not too sensational; yet captures the essence of grabbing the readers by our collective throats and holding us spell bound as said writer weaves his tale of intrigue and murder. But this is just too baffling for comprehension! I mean, what clue led you to believe the poor guy was killed instead of committed suicide? Surely, it could not have been the mere fact that his hands were tied behind his back when he was found hanged. Have you and more brilliant insights to share with us? RIP to the deceased

  19. You can take a Thai out of the village...give him a gun and train him to use it...but you can not predict how "Thainess" is going to affect the outcome of your investment...got to love the way Thais solve every problem...

    This is no different than any other shooting and should not be treated any differently. Some act as though this is happening only in Thailand. I submit they should follow American news where there re multiple shootings across America every day. Most do not involve Military shooting their partners, except fopr the crazy doctor in Oklahoma who killed so many at FT. Hood a few years ago. Anyone with a gun is capable of murder under the right circumstances.

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  20. imagine trying to cover up crime to protect the bosses daughter! Would never happen here, now that we have a "clean" government.

    All this over a bag of NUTS. I say the S. Korean who was in a rage over how his NUTS were served, is NUTS. WOW To turn a trans Atlantic flight around over something like this is, well, just NUTS.....

  21. "without noticing an approaching Nakhon Ratchasima- Nong Khai train" Shouldn't this read "without looking to see if a train was approaching". Stupid floocking plick.

    Picking on the journalists composition is non productive, as are most posts here, mine included. Nothing will bring the little girl back because her stupid uncle did not stop at the crossing and look for death coming down the tracks. RIP little girl and my heart felt condolences to a family who will no longer have the joy of her smile and her laughter.

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