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Posts posted by hellodolly

  1. At this point we are receiving daily assurances from the PDRC that the protest will be peaceful, as well as daily counter-assurances from the Yingluck administration to prepare for violence. It is clear that the administration is far more threatened by the prospect of a peaceful protest than a violent one, which further underscores what appears to be the intent of the administration to confront the protesters. The preparations for the peaceful protest appear to be very detailed, as well as to take into account the ugly reality of the overnight sniper fire attacks on them. They clearly are not going to allow the people on the street - who it should be noted, are the people of Thailand - to be victims of vigilantism. The people who need protection are the protesters, not the legions upon legions of fully armed riot police. In terms of this suddenly invented law that it is somehow illegal to have a gathering of at least ten people, I suppose Thida ought to be worried. Her rallies contain at least ten people.

    I think Suthep has to keep pushing the peaceful angle. When dealing with the amount of people he is leading there is bound to be some bad apples in the barrel. Not to mention some who normally rear red shirts. Has Theda asked her thugs to leave their weapons at home?smile.png

    Yes there are some honest people in the red shirts.coffee1.gif

  2. I'll see your 7 sites and raise you one. I don't think the yellow shirts will take to kindly to this. Sure the reds have exactly the same right to protest as the yellows do but this could get nasty.

    Well that is the red shirt way of doing things isn't it.

    City halls burned down fire engines burned up attempt to burn Bangkok down.

    Throwing things at other parties rallies and in general trying to disrupt them.sorry If I missed any thing. O yes here in Chiang Mai throwing bottles and blocking a parade of anti government protesters.

    Oh yes and armed attempt to over throw government.

    You have A fine set of people on your side.

    Real civic leaders. Democracy at the end of a gun and all that.

    A fine group to look up to.

    Going to save Thailand from those anti corruption do gooders.cheesy.gif

    My side what is my side? The criminal Thaksin and his band of thugs or the dangerous raving Lunatic Suthep and his t

    Not to hard to figure out when you have one side proven to be the way you state them to be and the other side just your unsubstantiated accusations. Now why would you make them?

    Indeed raving lunatic. Raving about cleaning up corruption in Thailand.

    Is that your idea of a lunatic?

    If so Thailand needs more of them.

    • Like 1
  3. When I equipped my kitchen in a rented house 18 months back, nothing, repeat nothing, came with an earthed wall socket.

    I had a look at a large electrical retailer's stock, and their kitchen appliances had five (5) different plugs between them.

    At my expense, I had the kitchen re-wired and 3 pin, earthed sockets fitted. Landlords must love us farangs, paying to have their houses join this century.

    Also, for some strange, ancient reason, houses are still built and fitted with a light in the middle of the room. This way, you're guaranteed to be working in your own shadow.

    Is there such a thing as Thai/ASEAN standards laid down for electrical wiring of domestic properties?

    Yes there is Thai/ASEAN standards laid down for electrical wiring of domestic properties.

    Problem is no one can find them.tongue.png

  4. General Prayuth further said that there are problems regarding corruption, the exercise of power by the state, enforcement of the law and public confidence in the state.

    I wonder if Yingluck had a mild heart attack or some thing when she learned those facts.

    She thought the only problem was getting her brother back in Thailand exonerated of all guilt.

    Well maybe on what color to do her nails and which shoes to wear with this outfit and what not but those are personnel problems.

    They should not interfere with her job as Prime Minister of Thailand.wai.gif

    • Like 1
  5. Army 'neutral' in current political conflict

    The Nation


    Caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra chairs a meeting at Royal Thai Police headquarters to assess the preparations for the Bangkok shutdown planned for Monday by anti-government protesters.

    BANGKOK: -- The Army has stayed neutral in the current political conflict all along and would like to call on members of the public not to force it to take sides, deputy spokesman Colonel Winthai Suvaree said yesterday.

    He also called on netizens to be selective in their use of information obtained through social-media, which he said contained false information and hate speeches, before deciding whether to believe in the postings or spread them.

    The colonel said Army commander Prayuth Chan-ocha had maintained his professional etiquette and showed the Army's neutral stance amid the volatile situations. He maintained that the Army needed to perform its duty to maintain peace and order while ensuring safety to people's life and security along with stability to the country.

