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Posts posted by mumjokmok

  1. The current rash of AA is a nice build up for the PM's starring role at the UN but of course everyone will understand and approve no doubt when reported here.

    It amazes me how the posters on TVF think that the UN is some kind of disciplinary board for wayward leaders. Have they done much about North Korea, Iran and Egypt? The UN is a gutless farce. A solid block of people in its host country now support a military coup in the US. http://www.rt.com/usa/315126-americans-back-military-coup/ Maybe the UN has some kind of meaning to the Euros, but it's clear other parts of the world don't put much faith in its opinions. I wouldn't be surprised at some point in the near future, it is moved to Brussels.

    The US had the coup in 2000 didn't they?

  2. yes. cold turkey at once. no more talking, thinking or fearing jihadi's. cravings will persist for some time and the urge to pick at scabs will be overhwelming. all symptoms will correct themselves naturally. fear of islam is addictive. they like cups of tea too, and cakes.....

  3. How will Iran be absent? From the nightly news for a convenient six months or so erm.... Their nation will be well f---ed if we compared Pakistan before and after chasing the Talibs across the border. Iran will likely support Muqtada al Sadr as he would be the only thing they would remotely trust in the region. That guy has some fancy enemies that wouldn't mind kicking Iranian testicles..

    Iran would never be admitted to the acronym-busters anyway, my feeling is they are about to end up on the receiving end of this mess fairly soon. Putin and Assad cant really help defend them anymore. If you think about where all the Shia will flee, it will be in Iran's direction. The Kurdish bit at the top of Iraq is almost as good as independent, Turkey will the have influence there. IS may be causing worry for some nations in the West but I think Iran fears the lot. Plus they have the only bit of completely unravaged territory left. Hard to see them jump to volunteer themselves, they are just stuck in that 1950's mindset : p

  4. For those of you that have never seen the xray images....this is what they look like. Here is a gun, a knife and an IED (bomb) in a bag. Granted, it is very sparsely packed, but any trained operator would be able to see the gun.....even in the midst of a bunch of junk.

    This is not a good situation for the passenger, nor for the security screener at the airport.400aXray-1.jpeg

    He should have done a selfie with the IED, no hang on that sounds wrong......

    • Like 1
  5. So, if a guy sitting near you on a plane pulled out this fake gun, you'd just sit there and do nothing...or worse applaud him for finding fault with security?

    He was just lucky he was sitting near pussies like you guys or he would have been rushed, duct taped and stuffed in a toilet cubicle unconscious until the plane landed.

    thats right, no justice like panicked mob justice....

    however duct tape would be uncommon to have in hand luggage, more like hog-tied with phone chargers... oh and dont block the loo with your captive others have gotta use it.

  6. the green plastic tub of dtra maeow (black cat) tobacco at 25 baht also gives the shopkeeper the impression i am a burmese labourer. plastic screwable pot is so better than little 5 baht bag. the freshness.

    chinese people leave the plastic wrapping on say a bicycle or car seats, and use it that way. it's in such poor taste it's excellent. i have seen this in india too, car seats in use with the original plastic wrapping from the dealer.

    maybe its just a different era in consumerism.....

  7. A large percentage of creative types have and will always alter their perceptions and conciousness, it is part of who they are, the sooner that all societies accept this reality the world will be a better place.

    Yeah, and given the history of Taoism and modern medicine- " You, go eat tree bark, you eat pangolin scales, you ingest shale ground to a fine powder, you, drink this brew we boiled up from dried up roots and a manky-old dead lizard. How do you feel? I feel hot, Very good, eating pangolin scales makes you hot."

    Surely they know. This is the plant they have ignored for many physical ailments? Henry Ford made a whole car, made the fuel, this is hardly news in the States anymore......

  8. Why is this news? Everything is trying to kill you there, ive had to do a runner from a few brown snakes that ive disturbed while going for a walk


    gotta keep up appearances. keep them sharks and crocs in the spotlight. no one has a clue how quick that brown snake can kill u, and how aggressive it is, the bloody thing will chase you. darn right, why is this news?

