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Posts posted by hellodolly

  1. It's not about Suthep??? hello are we awake here, or we knocked out on Tramadol.... The story thus far, succinctly you only have really the people of good old Krungthep that are marching up and down and their central and southern relatives that are stomping their feet. Have you thought of the rest of the nation? The virtual backbone? Obviously not, have you thought of what damage Suthep is going to cause and has caused thus far from a fiscal point of view and even in terms of lives? I think not. In fact, dont think there is much thinking happening on this post at all.... Maybe some one should go back to sleep, and yes it would be good for all involved to follow his HRM's advice. Well said chooka.

    The rest of the nation has proved to be a bunch of flops. Now they can't even get paid for their rice. I think you are going to find out the rest of the nation is a bigger minority than the 48% they were in the last election.wai2.gif

    If that is so and I do not doubt. Suthep allow elections to go ahead, let the people vote and do not take that right away from them. Show that you are for Democracy. DO NOT stifle the peoples rights and let them have a say.

    I haven't got a clue what you are talking about and neither do you.wai.gif

  2. Great that everyone knows now - including protesters - they can also go cause havoc at the new "temp offices" - clever !!!!

    This whole notice kind of shuts up the they don't want us people.

    I find it very hard to believe that Suthep would do some thing to give the impression that foreigners were not wanted.

    I have yet to see him on TV in a red shirt, urging violence or talking against foreigners.

    Maybe if I understood Thai. But my wife would sure let me know if he was to say some thing to that affect.

  3. "follow HM King Bhumibol's speech which advised Thais to perform their duty and live together peacefully".

    Now would that be the most decent and respectful thing Suthep? Tell your little temper tantrum throwing thugs to go home and live in peace as you have been asked to do.

    Show some respect

    Yes because this article is about Suthep... Blah blah blah...

    It's not about Suthep??? hello are we awake here, or we knocked out on Tramadol.... The story thus far, succinctly you only have really the people of good old Krungthep that are marching up and down and their central and southern relatives that are stomping their feet. Have you thought of the rest of the nation? The virtual backbone? Obviously not, have you thought of what damage Suthep is going to cause and has caused thus far from a fiscal point of view and even in terms of lives? I think not. In fact, dont think there is much thinking happening on this post at all.... Maybe some one should go back to sleep, and yes it would be good for all involved to follow his HRM's advice. Well said chooka.

    The rest of the nation has proved to be a bunch of flops. Now they can't even get paid for their rice. I think you are going to find out the rest of the nation is a bigger minority than the 48% they were in the last election.wai2.gif

  4. It's not about Suthep??? hello are we awake here, or we knocked out on Tramadol.... The story thus far, succinctly you only have really the people of good old Krungthep that are marching up and down and their central and southern relatives that are stomping their feet. Have you thought of the rest of the nation? The virtual backbone? Obviously not, have you thought of what damage Suthep is going to cause and has caused thus far from a fiscal point of view and even in terms of lives? I think not. In fact, dont think there is much thinking happening on this post at all.... Maybe some one should go back to sleep, and yes it would be good for all involved to follow his HRM's advice. Well said chooka.

    Well cricket nut I would think Suthep has done the Thai people a service by taking the honey pot away from the PTP. Now lets try to stay on topic
    Until now the honey is still with PTP but if S will be successful where will it go, most probably to his bosses whose are waiting to get it back.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    There IS NO HONEY LEFT, it's gone, that's why we have these problems===== Rice-Thai Airways-Railways-roads-Schools -hospitals-mental care-elderly.

    There is no money for anyone to take over here, whoever will have to control will have 4 years to pay off money owed---and more before they can start on infrastructure.--------------institutions like TAT at 6 billion budget ?? per year and scores of others --and the trough-- reality-WAKE UP people.

    Didn't the PTP transfer 100s of billions of debt to the BOT so they could borrow more money. Now having divided that up are looking for another 2.2 trillion baht to insure comfort in their old age.Where does Thailand fit into their financial plans.

    • Like 2
  5. "follow HM King Bhumibol's speech which advised Thais to perform their duty and live together peacefully".