    Reacting to the anti-government campaign by the People's Democratic Reform Committee and other allied groups, Winthai said the PDRC-proposed reform was important to tackle corruption and other political misconduct, but questioned if it was worth injuries or deaths if there was violence associated with the effort. "The Army, therefore, calls for peaceful activities [by the protesters] and lawful enforcement [of law by the police] throughout the campaign," he added.

    Army chief General Prayuth Chan-ocha has ordered soldiers to take photos for records and evidence during the upcoming political rally.

    He urged that the cameraman of every company keep the pictures they've taken as evidence and urged the media to take pictures and clips of the situations as well.

    He also said that 40 companies were now performing their duties, according to the order from the Centre for the Administration of Peace and Order. Moreover, they have attached ribbons to their uniforms to mark each company and each day.

    Caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra yesterday expressed concern about possible infiltration by a third party when the anti-government protesters begin their "Bangkok Shutdown" operation on Monday.

    Yingluck called on the demonstrators to maintain a peaceful protest and promised that the government will fully carry out its obligations, but violence is sometimes the work of a third party, which is a concern, she said.

    Asked whether she or protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban should be held responsible in case of any violence, she said all parties must help prevent it.

    She said the specially created Centre for the Administration of Peace and Order will set up a war room at the Royal Thai Police headquarters to closely monitor the situation and ensure that the authorities patiently provide full security, avoid clashes and abide by international standards in dealing with protesters.

    She said she did not believe the people are in favour of a coup and welcomed dialogue through a national-reform forum.

    "The answer for a resolution for the country does not rest with me. It's a matter of how we can cooperate so that Thailand moves forward and protesters are satisfied. I'm ready to cooperate," she said.

    Yingluck was speaking as she visited Matichon newspaper's office to congratulate the newspaper on its 37th anniversary.


    -- The Nation 2014-01-10

    Just kind of warms your heart dosen't it after two and a half years of ignoring the people and shuting down Democrat debate telling her party members to vote to white wash her brother she is now willing to cooperate.

    Does she realize that she will have to attend cabinet meetings and parlament sessions to do so? Hard to cooperate when you are in a shopping mall in another country.clap2.gif

    When she talks about possable infiltration by a third party. Let me see now We have the PTP we have the anti government protesters. They are the two parties involved. Can it be she is talking about the red shirts under the leadership of the Thaksin court jester Jatuporn?

  6. Problems in this paradise started the day Thailand was "colonised" by the thai chinese. Period.

    Today's problems can be traced to the last century;

    1. The Anglo- Siamese Treaty of 1909: This sowed the seeds of the southern conflict,. The British colonial occupiers of Malaysia carved out the northern part of Malaya and gave the Sultanate of Pattani to Thailand. Had, the region been left with the region to which it belonged, we would not have a southern insurgency today.

    2. The French Colonial rule in Indochina left the region messed up and sowed the seeds for successful anti colonial movements led by communists. The fear of communists led the USA to back any country that was "anti communist". Thailand played off this fear to the hilt taking advantage of the US generosity/largesse which put large amounts of money into play, sowing the seeds of mega corruption.

    3. The failure of the allies after WWII to purge Thailand of the nationalists who had supported and emulated the Nazis &/Japanese. These ultra nationalists remained, causing a blight on the country and sowing the seeds for a reliance upon dictatorships and the suppression of basic human rights.

    4. The refusal of the west to reprimand Thailand for its human rights abuses and defacto support of human trafficking. (The change in attitudes only came about recently after Australia and Canada came close to sending warships into Thailand's territorial waters in an effort to stop the deluge of bogus Tamil refugees who were using Thailand as a jumping off point. The tough response led by Australia sent a strong message never given before.) Unfortunately, the continued support of the USA to Thailand in the hopes of countering Chinese influence in the region reinforces the Thai presumption of being untouchable.

    5. The quiet support the Chinese have shown to whatever regime suits its interests, also reinforces the Thai presumption of being untouchable.

    Best post of the day. Someone who knows what's what. Another British cock up of which I am not proud. As far as the present goes. The Chinese will decide, but it doesn't have to begin with Shin.

