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Posts posted by hellodolly

  1. What further proof do we need that Thailand needs a different education system one that will teach people how to think. What other country would allow a condemned criminal who takes up citizenship in another country and will not even enter the country to be there PM.

    Yes there are countries that would allow convicted criminal's to be there leader but they have to be a citizen and in the country.

    Make no mistake about it the people are voting for Thaksin not Yingluck. One would have to be pretty deluded to think other wise. She is tired because she has worked very hard at dodging issues. I have to give her credit She is good at crying and smiling.

  2. Not really that familiar with all that is pointed out.

    But I am with some of the items and the points were taking out of context.

    Such as presiding over a bloody conflict the Nation forgot to mention he did not start it and good person number 1 was protecting Thailand in the only way the instigators would allow.

    Yes he presided over it. It was his duty to do so Any one in the PM position would have had to do the same thing It is there job.

    Can you imagine good person number 2 with his bloody record in the position of PM? Now that is scarey.:wacko:

  3. Thaksin did indeed try to tackle corruption. It may well have been in order to feather his own nest but at least he tried to do something.

    I was interviewed by a special task force set up by him at Suan Plu trying to track down corruption amongst the immigration police. He also tried to take on the army and reduce their stranglehold. He should be applauded on both counts as police corruption and army interference are where the problems stem from.

    It was this that led to the elite, who were feeling the pinch, getting rid of him anyway they could.

    Thaksin should be applauded for fight corruption? lolol Really?

    Thaksin was never in favor of fighting corruption. His doings were to transfer all the money into his pocket rather than the many.

    He just wanted to centralize it with him self being in the center.:jap:

    This thread was asking a rhetorical question as to whether Thailand would ever be free of corruption. How did it get hijacked to become another Thaksin bashing thread?

    Good point.

    I my self was following the thread and some one had introduced into it that Thaksin had been fighting it and there was less of it under him. It was only natural to try to discredit that idea .

    To get back to the OP

    No that is a question only a simple minded person would ask. Never never never going to happen in any country in the world. At least in my Grand Children's children's life time.

    A reasonable question would have been will it become less of a drain on Thailand.

    To that question I say yes it will take time and some times it will seam to go back ward but it will continue to become less of a problem in my children's life time. Hope fully in mine.

  4. Thaksin did indeed try to tackle corruption. It may well have been in order to feather his own nest but at least he tried to do something.

    I was interviewed by a special task force set up by him at Suan Plu trying to track down corruption amongst the immigration police. He also tried to take on the army and reduce their stranglehold. He should be applauded on both counts as police corruption and army interference are where the problems stem from.

    It was this that led to the elite, who were feeling the pinch, getting rid of him anyway they could.

    Thaksin should be applauded for fight corruption? lolol Really?

    Thaksin was never in favor of fighting corruption. His doings were to transfer all the money into his pocket rather than the many.

    He just wanted to centralize it with him self being in the center.:jap:

  5. What a shame that the government / courts released the other UDD leaders before.

    It seems that anyone who works for Thaksin is either corrupt, a terrorist, or a criminal on remand or convicted. What a wonderful circle of friends the Fugitive has.

    And the really sad thing is Thailand allows them to run for office so they can not be charged with there crimes.

    To top it all off the average Thai has no problem with that.:(

  6. This is funny stuff, all you are absolutely correct!! But it reminds more of the stories about bar girls than sulking kids. Like the bar girl who goes with a guy, then asks him for money because she needs it. Then, when it's not enough money, she gets mad and storms out and/or starts a problem. So in essence, Thailand is behaving like a childish bar girl who isn't happy with what other people think, and doesn't care about losing face, but says it's important.

    International politics is about doing what is best for your country, full stop. The only reason to care about what other people think is if caring what they think is somehow advantageous to your negotiating position. There are no ethics involved here. There are considerations about how this might affect alliances in the future, but face or what others think about you protecting your national interests is not directly relevant.

    So, before you start laughing, please stop to consider the ramifications of this decision. Will withdrawing really matter to anyone? If so, who? And what will it actually cost Thailand in the future? Then consider what Thailand gained from the action. Namely, they can now pursue their policy on the border demarcation without having to expend resources to fight in an organization where they had an extremely weak hand. By sidelining that agency, they actually strengthen their position, as they can now legitimately ignore anything the WHC says or does.

    What did withdrawl actually cost them? Do you honestly believe that belonging to the WHC brings benefits to Thailand? If so, quantify them. I maintain the benefits are very small, and membership has been a net loss to the country for a long time. Why do you think Thailand should be a member? The only reason they maintained their membership up to now was inertia.

    You state

    "Namely, they can now pursue their policy on the border demarcation without having to expend resources to fight in an organization where they had an extremely weak hand."

    Are you saying they have decided to fight it out alone no matter what the rest of the world thinks of them?