    Now would that be the most decent and respectful thing Suthep? Tell your little temper tantrum throwing thugs to go home and live in peace as you have been asked to do.

    Love to hear your description of the 2010 red shirts.

    Show some respect

    Show some one for Suthep and his followers to respect.

  6. Nobody can be nominated for Nobel Price, the decision is made by a panel of "experts" that do the nominations within the panel.

    Oh but she is special she is a Thai

    She has contributed so much to shopping malls around the world.

    Surely they will let the Thai's nominate her.

    What is one little exception to the rest of the people who deserve the prize.

    • Like 1
  7. I have been in two different places in Canada where the people are sent to die. Pathetic. One had a patient strapped to a potty chair. The care they were receiving was abysmal. People in their pajamas and a robe just sitting in their wheel chair in the hall ways looking off into nowhere.

    I have had the privilege of seeing the care of an elderly gentleman here in Thailand. the care given was far better than what they could get back in the west. This lady stayed in the hospital until the Gentleman passed away. The care given here is far more personal than the care given in the old folks homes back in the west.

    To the Thai's it is not just a business they care for the people.

    A fairy tale that does not reflect the demographics of Thailand. The HSRI has been responsible for setting the agenda for elder care since 1992.

    It is now in stage 5 of its plan HSRI’s new strategies focus on equitable and sustainable health system through an establishment of research alliances and collaboration with multisectoral partners to facilitate policy action through research

    Unfortunately, for those who are of limited means it is a bleak end of life filled with the abuse, neglect and physical injury seen in the west. Do you know how many specialized geriatric health care providers there are in Thailand? You can count them on one hand. Alzheimer's is a difficult disease and has many stages and variations. A GP is not the most appropriate person to deal with it. Do you know what the primary treatment is? Sedatives. There are no art therapy classes, no swimming, no exercise or music classes as one sees in western or Japanese/Taiwan/Singapore elder care facilities.

    Thailand is a nation comprised of haves and have nots. For the haves who can afford to pay for an attendant, then yes your story can and does happen. Much of the country is comprised of have nots who do not have the financial means to pay for a retirement home let alone the special care many elderly patients need. Thai families are smaller now and the kids are often scattered with one child often shouldering the burden of care. In many cases, the elderly have no one. This has been documented in scholarly articles, and social advocates have been warning the government for at least a decade of the issue. The sense of community is no longer there. In the good old days, neighbours would help, but not anymore.

    Have a walk around and ask yourself why don't you see as many elderly people out and about, active as one might see in Japan or Germany. Yes, part of the reason is that the elderly are not as big a demographic as in those countries, but one of the main reasons is that elderly Thais are virtual prisoners of their homes once they reach a point where their limbs are weak or their eyesight is poor. Thailand is not a place to be if you need a wheelchair, or a cane or help getting up a curb. The rural working poor age quickly here. My best friend's father is 57 and he looks 77. The man spent 50 years in the rice fields and it shows. He'll most likely be dead by 65.

    It is not unusual for children with behavioural problems or the elderly with dementia to be locked or tied up in a Thai home. Usually, strong sedatives are handed out. . It sounds cruel, but in a country where there are few if any elder care homes and the caregiver is often the sole person, it is the only option .You don't see it, but its out there. The reality too is that old people are often denied medication or have a fatalistic approach to illness because they are uneducated. It is a totally different approach to what you are used to. In Thailand, an elderly person especially a foreigner, without an advocate is more likely to be abused or neglected. Staff at elder cares the world over take advantage of the elderly, borrowing money or taking possessions. The advocate, whether it is a spouse, or a child is there to see that the patient isn't exploited and is fed and not left to sit in feces. In Thailand, like the west, often the elderly have no advocate to protect them from the abuse.

    I was not talking about professionals. It is just starting here in Thailand. I was talking about people. Even in the for profit places they will receive better help because in spite of what the majority of expats On Thai Visa think about the Thai's they are a much more caring culture.

