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  1. I watched the movie "Ronald Reagan" last weekend on my plane flight. Being of age I joined the US Air Force during the Reagan era and also lived in California so I kind of liked the movie for some of its early history. I didn't think it was a particularly good movie, but I mention it here because Reagan was so convinced he and the USA with his policies could break the soviet union. Did he succeed? Well during his time in office, there were obviously many things that changed. The USA debt did tripe during his presidency. Yes the Soviet Union broke up, more or less. In the movie Reagan said the USA has deeper pockets than the soviets... Well, maybe true but was it worth tripling the USA debt?
  2. I have not been in country since COVID but on all my many previous trips I always stopped into that bar that is on the right just as you walk on to walking street. That bar always had an Issan band playing there. I like that music.
  3. My dad, aged 68 at the time, a long time chain smoker had some blood in his urine. He waited a few weeks before finally telling and letting me take him to the doctor. Turns out he had cancer of the bladder. Apparently it is one of the most aggressive cancers. Early treatment the following monday and they went up through his penis/urethra and were able to cut out the cancer. no long term effects. Dad stopped smoking that day. that to me was the miracle him stopping smoking. Now the good thing is, almost immediately after he stopped smoking, and he always was quite a foodie, having owned three restaurants, and he kept remarking how much more taste everything had. Well I am not surprised. Breathing in hot searing chemical smoke probably doesn't improve the taste buds!
  4. gk10012001

    Swampy Bus

    bell was my go to bus for a long time. But then if starting from bkk you had to book and pay for a reservation on line in advance. You can't just walk to a counter and buy a ticket. I don't use my cards internationally so I switched to the other public bus company which was good enough for me. Similarly if starting in Pattaya, one had to book in advance which is ok because I can meander over to the Bell office at the north pattaya bus station and pay in person in advance there. Just my preference to not pay online. As everybody gets more digital and online almost exclusively I will just use one of my backup credit cards that are not tied to any of my regular accounts and book with that
  5. Haha. That is a good one. It reminds me of an old Mad Magazine paperback story where they showed people at ball games but hanging a big picture behind them of a picture of their living room wall. Oh and cell tower data is just one of many ways to track a person's location. If they are on the internet, their computer IP address is available and the network drops and other information can reveal a great deal of information of where they are when they are logged on
  6. Well a lot of people demand things of me , but most have no such authority to do so, and I just ignore them. Or there is no consequence if I ignore them. Musk is way out of line. Having been in the Air Force, and the Government and also worked for several Defense companies, the rules are very simple. You report to your manager(s). Note that many people work on proprietary things, classified things, compartmentallized things, etc. They can NOT send out any public information over any network or email server! Does Musk, the acknowledged cannabis user, have a security clearance or access to classified programs? Noforn, Secret, top secret, CNWDI, COMSEC, Yankee White, etc..?
  7. Most of you have heard of Pavlov and his experiments and writings on how dogs responded to certain sounds or stimulus. I myself so love walking into a 7-11 and hearing that little door bell chime. Gosh it is ingrained in me. When I watch a video and I hear that, I am instantly mentally transported back to Thailand. Other sounds: Thai ladies speaking in descending tones. So soothing. I recently went to the Wat Thai in Dallas Texas several times. They have a pretty good sized outdoor food court with 7 or 8 food stalls. So great to hear the Thai ladies speak. Some chanting sounds. I swear I can smell the incense from here while 11,000 miles from Thailand. The sound of the PA system on the BTS announcing upcoming stops.
  8. just reading those stop names brings back so many memories of all my trips from Pattaya to Bankgok. Using the buses, using the Bts, an occasional motorbike taxi or taxi itself. When one travels light as I did and do, and when one is on a long vacation or break from work and time is not an issue, I love the public transportation over there. Sit and look out the window and see things go by. Retirement is now 8 months away.
  9. Yes as many foreigners that protested in Thailand found out.
  10. well, if you post stuff online and you wanted an audience, you never know who may read it.
  11. I used bangkok buddy twice about ten or 11 years ago. Border runs to cambodia, lunch at one of the casinos there. They were great. The office manager spoke very good english and I texted her a few times later as I asked for the thai words for a few things. I can't recall her name. No idea what is there now.
  12. Technically they may be there on tourist visas but I am pretty sure many have low level jobs in many of the restaurants there and are working illegally. Yes there are many well off financially Indians, but I doubt these are them in the photos
  13. My first visit in 2004. Pattaya beach road was beautiful. There were flower gardens, metal benches one could pause and sit on and of course so many more shade trees and palm trees.
  14. I have bought a few lady drinks over the years. I don't recall a 50% mark up on them. Sure they were either watered down or just juice or non alcoholic but I knew that in advance. I have rung the bell once or twice. I remember in super baby I think it was, three or four girls on stage were doing a nice little issan dance, with traditional moves. Nothing fancy or gross. And the song was a traditional one. rang that bell and chatted. Simpler times
  15. I first went to Pattaya in 2004. I have been 15 times but not since COVID. I so loved the baht buses. They fit me perfectly. I don't drive over there. Don't trust it. I love walking. I love the convenience of getting on and getting off just about anywhere I need or want to go for every day normal usage. I was always there on vacation and rarely was in a great hurry and didn't mind waiting a few minutes for a baht bus to show up. Moto taxi now and then if I want door to door quick service. Uber and Lyft and Ride and those things were not there before. Sad if the baht buses really get totally pushed out.
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