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Everything posted by beautifulthailand99

  1. Crikey Rolf Harris was innocent vibes here one thing I didn't think I would live to see on a public forum. An 8 year old girl who was a friend of his daughter lest we forget and proven in a court of law.
  2. It is illegal in the UK to have sex knowingly with trafficked people and the legal age for prostitution is 18 where the person of their own free will and is not controlled by another. It has been legally proved that both Epstein and Maxwell were heavily involved with trafficking minors for sex. VG has testified under oath that this happened to her. The photo now establishes a connection between her and Andrew a connection that he has said he doesn't remember and anyway I was at Pizza Express. I will repeat ad nauseum it would appear the FBI wants to interview him and he has in the past said he would. That's all we want, you meanwhile continue to deflect with spurious bad faith asides seeking to obscure that salient point!
  3. She alleges it was in a bath at the mews house where Ghislaine Maxwell sat in it wearing a Prince Andrew mask to suggest it was impossible. Probably one of the bizarrest pictures ever on the front of the Daily Telegraph.If you are having breakfast I apologise for the mind worm.
  4. You forgot to add well anyway the photo may well have been faked and he was on that day as he well remembers at Pizza Express in Woking. Do you perchance have a doffing cap or knee pads ?
  5. They don't need to embrace Hamas just further distance themselves from Israel. Turkey being a case in point and of course Russia which had especially warm relations with Netanhyu via Putin. With Russia pivoting to Iran that's a biggie particularly in tech transfer and pariah state mutual support. In a year's time probably the whole world will be a worse place , Israel included.
  6. Probably the first war in history where raw uncensored images of human suffering and death particularly of women and children and other non combatants have been widely seen and shared globally to a world populace who are nearly all connected to the Internet. Combat soldiers know the reality of war which is why so many come back from it scarred and broken for life whilst their leaders safe in their bunkers plan the next one. This changes the debate particularly in the global South and the 1.8 billion Muslim world. Their leaders will find it difficult or maybe impossible to ignore the anger on the Arab street lest they lose power themselves and for the first time in my lifetime a spotlight has been shone on Israel like never before. The new axis of evil looks on the carnage in Gaza with grim satisfaction as they can amply illustrate their western whataboutism with the freshly minted corpses of Palestinian babies. The Israel that comes out of this will be one that is never at peace with it neighbours, always existing in a state of heavily armed paranoia with a huge drop off of global support and just as importantly Jews that are prepared to settle in such a state.
  7. Of all the hills to die on the defence of a widely reviled British Royal is the one you chose. Interesting I guess when your idol Trump comes back he will sort all this out on day one and pardon the sleazebag from further plebeian gaze. The rich should be allowed to consume their youthful sexual candy any way they want. Its no wonder randy Andy spent a lot of time in Thailand over the years. Must have been for the temples and the food,that will be it !
  8. Now here's the deal he actually believes that and by so doing he gets to write Lincoln out of the history books and the Trump Memorial will be in its place. Just like the way he stopped the hurricane with a sharpie. God made Trump.
  9. All your suppositions are irrelevant theoretical defences and reputations arent on trial here but matters of law. They key point is the FBI have said they would like to talk to him and he has publically said he would comply but hasn't. That's all that currently matters.
  10. Andrew under oath in the witness box that gonna top trump Trump himself. Bring it on.
  11. Who is the monopoly importer who no doubt has a 20 year exclusive licence then !!
  12. The Queen paid 12 million for a gagging order to get her through the jubilee it lasted a year. That period is now up. The glorious 12th has opened up for open season on HRH. Tally ho !
  13. He guilty in the same way as Michael Jackson and OJSimpson are guilty and if he isn't let's test it in a court of law not run by his brother.
  14. I'm am creatively setting the scene bases on inferences made in previous posts."opportunistic hustlers" that's as good as saying that.
  15. And all these deflections that somehow these woman were grubby money hustling teenage sluts says more about the person extolling that than the mores of the victims themselves. Besides which it is irrelevant the US law on statutory rape and sex trafficking is quite clear. All are supposedly equal under the law be they king or pauper or at least this is so in civilised countries.
  16. Let's pretend this has gone to a court of law then what would a reasonable person believe from the evidence we are aware of to date. That Maxwell and Epstein are convicted peadophile groomers and traffickers of long standing a fact that was known to many by their actions ,behaviours and environments they created. Trumps he liked them young comment. Folks who repeatedly and vigorously associated with them could not be unaware of the sleazy environment they created and shared with like minded rich and powerful individuals. Then add to the fact that Andrew continued to consort with them after the conviction even staying in his NY house. Then add the sworn testimonies of multiple victims naming him, the photographic evidence , his unwillingness to cooperate with the FBI despite saying he would and the 12 million payout. Guilty or not guilty. I'll get the rope....
  17. Is Andrew in the room with you now ?
  18. Khun Thaksin is covered by 113 so all we are allowed to say is get well soon.
  19. You could take your own folding chair, a small water boiler camping type to plug into the malls power sockets and a small cafetiere or similar and your own freshly roasted and ground beans. Hey presto free air con ,leccy and mall WiFi and a chair all for free. You could even position your chair near Starbucks to piggyback off their WiFi. Stick it to the man through creative hoboism.
  20. Ah the 7/11 steps the home of many contented farangs and soi dogs which often turn into impromptu pubs during licensing hours to boot. Living the dream.......
  21. Thanks for the links I hadn't read them. That reinforces my point that informed unbiased opinion thinks that Ukraine is losing and badly. That being the case what is to be gained by continuing the fight with what appears to be a badly trained often unmotivated conscript army increasingly forcibly conscripted and often of older years. The point about pundits covering Gaza wasn't to slur on Kemps intentions but the reality is the global attention has shifted focus onto Israel from Ukraine to the latter's detriment as Zelensiy sadly knows too well. Netanhayu refused a visit from him whilst accepting every other world leader soon after October 7th.
  22. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/01/06/tired-volodymyr-zelensky-looks-too-weak-to-achieve-victo Retired colonel Richard Kemp of the Telegraph who has been one of their biggest cheerleaders having visited there many times during the war now opines Ukraine cannot win. Continuing a senseless fight now just adds to the senseless slaughter. It should be noted that like many others he is now actively reporting on the Gaza war having been embedded with the IDF at one point and looks like he has switched horses to ride with them. Zelenskiy is right to feel in the final analysis to gave been betrayed by his fairweather friends and no amount of speculative wunderwaffe can win the war. Not in any instance is there any to give the UK is having to mothball ships due to a shortage of sailors. Gen Z who would do the fighting just don't want to anymore.
  23. It's a hunch she's 33-1 if anyone fancies a flutter.
  24. Well that's the first morning sorted then !
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