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Posts posted by hellodolly

  1. The Royal Lanna right in the heart f the night bazaar. Around 1500 Baht with Buffet breakfast included.

    Sorry I can't pretend to know what your price range is or what you are interested in so I won't give you advice I will just answer your question.

    The Dongtawan is also there but more expensive. It has a good gym in it.

    Hope you enjoy your stay in Chiang Mai. Just avoid the people who don't know you or what you are interested in but are willing to telll you where to go and what to avoid.

  2. I am not all that familiar with all he different things to see but In the old city you can walk to all the attractions several very nice Temples a museum and just plain Thai's going about there every day life.

    We went to the Royal flower gardens and hired a boy at the hotel to take us and bring us back. We paid a bit to much maybe actually a lot 400 Baht. I am sure you can do much better. He took us and waited for us there was three of us and a tuck tuck would never get us in. It is a great place I could easley spend a day.

    You can get a songtel to Doi Suthep and to the Zoo.

    And yes check out the tours at5 the hotel.

    Enjoy your visit.

  3. She said

    "She reaffirms that her party is sincere towards people in the South, saying that everyone is Thai and there is no need to discriminate against fellow citizens. "

    Kinda like saying there is no problem in the southern provinces. We are all Thai.

    Not a heck of a lot of knowledge of what is happening down south.

    So are you saying the people in the South are not Thais? What are you suggesting? That they're illegal immigrants living in Thailand? I don't know, but her suggestion that they're Thais makes sense to me. Last time I checked, they all had Thai passports. But maybe you know something I don't.

    You need to go back an reread what he wrote. It is obvious he knows something you don't but I don't see any way to correct that deficiency :)

    I did read it. And he basically wrote that she doesn't know anything about the South and justified it by saying that it was because she said "We are all Thai". If that makes sense to you..


    That is correct she does not know much about the south. For instance if left alone they will form there own country.

  4. anterian>> You bring up an accusation against the courts and then refuse to even explain what 'facts' they changed so they could find him guilty?

    Yes, you are making yourself very credible...

    He is not interested in facts as he has shown on previous posts his interest lies in

    The philosophical aspect of ethics

  5. Grandma Udom may not be so lucky to escape with her life in the next one.


    Grandma Udom and the infamous refrigerator that saved her and her husband's life when a Drug War commando unit mistakenly attacked their house

    It was demonstrated on MythBusters that a refrigerator won't stop a bullet. An other myth propagated by the Sondhi's brigade BUSTED


    On the 2 thousands something death linked to the "war on drug", more than half were directly related to drug business. Which doesn't mean the others were innocent by-standers.

    Beside Thaksin was cleared of any wrong doing linked to the "war on drug"

    An other myth propagated by the Sondhi's brigade BUSTED

    Funny, they look like bullet-holes to me, but if a whacky foreign TV-program says they can't be, perhaps they're only fake police bullet-holes ? :unsure: So unlucky that the little-old-lady & her husband survived, to tell of their experience, rather than simply swelling the numbers of 'drug dealers' illegally-executed to meet the targets set by the then-government.

    As I recall, the investigating-commission reported that about half the dead were totally innocent, but many would feel that even the guilty were entitled to their day-in-court. Some misguided notion of justice, perhaps ?

    And who are this "Sondhi's brigade" you refer to ? <_<

    Don't get sucked in by Thaksin's lackey where he states a TV show showed a refrigerator would not stop a bullet.

    It did not show that a refrigerator could not slow one down enough to make them harmless. Which in all likely hood is what happened.

    Does any one know how many dummy accounts the money to pay the wages of these hucksters goes through from Thaksin to them?

  6. Pheu Thai Not Focused Solely on Amnesty Plan

    After her first visit to southern Thailand went smoothly, the Pheu Thai Party's number 1 party-list candidate reiterated that the party is not focused on merely providing amnesty for her brother, but is offering to cure Thailand of its current economic and social problems.

    After Pheu Thai Party number 1 party-list candidate Yingluck Shinawatra visited the southern provinces of Yala, Narathiwat, and Pattani yesterday, she said she received a warm welcome from southerners.

