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Posts posted by mumjokmok

  1. I've been to Vientiane many times. I am very impressed with how they have organized the process and tightened the regulations. The Vientiane embassy staff have always been polite and tolerant, but they must be quietly pleased they dont have to deal with no shoes Chang beer-drinking "tourists" any more. Plenty of Asian tourists when I went, gotta say as an Aussie, I'm far more comfortable around Asian tourists as I'm sure the Thais are too. Nothing wrong with a bit of decorum. Good onya Thailand, do whatever you think you need to.

  2. A bit selective isn't it.

    "We don't want no Muslims....... except that one"

    A bigot with wiggle room.

    I think the last line says it. All the other presidential players cant pull off a wiggle. Thats a way better slogan than Yes We Can. Trump '16- Yes We Wriggle.

    Don't you just wanna see a bit of Prez Trump? After all the years of the same thing...I'm not American mind you I'm enjoying this guy....

  3. Easy to post a negative reaction.

    Although most of the King's Guards are conscripts, it would be a surprise for most to see what those guys can do.

    The RDF is rather impressive.

    Agreed. As a nation scrubs up pretty well against others in terms of ability. I trust there are some pretty bright minds too. Not all Thais are headlong into oblivion.

  4. Right now it feels like jobs are dry. Im a chef, been here nearly 9 years, I can read and write Thai. Nothing on the horizon since March. You do not want a sub-standard job or wage unless you have a hobby or research project to keep your esteem up. My opinion is go back to Canada aye. Im slowly heading back to Oz myself. You will find everywhere here now hires "qualified' people, that means a diploma and half the previously available wage. Actual skill and Thai experience doesn't always count in your favour. Asean nation citizens are at the front of the line, for a Westerner the salaries have dropped. Bit of a paradox, as what you face here she will face over there, but in Canada Im sure you can earn more money.

  5. Never mind even with decent wages they dont want too work ....eg in a restaurant

    Ask them to work split shifts you will see just how unfair they think that is!

    You cant get a Thai to do a split-shift in a restaurant, that is true. But given its 6 days a week, 54 hours in the kitchen and the split-shift gonna keep the kid away from his home 13 or 14 hours a day, you'd be lucky to find anyone wants that when the wage minimums are what they are and OT is nearly impossible to justify.

    Plus in a restaurant the bill for 2 people can easily equal your dishwashers monthly income, so in a sense the restaurant is not an empowering position for the Thai. Thais regularly use the same word for a cook as for a construction worker- Gomagon. In my opinion its the middle class who need to set an example of strong productivity before we expect the labourers to feel like they have to show any determination...other than desperation to make ends meet.

  6. Because fearmongering about other cultures stops you looking at your own ugly attributes.

    Have all those cheap plane tickets been sold in the UK yet? If they have, I'd suggest no one feels particularly threatened by Thais. Go over the border to Malaysia, go out, get paralytic drunk, pick up a local woman, abuse a tuk tuk driver, speak at five times the volume the locals speak, what next u reckon? High fives from Malay men watching u behave like an animal?

    Unprovoked or over-the-top violent attacks are a human problem, generally when the male drinks himself drunk, but it's not exclusively Thai....

    Question should be- How safe do you feel in the middle of a pack of drunk men?

  7. This guy, as a young man was sent on military duty to a concentration camp. Had he voiced any objection or protest he would have been shot on the spot and that is a fact. The trial of this man as a war criminal is a complete farce. If Germany would have won, some of our heroes in the UK such as AVM 'Bomber' Harris would have been hung as war criminals along with all the pilots who flew his missions. We need to learn and prevent re-occurrences - yet we have shown in the last 60 years we cannot do that.

    The circus surrounding the incarceration of a 90 year old and the trial of someone who had no option but to comply with what he was told to do is an example that we have learned nothing justice despite the world - wide deaths of 25-35 million people in a bid to establish it. The organization that hunts down alleged war criminals from Germany must be terrified of the fact that within 5 years, anyone involved will be dead and they will have no one else to 'burn at the stake'.

    It is my understanding that you wouldn't be shot for asking for a transfer back to the front. It was a different time under a harsh regime where the young men were indoctrinated for years. What happened there was disgusting,beyond disgusting but i say,there but for the grace of God.... Who can truly say what they would have done during those times,it is easy to simply say, not me,never, without having lived under such a regime nobody knows for sure. Today, replace the Jews with Muslims, there would be enough takers i'm sure.

    The Cycles of Life. I find the similarities scary. It is so true that we have no concrete reference point as humans as to who are the victims, in as much, it is all of humanity in reality as we have such short term focus and are in essence driven by strings of tiny goals and achievements, we the people never hold onto our masterplan as a whole unit for very long. We can easily believe in threats to our way of life, but our way of life is quite commonly leased out to us by the same hands creating and promoting the threats. Jewish people really lost the right to openly talk about their religion with the world. It became taboo to be interested in them. It's sad because their belief system cannot have created any of this. What is happening in Syria is disgusting also. The level of barbarism has been reduced to the base level of animal man.