    Sure if you ship grandma off here to Thailand and make no arrangements for her care it is going to be a very dark situation. On the other hand what kind of help is a person who would do that going to get for them if they keep therm at home. As I said I have been in a two places in the west where they were put to die.

    I have seen one here in Thailand where it is a fledgling industry. I choose Thailand.

    I did not give any detaila on the fellow I saw in the hospital here other than his care giver sat in the IC unit with him day and night with only medical equipment to look at.

    I did not mention that as I was walking down the hall to the room he was in I saw many of ther patients had a Thai just sitting in the room with them. As I say Thai's are a far more caring culture than the western. They just don't have the cash to show the flash which seems to be more important to some people. I have had hospital care here myself. My Thai wife made sure there was some one with me 24 hours a day. She even slept there at night. The facts were that I needed no help what so ever from them. I could get up and go to the bathroom and take care of myself there. I could go to the refrigerator and get my own pop or turn the hot water kettle on and make my own coffee. Yet they were there any how. Knowing full well I could do all these things and it was only going to be a three day thing.

    There are many farongs who come over here and make no provision for there care. No insurance and no close friends to watch over them. Many of them come here to use the Thai women for a different kind of care. They wind up friendless and poor.

  8. I have been in two different places in Canada where the people are sent to die. Pathetic. One had a patient strapped to a potty chair. The care they were receiving was abysmal. People in their pajamas and a robe just sitting in their wheel chair in the hall ways looking off into nowhere.

    I have had the privilege of seeing the care of an elderly gentleman here in Thailand. the care given was far better than what they could get back in the west. This lady stayed in the hospital until the Gentleman passed away. The care given here is far more personal than the care given in the old folks homes back in the west.

    To the Thai's it is not just a business they care for the people.

    A fairy tale that does not reflect the demographics of Thailand. The HSRI has been responsible for setting the agenda for elder care since 1992.

    It is now in stage 5 of its plan HSRI’s new strategies focus on equitable and sustainable health system through an establishment of research alliances and collaboration with multisectoral partners to facilitate policy action through research

    Unfortunately, for those who are of limited means it is a bleak end of life filled with the abuse, neglect and physical injury seen in the west. Do you know how many specialized geriatric health care providers there are in Thailand? You can count them on one hand. Alzheimer's is a difficult disease and has many stages and variations. A GP is not the most appropriate person to deal with it. Do you know what the primary treatment is? Sedatives. There are no art therapy classes, no swimming, no exercise or music classes as one sees in western or Japanese/Taiwan/Singapore elder care facilities.

    Thailand is a nation comprised of haves and have nots. For the haves who can afford to pay for an attendant, then yes your story can and does happen. Much of the country is comprised of have nots who do not have the financial means to pay for a retirement home let alone the special care many elderly patients need. Thai families are smaller now and the kids are often scattered with one child often shouldering the burden of care. In many cases, the elderly have no one. This has been documented in scholarly articles, and social advocates have been warning the government for at least a decade of the issue. The sense of community is no longer there. In the good old days, neighbours would help, but not anymore.

    Have a walk around and ask yourself why don't you see as many elderly people out and about, active as one might see in Japan or Germany. Yes, part of the reason is that the elderly are not as big a demographic as in those countries, but one of the main reasons is that elderly Thais are virtual prisoners of their homes once they reach a point where their limbs are weak or their eyesight is poor. Thailand is not a place to be if you need a wheelchair, or a cane or help getting up a curb. The rural working poor age quickly here. My best friend's father is 57 and he looks 77. The man spent 50 years in the rice fields and it shows. He'll most likely be dead by 65.

    It is not unusual for children with behavioural problems or the elderly with dementia to be locked or tied up in a Thai home. Usually, strong sedatives are handed out. . It sounds cruel, but in a country where there are few if any elder care homes and the caregiver is often the sole person, it is the only option .You don't see it, but its out there. The reality too is that old people are often denied medication or have a fatalistic approach to illness because they are uneducated. It is a totally different approach to what you are used to. In Thailand, an elderly person especially a foreigner, without an advocate is more likely to be abused or neglected. Staff at elder cares the world over take advantage of the elderly, borrowing money or taking possessions. The advocate, whether it is a spouse, or a child is there to see that the patient isn't exploited and is fed and not left to sit in feces. In Thailand, like the west, often the elderly have no advocate to protect them from the abuse.

