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Posts posted by Aussietrooper

  1. Stop a week ago on Champix.

    [ stopped smoking 3 month with Champix and one day I let me go and i am smoking again well about 5 siggies a day instead 40 daily now try again to get finish of it let hope this will help me, I started smoking at the age of 14 I am now 68 years old it is not easy but try it

    At 68 Id say fuc_k it but well done mate your doing well.

  2. lol!! u are on thailand travel forum! im just letting u know the only place i know where to do it! bound to be able to do it somewhere in thailand though.

    Cheers mate, I am looking at the one you were talking about and will most likely do it. Going to head up after xmas looks likes fun times.

    Was just pulling your chain, nice to see you laughed about it unlike some!!

  3. yes u can, in vang vieng, laos. just google vang vieng tubing. i drove up there on a 125cc bike from vientiene, great fun! u can also kayak down the river for miles its beautiful up there.

    Sorry my mistake I thought I was on the Thailand travel forum. I will re-post in the right spot as soon as I find it

  4. I have heard stories that you can hire big inner tubes by a river and float down it stopping at bars along the way. So far I cant find anything on this forum and would like to know if anyone has done this or knows where it can be done.

  5. I'm still alive but not feeling so good, the "Essentiale" I was taking not helping anymore.....need something new....any fresh ideas???:sick:

    Ah Aussietrooper, you keep coming back like a bad penny.

    I won't let the booze win!

  6. It's like getting off the fags, and breaking the nicotine addiction. You just have to bite the bullet and stop, cold turkey.

    We did this with our children and after a day, they started accepting the substituted milk in a box with straw type deal. Giving them a doll or cushion to hold when they are going to sleep helps as well.


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