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Posts posted by mumjokmok

  1. Sad, with that many people their GDP per person is completely sad.

    America's economy will stay atop the world for at least another 14 years.

    A new study says China won't eclipse the U.S. economy until 2028, much later than some analysts have suggested.


    China's economy won't ever 'eclipse' the US economy, even with US so heavily reliant on debt. I think China has reached close to its apex of economic expansion.

    For all its faults, the US economy will continue to be strong. Two of several reasons why: US has a lot of popular franchises worldwide, and there is still quite a bit of innovativeness coming from Americans. Granted, the US won't make any revenue from things they give away, like data/photos of space from NASA projects, their do-good organizations (like Red Cross, etc) or their GPS satellite network. For its part, China is doing next to nothing regarding innovations, it has no franchises, and does nearly nothing to assist countries outside its borders, except well-publicized hand-outs - when trying to gain natural resources.

    The US has that super powerful navy and any actual naval dispute might end in a couple of big splashes, a hurrah and a round of budweisers.

  2. Lucky there wasn't a collison cos I heard the Chinese warships carry those antiquated hydrogen peroxide torpedoes that explode when other vessels come into close proximity.

    Didn't they fly some super sonic plane over the country when Robert Gates was there a couple of years ago? Might have been a special treat for Mr Biden, try to make him blaspheme or something....

  3. whatttttt???? people still do need evidence, how "peaceful" are these yellow thugs?

    A must watch video and judge by yourself:

    or maybe these yellow criminals just love to disguise themself....

    wah wah, go home bender.

    This fake video has been exposed by some observers. They are real policemen. In the video,they seems to mention getting gun inside the police van. How did they know there are guns inside the van? Later when they attempted to break the van window, you can see actually there is someone inside the van opening the van door and throw the stuff outside. Last part at 6.38 see the guy right at the back of the video, you can see a stationary protester saluting to the man who approaching him. Should be his superior.

    It is all setup.

    EVeryone have different perspectives but overall many viewers has expressed great doubt in this video clip.

    In the colloquial sense, people like this in the West are known as punks. Probably just punk'n the van.

    Protesters wearing stolen bullet proof vests might stand out in the crowd, and in my mind is rather a foolish way to antagonise a policeman "hey Fred, u ever been hit in one of these things, hurt much?..."

  4. Bet the Thai Navy is annoyed the Burmese junta took off their military uniforms, saves the tatmadaw's bacon in that article. And why perhaps were the poor souls on boats in the first place? Just simple ethnic clashes I s'pose. That's the chilling effect of big money free trade.

    Thailand needs a new PR machine, old one just keeps rehashing Korean-style covers of the Surapol Sombatcharoen classics.

  5. No Shin's in, no cry

    No Shin's in, no cry

    Red red

    Red I remember when u used to sit

    in the government yard in Krung Tep

    Krab-a krab pom, some might be hypocrites,

    as they would mingle and give handouts or bricks to those they meet

    Good friends we've had, good friends we've lost, it'sa lot of mon-ay ay

    In this bright future, you can't forget ideas from the past

    So get your coloured shirt I say

    No fighting no cry, no fighting no cry

    Oh little sister don't shed no tears

    It's different this time

    By Mob Gnarley

  6. They could reform the system by attempting to install the belief that lay-people can have a say in the outcome of things and that speaking your mind no matter how outrageous and alienating your views are is a good thing for society.

    Like TV members do smile.png

    For the ordinary man and woman it seems election time means making yourself heard, that familiar sound of rock through glass pane window, and this is the only statement that anyone seems to have any confidence in at all.

    My gut feeling is the international community will say quietly "yep lets have an election please" unless the crisis reaches proportions that out do the efforts of 2010's carnage, which could then grant a firm reason for something entirely different.

  7. If you want to shut the Shiniwatra clan down and all of the votes that are purchased within Isan simply install proportional representation based on the regional contribution to the national GDP. This would totally destroy the parasitic stranglehold that the Shiniwatara's and Isan have in the Governance of the whole nation. Individual political parties would have to gain credibility over the whole country and not just the northern farm land and individual regions would be restricted to the number of MP's based on the regions GDP contribution..

    I think the 'proportional representation' part is a bit much for anyone here in power to contemplate. Can't we just keep fighting over the riches using the guise of partisan politics?

    Hang on, that idea is so dangerous it might destroy the parasitic stranglehold for everyone involved.....

  8. Has Thai politics ever experienced anything like this before, I mean is there another comparable family from outside of Bangkok that has posed a challenge like this in the past?

    I'd say for the PTP to keep it in the family just keeps Big T in the minds of the people. Thai's are most likely to love all the offspring of a revered figure and I'm sure the Shin's know this. Just keeps strengthening their position through controversy, persistence and strong will. No matter how nepotistic it looks to us it should work for them as they can always market their efforts as part of a "struggle" for power.

