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Everything posted by beautifulthailand99

  1. You're not allowed to criticise the guards @Morch
  2. Imagine good people got into power and opened the books and revealed what is inside done by the people with the guns. Imagine is all that you can do brain doesn't beat bullets particularly in one of the most effectively brainwashed citizenry I can imagine. Plus it would put prices up for us so there is that.
  3. It's an utter disgrace nothing will change though the whole political/executive state is rotten to its core and those that could have changed this wonderful country have effectively been gerrymandered out of office. Mask up get an air purifier or leave the country.
  4. Defending US interests I.e. those of big capital plus the normal psyopathic/sociopathic bloodlusts of a wounded and dying hegemon,comrade !
  5. Thanks that is interesting it would appear from your anecdote that the existing resident can stay if the have inherited a minority interest from the owner and there isn't total agreement from all the owners to sell. In essence either all agree or the sale is effectively blocked until they do.
  6. Thankfully the average TVF malcontent isn't representative of humanity or else I would truly despair. The average age her must surely be over 60 I'm 63 myself young folk just wouldn't want to hang out here.
  7. So that Caesar can conduct his census and Herod can look for infant wronguns.
  8. I think you will find it is effectively Burmese who monopolise that profession often missing limbs sadly.
  9. Like I said it's being reported by the BBC, New York Times ,The Spectator - the esteemed Russia commentator Mark Galeotti no less and many other sources. Which means in the terms of reference for this forum at least it happened. None of you want to discuss this intelligently it would seem. Never mind I am on X with several hundred followers and Reddit with 20k karma where we do of course. Slava Ukrainia ! https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/zelenskys-rivalry-with-zaluzhny-spells-bad-news-for-ukraine/
  10. Shave your head change your sex - easy here wear an orange robe job done sorted for life.
  11. Thanks but that's not how the family dynamic works in our case.We are fairly wealthy and my wife loves these two sisters more than everyone else. If I die before her she will sell up in the UK and move back to her family and be quite a wealthy woman. We have no children. The aim here is to encourage the resident member to move particularly as this is Yala southern Thailand where the local situation isn't ideal and closer to our condo in Jomtien and her daughters in Bangkok. The husband we feel would like to stay close to his sister down South and is a quiet but sober man. Frustrating at the pace of getting something done. But thanks to all the responses here we have some info to feed into the process.
  12. I take those type of emojis as a badge of honour which means my post is over the target. That said there should just be 2 a +1 and maybe a similar counter for sad.
  13. I've read Andrew Drummond's take on him. Interesting indeed.
  14. My wife wants to sell along with the other sister like as soon as possible. She wants 2 million back and at least 1 million fir the eldest sister.With the reminder she will help / gift the residents to find another place hopefully near to these family members. That said if she refuses to sell for whatever reason, entrenched ways,superstition or such could a minority stake force the sale if the oldest sister dies. Hope that is clear. Many thanks for your help thus far.
  15. The eldest sister has no money and was never marrired or had children and is the caring auntie to the resident sisters daughter and lives with her in a rented condo in Bangkok. Indeed she looked after her father until he died hence he left half to her and half to my wife who bailed them all out. The two residents are on healthy government employees pensions but have burnt through their savings so are in no position to pay back anyone should they stay in situ.
  16. Thanks that's the plan. The other family members hold my wife who is the youngest of 10 in high regard as she helps out and avises with no desire to self enrich. They regard ghe resident sister as having had it easy to live rent free for 20 years something the others don't have. As ever the oldest sister who is 73 doesn't want to make a will as she regards it as unlucky and fears she would fie soon after ! If she died intestate there would be an unseemly feeding frenzy on the house. Just out of interest as my wife has 50% and would get a 5 way split on the remaining 50% taking her to 60 and her resident sister to 10% 70% could the others still force a sale?
  17. Thanks that sounds right the law of adverse possession is to stop rich people abandoning land or property for a period of 10 or more years with no attempt to assert ownership and therefore in the eyes of the law forgoing their ownership. This most certainly doesn't apply here.
  18. Lol. Also add Putin shill, how many roubles are they paying you comrade, its a quiet day in St Petersburg to that epithet. More informed speculation in the Financial Times https://www.ft.com/content/aa9aacfc-c248-4550-bf28-d79ad4c553cb
  19. She looks like an attractive young lady the food vendor may well be a man. Worse things have happened at sea.Just read shes female as well. It is going viral on tik tok amazing advertising for the price of a meal.
  20. I know that but in that event to get their share they would need to be a sale and the eviction of the sister and husband who may not want to go in that event. For information both my wife and her eldest sister want to sell take half for themselves and potentially gift the other half to the resident sister to move up north closer to them all and their children. They all get on very well at the moment but their is a sneaking suspicion that the husband doesn't want to move and may believe they could seize the chanote in a court of law due to adverse possession in the event of the oldest sister dying intestate and forcing the issue. There is currently a lot of trust and goodwill but that could be tested if the resident sister given plenty of time and positive suggestions proves reluctant to move over the next couple of years. We are examining our options and messaging to achieve that.
  21. My wife and the eldest sister names are on the chanote and the chanote is in the house where we are currently visiting. There are no loans debts on the chanote. Indeed it was my wife with my help bailed her father out to the total tune of 1.8 million 21 years ago after the eldest step brother broke his father's heart after taking a mortgage to bail out his failing business and then walked away when he couldn't pay it.
  22. Hi there my wife and her childless eldest sister jointly own the family house down south and have so for 20 years since their father died. They visit every year and my wife has paid for minor repairs. The eldest sister no longer lives there but is on the tabien baht. Another sister and her husband have lived there for those 20 years and are also on the tabien bahn but have done no repairs or maintenance and live there rent free. They are 4 other siblings who don't live there. In the event of the death of the oldest sister if there is no will what are the potential outcomes. My assumption is those in residence would have squatters right of abode and couldn't be evicted but they would not be able to seize the chanote should it go to law. For background the house and land maybe worth between 5 and 7 million and it should be noted that the other siblings are aware that the house is jointly owned and part of the two sisters property and has been in no way abandoned or given to the resident .
  23. You are trying to goad me into abuse of which I will not do as I am a reasonable man I suggest politely you follow suite.You appear not to want a debate just promote and discuss Ukraine propaganda without any tough love critical friend concern. Don't worry when I'm back to the UK in a couple of weeks I'll leave you to it and retire once more from these hallowed portals. Have a nice day.
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