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Everything posted by stewart479

  1. here in Wellington, New Zealand; we are under the leadership of a mini trump. He got rid of a large number of civil servants; and was going to make the country wealthy again. The impact on this city has been immense. Everything that made it a fun, vibrant place to work and live has gone. That favorite lunch spot you had to be lucky to get a table at - gone. Your favorite bars; shops, music venues, all gone. Now a sad and empty place to be. Even the influx of university students have found better places to go to study. Property prices down by 25%. Of course all these former civil servants are now on the unemployment benefit; which must be balanced against the supposed savings. Civil servants spend their money where they live, as well as providing the services that from time to time we all need. We now have record numbers of people moving abroad. Please be very careful what you wish for; there is a big price to pay.......
  2. ....meanwhile; Trumps favourite song (YMCA) is about a homeless gay man, turning tricks to survive. Good on the Village People ( a largely coloured overtly GAY group) for performing at the maga ball, while obviously taking the piss from someone too stupid to realise. The other performers all seem to be begging their fans for forgiveness. Come on maga maggots; explain that away.......
  3. Hi; not sure if this will help; but here is my experience. I also come to Thailand every year; for a one month stay; coming from NZ. I am old; and have two pre-existing conditions: High blood pressure; and glaucoma. Price quoted from Travel agent was NZ$750. Using a freinds Insurance broker, cost was $318. Turned out to be the same policy; with the same Company. Obviously there is a lot of fat on the beast! Cheers!
  4. Try other free streaming services : Tubitv Brollie are two good ones........
  5. Hi Guys; have purchased Melatonin at pharmacies around lower Suk., sometimes under the "circadin" brand name; and at Ekamai Gateway mall; a supplements stall there. Hope this helps. Cheers
  6. The whole thing makes no sense; UNLESS Toadie is blackmailing the chap higher up the totem pole. When they were both resident in Europe the Toad must have got inside the enemies camp and got enough dirt for a rainy day; which has now come. There is no other possible explanation.
  7. The whole thing makes no sense; UNLESS Toadie is blackmailing the chap higher up the totem pole. When they were both resident in Europe the Toad must have got inside the enemies camp and got enough dirt for a rainy day; which has now come. There is no other possible explanation.
  8. The whole thing makes no sense; UNLESS Toadie is blackmailing the chap higher up the totem pole. When they were both resident in Europe the Toad must have got inside the enemies camp and got enough dirt for a rainy day; which has now come. There is no other possible explanation.
  9. Perhaps like those two other powerful Gentlemen, he will have to live on a military base for his own safety.....?
  10. Sadly; I am resident in NZ; where; like Thailand; we are saddled with a MMP system that ensures we get a government that nobody wants. Both ACT and NZ First are anti co governance. Winston Peters, the head of NZFirst; and Maori has stated that Maori are not indiginous, and should not get special treatment. He is correct. The Maoriori were here first; and the Maoris slaughterd them. However; drinking at the trough has become an industry for a select few; and Maori are currently attempting to rewrite history to be more favourable to their cause; including trying to discredit Captain Cook; who made the mistake of writing that he had been all around the Pacific; and Maoris were the stupidist race he cam across. At some point; it will hit the fan.........
  11. Oral Surgeon should have a 360 degree X-ray machine; which will show both joint and teeth issues. Cheers
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