  9. All this nepotism has to end. It's only going to reinforce the opposition.

    What about Bush in America? Is there really any difference? Jeb may be the next president! And what about the Kennedy family? Nepotism?

    Chai. Cant see anyone else on the horizon other than Jeb. If you look at the history of the West you'll find a fair bit of nepotism and some whopping straight-faced lies that Thai's would struggle to muster.

    Out of curiousity, can Thaksin be linked to the Bush family? I'm sure if you try.....

  10. Hardly shocking news. Maybe it's because your family comes from Chaing Mai, and then you can't be afforded the same rules as others, becase the others are from Bangkok and would like to hang onto power thanks very much.

    Are Thaksin's crimes unique or did he just capitilise on the standard model of operation better than others were able to?

    I think Mr T has a Nehru-Gandhi fascination....

  11. Did you ever read I want Shinawatra still govern this country? Don't write things I never wrote.

    I don't like Shins, I don't like Suthep. Did I make myself clear?

    Suthep wants an unelected Council People and said it will be in charge for time to make reforms (12-18) months.

    The previous government, where Suthep was in charge, did not make a political reform in more than 2 years and half.

    Said that, peace. I won't play your game here...

    After the 2010 protests, the Abhisit government set up a neutral reform committee that released their report around the time of the election. The current government haven't acted on any of their suggestions.

    You not get my point:

    if the system is wrong as Suthep said. I guess the first priority is doing reforms about it, right? He is squealing that every night.

    And he said his council will take 12-18 months for make the reforms.

    Now, how that would be possible if in 2 years and half they were not able to make even ONE political reform? (Maybe they just loved and enjoyed the corrupt system at that time and did not want the reform).

    And why anyway if it's so urgent they did not start the panel back in 2009? Why wait people protest and bloodshed if reform are so necessary?

    Because emergency reforms to halt longrunning bloodshed and division gives you a firmer pretense for holding power by force during the next 12-18 months of political and economic uncertainty, particularly if you know you can't win the vote.

    • Like 1
  12. What next ? will people that think the way you do be calling for the PTP to be listed as a terrorist organisation as they did in Egypt with Morsi who was also properly elected by the majority of voters ?

    Very interesting is a comparison to Egypt, the Egyptian's have now managed to cram over a decades worth of Thai political drama into a couple action-packed years in their country. If the Thai's were as poltically motivated, mature and had a comparable history, they may have sorted out their differences by now and have some plan to move forwards with.

    Without revered political icons such as General Nasser and short of actually tolerating a despised dictator such as Mubarak for- count them- thirty years, the Thai's may not know what to expect next from their politicians. Maybe they should stop focussing so heavily on the internal blame games of their officials and look to the outside world as their current political situation seems to afford them some solidarity with a number of other nations at present. Might give regular Thai's a clue to what demands are usually put to new prime ministers and presidents, and might provide greater clues to what is likely to happen when a bunch of wealthy people decide to have a big dispute over a nation's future that involves the whole population taking to the streets to voice their concerns.

    Begs the question then- will the U.S. eventually turn it's back on the Shinawatra's, or are they considered the strongest party fit to govern and will be supported as long as they win elections?

  13. Ah, journalism in the 21st century. I remember, are those the guys that used to carry film cameras and many spools of film through jungle terrain with bullets whizzing past their heads capturing dramatic real life accounts of war?

    Since the digital age has come around all we get are iphone captured revolutions, armchair webcam revolutionaries and grainier than ever footage. The acid test will be not to lose sight of what the international news agencies broadcast, and maybe this is what they mean by not being alone. Spinning in line maybe?

    Bring back CNNNN I say, I miss the Firth Factor...

    • Like 1
  14. I bet the people in Isaan and up north will still want Thaksin back even after all the smoke clears. He is the one who stole the thunder and gave them a teeny tiny taste of it. After weeks and weeks of Suthep on the television I bet the last person they will listen to is the charming, well-spoken and presentable Mr Abhisit. Think they would get more support with a long-haired, moustached and tattooed rock singer touting revenge, to be perfectly honest. People here love bickering too much, the ramifications don't really affect the common people in their mindset, they probably think they will remain reasonably poor even if they 'win'.

    Now if Mr Abhisit got up to the lectern and just starting fuming and roaring like a lion, maybe some new people will get excited, but for me he has too nice a temperament for boxing.

  15. Will the government let this happen? Surely it's time for the Army to just step in now put a stop to all this?

    What if the army puts a stop to it after two months of camping. Gotta be fair's fair, can't just have a few days of smashing, they need time to build their own barracks out of tyres, sharpen spears, really get their message across. Can't possibly be seen as a democratic process if the other side is denied the right to have a big street fair. I wonder if they will have souvenirs for sale like the Reds had at Ratchaprasong?

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