    I was not talking about professionals. It is just starting here in Thailand. I was talking about people. Even in the for profit places they will receive better help because in spite of what the majority of expats On Thai Visa think about the Thai's they are a much more caring culture.

    Sure if you ship grandma off here to Thailand and make no arrangements for her care it is going to be a very dark situation. On the other hand what kind of help is a person who would do that going to get for them if they keep therm at home. As I said I have been in a two places in the west where they were put to die.

    I have seen one here in Thailand where it is a fledgling industry. I choose Thailand.

    I did not give any detaila on the fellow I saw in the hospital here other than his care giver sat in the IC unit with him day and night with only medical equipment to look at.

    I did not mention that as I was walking down the hall to the room he was in I saw many of ther patients had a Thai just sitting in the room with them. As I say Thai's are a far more caring culture than the western. They just don't have the cash to show the flash which seems to be more important to some people. I have had hospital care here myself. My Thai wife made sure there was some one with me 24 hours a day. She even slept there at night. The facts were that I needed no help what so ever from them. I could get up and go to the bathroom and take care of myself there. I could go to the refrigerator and get my own pop or turn the hot water kettle on and make my own coffee. Yet they were there any how. Knowing full well I could do all these things and it was only going to be a three day thing.

    There are many farongs who come over here and make no provision for there care. No insurance and no close friends to watch over them. Many of them come here to use the Thai women for a different kind of care. They wind up friendless and poor.

  9. I can't tell you how many times I have walked away from a Thai owned business, shaking my head, saying, "How in the h_ell do they stay in business". The only explanation I can come up with is because so many of their competitors also have zero customer service skils.

    I remember walking away from a little restaurant that made the best Kai Ya Sai (stuffed omelette) I'd ever had, never to return, because of the owner's disgusting attitude when I had a simple question about pricing. What this does is make me feel very strong about any business I find that does have good customer service. It makes me want to go out of my way to do business with them.

    Some how explaining the restaurants pricing system seems to me to not fall in the good customer service category.wai.gif

    Thought I will add a positive. At one of the book stores yesterday, not only did the girl escort me to the right section but helped me look for the book as well. And when we realized it was not there, she looked it up and told me which location had it in stock. And all this with a genuine smile. Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Yes I to have had better than Western service in a book store. Not only did the clerk take me to the section she found the books and explained each one to me. Many other examples of excellent service and many examples of terrible service.

    To each their own. For me it is a package deal. The good the bad and the ugly. I try to judge on Thai principals and will occasionally fall back to judging on western standards but I am not stupid enough to cry every time I get less than standard western service.

    As for opening a restaurant with good service good luck. Staff can be a big problem once you get them trained up to your standards they are liable to quit on you.

    Good service will attract foreigners also the HISO's so location would be a matter of concern.

    The Thais as a rule will take what ever comes to them. The every day Thai will accept what we in the west call bad service as good service.wai.gif

  10. Prayuth says govt must be held responsible if violence breaks out

    BANGKOK: -- Army Commander-in-Chief Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha said the government would be held responsible if violence happens during the Bangkok Shutdown rally on Monday.

    He said the government would be required to take responsibility by the principle if the people clash or kill each other or riote.

    He said he hopes that there would be no violence and anyone who causes violence, he or she must be held responsible.


    -- The Nation 2014-01-07

    Jatuporn thinks he is invincible and will pay it no mind what so ever. Has he ever paid for his actions in 2010? No so why should he worry now the government that protected him then is still the government today.

    Prayuth says govt must be held responsible if violence breaks out

    BANGKOK: -- Army Commander-in-Chief Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha said the government would be held responsible if violence happens during the Bangkok Shutdown rally on Monday.

    He said the government would be required to take responsibility by the principle if the people clash or kill each other or riote.