    She thanked everyone that was receptive to Pheu Thai although she does not hope to win MP seats in area as they are not Pheu Thai strongholds.

    Meanwhile, she refused to comment on Democrat Secretary-General Suthep Thaugsuban's criticism that southerners will not vote for her party because they remembered the harsh rule under her brother Thaksin Shinawatra's administration.

    She reaffirms that her party is sincere towards people in the South, saying that everyone is Thai and there is no need to discriminate against fellow citizens.

    Yingluck also denied that Pheu Thai intended to steal the limelight from the Democrat Party, which is scheduled to host a major rally in the area on June 21.

    The PM candidate also reiterates that Pheu Thai's first action as government will not be to issue an amnesty decree.

    She insists that her party will work to solve every problem, and said building national reconciliation is among one of those efforts.

    She also asked that every party respect the majority of voters by letting the winning party form the next government.


    -- Tan Network 2011-06-15

    She said

    "She reaffirms that her party is sincere towards people in the South, saying that everyone is Thai and there is no need to discriminate against fellow citizens. "

    Kinda like saying there is no problem in the southern provinces. We are all Thai.

    Not a heck of a lot of knowledge of what is happening down south.

  7. Not quite sure what the Democrats are complaining about.Abhisit doesn't get too bad a reception:in fact people quite like him (everybody likes a gent) regardless of politics.Suthep gets a poor reception because Thai people, outside his NST bailliwick, recognise a crocodile when they see one.According to Andrew Barrow, blogger, Abhisit got a better reception in Samut Prakan - a so called Red stronghold - than Yingluck.

    just watching Abhisit on a re-run of world report on the BBC

    he came over very well , he is a very good ambassador/spokesman for Thailand

    its hard to believe some people want to replace him with the bumbling Thaksin or his equally clumsy and frequently crying sister

    basically, you are expressing the view that you judge a Thai politician's competency on the basis of his/her fluency in the English language. The attachment of the edited spooling of a Mr. Thaksin pausing while speaking demonstrates a condescending arrogance. .

    Are you fluent in Thai? Are you capable of giving an eloquent address in Thai? I think not. Have you listened to some of the world's past and present political leaders stumble about in a foreign language? The UN Secretary General is considered to be quite good and yet his English skills are not impressive. Merkel, Sarkozy, and Zapotero stumble when speaking english too. What's your point? Canada had a PM that mangled the english language and yet he was able to balance the budget. Yes, PM Abhisit looks nice and yes he speaks english well. So what? In Asia, the dominant economies are India and China and the last time I heard their leaders speak, their english language skills were poor as well.

    The ability to express your self clearly on difficult subjects in a second language is an excellent indication of how well you can do it in your native tongue.

    Also how well you understand the subject.

  8. The former Bangkok governor said that he believed many eligible voters - particularly those in Bangkok - kept their true feelings about last year's unrest to themselves and would express their views when going to the poll on July 3. He said he was convinced that many people who told pollsters they were undecided had actually made up their minds but they simply did not want to cause hostility in a volatile political situation.

    Probably yes, but it will be not the Democrats they will vote for.

    Are you saying the undecided really support the carnage caused by the red shirts in Bangkok last year.

    does that statement include the honest citizens who cleaned up after you left the area like a pig pen. You are in good company with those low life's. Remember you chose to side with them.

  9. I have been diabetic for more than 10 years, I don't think it is reversible.. :huh:

    When I first became diabetic, it was near impossible to get info from the internet. That has changed enormously :)

    Welcome back Gonzo

    I to was recently diagnosed with Diabetes to the best of my knowledge it will be with me until the end of my days but with a proper diet I can control it even the semi proper one I use is a big help.

    As stated there is a lot of information on the internet. A lot of it was counter to the previous one. One web site said most fruits were good another said that is the worst kind of sugar you can get. One said watermelon was good another said it was not one of the better fruits. I finally figured it out I could find what ever I wanted to believe on the internet. I just cut way back on sugars no more chocolate or little cans of coffee and the like. Thank heaven or where ever for Pepsi Max. Now if I could cut back on french fries it would be great.