    All countries have problems that can be traced back to years gone by.

    Yes there is a lot of world problems that can be traced back to the English need to rape the world.

    Lets have a look at one GK mentioned

    1. The Anglo- Siamese Treaty of 1909: This sowed the seeds of the southern conflict,

    fine and dandy but that could be traced back to an earlier problem.

    When are people going to grow up and deal with 2014 with out dragging in an endless past of causes that we are completely powerless to do any thing about.

    I think it was all caused by Eve tempting Adam to eat an apple. How is that for blaming the past and being unable to do any thing about it.

    Besides I am not convinced that the southern provinces really want to be a separate country. The common every day people that go about their business in an orderly way do they want a separate country.?

    Yes there are radicals there but there milatency can be traced back to their religion.

  7. Sounds like nothing on the Thai side.

    Loads of stuff to buy on the Thai side, but not booze & probably not dvds. I didn't realise people still bought them now that decent internet is available in Thailand.

    I never go into the Burmese side anymore, apart from the duty free shop for beer & wine. Rest of the shopping is on the Thai side.

    It's worth it for the box sets, at the price something like a box set of the last season of Breaking Bad was around 160 baht, they sell the same in Gad Suan Gaow for over 500. saves on downloading huge files on your computer.

    Does any one think he said on the Thai side because of visa problems. If you have a multi entry visa you can just hop- back and forth across it. But with others you might not have the time to just get a 15 day as you are going to be here 29 days and you have already got your 30 day extension.

  8. I don't see a civil war happening. That would mean the army is going to fight with the people. The army is the sons and those poor farmers they are not going to starting fighting and killing their own. The worst that would/could happen is a few radicals get themselves armed up and there is a short scrimmage between them and the army which would not last long going against tanks.

    Have you noticed what is happening in the south ?

    Should Thaksin get his way and a civil war starts then that's what it would be like all over the country.

    It would be the radical armed faction of the reds fighting against the army with the whole country suffering as a consequence.

    But they wouldn't actually come out and fight the army they would be picking out easy targets with bombs and hit and run grenade and rifle fire attacks.

    After enough blood the man in Dubai would see himself coming back as the great peace maker who would reunite the country.

    All other doors have now been closed to him and this is his last desperate attempt, deaths of others mean nothing to him, as he has shown in the past .

    But the army chiefs understand and have told Yingluck and Thaksin they are having none of it.

    Your assessment of the deep south is wrong.

    The violence predated Thaksin. It has been restless with outburst of violence ever since Thailand annexed the sultanates.

    The violence we see today is largely opportunistic, taking advantage of Thailand's general instability. The number of violent incidents has always had its ups and downs. 2012 was quieter than 2010- 2011, but 2013 marked a return to the level of violence of 2011. Are you aware that some of the quietest years were during the first Thaksin term? With your logic, Thaksin should be hailed as the man who made the south peaceful. The reality is that he had not yet antagonized the south. The deep south will continue to show violence until Thailand deals with the issue. In the past 25 years, not one government has been able to deal with the situation because it has been the Royal Thai Army running the counter insurgency strategy and not the government. Anytime the civilian government tries to do something it has to filter it through the army.

    In respect to your notion that the "redshirts" will engage in guerrilla attacks, you are again incorrect. Have a look at the make up of the current army.

    One is more likely to have a mutiny or counter coup than anything else. Many people in Thai Visa rant on about corruption in the civilian government. I suggest they have a close look at the business activities of the military . Is it really appropriate that officers are involved in real estate development and infrastructure investments? Why does the military hold so many "recreational" facilities such as resorts and golf courses? How do some of the officers afford to live in their expensive homes and drive luxury cars on their salaries? How do the massive amounts of yaba continue to make it across the border when the military has complete authority over border security? How is it that the Rohingya trafficking continues and there is no transparency in the matter when it is the military in charge of the issue? Why is he Royal Thai Navy taking legal action against a local Phuket newspaper for reprinting a story that highlighted the corruption and human rights abuses associated with the plight of the Rohingya?

    True the violence predated Thaksin. But it was relativly mild until Thaksin came along. He shall we say super charged it. The violence has nothinng to do with the instability of the government today.

