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Posts posted by NotEinstein

  1. About 6 years ago one of our stainless steel tanks, then 10 years old, developed a couple of leaks as a result of degradation due to welding damage at time of install. I drained below the holes, applied PU sealant and a thin metal sheet patch fixed with alloy wire wrapped around the tank.

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  2. 3 minutes ago, KannikaP said:

    Why would you need 24/7 torrenting. What are you downloading?

    I can download at least 10 1080 movies in a couple of hours, depending on the speeds the seeders are working at, and your own personal internet speed. 

    The Op said he was 24x7 torrenting. Some torrent sites operate on seeding quotas. Some torrenters need to seed, or else the torrenting model of sharing wouldn't work!

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  3. 7 minutes ago, KannikaP said:

    Boot partition on an SD card?

    Yes, the initial boot sequence needed to run from the sd-card, which points to the actual system on whatever usb device you want. The pi 4 can boot direct from usb now, so no sd-card required.


    A Pi 4 would be perfect as a 24x7 torrenting device. I have a pi3 doing that as well as hosting and processing the pictures from the 12 motion triggered ip cams.

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  4. 6 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

    Except very slowly unless it has an SSD which I believe some new ones do. They are also prone to overheat and die if left on for extended periods of time. At least mine did. Not a good recommendation for someone not computer savvy.

    Did I recommend?

    I have been using raspberry Pis for 10 years, with the only failure (apart from sd-cards) being the hdmi output not producing a picture after running Kodi 24x7 for 8 years (3 Pi 1s). They are now re-purposed as ip cams and working well.

    The newer  Pi 3s and 4s have heatsinks and fans to cope with the extra heat dissipation.


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  5. Removing heat from a roof space is a fight against radiated heat. Air is not a good convector of heat, which explains why fans have a limited effect. If it is not possible to reduce the amount of heat getting in (an extra insulated metal sheet roof works well), the most effective way to reduce the heat radiating down through the ceiling is insulation.

    Modern build Thai houses don't have even the basic high up louvered vents and sofit vents to allow passive air movement, let alone insulation, apart from maybe the ceiling having a silver film, which becomes useless as the inevitable dust collects on it.

    I put insulation in an older house that didn't even have the silver film on the suspended ceiling. It made a dramatic difference - no need for air-con even.

    The roof steel was so hot during the day I could not touch it - it will be even hotter now given all the reflected heat.......


  6. Red plates are what in the UK are called trade plates, which are used for the delivery etc. of an unregistered vehicle.

    A few years back I bought a new car, which didn't have any plates - I'd seen a few obviously new cars driving around without plates, so didn't think anything of it. This lasted for 5 months, at the end of which a police check stopped me and fined me, saying the dealer was at fault. Went to the dealer and got the fine money, but insisted they give me red plates until the white ones appeared, which they did - I wasn't going to get 3 fines and lose my licence.

    A few days later the dealer called to say the plates had arrived. I realized when we got the blue book and saw the tax renewal date being a year later that we had been driving an unregistered, and therefore illegal vehicle, the insurance for which we had purchased five months previously would have been null and void in the event of a claim.

    Go to a DVLC and you will find a window for registration of new vehicles. The dealer takes the manufacturer paperwork there and a day or two later the plates and book are ready. The reason the dealer doesn't do this at time of delivery is that the new car tax, approx 100,000 baht, has to be paid, and they want to keep that money in their account as long as possible.........

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  7. Could very easily beat a nearby house if the others around don't have earth leakage detect, or even an earth. In effect, yours becomes the only point that can react to a short circuit. I recently updated an old house's supply, fitting a breaker box and earth - when I connected the earth, which is tied to neutral, there was a spark, telling me the other houses are not earth tied to neutral.

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  8. There won't be a nuclear war any time soon as the US has a 1973 based system (polais II and Minuteman III) that is managed on an 'until fail' principle. Russia, on the other hand, has hypersonics, so no guessing as to who would survive.


    As others have said, climate changes - unsurprising seeing as literally everything is changing all of the time. Having said that, a not insignificant amount of the changes happening are at least influenced by man. There is a theory that God invented man so that he could make a plastic-full world, so maybe we have fulfilled our purpose and it is curtains for us - I need to go to black magic for an answer.......

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  9. I've been using motion detected IP cams on our residential block for 10 years. Using the LAN that also provides residents with internet access via WiFi, bandwidth was a factor. These modern day systems are expensive in comparison to what we use and severely limit configuration - I programmatically manipulate saved images to produce time-synced multi-camera movies, for example.


    Over the last 7 years or so, with the advent of the app-based cams that only offered SD-card for local storage, I have had to build my own cameras that send images via FTP to my system, which is a raspberry Pi storing images on a USB flash drive. I use raspberry Pi zeros and ESP32-cams in dummy cameras to great effect. Last month I found someone selling some of the larger app-based cams on shopee as dummy cams cheaper than actual dummy cams (they only ever where gimmicks to sell pay-for cloud based hosting), so have been able to repurpose them with some old raspberry Pi1s I have.


    For a small, house based setup there are plenty of Chinese systems on offer - just be sure to get something that doesn't only allow cloud-based storage.

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