    He said he hopes that there would be no violence and anyone who causes violence, he or she must be held responsible.


    -- The Nation 2014-01-07

    Looks like General Prayuth has officially made his stance. Looks like it's bye bye to this government in a few days.

    If he carries out that stance the Nation will benefit.

    If the red shirts who are PTP cause trouble they will be stopped and finally broken. As is they are having trouble staying together.

    If the government holds back their dogs of war I see no problem as the police are basically useless. There are of course good ones but they are far out weighted by the tea money takers.

    The anti government protestors have been continuously calling for a peaceful protest and I doubt very much they will risk loosing every thing they have gained by getting violent. I am very very sure Suthep will be stressing non violence. He has come to far to throw it all away now.wai.gif

    I see the peaceful take over of the buildings. I just hope they don't destroy them like the yellow shirts did in the government house occupation.

    Bottom line is Suthep must do every thing in his power to stop violence from his side. I think he will.

    • Like 1
  11. 1. Improve your general health...proper diet (veggies), exercise.

    2. Brush with baking soda, rinse with 3% hydrogen peroxide (both locally available & cheap).

    3. Practice 'oil pulling' with coconut oil (YouTube for details)

    Or not...up to you.

    My general health is very good. I exercise daily, play football often, Muay Thai, crossfit, i'm a fitness fanatic really.

    Also, my diet is good, i'm careful about what i eat.

    I'll check out oil pulling, but don't hydrogen peroxide going anywhere near my mouth

    Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    10 years ago I was told that they stopped using hydrogen peroxide on cuts. That was in a first aid course I took put on by St. James ambulance and also a nurse friend of mine. It apparently could cause more harm. I believe it would burn the area surrounding where it was put on cuts and what not.

  12. The law was introduced during the Thaksin regime. Same for early closing hours for bars/night clubs.
    I think the laws are progressive and have greatly reduced alcohol abuse. (roll eyes) Same for the innovative method of reducing traffic accidents by appeasing evil spirits- or maybe it was kicking them out smile.png
    Alcohol abuse down, traffic accidents eliminated, why can't the dear readers here be a little more positive smile.png

    clap2.gif well said satire at it's finestclap2.gif

    On a serious side the Thaksin regime that introduced it also tried to trade chickens to Sweden for fighter planes.cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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  13. Because it's the law.

    (Note purchase of more than 10 litres of alcoholic beverage is allowed at any time if the shop has a wholesale licence.)

    Yes indeed it is the law. No other reason for the sign.

    The OP is new and if he really wants to know should consult a legal expert. It is more than likely the same as many law's the world over one that has out lived it's purpose but not been changed.

    Police will enforce it because it offers some of them tea money.

  14. Nice tries by some to discredit the key point. You obviously have never sat in the police station and seen any of these cases come in and how the police deal simply as explainers of the legal options if damage is actually seen on the skis. They are considered as civil cases and in five years I never witnessed any policeman take sides with anyone within the station. No one is denying that scams are occurring but real damage cases do exist and those make up the bulk of all those disputes I ever saw.

    just ignore this "petercool", he is either a liar or a moron.

    obviously there is always actual damage, the point is it is pre-existing 99% of the time and even if it wasn't, the extorted money is grossly disproportionate to the actual cost of repair in all but the most extreme cases.

    in addition, physical intimidation is always involved, physical assault is often involved, it is always about extortion/kidnap on some level and the scammers should be arrested and put behind bars. money should be paid as compensation to the victims, not the other way around i.e.. to the scammers and the police.

    i have seen many scams and i know exactly how it works and so far i have never seen any damage caused by a jet-ski renter, it is always pre-existing and usually superficial. what i have seen as i said above is intimidation, assault, extortion and kidnap, all with the open and clear cooperation of the police.

    maybe if this "petercool" had been observing the actual scams instead of just sitting in the police station he might have learned something but he hasn't learned a dam_n thing and has no idea what he is talking about.

    Maybe you out to read what he said before commenting. He admitted that there are real scams happening in a certain area. You left that part out. How many cases have you witnessed in the police station where the scammer paid the police off? In fact have you ever been in a police station when a case came in there?

