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Posts posted by hellodolly

  1. google

    Dok Kaew Gardens

    I have been out there to visit a friend when he needed help but not hospitalization. I was impressed. Not only is it a retirement home with staff to assist you it is a place where you can just go to live there. It is on beautiful property with lots of hiking trails. I believe that once a week they have a van to take you into the city for those who arte still mobile and do not have transportation.

    In my opinion well worth a look.

  2. Exactly. It can be done, but needs a lot of work, procedures and control, something for which Thailand is not really a hub I'm afraid. Getting certified won't be easy.

    I hate to disagree, but Thailand is a hub for lack of procedures, lack of control and the capital of laziness. So another hub is perfect. the only problem is just like all other "hubs", mind you there is one at least every month, Thailand is also a hub of having short memory, so all the hubbing will be forgotten by tomorrow :)

    Dear Kuffki, thanks for the compliment. You just confirmed that by now my English has reached a level where I'm able to write understatements which confuse other non-English speakers. That is assuming I understand what you wrote. ;)

    I wrote 'needs lot of work, procedures, control, not known in Thailand'. You wrote disagree, Thailand does none of that. In my eyes that's about the same as 'not known in'. The other hub you mention to be perfect is the one I wrote 'can but not easy in Thailand.

    This really brings me to the question, do you know what you talk about? Sorry, but having come full circle I do not see what else I can conclude :ermm:

    Kuffiki is a Thai basher.

    He has not one good thing to say about Thai's. To him they are only good if they serve him.

    His expertise on Thai's is derived from Pattaya and Kosan road in Bangkok. Hardly a good base to draw sweeping conclusions from.

    The OP has a 4 year time frame and is very open about the fact that a lot has to change.

    Why he would like to shoot it down now is beyond me. I often wonder what it is these Thai basher's gain with there constant stream of bashing. I notice they never bash how cheap it is to live a comfortable life here how cheap it is for them to enjoy the pleasures of life here. In short they are just a sad lot.

  3. Standard Maoist play book move.

    Blame you opponent with being out of touch with the poor.

    Thilda is playing to type.

    Sorry, so tell me,

    How in touch multi-billionaire Yingluck is with the actual poor of Thailand?

    She might want to look at the signature on her pay check it is not grass roots people it is Thaksin the master of deceit and corruption.

    For some one so concerned about the grass roots people she has some pretty funny play mates.

  4. Rather then rating the democrats new promises they should be rating the democrats on their successes - the Democrats policy of stifling news to Thais via wholesale blockage of internet sites, the Democrats abject failure to resolve 3G, Thailand' slippage in different international ratings for corruption, level of democracy, friendliness to international business, and don't forget they're turning a blind eye to allowing Generals to interfere in internal politics. I am no friend of Mr. Thaksin, but I think Ms. Yingluck will be a breath of fresh air.

    Do not forget that many of the websites that were blocked were inciting violence and hate. I read them before they were blocked. I do not see any sense to not block these kinds of websites.


    The block of radio stations conforms to this. But the problem is the overreaction: No difference between critical but acceptable expression of "free speech" and Al-Quaida style transmissions.

    The radio station of my brother in law (cultural and Buddhist programme, some advertisement to finance) has been blocked too for short time.

    He complained. No answer. But the block stopped.

    It is easy to point the finger at the government and cry foul no freedom of speech.

    This is a very ill uninformed opinion.

    Thailand is not a Banana republic it is a player on the world stage and like any other country it does not allow hate mongering on public radio shows. Perhaps it would be different if the station's in question were to report facts not half facts taken out of context. With the truth they could then urge there believers if they did not like what was happening vote differently. Much better than justifying civil disobedience and killing people because they will not follow you on your ill thought out program.

  5. Rather then rating the democrats new promises they should be rating the democrats on their successes - the Democrats policy of stifling news to Thais via wholesale blockage of internet sites, the Democrats abject failure to resolve 3G, Thailand' slippage in different international ratings for corruption, level of democracy, friendliness to international business, and don't forget they're turning a blind eye to allowing Generals to interfere in internal politics. I am no friend of Mr. Thaksin, but I think Ms. Yingluck will be a breath of fresh air.

    If you mean a breath of fresh air that she would be.