    I think at the end of the day the motives in the indoctrinated are millennia-old. The short term focus is blindingly different. This poor 90 year old man is a reminder to us all. He's 90, he didn't die from the hell of WW2, he shouldn't be paraded like this, really I wish they just asked for his wisdom and asked a whole lot of different questions.

  8. That's how it is in Saudi Arabia, as well. There, sermons have to be cleared by the government before they can be delivered to ensure that they follow the government line.

    No reason why the same cannot apply elsewhere, in my opinion.

    Yeah well I suppose sensible and true.

    I just think then Muslims may want to have a bit of free international discussion as to what is the core of the religion and see whether the current Salafist and Wahabbi leadership, or internationally represented face of Islam, actually fits the people's core beliefs. White people watch that debate you'd change your perceptions in five minutes..

  9. White Nazi's, well, think of it metaphorically. Fall guys for a belief system that promoted nationalist strength, catalysts for a tech boom, and the legacy of paying off war debts from one heck of a punch up. Relocated power on this Earth in a massive way. White Nazi Trump, it's in plain sight, in a metaphor, because when the world just sees black or white they fail to follow a balanced view...

    Im not on any side in this, Im just watching a potentially enormous backyard fireworks display thay may go a bit sideways...

  10. Trump signifies Change as much as Obama did. This time Yes We Can really means Im changing stuff. Forced change. Blame Trump, the guy wont care. You think he'd get this far if he wasn't blessed by Big Usury? Grand daddy Trump rich from the gold rush, China and Russia would likely respect a hardliner prepared to slap the triple cheeseburgers from the mouths of the ones who need tough love. Clinton is well-set, dirt'n'all, none of which proved very flammable during the Jasmine Wiki Revolution time. Her dirt is the 'same old' dirt.

    Trump can change America without damaging the image of the Cabal political identities like Clinton, and after even 12 months of tough love US gonna be begging for someone like her. Trump is working for her, but maybe not in the way we all want to kid ourselves.

  11. That's right 20 people out of 30,000 is not newsworthy. The fact that people get upset is. Hillary couldn't prompt any of this, no one cares, no one gets excited, only Trump can decide this election. Like Ross Perot on big roids.

    The thing I worry about the most is this violent scene replicating itself on GOP nomination night, and we don't get to see the Don in action for some reason...

    The PC concensus of idiots fears Trump as a racist, but the real politicians know it takes a huge amount of balls and power to say anything even slightly polarizing, such as Trump has. They will cry like babies, something bad gonna happen closer that golden nest of hair gets to the Whitehouse

  12. Sad for nations like Pakistan and Bangladesh, this Wahhabi-inspired stuff was entirely foreign to them up until very recently. Must be more scary for the majority Sunni population of Bangladesh to know the fundamentalist butchery has reached their doorstep.

    Sad how ignorant Westerners assume this issue is all about them and their freedoms. Not much justification for killing in the Quran, sorry, but plenty found if you indoctrinate people from the Hadiths... anyone know what they predict? Then, why sponsor it word for word.....

  13. Sex I reckon, they just cant face living in a society where prostitution is taboo and costs more, and they find some security in knowing its everywhere.

    Also dont rush to lump the bemoaners in with the concerned among us, some just complain for the sake of it and some express real frustration at watching the nation they may love constantly botch things again and again.... it may seem like hate but once you really know the Thais, my God can they frustrate...

  14. 27 beers x 100 baht = 2,700

    4 x bar fines @ 1,000 = 4,000

    4 x VIP Room @ 1,000 = 4,000

    4 x Short Times @ 1,000 = 4,000

    Total = 14,700

    Looks like it was 700 for the small amount of food.

    Send the buggars back.

    They're all noisy ignorant F($&^*$S anyway.

    Where did you read the 4 barfines and 4 shorttimes?

    If you take 4 birds to a VIP room you pump them in it.

    Ever been to Shanghai? This scenario is superbly terrifying in the wrong places I have been told. You just get pumped by thugs.

  15. Best Indian is Saras in sukhumvit 20, but it's all veg. Daily regional thali menu's and pretty good breads, chaat, curries, a few dosa but no dead beasts. Horribly inconsistent so give it 2 chances. Go when it's busy. The paneer makhani is nearly butter chicken, it's butter cheese.

    Filipino, not really, but chicken egg balut exists in pratu nam. Crunchy chicks.

    Not Viet Pho (Fur) but Khun Daeng Kuayjub Nguyen is in pra arthit rd, crazy mouth burns beware from thick glutinous broth. Also not Malay in pra arthit rd but Roti Mataba is pretty close.

    Dim Sum try Tim Ho- something (?) in Terminal 21. Egg white and prawn spring roll pretty farken good.

    Anyone know of a Pakistani restaurant in Bkk? I want haleem.

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