  9. OMG frollywolly

    I feel sick, sex with a man is a total turn off. That is the most disgusting and revolting thing anyone on Thai Visa could suggest. I would rather eat cow dung. No offence to others just replying to frollywoolly. Sex with a man to me is disgusting as sex with a women would be filthy and disgusting to a gay man. Like having sex with an animal.

    No Skippy fantasies?

    Well have a whistle on the gumleaf and pray that the first transexual that shows up already has a pouch.

  10. im a capitalist. in the 80's i realised my religious beliefs didnt allow me to purchase the full gamut of products and services on offer so i converted to atheism. was great for women, have u seen that new fashion where you pull your jean shorts really high up your bottom?

    atheism is alive and well here, as in many places where people worship the holy dollar. thats my 2 cents.

  11. Why are ladyboys retarded? They must have lost their sanity after realizing that despite all the desperate attempts to change themselves into women they are still men.

    its usually the ones who have already been carved up (eg. the tops deli is gone, replaced by the 24 hr lotus) that are most the retarded wandering around in the night. the ones who are still mostly men are usually the ones who can keep it together a bit better.

  12. thats gotta hurt, a stiletto to the head.

    ladyboys can be absolutely bonkers, for pharmaceutical or lifestyle reasons, but i have never seen violence from a thai against a farang without some form of perceived antagonism, even if its so slight as embarrassment in front of their peers, so im guessing that whatever was said to miss three-legs maybe carried or caused this sentiment to be felt.

    again however they can still be totally nuts (no pun intended) and one should just be a bit bashful and shy when it comes to rejecting the ones with the balls (again no pun) to approach u and even lay hands on u in the street. this can be too much for a lot of guys and i think also a lot of kathoeys enjoy provoking this reaction from tourists. bit of a dangerous combo sometimes.

  13. My experience with the old tourist visa limitations was that they would issue 3 tourist visas in 12 months and focus mainly on the amount of times extended, 3 also being maximum. Four of anything was always the impossible number. Maybe this is why people recommend the double-entry, does this beat the technicality?


    I'd be interested to know if the Thai's will start enforcing the 180 days in a year. That's probably the next question on this thread.

  14. i reckon cos we both speak english, even if theirs is called american english and they spell stuff weird like 'gray' instead of grey, and they tell me they just say possum, so why put the o? oh, and less is more on those tv shows ideas. and why are most of the good comedians from canada?

    anyway get the drift, i doubt in any way the english speaking world would deliberately stand divided in a war, culturally maybe america thinks its alone in the world, but i think thats just because their culture sells as the first rule of playing money.


    australia is probably more chinese than american though in terms of population. so would america have more chinese than aussie expats. this is gonna be an interesting war mr fraser.


  15. I went and cancelled my non-b extension to stay today and paid 1,900 baht for a 7 day extension, then rode back to my house. You paid 20 grand for 1460 days! You are a visitor at 13.7 baht overall per day, whereas my time costs me 271.43 a day and I waited an hour and a half for my passport back.

    Btw, if that happened in Malaysia or Singapore, I'm guessin' we'd come back with these big welts on our butts...... and in Malaysia you get one for one day apparently (but max 24, like the max 20k). Not saying I like to see anyone get mutilated with a stick, but we are writing in English..... just a thought, we are all still fortunate to be given a second chance.

    • Like 1
  16. same same but different.

    stamping passports- do your job properly.

    bars closing at 2am- do your job properly.

    i wonder what the controversy will be next in the Thai saga of- do your job properly.

    anyway, many western nations would test out 'new' laws in only one district that may yield feedback to the problems they may face frying fish in bigger districts, well before they introduced it nationwide. pattaya and phuket maybe do not compare (in the nightlife aspect), and phuket faces many challenges at present. i personally am glad to see the army trying to kick arse down there. there is some serious money in phuket and the destination (cos it is) sorely needs an island-wide authority to protect it from being completely destroyed. i am shocked by the pics i have seen of surin beach my god its beautiful... i wish i could have seen the jet ski guys go....

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