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theblether last won the day on October 7 2013

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  1. Straw grasping drivel. The FBI had possession of the laptop 11 months before this letter was written and you'll be disappointed to hear they had a signature by Hunter Biden provided by the shopkeeper and verified. You'll also be disappointed to hear the laptop was bizarrely seized by court warrant. Do you know why that was bizarre? I'll leave you with that homework. By the way, you'll discover why the pardon was backdated to Jan 1, 2014 when you do that homework. This is all a matter of court record, warrant and testimony under oath starting from Aug 30th 2019. You are beclowning yourself. The FBI testified, the jury convicted, Hunter pled guilty before the next trial, and Joe pardoned. And here's you, a worthless troll barking at the wind. Get a life, cos this one you are living is sad. Terribly sad.
  2. That's a hilarious post. You begin by stating you are a retired Prof of History then go straight to Godwin's Law? Dear me. I can see you're not keen on paragraphs but let me help you comprehend what Trump said. He will target illegal immigrants who have committed crimes in the USA. Also known as criminal illegal immigrants. Comprende?
  3. The FBI testified during Hunter's firearms conviction trial that they knew the laptop was real. Just give it a rest.
  4. When you don't know you don't comment. And they knew the laptop was real. By the way, some were being paid as CIA intelligence contractors. They were receiving Federal funds and interfering in elections. Bit dodgy that, eh?
  5. You made that up in your head. I know no one that thinks Ukraine is winning. Everybody agrees its a stalemate. Going back to the topic - if Trump floods Europe with American energy, that will cause serious damage to the Russian economy. However, I think the war will be over before that energy surge arrives.
  6. You can blame Merkel for that - her 2015 "welcome to Germany" abomination caused Brexit. And I'm not getting into a Brexit conversation - I voted Remain, I regret us leaving, but its over.
  7. Don't tell me you're one of the FBPE brigade. It's over. And I voted remain.
  8. I agree that they are low IQ, and amusingly they are the same people that refer to MAGA as being "dumb". They fall for every drivelesque trap in the book. Today they are running about screaming about hidden messages in dresses. It's unbelievable.
  9. I met a few deportees when I was in Mexico for a few months. They weren't fazed as they knew the game, go over, make a few dollars and return. I was also intrigued to hear that they didn't want to live in the USA full time. The immigration trap meant that once they were in country they had to stay as re-entry was difficult. All Trump has to do is offer Mexicans six month per year working visas and they will be dancing in the streets. They'll cross over, pick the crops and work the tourist high seasons, then go home till next year. It's as simple as that. And as for third party nationals crossing the border? The Mexicans will turn against them ( it's already started ). They'll find Mexico to be a hostile place if they interfere with Mexicans ability to earn.
  10. How does the OP know that uninsured Thais get charged less?
  11. This is why the Democrats lost the election. People are sick of this cr*p.

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