    Read your own post you admit it has been going on for a long time before Thaksin.

    I agree with you the red shirts will not resort to gurrila attacks. The reason being that there is not enough leaders and Thaksin is not willing to spend the money nessecary to get qualified leaders.

    I can see them breaking down into gangs of thugs with no aim other than to do what they do best. Thugarey. I would not be one bit surpprised to see them killimng each other in gang wars.

    Has anty one else got a windows 7 thatt has no spell checker. Sorry about the spelling.

  9. Yes this could get nasty. Whatever your political viewpoint, this present Government was democratically elected (as was her brother's before that) and anyone who wishes that they are replaced, should wait until their current term is over and then campaign for the election.

    What a brillant idea you should have told her about it.

    I know the present government was legally elected.

    Can yiou explain how in a democracy 48% wins.

    48% telling 52% what to do.

    I await your explanation.whistling.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    The House of Representatives has 500 members. 375 members are directly elected in single constituency elections by first-past-the-post voting. The 375 constituencies are divided by population according to the census and tambons. The other 125 members are voted based on ‘proportional representation’ it is actually in truth a parallel voting system or more precisely the Mixed Member Majoritarian system (MMM). In Thai general elections, the voters have two votes: one to select their Member of Parliament for their constituencies and the second to choose which party they prefer. Seats are assigned to parties as a result through d'Hondt method.


    With a turnout of 75.03%,[5]populist Pheu Thai Party won a majority with 265 seats.[6] Its leader Yingluck Shinawatra became the first female prime minister in the history of Thailand.[7] The Democrat Party therefore became the main opposition party with a total of 159 seats.


    I think that should answer your question.

    Let me know if you require it to be explained further.


    You have described the parlamentarian system not the democratic sysstem.clap2.gif Well done.

  10. Yes this could get nasty. Whatever your political viewpoint, this present Government was democratically elected (as was her brother's before that) and anyone who wishes that they are replaced, should wait until their current term is over and then campaign for the election.

    What a brillant idea you should have told her about it.

    I know the present government was legally elected.

    Can yiou explain how in a democracy 48% wins.

    48% telling 52% what to do.

    I await your explanation.whistling.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

  11. Sounds like nothing on the Thai side.

    Except I have had some of the best tasting chicken ever off a food cart. It is during the day as she had to return to Burma early.

    I wonder what people would have said if you had asked about what to buy on the Burmese side of the border.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gif

  12. Let's not kid ourselves, you will NOT learn Thai by simply going to class. Not enough that it matters. An additional 2-hours a day, plus attempted conversation in the street, seems to be the minimum to get better (for most). Sounds obvious, but I have met 20+ people in classes that get frustrated and then confess they have no time to study outside of class. it is what it is...i don't sweat it. You will get guys in class that only complain, some who are way too good at thai, some who are hungover and never do homework, etc.....again, don't sweat it. My point? get the cheapest for Ed Visa, save your money. If not looking for Ed Visa, then take as many classes as you can. 3 at 3 different schools, who cares. the more, the better. you fail, who cares, just try.

    I know a few people in America who have been here between 10-20 years, and their English leaves a lot to be desired. well, so does mine....lol.

    Excellent point, the classes are just the building blocks, the learning comes from actually practising outside with Thai's and studying , I'm lucky in that I live out of town and none

    of my neighbors speak English, I might add, that they are some of the nicest people, very friendly, couldn't ask for better neighbors...

    Friend of mine moved here a few years ago when he was 23-24, moved in with a Thai girl and relatives at her place, I couldn't believe how fast he picked up the language, fluent within 2 years.... without classes.... bottom line is if you want to learn something you will learn it eventually, if I had a dime for every person I met that said "I can't learn Thai" I'd have my own private jet on 24 hour stand by...


    Agreed its easy for some to pick up languages just come natural to them. How ever I am not one of them that is why I would like a one on one. How ever the two students and one teacher sounds real good to me. It is very hard to pick up tones when you are hearing disabled. I get along OK in English but their is a whole range I am missing no way so it takes time. I found two hours to be a bit long but with two students I think it would be a wonderful experience make it easier and more enjoyable.