    Thailand is currently doing extremely well economically considering the way the world has gone down hill. As usual you forget to mention that.

    Abhist did a magnifacent job of keeping it together in spite of the PT Red shirt efforts to sderail it.

    With Yingluck there would be a change for sure. Thailand would join the rest of the world with it's poor economics and Thaksin would recoup the money he had taken away from him.

    That is a breath of fresh air I would not be in favor of.

    Your cup of tea not mine or any one else who cares for Thailand.

    Actually you are a funny man you talk about corruption and in the same breath push to turn the country over to the master of corruption.

  6. I am not knocking the farmers in any way who really do earn little money and do need help but in the manufacturing sector the story is very different. What outsiders do not see is the fact it takes two or more Thai workers to do the same job as workers from more prosperous countries. This must be taken in to account.

    Exports from Thailand have declined due to the strong THB. Export from our company have increased in price by 30% over the past 4 years putting the end selling price equivalent to what can be purchased in Europe. With added shipping cost the goods are no longer competitive.

    Already over 1000 companies in the past 2 years involved in Textile manufacturing have moved out of Thailand. (Official figures) Surely this tells us something.

    If the minimum wage limit increases by the amounts all the parties are talking about I fear it is the end of most manufacturing in Thailand.

    One thing is certain, with the strong THB, poor skill levels plus doubling the labor costs will most certainly mean closure of our company or at the very least mean relocation.

    Remember Greece before it's too late.

    I always like to cite the 7 11 chain here. I walk into the average 7 11 here in Chiang Mai and it is generally half the size of the ones back home it will have 2 to 4 employes where as at home many times just 1 employe and never more than 2.

  7. Typical smokescreen tactics. E. Coli my arse, excuse the pun.

    YES my sentiments exactly.

    Thais will always look for someone or something else to blame rather than admit the truth It was probably caused by bad hygiene control or trying not to waste food from the previous day.sick.gif

    Or he did not wash his hands before eating.

    Or maybe he did wash his hands with untreated water

    Or maybe he was playing around with a bar girl's p............. before he ate.

    Or maybe the plate / cutlery was dirty .

    The list goes on and on

    But is is all about hygiene and correct food storage and cooking.

    So many restaurants just hang up the cooked meat with NO refrigeration all day and evening.

    Now you are just being ridicules. If you were correct it would not matter if he did not wash his hands if he was playing with a bar girl's pu At some point people have to take some of the responsibility. If it was the restaurants fault why have we not heard of many other cases.

  8. If Yingluck gets elected and admits her brother Thaksin is an ass she will save the country.

    Unfortunately that won't happen.

    And even more unfortunately Aphisit is turning out to be one big ass himself- no longer an Aphisit fan

    I never was a fan of his.

    How ever I am a fan of Thailand and from where I sit he is the best man for the job.

    Hence if I could vote he would be my choice.

  9. Excellent points. How ever is this type of thinking not part of the problem. Taking away of traditional values where the families looked after there own and putting the job on the Government.

    I do believe that the governments could do more but at what point does it become a self defeating scheme.

    Perhaps if they were to put more of there effort into the health of the elderly it would be money spent in a more beneficial way than just giving them money.

    I know many will say they have all ready done that. But have they really. If there village is not in a area where there is a hospital what good is there feeble attempts. Are all hospitals staffed with qualified staff.

    We live in Chiang Mai and my mother in law can not receive the government sponsored medical help here she has to go to some other Hospital in another part of the province. Fortunately to date I have been able to pay.

    That brings up another point. The article said

    "encouraging elderly to save money for their comfortable retirement."

    A little late to start saving. Most of there lives they operated on the theory that there family would take care of them as they had done with the elderly of there generation. Now they find out that is not necessarily the case. My wife is 53 and still practices the traditional take care of her mother a practice I whole heartedly admire and endorse.

    Yes the government' be they red white blue or yellow must do some thing for there elderly but just giving them money is not the answer.

  10. The poor can think for themselves is that the reason the PT has to buy them. No other way to get there vote.

    What ever other reason would they then have to vote for a convicted criminal. A man who financed a uprising in which many honest people lost there means of lively hood over 90 died. His armed employes invaded a hospital and then attempted to burn Bangkok down. And to top it all of when finally defeated left a garbage dump for people who really care about Thailand to clean up.

