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Posts posted by Aussietrooper

  1. If you want to know about a good tasting pizza and a variety of choices, try the pizza at the Holiday Inn on Beach Rd. north. The hand made pizza is baked in a wood burning oven at the outside terrace. Yes, hotels are always expensive compared to other places but the Holiday Inn has 50% discount on their pizzas between 5pm- 7pm (until Sept 1 I think). The Terrazo outdoor terrace looking out at the sea is a nice place to relax around sunset. And if you time it right - get there 6:50, order your pizza at 50% off , then after 7pm then it is happy hour. The tomato paste is real "Italian, not the watered down ketchup crap one gets from many of the chains,the crust has a great flavor due to the wood oven, and the cheese is authentic - not the homogenized, chemical fake cheese. Try one of the "Signature Pizzas".

    They do not deliver but it is easy to get to by baht bus or there is free parking in the back of the hotel.

    For delivery, I order Nicks vegetable pizza. I order from them because they have a staff that understands English and are on time. The pizza lacks flavor and a good tomato paste.

    Nice one Toenail....very informative.

    Keep up the good work.

  2. Don't know about delivery, but I was down in Pattaya in early July and there is an Italian restaurant across walking st. from the Roo bar, I had Quattro Staggione pizza, rocket salad and two beers for under 500 Baht. The pizza was delicious! as was the salad, the beer was just like beer rolleyes.gif No idea of the name of the place but will definitely go there again next time I am down.

    I have eaten here before and its not bad...as far as delivery if your sat across the road at the Roo Bar they will bring over but not to your house.

  3. I have one place I got mine all done in Phuket.

    Kebsup Studio.

    Thai girl and South African guy.

    They are true artists, use top quality colors and machines.

    I got my leg done from eel to knee cap in a futuristic metallic design 4 years ago and still looks like new.

    All shading and colors perfect.

    Not the cheapest but all the other shopes in Phuket are shit.

    Many people fly in specially for a tat and not for the actual island so beware of long waiting lists.

    Any pics?

  4. What kind of help are you looking for exactly? I mean is the course not self explanatory? You're an Aussie so you are a native speaker of English or is this just your user name?

    Try to explain a little more detail in what you are in need of help for and I'm sure you will get a better response. From me too probably.

    I guess it is self explanatory, it's just been 20 years since I was at school and I guess I need help on how to write papers, where to look for the information and how to put it all together so it makes sense. You may think I'm sounding stupid but all I'm looking for is some help and guidance to get it underway. I'm not of a OH&S background but the kind of work I do involves a lot of its practices, this is why they advised me to do a diploma. I now wish I started on something lower but it's too late now and it cost me over 3 grand.

  5. which course is it you're doing? I completed a similar course online this year and found it quite good, just wondered if it was a similar one that you're doing.

    I will attach it. Let me know

  6. Let me or another mod know what you want added, No problem for any of the mods :)

    Looks like Pizza Company needs to be added on the vote.

    Pizza Company and Pizza Hut are almost exactly the same. Do not split the vote. ;)

    Like you said 'almost' the same. They are two different places so they should both be on the vote....make it happen!!

  7. I am currently doing a online diploma in Occupation Health and Safety (OH&S) and need help starting it. It's been awhile since I last studied and need some assistance to get me off the mark.

  8. I added a poll as well,

    I hope that's OK with the OP. Did I miss anything or get something wrong?

    All good and well but what happens when people add new places?

    Let me or another mod know what you want added, No problem for any of the mods :)

    Looks like Pizza Company needs to be added on the vote.

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