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Everything posted by gk10012001

  1. It has surprised me as I get older now at 65. I am an American just started Medicare, which itself is not dirt cheap, but OK once I stop making money as they base premiums on income. Having spent a lot of time in Thailand and planning to semi retire there very very soon, I have kept an eye on Thai health insurance. It can come in very hand when abroad for 6 months and unable to get back to the States for treatment. Medicare supposedly reimburses emergency services if over seas, but not much knowledge about that from anybody that every got that to work. I wanted to have some Thai insurance while abroad, but am still pondering it. I would never rely or have to rely on Thai health insurance so not a big issue at this point, but I have read enough to believe that having thai insurance can come in very handy. Feelings for full retiree and expats that have to rely on Thai insurance. Mandatory or not, living in another country without insurance is a dangerous game. the old days of self insuring are very risky, and if serious conditions arise, will break you. My best suggestion is take the highest deductible possible as an attempt to lower the premiums. The idea is to avoid cataclysmic massive expenses and catastrophic costs.
  2. no chance of being done for the initial amounts you wrote.
  3. My advice is find a seller quickly and get rid of the business. If you haven't bought it yet, then don't buy it. So many headaches. If you like to handle problems then go ahead and jump in.
  4. you know, in all my trips and walking around, I can't say I ever have seen a basket ball court, not even just a half court with one hoop. Seems like something could be put up somewhere. Sounds like a nice project for a Falang to try and organize and get some local support. Must be some little piece of land somewhere that could be used.
  5. I went to Pattaya International Hospital down on Soi 2 once. Just a rash. They did a quick Gram Negative test of bacteria if my memory serves, nurses were cute as one could imagine. Lady doctor was a doll. Talked about life in the USA. I felt bad for her because she was aware of things and how limited on her advancement in Thailand. Test was basic skin scraping sample collecting. Basically negative result and nothing to worry about. Got some topical lotion and some pills. All easy and cheap. No issues. A pleasant experience over all.
  6. You use words Ordinary but then say business visa. As far as not posting lies, I did NOT post any lie. I posted exactly what I read. I never claimed it was 100 per cent true. It was a comment for discussion.
  7. yeah. probably some innocent deaths or accidents. But 0ne was found inside a barrel, so.. choose your mafia killing movie guess
  8. yes. That could work. Especially if they really do let you upgrade later. If anybody has upgraded after their initial visa purchase, please let me know how that worked out. Thanks all.
  9. yes. We don't use pensioner much. Certainly not in a direct reference. Sometimes a widow is referred to as a pensioner when she gets the husband's work pension after he passes. Pensions are becoming rarer and rarer in the private world here. Most major Defense companies no longer even offer pensions. Only older legacy employees hired on board decades ago still qualify. US Government workers and of course Military can get pensions and they are called that, but still rarely called pensioners
  10. I did not say with others, I said with one other. 8 out of 9 times the other has been a girl. They seem to rent or have own mortgage payments they can't quite meet or have spotty incomes. One girl I shared with was an animal bird trainer. One was a sales rep that worked on commission. Oh and I am talking about sharing nice sized houses in rancho bernardo california area. Had pool and jacuzzi rights at the central complex. An interesting setup. One other person is good for protection also. My car and her car coming and going or one in the drive way keeps the breakins away. I never found it awkward. One lady in Hunt Valley MD had a fine house with a yard and a pool. Great in the summer. She was fun to share a bottle of wine with, go shopping and dod some things. She had been to Asia a few times and was good company. Turns out she was a switch hitter but that's ok. Her girlfriends were cute. Another share was in Old Orange California. For 800 USD a month including a house cleaner, and the place had a pool and jacuzzi in the complex, that was one of the best. Great location close to work, beautifully furnished. she was a nice gal. All these shares were while I was a contract engineer away from home. moving into a shared place was so convenient. All furnished. easy in easy out. month to month lease. Nobody ever wanted me to leave. I do nothing illegal, pay my rent.
  11. copy that. I recall now some older posts where immigration official made some arbitrary decisions about 180 days total time in country. Or as you intimated, too many back to backs. Thanks
  12. how many visa exempt entiries and extensions can one make from airport arrivals into BKK? Is it same same as land?
  13. no short balcony railing involved in this case. given that his ID, hotel key, monies etc were still on him, may be just a slip and fall, maybe a heart attack, a stroke, or some other natural cause. Hot and humid heat stroke, etc. No idea of his health history known etc. Kind of sad to just be discarded and not found for a while though.
  14. After all, casinos is not "gambling". They love to call it "Gaming" as california calls it as do other casinos. It is just for fun, It just happens to cost a lot in the end
  15. yeah I know. I've been going there since 2004. COVID and loss of monies into Thailand may drive things to happening. Time will tell
  16. not really sure what you are on about, but assuming you arrived on say a Visa exempt, or a basic tourist tourist visa, you can apply for the Non Imm O visa, you get one valid for a 90 day stamp. Then you can apply for an extension,.. reason: retirement good for one year.
  17. Casinos will happen there within a few years. The mafia and the government will work out who gets what grafts, kick backs, etc
  18. Well, post a picture of the darn thing on the media. Somebody is likely to recognize it, Either a friend or relative or co worker or the tattoo artist itself.
  19. you never know. He might have had a stroke, a heart attack and the fall was not really the proximal cause of death. Maybe a quick ending. But going out while on a walk is kind of how I want to go as I love walking. Seeing nature one last time would be OK with me vs. lying in some sterile nursing home withering away, watching my fortune get spent instead of going to my heirs or friends
  20. my style exactly. I shop at walmart. I buy no name t shirts and when polo shirts, those also are no name. I shop at thrift stores. They like to move merchandise so in my mind I am doing good. I am a single millionaire and plan to stay that way as I retire soon and will and can live on my social security alone. Everything else is extra and gravy
  21. OK. I see the terminology now. Elite card vs PE visa stamp thingy. Is it as pretty as the Cambodia Visa stamped paper they glue into your passport when you go there?
  22. The family elite for 800k good for 10 years is probably the better choice vs. 600k for 5 years. I did contact them and confirm that a single person could get that option. each long term elite is a pretty good deal. just not the best for some
  23. im 65. paying in advance for 20 years while a nice discount, may give me something I will never use
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