    I am not saying there is not a good oine but my search did not find it.

    all the best to you.

  10. <br>
    <br>Raw food.<br>
    <br><br>The study collected data and interviewed 331 elderly patients at a hospital's medicine department over the past six months.<br><br>It's not just elderly patients. A good friend of us got killed by an overdose of Antibiotics, directly injected into her veins. She's just 23, with two little kids, living in a small village.<br><br>The Antibiotics should have been injected within three days, but into her muscles, flesh, not into her blood. <br><br>She immediately had an <b>Anaphylactic shock</b>,&nbsp;&nbsp;collapsed, and they threw her in an Ambulance car to bring her to a hospital an hour away.<br><br>The doctor(s) had no idea that two Ampules of&nbsp;&nbsp;Adrenaline directly injected into her veins would have stopped the reaction. Just one story I had experienced in the LOS. Land of Sadness. <img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/jap.gif" class="bbc_emoticon" alt="<img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/jap.gif" class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":jap:">"><br>

    The example you give is not really surprising to me. I know in Canada

    when you get away from the bigger cities the quality of doctoring goes

    down. I know of one little town where the local hospital had a nurse on

    call and for a doctor you would have to go to the next town.

  11. This is a problem in the States as well. A patient visiting more than one Dr. and each proscribing different drugs for different problems and they donot talk to each other.

    Hypertension and diabetes often go hand in hand. That should make joined up treatment easier. It is not beyond the whit of a pharmacist or doctor to enquire about what medications, including herbal remedies, that the patient is taking and in what dosage. Yet, whenever I have bought hypertension medicines from a pharmacy in this country, I have never been asked whether it had been prescribed by my doctor or about the dosage or whether I was taking any other medication. Nor have I been advised by a pharmacist whether the medication is appropriate for me to take. In short, they sold it as if it was a candy bar.

    Every time I visit a doctor or a clinic here, my blood pressure is taken - a pointless exercise because the readings are not used as the basis of any clinical judgement. I am never asked whether I have hypertension or if I am taking any medication (for anything).

    Medications used to treat diabetes and hypertension have side effects, some of which (rare as they are) are as bad or worse than the condition they are treating. Stop blaming the patient. It is time the medical profession and pharmacists did their jobs properly.

    Could you enlarge on the following paragraph you put up.

    "Every time I visit a doctor or a clinic here, my blood pressure is taken - a pointless exercise because the readings are not used as the basis of any clinical judgement. I am never asked whether I have hypertension or if I am taking any medication (for anything).

    I my self have no medical training other than first aid and depend on the doctor to take my blood pressure and make decisions from that. How would one go about diagnosing hypertension for himself."

    To clarify and make it perfectly clear I only see one doctor and if I am going to take supplements I clear it with her. I also buy most every thing from her. The price is higher but my experience with her is that I can be assured I am getting a quality product. She recently agreed with me that Saw Plamento would be good for me and she advised me to buy it along with trazadone (which I take to relax me when I sleep) in the states when I go back there next month as it is expensive here in Thailand.

  12. President Ford pardoned Nixon, there must be some sort of mechanism for the same thing to happen in Thailand.

    when a President leaves office it is the accepted practice for him to issue pardons.

    Thaksin does not want a pardon that would require him to admit he is a criminal. Not going to happen.

    How do you figure if the US does it there must be a system for Thailand to do it.

    The US invades countries on different continents militarily is there a system for Thailand to do it.

    Look out Mexico Thailand has a system :cheesy:

  13. The topic is weather or not the Army will enter the fray. Do any of you really believe that Thaksin has not anticipated this and has a plan?

    You can say what you want about the guy, but he is a leader and he is not likely to be blindsided by "unexpected" factors.

    Don't you "get it" the Thai people are desperate for "leadership" They don't give a shit about his personal issues. They want a leader who will get the job done.

    Don't get your pintle in high gudeon.