    Do you patrol the beach looking for scams or just sit in the one area where petercool has already admitted it is happening and you conveniently left out to bolster your Thai bashing.

    • Like 1
  15. I will say this one more time despite the expected vitriolic responses .... I once worked at Soi 9 police station volunteer desk (have since stopped doing that) and saw many, many of the disputes that ended up there. A very large proportion of the disputes involved real damage - often considerable - and the issue was always that the renters offered ridiculous compensations like 500 baht and/or no acceptable compromise could be reached. The "scams" on the beach that never reach the station (which is the last place the operators want to be) are not widespread even if regular and they are extremely difficult to judge in terms of whether real damage has been done, what is proper compensation if damage has been done and how to resolve things. It is a City Hall issue and until proper regulation is put in place the issues will remain.

    What a load of garbage. All you need to do is hang around Beach Road for a few hours to see scams going down...they are real, the damage is made up and they certainly are widespread...stop talking rubbish or go somewhere else. Also, scams do reach the police station, but the police are part of the scam so it won't help the victims by going to the police station.

    How can you make up damage either it is damaged or it is not.

    Instead of all these posts about scams why does no one ever mention look the machine over before you use it and point out the already existing damage. A common sense solution to most of the problem yet it takes away the ability of the poster to Thai bash so they don't mention it. They are more interested in Thai bashing than they are in helping the potential victim.

    You have documentation that the police are part of the scam petercool was on site in the police station and saw what he reports he did not read it off of some forum.

    Did it ever occur to you that you saw all those scams on the beach because the scammers did not want to go to the police? That fit's right in with what petercool said.

    • Like 1
  16. We all have different values. For my self my kids would be my primary concern.

    They are only in are care for so long then they are on their own. It behooves me to do the best job I can taking care of them.

    If my dislike of where I am is so bad that it affects my ability to take care of them and offer them a happy life yes move.

    You did not mention time or your parents reasoning. Maybe they are just concerned with the present situation in Bangkok. Not familiar with Bangkok but I am sure there are lots of areas where life goes on not even touched by the current protestors and the projected ones from the North.

    Also they may be afraid that they will be the ones to raise the kids. Kids they have not really known.

    I can understand that. I have 4 grand daughters that I hardly ever saw when they were growing up. Or even now me living here in Thailand and them in British Columbia. I wouldn't know how or have the desire to change my whole life for them. they if needed would receive plenty of quality care from their Grand Mother my ex wife.

    • Like 1
  17. Thai's put sugar in absolutely everything. If you eat food prepared by a Thai then you are getting way more sugar then you had at home. Hence ....

    Dentists do scam. I had one tell me that I needed a Root Canal and scheduled me with another dentist to do the job. Fortunately, the second very nice dentist took some time and re-examined my tooth. She suggested that the filing needed replaced as it was cracked but maybe not need a RC. 4 years later, still doing great.

    Buy yourself an electric toothbrush. They are fantastic. And on another note, if you do not floss, you run the risk of heart problems in the future because the plaque often makes its way to the heart ... or so says the literature!

    Keep smiling ....

    You have brought up a vary valid and overlooked point here about the wide use off sugar in Thai cuisine. Many people think if they don't eat a candy bar they will not eat sugar.

    Also I believe the OP was being scammed. This is not just a Thais happening either. There are many good dentists here in Thailand. Here in Chiang Mai there is to many to count. Put up a post on the Chiang Mai forum and you will get plenty of referrals,

    My dentist when I first saw here and had my teeth cleaned she filled one filling. total cost 1,800 baht. she then proceeded to tell me I had another one in bad condition and due to the size of it she was not sure if it could be replaced but at the moment it was OK just cracked. That was three years ago. She still does not tell me it has to be replaced or a crown on it. She says at the moment it is still OK.