    If they just fight it out with Cambodia they can be a bully. So why stay where the whole world that does not agree with your political decision and can beat you to a pulp.

    Give me a bully and I will give you a coward. The first sign of a bigger opponent and run for the hills.:(

  7. I thought all you had to do was smoke it. This all sounds delicious to me.

    One tried and proven method for testing the results is to give your neighbor a half kilo of each.:jap:

  8. Currently on a retire4ment visa in Thailand. They are easy to get if you qualify.

    What would I have to do to get a similar one in Lao and what would the cost be.

    Also is it as easy as Thailand take all your paper work in and get it the same day.

    Any idea as to the cost of living in Vientiane as to Chiang Mai?

  9. Those who voted must not have very high expectations. I recently did two trips on AA to Singapore & back and on both occasions they ran out of food before reaching row 12. So anyone who fancies a near three hour flight with no food, & no alcohol then AA is the way to go.bah.gif

    One such terrible experience was not enough?

    If you are concerned about food and drink, order it when you order your ticket or online after, then it is reserved just for you. Three hours without food or alcohol is true deprivation.

    On second thought you should fly Silk Air Business Class to get what you want, it only costs about 6-7 times the Air Asia price but not to worry since it is just a little over US$ 1,000 RT.

    I flew to Bali on Singapore air last year for 500Baht less than AA and it had a meal on all 4 of the flights. The weight limit was 20 kilos as compared to AA15 kilo Plus it had flight attendants. AA has no flight attendants just sales people.

    I was flying from Chiang Mai and had no major lay overs the most was three hours. AA has only one flight out of Bangkok and it is at 6:15 in the morning so you have a overnight there. Or if you go to KL it has a decent lay over about 2 hours going but it is a overnight coming back..

    You flew Singapore Air from Chiang Mai or was it Silk Air?

    I booked it through KandK on Thai pa road. It was Silk Air from Chiang Mai to Singapore and then it was Singapore Air to Bali. That was last year maybe different this year. I would still pay a extra 1,000 Baht for the service I did not have to transfer my luggage they did it for me in Singapore.

    And it was 5 more kilo's for luggage plus meals that I did not have to pay for or go on line to order.

    Go figure a class operation for less money than the worlds best low fare air line.

  10. moving to Travel forum

    I really think there is information on here that would be of interest to people in Chiang Mai.

    The only reason I like to leave it there is because I have a devil of a time finding these other forums. I guess if I went to computer school it would help. I keep looking for a button to push that will scroll down all the different forums available. No such animal seems to exist.

  11. Those who voted must not have very high expectations. I recently did two trips on AA to Singapore & back and on both occasions they ran out of food before reaching row 12. So anyone who fancies a near three hour flight with no food, & no alcohol then AA is the way to go.bah.gif

    One such terrible experience was not enough?

    If you are concerned about food and drink, order it when you order your ticket or online after, then it is reserved just for you. Three hours without food or alcohol is true deprivation.

    On second thought you should fly Silk Air Business Class to get what you want, it only costs about 6-7 times the Air Asia price but not to worry since it is just a little over US$ 1,000 RT.

    I flew to Bali on Singapore air last year for 500Baht less than AA and it had a meal on all 4 of the flights. The weight limit was 20 kilos as compared to AA15 kilo Plus it had flight attendants. AA has no flight attendants just sales people.

    I was flying from Chiang Mai and had no major lay overs the most was three hours. AA has only one flight out of Bangkok and it is at 6:15 in the morning so you have a overnight there. Or if you go to KL it has a decent lay over about 2 hours going but it is a overnight coming back..

  12. Who cares!!!!!

    Look at the results when he is was in office and since then!!!! Was your life better if you have property as a foreigner? Who threatened the housing corp setup (clue: not him)? Who has talked about Thaksin's corruption but can't even produce the growth he did WITH his corruption.....I'll go with the guy that makes 100 bucks and gives me 25, over the talkers who borrow 50 bucks and gives me nothing.

    The thais know this, that's what the "reds" ALWAYS WIN! One wonders how some many naive fellow Westerners don't get this.....so how's your business done since the coup? or your home price?

    His sister's gonna win....he may or may not come back....but the guys steering the country into the mekong will be gone and that's all that matters.

    As we move into the last week of the campaigning the ever shrewd Thaksin is now trying to allay fears of chaos and protest if the Peua Thai get in, he's going for the undecided voter who thinks that voting for PT isn't good in the long run because they'll bring him home and the country will erupt.

    But just last week he was speaking about being home in time for his daughter's wedding in December. His freedom bid has been his (and his party's) number 1 goal for several years now, they are on record plenty of times saying so confidently, they've campaigned on it, now they are switching their story.

    It's nice to hear some remorseful words from Thaksin, but it's a bit late, we don't trust him, by apologising is he finally admitting that in fact he was guilty all along?