    Thaksin has been blindided often --- it'll happen again. He's not an effective leader at all. He's autocratic and self-centered. A percentage of Thais want Thaksin and a percentage are very opposed to him. The fact is that he is a convicted criminal and was convicted for valid reasons. The topic is not "will the army enter the fray" the topic is "Thai Army Chief Enters Election Fray" :-)

    Do you think that Thaksin would have allowed weapons and gasoline into a demonstration where people passions were going to be inflamed? Would any leader anywhere in the world allow that to happen? Are you suggesting that the "Army Chief" is speaking as a private citizen? I believe that he is speaking as head of the Army, otherwise no one would care.

    In case you forgot Thailand's roots are firmly formed by autocratic leadership. That may explain why the expect it and welcome it when it get the job done.

    Not only let it happen he financed it. That is just one of the reasons he is hoping for his clone sister to win so she can white wash him. What planet were you on when the red shirts were trying to kidnap Bangkok.

    Abhist has his faults and a really big one is he allowed it to happen. They should never have been allowed to take over any part of the city.

    ask your self if his supporters had taken over your wifes city and carried on like they did in Bangkok would you still be defending hm?

    I am guessing no

  14. It's my understanding that they'll take donations 24-hours a day on their doorstep.

    Please try to leave usable donations.

    In the states some of the charities doing that are spending almost as much money as they receive for the goods on charges to cart garbage off.

  15. Yes, Ratchadamnoen is the road that ends at Thapae Gate. From the gate go towards the center of the old city. Pass Wawee on your left. Pass the next 4 way intersection at Phra Poklao Road. Another 50 meters or so and you'll find Chiang Mai Reflexology Center on your right. It's right next to a tailor's & more or less opposite the Writer's Club. If you Google the name, the very first link has a map to show the location.

    Thank You

  16. So for you the same:

    If you allow me to give you an advice: Just take a placebo.

    The effect is exactly the same. Another positive effect is that you do NOT throw away your money in the pockets of one of the many charlatans here on this planet. Wake up, get real and spend your (hard earned) money and/or time on something that makes sense.

    You seem to be under the illusion that I am trying to cure something with reflexology. I enjoy the foot massage very much and it is not expensive in Thailand.

    However, if it also happens to have some health benefits too, that is just iceing on the cake. :)

    Have to give him some slack. He just woke up two weeks ago not a lot of time to know every thing give him 60 years. He still won't

    I have to completly agree with cm das A chiropractor has helped me a lot where as some it dosen't help Acupuncture has done nothing for me but there are those whom it has helped a lot. Just have to keep trying untill you find what is rite for you. I think I will try to find the one in the old city. Not sure where I believe it is the road that turns in to Thai Phai gate. If any one can give a approximate location it would help. It is a long street and I some times walk past some thing and miss it. East or west of Wai Wee coffee. That is if I am on the rite street. Have to check my map if my old eyes can read the fine print.

    Thanks in advance.

  17. Hi, I have lived in KK3 since completion in 1997 as one of the original inhabitants, as well as being inolved on the committee for the same duration.

    When I originally purchased I was pleasantly surprised with the standard of construction and the ammenities.

    The building is a good place to reside and have never had any major issues with the staff. Now the committee have engaged a property management company, as previously the developers were in charge of the management and it is now running a lot better as regards to maintenance issues.

    I really do like the location as it is easy to access either Canal Rd or the Superhighway and it is only about 6 minutes into the city on a bike.

    The location is fairly quiet ,as it is not on a main road and has a large thai family on one side and a nursery on the other that I believe is leased and operated by CMU ag department.

    The electricity and water charges are levied at the applicable goverment rate with no add on charges.

    I have never lived any where else in Chiang Mai so I may be biased but have looked at the other developments on Canal Rd and still think this location is great!

    Cheers JC

    Cheers thanks!

    Well it sounds great. We have been looking around our selves. We are looking for a location that is close to transportation.Also size is important After five years we have accumulated to much stuff for our present housing.

    Any information on either one of those points would be appreciated.

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