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Posts posted by Aussietrooper

  1. New York Pizza House - now on 3rd Road 0807873330

    and I know I will get flack for this but I do like the Canadian Bacon Pizza from The Pizza Company!

    Look forward to trying it...thanks mate. I was going to put Pizza Company on the list but to similar to Pizza Hut.

  2. As pizza is most enjoyed as a delivery I would like to start a poll for the top 5 pizza delivery's in Pattaya. I have eaten pizza all over the world and still find it hard to find a decent one in Pattaya. I do like Aussie style of pizzas with loads of shredded ham and toppings but not found a place like this so far. I will start off with my top 5 with a few comments on each. Please add your favorites with a little info on each. Also if you have a delivery number please add and I will try myself and give feed back.

    1. Pizza Pizza....Thin base, nice sauce but a little short of toppings.

    2. Pizza Hut......Deep crust loads of toppings but has that same bland taste.

    3. Seafood Emporium.....Only a small selection and delivery times vary.

    4. Mikes Pizza.....A little sloppy at times, Could do with a different base ingredients.

    5. Pizza Big.....Been awhile since I had one from here so cant remember details.

  3. This is nice to know...any names?

    Also, a couple of the foreign teachers seem to be out of their depth when 'trying' to teach children, but I remember seeing an advert for new teachers at Phoenix for only 25,000 Baht, so what can be expected for this level of money.

    What you say is absolutely correct..i know one former and one current teacher at Phoenix School and both are unqualified to teach which is quite disturbing really considering the fees that school charges, and i would imagine a number of other schools will be the same

  4. How do you do background checks on the teachers at these schools....to find out why they are teaching here....are they not allowed to teach in there own countries or do they choose to teach here as this is there new home like it is mine. I know in Australia there are very strict guide lines for teachers...is this the case in Thailand?I only ask as Im thinking of sending my child to a school in Pattaya.

  5. Why is it there are 1000's of tattoo parlors in Thailand but yet its so had to find the best ones.....I mean you do a search on google of top 10 artists and you get a load of crap. Does anyone know how to find the best ones that are internationally know and where to find them. You only need to buy a tattoo mag in other countries and there they are!!

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