    Do the words Global recession mean anything to you?

    I highly doubt they would. It is a part of the Thai culture to set themselves apart from the world. They believe that they have the best of every thing and the out side world has nothing to do with it. The concept of being affected by the out side world is as foreign to them as the concept of the moon is made of green cheese.

  13. 1.one party stated that they will purchase those factories produce core chemical for fabricating YaBa from India and China.

    Very stupid idea.!!!! it isn't the real solution. dont know how they could come up with it.

    2.Another promised the minimum price of a commodity , grain @ BTH 20,000/2,000 liters. the selling price in a retail shop will be 2 time higher than it is now. nope!!!!

    3.plus texis' & farmers' credit-card very Very bad idea.

    all these to gain Votes. = 29% in private sec. + Bt200 and 300 billion in public sec.

    Thai and Khmer's philosophy is "likewise"

    I know Cambodia and I have no doubt. the Chinese communist party is very serious 'bout corruption. though very little info. about the Filippines but they are notorious.

    Corruption is here to stay for years, it is impossible to sweep clean in the near future, as some posters are giving Abhisit a hard time for not stopping it, Could they stop it in a 2 year spell ??---With it being embedded in all sections of Thai society from top officials to Issan farm dwellers, Young educated kids are the only hope. My idea and grumble all along is that when we had the Thaksin dictatorial government, the top man Illustrated to the Thai people that it was normal to be corrupt, and gave them a good lessen into how to behave.

    Instead of teaching anti corruption he encouraged it. Hence the reason for him running away and now wanting to be back with the family again to get more practice.

    I watched the BBC interview with Abhisit and found the hard questions to him was not a big problem to answer, on the other hand Yingluck refused to be interviewed, but BBC did manage to get a few words with her at a rally, and her answers were similar to a school child.

    I whole heartedly agree kids are the answer. Also to many other problems.

    We defiantly need a improved education system one that teaches kids how to think and not just except. One where they learn how to add and subtract with out a computer or any other kind of devise. (rant over)

    As it is today they are raised with the idea that it is OK just another part of life.If they were raised with the idea that it is not OK it is just a method of depriving them of good Medical help and lower prices they would be making massive changes when they get old enough to vote.

    Trying to teach the fully grown up adult Thai that it is not good for him personally is a lost cause. His response is my bpen ry

    It is a long term project and will never go away all together. But that is not a reason to not work towards it.

  14. chosen by the military or Thaksin whats the difference

    Yes that is the point.

    One defending the monarchy, the other defending his own self interests.

    You really think that the military, especially top brass defends the monarchy?...i think they are nuch more worried about their own interest too

    Well now you just might be rite. What you forget to mention is it is in there best interests to defend the Monarchy. Have a look at what happened to sie Dang he did not defend the Monarchy.

  15. Yes peoples loyalties should be chosen for them and enforced by the military, sounds so democratic to me.

    What is the difference between being enforced by the army and buying them.Neither one is democratic. Maybe where you come from but not where I come from.

    Just how do you figure the army is going to force people to vote for the Dem's. I for one would be very interested in how they would do that.

    Do you think they are going to be holding a gun to the voters head while he votes and they check his votes? I await your answer in eager anticipation for this new sure fire guaranteed method the Dem's are going to be using with the Army as there enforcer. LOL

    Out of curiosity do you know what democracy is?

  16. His track record of actions and pronouncements, whether you accept his fugitive status or not, doesn't inspire belief of ANYTHING out of his mouth.

    Actually his track record is such that one would suppose this one to mean he will get even with every one who opposed him.

    It is a little late in the game to be making statements and sticking with them.B)

  17. We have it here where I live. I greatly liked the Sci Fi and Universal channel. The only problem with them is the sound is not consistent during the shows.

    For some reason we do not get a History or Discover channel or for that matter a National Geographic channel. Some times a Aussie channel will have a National Geographic show.

    News would be greatly improved with CNN or BBC As said Aljazeer is good. Also there is a Asian chanel speaking English that is good. If entertainment is your thing it has FOX

  18. in other words, it appears as PT is not getting the amount of votes they dreamed expected, so it must be fraud somewhere :blink:

    Yes it sounded like she is starting to build a attack on the Dem's if she loses.

    I really liked this part

    "Ms Yingluck added that she believed that people had the ability in considering the facts and there were people out there who had faith in Pheu Thai Party and understood the true intentions of the party."

    If that is the case why are they handing out money to people hoping for there vote.

  19. Wondering what price for a cheap room at the Duangtawan is.

    I am not gong to do an in-depth search, but I just saw one reference to a 1,000 baht rate (which seems a little cheaper than I was expecting.)

    I looked at Agoda and they had them at $33 US. Not a bad price considering the amenities and the location. In fact a darn good price.

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