    Is there a price difference if you don't need the visa? I am on a retirement visa any how.

    Would just like to see the look on the wife's face when I could say the word properly. Bought a new computer yesterday for the two grand daughters. It was perplexing when the salesman could not understand the word monitor when I said it but he said it and I had no problem understanding him.

    I know that speaking it does not mean understanding it with out a lot of processing. That is why I have to tell people slow slow. I am at the point where I have to broaden my vocabulary.

  13. I'll answer my own question.

    Flight is Rangoon/Mandalay/Chiang Mai/Mandalay/Rangoon. Flights scheduled 29 Jan-30 March arriving 1550 departing 1635.

    Any idea of the cost? Can we get a visa here?

    I wonder if they will be booking it out of the air Bagan I believe it is called across the street from the Eldorado hotel on Changklan?

  14. The PTP need this money to fund Thaksin's two pet projects, the rice scam and the Dawei project, he needs another 450% increase in his wealth this year.

    I thought Thailand got cut out of the Dawei project.

    *Deleted posts edited out*

    I see that on twitter Korn has expressed extreme frustration that the court has strayed into commenting on matters which are of no concern to it, effectively accepting this a a kangaroo politicised court.Korn is in favour of the proposal but disagrees with the financing method.

    Care to post the whole article. Some thing tells me that a high speed rail is not on his list of approved items. Also I think he would be looking for safty standards to be put in place.

    Now he may or may not be frustrated by it being in the court. But I bet he is happier with that than with a proven corrupt government putting in a temporary caretaker who couldn't balance her own check book and condoned a finance minister actions when he lied and said it was OK to lie if it makes people feel good.whistling.gif

    • Like 1
  15. you don't get fair elections without reforms first.

    You advocate destroying the democratic process, flawed as it may be, so that an unelected panel, with unlimited decision-making powers and an an open-ended timeframe, can set up 'reforms' and decide when the country is ready for democracy?

    What utter nonsense.

    So what we have now is better?When a crim starts. running the country from afar something radical needs to be done.

    What would you advocate then?

    I don't know about you but I would suggest reform the current election system that allows the party with the most money to win.

    Do you have a problem with that and if so please tell us why you feel it is better to continue to let the elections continue the way they have been going. Remember the changes will be for all the parties. It will be an even across the board policy. One where all the money in the world will not help it will be based on issues.

    You may call the group of protesters what you want but it is for sure that Thailand is waking up and the people will be asking questions when promises are made. They will want answers why they did not get them or why all they do is benefit certain people

    Not sure what they would come up with but I am sure a group of ten year old's could come up with a better plan than the one you seem to be defending. Please note I am not accusing you just stating that you seem to be defending the current system.wai.gif


    I just remember I forgot to point out the difference between the current protestors and the red shirts.

    The current protestors started up with different groups of people it was only after they had grown that the different groups united as one. Then in need of a Leader Suthep resigned his government position so as to not be compromising it (the honest thing to do) and took over the role as leader. After it had been going a while the Democrats saw it was for real the people really wanted a better Government and joined forces with them. The remnants of the yellow shirts had already done that.

    Now for the red shirts Thaksin Shinawatra wanted to be prime minister again so he hired some thugs opened up his check book and told them to go get them. Had he kept his check book closed the red shirts would have been history long ago.

    Yes he did hire Jatuporn for the position of court jester. As he knew that would attract a lot of the uneducated.

    So you see the current protestors were built from the ground up where as the red shirts were built from the top down.

    • Like 1
  16. Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Army, Gen. Prayuth Chan-ocha, has provided vague answers to reporters when asked about a possible coup over the few weeks. Last month, the general refused to rule out a coup, stating that "anything can happen".

    Now it appears to me that some people think that means there might be a coup.

    Myself I believe it means the army may land a man on the moon same logic.

    Perhaps the Anunnaki are behind it they are as vague as the Amarat people talk about.

    sorry about the spelling on the Amasat.wai.gif

  17. I cannot hear this shit with "democratically elected government"anymore!

    They paid the rural volks to vote for them and the undereducated rural volk did not know better...cross here and the next bottle of thai wiskey on the new government.

