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theblether last won the day on October 7 2013

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  1. You need to quit posting. First of all, modern day Poland would beat Russia in a conventional war and the Russians know it. Second, Poland is protected by Article 5, guaranteed NATO mobilisation. Just give it a rest.
  2. Looks like a clever statement until your realise it was Trump that sent the Javelin's to Ukraine while Obama sent blankets. I bet you didn't know that.
  3. The EU is not a military organization. If NATO enters the war, it's nuclear war time. No sane Brit I know is prepared start a nuclear war to assist Ukraine. Regard anyone suggesting that NATO attacks Russia as mentally ill. Treat them as such.
  4. And I saw a guy saying "nice house you have here, it would be a shame if something happened to it."
  5. You are demented. Seek help.
  6. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Only a natural born idiot compares what's happening here with 1930's appeasement. These same NBI's girn about Chamberlain, Hitler, Churchill, Stalin et al. Some are even dumb enough to complain about the nukes that hit Japan. The name thee seek is Truman. He decided to demarcate Europe and allow old sovereign states to fall under the Iron Grip of Stalin. He surrendered land in exchange for peace. He introduced the guarantee of NATO Article 5 protection for member states backed by US military force. Unfortunately, he surrendered the only time in human history where a single country did have the Dragon in the Sky, the ability to destroy all - "I am death." He chose peace. He chose the humanitarian path, he chose the Marshall Plan, the chose to rebuild Japan. Truman was one of the most exceptional human beings in history. And if he were alive today he'd say - surrender the lost land. Stop the killing. But these keyboard assassins, man - what a waste of DNA these halfwits are.
  7. Yup, that's me. Guilty as charged. I signed up for the British army as I have a lifetime hatred for the Soviets and their bast*rd Putinesque offspring. And here I am being lectured by guys who regard taking the lid off a McDonalds coffee as a life threatening event saying I'm pro-Russian - and for why? Asking the simple question - how does Ukraine win? It can't. Obama knew they couldn't win. Read that again - Obama knew they couldn't win, so he sent them blankets. Blankets. And now entire forests have disappeared as new wood coffins overflow in the morgues, while our Western Brigade of Clowns growl the war chants of day old puppies. We are surrounded by dangerous clownologists - if brains were explosive they wouldn't have enough to blow their nose. But don't worry, Mr Common Sense will be along in a minute with his war winning strategy.
  8. Outstanding post. I've been looking for a common sense non-American leftist for ages. Feel free to tell the forum how Ukraine can win this war.
  9. I've got to say this thread is very entertaining. You must be high if you think China is going to give nukes to Ukraine. Absolute Mad Hatter material. Amazing stuff.
  10. Correct me if I'm wrong - that was a Bill Clinton deal, who was it that broke it? W Bush, Obama, Trump or Biden? I'm certain it was neither Trump or Biden - so who was it?
  11. Zelensky was baited by a man saying "let's look at a diplomatic solution." Aye, very good.
  12. Trump is determined to not give a US security guarantee. Zelensky is determined that he does. This mineral rights issue is distasteful but then we learn it was the Ukranians who offered it first to Biden/Harris. Then Zelensky went campaigning for Harris. This is wild stuff, really shocking and amatuerish "diplomacy."
  13. In my opinion Zelensky made a serious mistake with his "Nice ocean - wait till you feel" comment. You can't sit in the Oval Office and bait any POTUS in public. This was the political equivalent of "Nice house you have here, it would be a shame if anything happened to it." And all this talk of a political mugging is BS. There was no need for Zelensky to raise the temp after Vance said "let's try to end the war through diplomacy." Every single political leader in the West wants that. But Zelensky went off like a cheap firecracker. No one saw that coming. Not a single person. And that's why it was breathtaking to watch.
  14. Would anyone disagree that Zelensky wants NATO to declare war on Russia. Does anyone here agree that NATO should do so?
  15. Shorter version.
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