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Everything posted by beautifulthailand99

  1. I've gone from hating Trump to thinking if he wins it's going to be the greatest political sh1tshow ever with the Clinton's in jail and more. Real end of Empire sort of stuff. RIP USA.
  2. These 2 events were a severe wake-up call as to Iran's capabilities in the new era and the US projection of hegemonic power. They put long-range missiles onto a US base with pinpoint accuracy defeating AD systems on a US military base and setting 5% of their oil reserves on fire. Then add Russia to the mix with satellite intelligence off the scale of mad. Cheap drones are a real game changer - Ukraine has been the theatre where a lot of lessons will have been learnt. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Martyr_Soleimani https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abqaiq–Khurais_attack Oil would go to the moon and global economies would crash. Buy gold now if you think that could happen expensive as it is.
  3. I almost didn't believe that then I looked it up.Bleedin' hell - what should we carry to the beach just in case such an event was to occur? https://bmcresnotes.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13104-016-1931-8
  4. Thanks but not to worry she does all the money side of things in Thailand I just do due dilegecne asking you excellent gentlemen for your collective wisdom. Much appreciated. The banking cartels here rob the peole dry. In the UK I'm getting 5% interest on easy acess with Tandem app only bank and commercial interrest rates are around 6% so roughly 1% is their cut. In Thailand I think they are charging similar for loans and giving at best 1.5% - a hefty cut indeed.
  5. A sneaky way of selling it - she was with the teller for a long time whiklst I sat at the back playing with my phone and initially she was convinced it was the 10% annual. In the UK this would be rank miselling but then TIT !
  6. It is when you have the rose-tinted spectacles on and a peg on your nose. It's the Ryan Air of cheap places to live - you wanted cheap and you got cheap but don't complain because it's cheap. We bought a condo in Jomtien so I'm invested but only for 3 months of the year - that's enough. It ticks all the boxes though - cheap condo, cheap transport, close to the airport plenty of markets and malls and plenty of your home folks to talk to when you need to. But if my wife wasn't Thai I would never consider it. Just too hot, too dirty and too mono-cultural. There are only so many cover bands playing the hits that I can take before going mad!
  7. Just that point in the question - when we were here last year I saw some on Thepprasit Road and it seemed like a useful thing to have to save carting around loads of heavy water bottles. Should add beer to that supplier as well for good cheer !
  8. It's a shame particularly since they will be smoked out terribly up there. A lot of them are very woke and can't stand to see in your face prostitution but if Pattaya falls then so does Thailand.
  9. Hats off to Dan he talks Pattaya up and is right about the direction of travel for the wider area so what if he riffs along and gets somethings wrong? Starting to see some young and healthy looking digital nomads who realise that it is a good cheap hub to work out from.
  10. The thing is they don't need the Shins anymore - Thaksin helped to kick MF into touch and neutered Phue Thai and that job is done. He will probably get a pardon on December 6th on health grounds as he will be found to be in dire straits. The ruling elites still hate them it's just they have had to tack to the wind in this instance. Yingluck isn't necessary anymore they may well keep her out just to show who has the power which is certainly not them anymore.
  11. Some of that is undoubtedly true - early on in the conflict we had a lot of briefing Putin was on his last legs and was about to die sort of stuff. All nonsense or that there would be a palace coup to eject him which didn't happen. He seemingly has never been more powerful and the one person who spoke his mind got blown out of the air. The US wants to move the focus onto China and prepare for potential conflict there and now Israel has blown up as well Ukraine has moved down the pecking order. Very telling that Netanhayu turned down a solidarity visit from Zelenskiy shortly after October 7th whilst welcoming every other leader with open arms. They are supping from the same cup and there's only room for one of them. That and the sort of ammo and kit Ukraine needs is pretty much exhausted whereas Russia has gone onto a war footing with it's military-industrial complex and appears to have gotten around sanctions like Iran has managed for over 20 years. Oh, and Biden wants a foreign policy win before the next election not a forever war. Dark times indeed for Ukraine in every respect. It would appear that Zelenskiy and the Russians were on the point of a peace deal in the months after the invasion but Boris was sent to say don't worry fight on we've got your back and the result has been the utter destruction of the country,it's youth and the displacement of millions that will probably never return. This is from March 2022 https://www.politico.eu/article/ukraine-neutral-status-russia-peace-agreement-volodymyr-zelenskyy/
  12. It talks about easing sanctions on Russia, accepting that Ukraine will need to give up territory and withholding aid could force Ukraine's hand. It also quite rightly points out that US interests are different from Ukaraine's interests and has a lot of soft soap to ameliorate that message but the days of an open chequebook (not that there ever was) have come to an end. Meloni's off-the-cuff remarks to the Russian pranksters also revealed that the EU want to end this sooner rather than later. It is Zelenskiy who is holding out and cracks are beginning to show between him and his army chief Zaluzhny. US silent coup probaly incoming sometime before the spring. The US is your friend until they are not. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/04/world/europe/zelensky-rebuke-general-zaluzhny.html The office of President Volodymyr Zelensky on Saturday chastised Ukraine’s top military commander for publicly declaring the war at a stalemate, suggesting the comments would help the Russian invasion. It was a striking public rebuke that signaled an emerging rift between the military and civilian leadership at an already challenging time for Ukraine. Speaking on national television, a deputy head of the office of the president, Ihor Zhovkva, said Gen. Valery Zaluzhny’s assertion that the fight against Russia was deadlocked “eases the work of the aggressor,” adding that the comments stirred “panic” among Ukraine’s Western allies.