    I was wondering about gums I brush regular and use mouth wash. It seems like in the last six months my gums have been receding. Could it just be an age thing. I am 72

    • Like 1
  18. I have been in two different places in Canada where the people are sent to die. Pathetic. One had a patient strapped to a potty chair. The care they were receiving was abysmal. People in their pajamas and a robe just sitting in their wheel chair in the hall ways looking off into nowhere.

    I have had the privilege of seeing the care of an elderly gentleman here in Thailand. the care given was far better than what they could get back in the west. This lady stayed in the hospital until the Gentleman passed away. The care given here is far more personal than the care given in the old folks homes back in the west.

    To the Thai's it is not just a business they care for the people.

    Out of these 3 examples you can judge the whole elderly care system in the west ?its just a new emerging bussines in Thailand dont be silly.

    Don't be silly yourself.

    They have been taking care of the elderly here for centuries.

    the one case here I cited had the man in the hospital and the women staying in the room with him, Have you ever been in an IC unit room. Jammed with equipment and hardly any room for moving around. Yet she stayed in it night and day in a chair with no outside entertainment. All she could do was adjust his pillow and blankets. As I said the people here care it is not just a business. Many people come to Thailand for care. Because a care giver here really cares It is not just a job to them

  19. I'm not interested in an Ed Visa - I simply want to learn to speak and read Thai.

    Sent from my GT-I8552 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Go to the AUA school, the courses there are excellent, I went a couple of years ago and it was really good, intense but you will be speaking Thai if you put in the effort.

    I went there when I had been in Thailand about a week. I took the beginners course. What a waste of time. I was in a class with about ten others half of them had all ready taken the class and they had all been here for at least a year. What it turned out to be was more about grammar than learning to speak the words. Try it grammar in a language you can't speak.

    I had heard that some of the teachers were good but then again some of my class mates thought are's was. Of course it was there second time through the course.

    I got more out of one on one where I was allowed to develop at my pace. Before we even started I had to learn to pronounce the vowels and use the aspirated words. Also she insisted I learn the tones. We then began with the grammar each lesson had a list of words that I was to learn and then how to speak them and the order to put them in.

    To each their own Grammar was my weakest subject in high school and that was in a language I could speak. Some people pick it up very easily and others don't if you are in a group that struggles and you also have a hard time with it you will do much better than being in with some who pick it up real fast.

    I agree with 52 about some of them just being there for the Visa thereby dragging the whole class down. You will find those kind of people in any school that can be used for an education visa.

    It was different for me because I could speak a decent amount of Thai before I took the courses but do agree with you on some points... I imagine if you had just arrived, even learning beginners Thai with people who had previously taken the same course would be tough, Can't think why those people didn't move up to level 2, maybe they weren't confident enough so repeated the beginners course. I thought AUA was a good school but it would be impossible that every student who went there would be satisfied... That goes for any school, I'm starting one to one lessons at Pantip in Feb and will see how that goes... Of course if it's possible one to one will always be better than group classes but I have to say, I like the banter in the group classes, you can get a nice mix of people.


    I have been considering one on one lessons for a while now. I had some at one time the cost was 200 baht an hour. It was two hour courses twice a week. To be honest I just wanted to learn the bear essentials. I found myself looking at the clock after one hour. I am not a student just some one looking for a little better grasp of the language, I will probably never understand it but if I could just use it with less motions I would be happy.

    I do speak a little and know that even though I can speak it very limited what I naan say I have to ask the people repeating it to me to go very slow. I have learned one trick watch their mouth when they speak it helps me to better pronounce the word.

    At any rate good luck to you and let us know what the costs are and how it is working out for you. I realize this may be a while in coming but it would be nice to hear it.

  20. I'm wondering who the biggest nutter is, Rodman or Kin Jong-Un?

    No question Rodman

    Any body who would intentional put them selves in a position to get literally fed to the dogs for displeasing

    Kin Jong-Un. Has to be screwy in the head. If he wins the kook might have him eaten for embarrassing the North Koreans and if he loses the kook might have him fed to the dogs for not playing up to his abilities. Actually the kook doesn't need a reason he is the boss end of discussion no argument he said it so it is fact and not open to discussion. Of course then Rodman has bnot always thought things out.

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