    If they can think for themselves and back it up with there actions the PT will not get a heck of a lot of votes.

    If they can think for themselves where do they think the money is going to come from to buy a computer for every school kid.

    If they can think for themselves would they not know that Thailand has done very well economically in the midst of a world economic crash. I have no link to it but I do believe there is not a lot of countries who have done so well.

    And the list goes on. Higher wages less tax.

    The PT remind me of a president in the US many years ago. He talked about a car in every garage and a chicken in the pot. Then the stock market crashed.

    I personally think when day is done and she picks up her check it will have Thaksin's signature on it.

    All of course just my opinions.

  11. Smith Residence South of Chiang Mai gate clean with what you need restrurant in lobby short walk to main road and you can catch a Red Taxi to night market for 20baht a person. The Saturday market is also 100 feet away and then the Sunday market is a fast red taxi ride or 15 min walk from chiang mai gate. Plenty of cafes and a good bar named the Doo-Dee owned by a coulple of Dutch guys and their Thai wives. This id avery friendly neighbor hood with few backpackers.

    Smith has a website.Chiang mai is easy to get around Red Taxis are pickups they should only charge 20 baht a person for anywhere in Chiang mai but of course being Thailand they will on ocassion ask for more hold your ground or wait for another. Tut-tut are availiable for hire as well negotiate.

    I like the area around the smith residency. The night market is every night and only a three minute walk away. For the night Bazaar you would probably need transportation as it is about a half hour away. A nice walk if you are into that sort of thing. I did it once on some of the back roads and got lost it was a enjoyable experience.

  12. Balderdash.

    The problem is Islam.

    They do nothing to help there fellow man in any country they have a population in. They try to take over the governments and turn them into a religious thing They have no consideration for there fellow man or for that matter there women either.

    Christianity grew out of this mind set hundreds of years ago Islam still maintains war is a OK way to spread there message .

    Trust me these killers are not Thaksin's hired gunmen. They are Muslims fighting to rule every one they can with there religion.

  13. Thailand's Battle for Peace. An outstanding documentary from Al Jazeera on the forthcoming elections in Thailand. Follow this link and enjoy:


    "If Thaksin is (corrupt), and we have enough to eat and live, then let him be. We only have two choices here - those who cheat less and those who cheat more" - Singpetch Jitthaisong

    To my foreign friends here in Thailand, welcome to Asia!

    If you let him be will he let you be?

    Or will he continue with his corrupt ways.

    And trust me they will affect you also.

  14. I repeat, your statement is meaningless without specifying which tax you are referring to. The VAT is regressive, but the only way to claim some tax from those who would otherwise pay none. But it is not applied to marketplace staples which a poor villager would buy, so that a poor person may pay relatively higher percentage of income but could hardly ".....pay almost twice the taxes as rich people do."

    I think we all know that TS meant in relative terms, not absolute terms, in which case, paying twice as much is not as ridiculous as it sounds. Poor people own vehicles too - needed for their jobs/businesses etc - which means that they have to put petrol/diesel into their vehicles. I presume there is a tax element there? Similarly for some other commodities like cigarettes, alcohol etc. Unless you are suggesting that poor people shouldn't smoke or drink or drive?

    Not being a mind reader, I took his words literally. He didn't specify which tax, and the overall picture is that although the poorer citizens may pay relatively more VAT, they also pay no income tax. The VAT on a Gucci handbag or a Hermes scarf would probably (I can't be certain!) exceed a poor man's total VAT for a year.

    Your probably right that it would exceed the poor mans total VAT for a year but he would still be paying a higher percentage of tax. In fact he's paying twice the tax that the rich guy pays.

    You didn't have to be a mind reader, just a reader. You've been disputing my facts with unsubstantiated assumptions for days and now you "took my words literally" LMAO!


    prove me wrong, please.

    Personally I would like to know what the poor are buying that requires a VAT tax. Now if you are talking about the middle income earners you might have a leg to stand on.

    But it is a stupid one. The rich people do not spend the same percent of there income on Vat items. They may spend ten times as much as a 15,000 Baht a month earner does but it is only one one hundredth of there income. Where as the middle income it is five percent of his income. Of course he is going to pay a higher percent.