    Who are you calling uneducated, Mr Maseratiman? I live in the North and graduated from university, as did a lot of other people. I may or may not like Thaksin, that is for me to know, but don't call people names unless you want to be called some yourself.

    Oh, and I drive a Porsche, not a bunch of nuts and bolts that's as likely to fall to bits as it is to reach 100kph.

    I've got a porsche.... and it's got a swing.

    Well, I've got a pile of nuts and bolts that will fall apart at 100 kph and that makes for a far more thrilling ride than any sports car.

    On topic . . . civil war is highly unlikely. As mad as they can get, the Thai's do know when to stop, it's like a safety valve. Also, rent-a-mobs will only go so far before they can't be bothered, made enough money to go back to the hammock and the whiskey white.

    The south, Pattani, Yala is another matter. That's where there's real problems.

    And the PTP have no intention of doing any thing about it. If they did make an honest effort they would have to admit Thaksin threw gas on a few coals to get the fire really going. Not in are life time with the PTP in power.

    • Like 1
  18. I hope they are able to derail this bill.

    If you want to invest in infrastructure that is good, but make good plans and make sure there is accountability. Doing it off the books only invites even more graft and the PTP is corrupt enough as it is.

    Everyone knows that this loan was also to support the rice scam.

    I have no problems with investments if opponents are allowed to check the spending.. not like this.

    You know, they're still paying off the debt created during the 1997 crash. <deleted> are they thinking about by taking on another 2T ฿ in additional debt? The only upside I see is that the baht will be debased faster against the dollar (euro, pound, etc), well, at least for awhile. Any actual infrastructure repairs will be cosmetic or politically motivated while making the amart richer in the process. How about limited access (clover-leaf onramps and offramps) super-highways spanning North to South and East to West with funds set aside for the purchase of highway patrol cars and Westernize police training for traffic control and the enforcement of moving violations. That might actually save a few lives. Wait a minute! I lost my mind...it's about the money. Never mind.

    Actually they are not paying of the debt created in 1997. They transferred that to the BOT and borrowed that much more with nothing to show for it and now they are looking for another 2.2 trillion baht loan.

    I believe that debt was in the 1 trillion baht range. Where has the money they saved in payments gone in addition to the other money coming in.facepalm.gif

  19. Hopefully the court judges with a variety of parliamentary requirements to be met in the future, no matter who is in power at the moment.
    Like for all future budgeting processes they make it compulsory for all future governments, that
    - the use of money for project proposals are accurately represented in detail and coherent on the last baht.
    - the use of money for project proposals is described in detail for all people publicly documented and visible
    - Public monthly or quarterly reports on Finance and project progresses.
    - Public invitation for project proposals and at least three competitive compare offers.
    - Project completion reports including all expenses with receipts.
    - a strong supervisory committee composed of members is formed by all parties,
    to control the entire investment process without disabilities and time delay restrictions.
    The results of the process and progress checks are presented to the parliament.
    The members of the supervisory body should rotate so that corruption is impossible or more difficult.
    When public funds are used, then the public has the right to see what the representatives of the people plan to do with the money and how it was used.
    It must be prevented that a country can be completely plundered by a few unethical people just because they are currently in power.

    Democracy requires transparency and not dubious vote in the middle of the night for the largest credit since the existing of Thailand,

    with a term of 50 years. In fact, affected at least three generations in a row.

    With compound interest, it is then 6 trillion baht.

    This government has no ethics and no morals to society.

    Right, this and former governments has no ethics to society , and will never have, as it is in the Thai culture....

    But the only government that really invested in huge infrastructure in Thailand was and is the Taksin governments, airport(s), highway, airport link, sky trains, all what we see and use of high end infrastructure, so hopeful also high speed rail system.

    During the years of undemocratic government with Abhisit as PM, nothing was build up, only debts.

    Let's wait to what the court comes up with, maybe there is a good financial plan and the payback of the loan could be done by income from the investments, so not to quickly with calculating for tax payers in generations.

    Are you only going to tell half the truth here. Thaksin had those projects when the whole world was rolling in money. Also double digit percentages of the money wound up in his pocket.