  13. You don't need to ask the Pentagon's think tank the Rand Corporation, helpfully snuck out a report very quietly back in the spring. Basically, the US will force Ukraine to peace negotiations assuming Russia actually wants them with the threat of ending aid and arms. President Biden has said that this war will end at the negotiating table.[74] But the administration has not yet made any moves to push the parties toward talks. Although it is far from certain that a change in U.S. policy can spark negotiations, adopting one or more of the policies described in this Perspective could make talks more likely. We identify reasons why Russia and Ukraine may have mutual optimism about war and pessimism about peace. The literature on war termination suggests that such perceptions can lead to protracted conflict. Therefore, we highlight four options the United States has for shifting these dynamics: clarifying its plans for future support to Ukraine, making commitments to Ukraine's security, issuing assurances regarding the country's neutrality, and setting conditions for sanctions relief for Russia. A dramatic, overnight shift in U.S. policy is politically impossible—both domestically and with allies—and would be unwise in any case. But developing these instruments now and socializing them with Ukraine and with U.S. allies might help catalyze the eventual start of a process that could bring this war to a negotiated end in a time frame that would serve U.S. interests. The alternative is a long war that poses major challenges for the United States, Ukraine, and the rest of the world. https://www.rand.org/pubs/perspectives/PEA2510-1.html
  14. Thanks if it's too good to be true then it probably is dounly so in Thailand. Coming to the conclusion the best safe haven for her monet is the 1.5% SCB EZ savings account that others have mentioned. The GSB Goverment Savings Bank seems to be popular though does anybody know anyjthing about them there website is useless or at least the English version is and when we walked into the Jomtien branch at the bus station it loooked like a typical Thai government office rather than the slick private banks I've been used to.
  15. If you are regularly using your EV battery for non-motoring purposes surely this will degrade the longevity of the battery and be a hidden but real cost. Do you have any handle on what that could be?
  16. Utter debasement of the honour system and really a symbol of how much Britain has fallen from grace and how desperate it is to curry favour for a trade agreement for South Korea.
  17. My wife's sister was married to a Thai man who had land near Hat Yai Airport. Both his and her names were on the chanote for the land which was owned outright. He was divorced and had 2 children and died several years ago. Probate hasn't been done on his estate which consists basically of just the land. He died intestate with no will. She now wants to sell the land what will need to be done and are his children entitled to a share of the land when sold and if so how much? The children are grown up in their tenties and thought to be no good layabouts so can they be bought out prior to a sale? Many thanks for any insight and feedback.
  18. Brillant answers many thanks it seemed to good to be true the way she explained it so i said I would do due dilgence. Those last 2 answers are just that. Looks like the SCB EZ savings account is the way to go the,
  19. My wife seems to beleive it is 10% every year compounded - I think that is nonsense and impossible. Is it 10% over the whole 7 years then ? The banks here are thieves I'm getting 6% in a 1 year fixed currently in the UK. It's a rigged game here without even a nod to true competition.
  20. Biden for the sake of the US and the world should gracefully retire along with Harris and appoint a candidate who can speak in long sentences, smile, looks good is at least 20 years younger and they will walk it. Trump's worst nightmare is Biden going.
  21. https://www.scb.co.th/en/personal-banking/insurance/savings-insurance/triple-seven-77-7.html My wife has come into some money from the sale of her condo and the girl at SCB recommended this life insurance savings product that seems to have a 10% annual return compounded if you stay to full term at 7 years. She doesn't need the life insurance since we are childless and she is 58. Is this too good to be true, is there a catch? My first imperfect understanding is that you have to go to full term to realise this and if you bail out early for any reason you earn nothing (if indeed you can bail out). Any thoughts are most welcome and are there any other alternatives to products such as this which seem to guarantee your capital?
  22. Europe is starting to prepare for a Trump win and reading a lot of articles in broadsheets saying it won't be bad as last time. There will be a team of Republican adults around him who will drive policy and he will be allowed to grandstand and preen without damaging too much. Putin will be happy though. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/us/comment/2023/11/22/liberals-trump-win-leftists-joe-scarborough-horrified/ But Morning Joe is right to worry. Trump has said that he would be the “retribution” for the thousands of people caught up in the Biden administration’s messes. There would be no executions, Joe, but there would be plenty of payback. For many of us, however, that would be a consummation devoutly to be wished. It can’t come soon enough. https://www.ft.com/content/04af82d3-3f21-452b-ae62-86bd8f07e506 But the key point is this: whether you loathe or love Trump, do not underestimate him. He really could win in 2024. Until then, anyone watching, living or investing in the US should watch that Agenda47 website. Especially if it leaves you horrified — and worrying about new variants of “treason and plot”.
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