    Welcome to Thailand. Give it a chance you will come to like it.

  15. Reading the posts in many of the forums, it seems to me that pro-Thaksin supporters would merely like Thaksin to be back in power but do not vehemently attack Abhisit and co. However, the anti-Thaksin camp continuously attack him, his family and his siblings, bringing everything down to a very personal level.

    So a question to the anti-Thaksin camp - what will you do IF Thaksin comes back to power? As a matter of principle, will you then be leaving the country in disgust (and returning to your respective countries of cleaner than white politicians with fair and democratic elections) rather than contribute further to Thailand's economy, which after all, will merely find it's way to Thaksin's pockets again?

    Unlike the Thaksin supporters we will except the results of this election. Now what will you do if Abhist is elected. Take to the streets again.

  16. "Asked about the Democrat Party's relentless criticism of her, Yingluck said the attacks did not discourage her and that she still wanted to serve the country and lead it out of this period of conflict"

    Now if she can not control her people how does she figure on accomplishing a political peaceful country where all the elected officials are interested in Thailand first and foremost.

    May be she should check with her clone before she speaks.

  17. ..."There are extremists everywhere - but one side has far, far, more. And they have their own network in the US."

    Fox News is more centrist, with the mainstream media, along with CNN, MSNBC, and Al Jazeera in particular, all way far to the left (which is why Fox News stands out). It's really comical because Fox News leads significantly in all the ratings, which is really telling.

    People who don't watch Fox News really have no idea, but they love to talk about it as though they know (quite common among the left actually). The left-wing perception is that Fox News is all about Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly. The news part of Fox News is FAR more informative than any other news media, hence it's overwhelming popularity.

    Fox news has no clue as to what centerest would be. They are way to far right to know that. Fox news has been considering adding animation to its broadcasts to improve on the entertainment value. Honest news is not for them. I like how the news casters have a book you can buy.LOL

    Maybe you like it because Glen Beck is for cutting off all foreign aid with the exception of Israel. He really had me until at the end of his rant he came up with that one.

    On the other hand the news on Al Jazeera news does way to many reports and not enough news. As for the Islamic issues I have no problem with that. They at least will look at both sides of the issue. During the Israelis invasion last year they had the most unbiased reporting on the subject.

    Yes the audio has been bad for two days that I am aware of.

  18. She can't control peoples passions because people are fed up with empty promises that have not produced any improvement in the disparity between the rich and the poor. The income gap in Thailand is a disgrace. If you compare the incomes of the top 5th of the population to the bottom 5th the numbers are some of the worse in the world and only slightly better than African countries with civil wars.

    The gap in Sweeden and Japan is 3 to 5 times

    Europe and North America is 5 to 8 times

    Asian neighbors of THailand 7 to 12 times

    Thailand 13 to 15 times.

    The difference in wealth is 69 times.

    Because of the Thai tax structure poor people pay almost twice the taxes as rich people do.

    These figures come from a 2009 study and little if anything has changed.

    People are angry. Most revolutions got their start from the inequities in taxes. Abhisit has done nothing to address this issue because he represents the wealthy. If he was interested he would have done something.

    You must be new to Thailand Abhisit Has only had three years to undo what the Thaksin led parties had years to do. Instead of allowing him to do the job they choose to divert his attention away from it with illegal seizures of property ,killings, trying to burn Bangkok down, armed invasions of hospitals and bombs left in public places.

  19. Thanks for raising the issue RTD. I too will need to get to LAX soon and don't want to go to BKK first or have to return via BKK. I've asked a couple of agents in town; one said they would get back to me because they weren't clear on the situation either. But they never got back to me. Another agent said they don't offer service to Taipei anymore.

    Don't know for sure but could they not be flying to Hong Kong and then on to the States. As has been mentioned best to check with a travel agent. Several times I have had them save me money. Mind you I deal with a well established one with a good reputation.

  20. Sorry I really don't know if I am right but the line

    "but with sweat dripping from him"

    jumped out at me.

    Can't say as I have ever seen a Thai sweat much less have it dripping from him. Obviously he had not been cooking much with no clientele. Could he have just doused himself with water?

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