    You are obviously new to Thailand and have no idea of the inferior workmanship that was put into the airport. The ill concived planning for the handling of travelers. In four years they had to reopen the old one because of lack of planning on the new one. but you can bet your bottom baht Thaksin got his cut. In fact he was convicted of it and sentenced to two years in Jail plus about 15 other things hanging over his head.

    Don't really know about the other projects other than I am sure Thaksin got his share of the puplic money that was intended for the projects. As for Abhist even an idiot knows the world was in financial straights then and if it hadn't been for Korn Thailand would have been to.

    Stick around and see what is really going on. Nothing you can do about it except the same as the rest of us post opinions or nonsense. But you will come to love the country any how.

    • Like 1
  20. Hopefully the court judges with a variety of parliamentary requirements to be met in the future, no matter who is in power at the moment.
    Like for all future budgeting processes they make it compulsory for all future governments, that
    - the use of money for project proposals are accurately represented in detail and coherent on the last baht.
    - the use of money for project proposals is described in detail for all people publicly documented and visible
    - Public monthly or quarterly reports on Finance and project progresses.
    - Public invitation for project proposals and at least three competitive compare offers.
    - Project completion reports including all expenses with receipts.
    - a strong supervisory committee composed of members is formed by all parties,
    to control the entire investment process without disabilities and time delay restrictions.
    The results of the process and progress checks are presented to the parliament.
    The members of the supervisory body should rotate so that corruption is impossible or more difficult.
    When public funds are used, then the public has the right to see what the representatives of the people plan to do with the money and how it was used.
    It must be prevented that a country can be completely plundered by a few unethical people just because they are currently in power.

    Democracy requires transparency and not dubious vote in the middle of the night for the largest credit since the existing of Thailand,

    with a term of 50 years. In fact, affected at least three generations in a row.

    With compound interest, it is then 6 trillion baht.

    This government has no ethics and no morals to society.

    I agree with all that you have said.

    I would like to add 2 things

    1 that the need for the projects is there and

    2 that there is a feasibility study on whether they are possible.

    I believe the Chinese had already ruled out a high speed train from Bangkok to Chiang Mai as being impracticable.

    I liked what one poster had written the last time this was up. They said that if the Government would just not borrow the money and put the interest they would have had to pay on it for 11 or 12 years away. They would have enough to pay cash on the barrel head for it. and not saddle three generations with bills for it.

    Yes there is a need for some improvements and they should first be looking at getting every thing they have now up to proper standards. I believe the projected loss on the rice scam is close to a trillion baht.

    I can not imagine any court other than a kangaroo court OKing a loan like that with the sketchy ill thought out proposal for what to do with the money.

    A little of topic but I wonder if the PTP would still want the loan if the election happens on Feb 2 and they wind up on the out side looking in?

    Just idle thinking.

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  21. Wow, a view from the 'other side' for once. Well done webfact and thank you.

    You call this a view

    Over the past two months, tens – perhaps hundreds – of thousands of protesters have taken to the streets of the capital Bangkok to demand less democracy, and the overthrow of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra’s government.

    I call it more lies. It looks some thing like Yingluck's speech writers would write.

    "tens – perhaps hundreds – of thousands of protesters"

    If that is all there is or was why is Yingluck running like a scared rabbit?

    "demand less democracy"

    Source please.Or lacking that I would greatly enjoy your explanation of why a more honest government would be less democrat. Use this source to check on their dishonesty. http://cpi.transparency.org/cpi2013/results/

    I await an answer to either one.

    "Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra’s government"

    I will admit that you are technically rite on that one although I don't believe it I believe it is the government of Thaksin Shinawatra.

  22. The 'system' is the 2007 constitution, the PhuaThai had no part in drafting the last constitution, the PAD did, and now they want to tear up that constitution as well and have the country ruled by a 'peoples council' dictatorship.

    Source please Here is one showing the dishonesty in the existing Government. https://soundcloud.com/fabulous-103-fm/weekend-news-from-thailand-1

    Your source please

    I think he was wanting a picture of the poster with the grandmaster himself...

    Will the provinces not be covered with by-elections? It would seem logical that the law had an option for what to do with provinces where for some reason the election process could not take place along the national election.

    I might be wrong but I think you are trying to use western logic which in it's self is illogical in an eastern culture.

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