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Everything posted by gk10012001

  1. Well, the system has its pros and cons. I certainly didn't set it up. One can get more robust dental coverage if one chooses higher priced premiums. Medicare and Supplements are a strange setup that has years of evolution behind it. This is my first year using it so being a life long test engineer that has a knack for finding defects or unanticipated results in things, I am sure I will stumble into the worst of things. 66 in May and Social Security and semi retirement on the horizon. Go Pattaya! Trip 16
  2. Thanks all for the replies. I guess I will have to decide if at my age 66 it is worth doing the full implant path. I know several people at my age who had them and so far no issues. I also know some people that are doing quite well missing one tooth. I'm getting a second opinion and evaluation and exam from a local dentist here near work in CT before I decide to travel to CA to see my normal regular excellent dentist. Probably am leaning towards just the extraction, a graft for the future if it looks like I may need one, in case I decide to go with implants after things heal up.
  3. yeah, I have heard rumors of needing a source of income statement. I also pointed out years ago when the USA stopped doing the income affidavits, that somebody could be just spending down some money and sending it to Thailand every month in the required 65k baht amounts. Those transfers in no way prove a source of income in the traditional sense of the word. Many people cash out their 401ks or IRAs due to market uncertainty and decide to just spend it down. Anyway, thanks.
  4. Expect a lot of foolery with the Elite Visa systems? 1,000,000 1 million Thai Baht for the 20 year visa. I can see many people come up with that money, but then, how do they support themselves?
  5. Years ago when the first Russian masses came, there were many many tour companies set up. You would see the buses all over Pattaya. I think one was "Pegus". A cruder version presumably of the Greek Pegasus. At that time Thailand started cracking down on foreign so called tour guides as many if not most were working illegally and without proper work permits. I would expect more Russian "service girls" to use a nice word patrolling walking street and handing out fliers and pamphlets. Tsk tsk. Need a work permit I remember when the Russian lettering started showing up on restaurant menus in Pattaya years ago. At first I thought it was not good, then I stepped back and reconsidered. Why should English be so special in addition to the nominal Thai? Or for that matter German or Swiss or other western languages? Well, none of those groups tried to take over Pattaya. They opened a French or German or whatever restaurant which was great. I have stayed in several hotels that were started by German owners. I don't see that with the Russians. I see them sticking together. I never saw or heard a lot of Russians in many of the Thai eateries I went in to over the years. So I presume the owners had Russian backing otherwise why spend the money on Russian signage?
  6. I have a tooth that broke. Also the central part that had a root canal fell out with the pin. So I have partial tooth base for lack of a better word still in the jaw. This was a lower third from the back tooth. Had issues from it a long time and dentist did a great job keeping it intact the last 15 years but now wondering what to do. I am 66. I don't have any other dental issues. At my age, I am pondering the need for going the full route of extraction, graft, implant, crown. I am not going to live a long time! I don't mind missing a tooth back there. I am aware of possible issues with other teeth extruding or moving, etc. but I also know several people that have done just fine with a space. I am on USA Medicare and have an advantage plan with United Health for Dental. That only covers about $1,000. I had one full quote from my favorite dentist of $5200 which would be my final out of pocket cost. I happen to be in CT working and he is back in California. But he is worth the visit. Coincidentally I am about to finish a contract job and was looking to go to Thailand for a long vacation if not full semi retirement, so I am considering taking months off and going to Thailand and getting this dental work done there and just paying out of pocket. I been to Thailand 15 times going back to 2004 so I am familiar with Pattaya. So wondering on cost of a simple extraction. Then wondering on cost of the full nine yards, extraction, graft, implant, crown. Any experience, or prices or good dental recommendation in Thailand? Thanks
  7. Indians lolling around in groups just lookie loos, or groups of Russians... Which would you prefer to see more of? Oh add those groups of dozens of Chinese mass tour groups that wander around just clogging the streets. I long for the days when Pattaya had a low season. So few crowds. One could safely cross second road. Jomtien beach water was actually swimmable
  8. So much for elections and any sense of democracy.
  9. I remember the first Russian large arrival numbers. All the illegal restaurant openings, bending or breaking all the visa rules, the Russian hookers down on walking street handing out fliers. Got a work permit for that? I have seen foreign owners of bars kicked out of the country for washing a glass or sweeping the floor of their bar. All the illegal russian 'tour guides'. The russians are not used to and will not try to follow the rule of law. They grew up with horrible autocrats and a tough system. Of course some are fantastic people. But large over whelming numbers of them is not good. Amazing how the demographics of Thailand has changed the last 20 years. If too many Russians or any group for that matter start buying up too much , then at some point it will probably hurt others.
  10. seems like the 20 year Elite Visa one time thing is a better deal. Oh and no health insurance requirement. Insurance can be quite problematic for older retirees in Thailand
  11. I am aware of the costs and fees, but for simplicity can I use ATM withdrawals to satisfy my monthly income transfer requirements?
  12. Looking to the future, and the aging population, both Thai and Expat, open retirement homes, hospice company, etc. Big business. Many variations between just providing daily visits to a person's home for an hour or two to cook and clean, keep the person company, make sure they don't burn the place down by leaving the gas burner on, etc. Have some registered nurses on staff to provide home services. Then at the other extreme some facility for palliative care, or just dementia full round the clock care, etc
  13. As you pointed out, usually there are just many places doing the same thing. Even if you come up with some niche that is new or different, be it entertainment, food, service or whatever, it would not be long before you economic moat goes away and you are over run by copy cats.
  14. Oh man, my first trip to Thailand was in 2004. over 40 baht to 1 USD. Bar fines, soapy massages, foot massages, food prices all fine. Hotels say of the Flipper or Eastiny Place class were like 700 baht per night. Prices cost more, baht buys less. The higher quality hotels have raised prices much more. Still, mid range places are not horrible, but not a big bargain, that's for sure.
  15. average price of 21 USD per night? You will get what you pay for. As an example, 600 baht per night hotels in Pattaya are not impressive. Small non air con rooms can be had. In the up country yes there are cities with cheap hotels. But they are not in areas that tourists flock to. So take the survey with a grain of salt
  16. I can think of a few bars that should be turned into beach spots
  17. Well Thailand has a hundred years of trying to control the people.... If a court does not over rule a military coup, then what else can be done? The civilian police force is not independent and is subordinate to the military.
  18. Somewhat related, Medicare supposedly will reimburse overseas Emergency medical issues/services. I don't mean just some advantage plans. I just started Medicare this year. Still living in the USA. I got the AARP Medicare advantage plan for basic drug and dental coverage and it cost 0.0. As you probably know, Medicare B premiums are based on income, MAGI income to be precise. My future retired USA location in the future is not clear yet. Interesting to hear the discussions mention 6 months of a year in country USA for the Advantage plans to work. Planning on fully punching out and hanging up my engineering shingle this November. Just in time for a fun High Season in Thailand
  19. Sorry but looking into the details it seems like a possible money grab. 50,000 baht application fee to start with. Various Thai health insurance requirements. For High-income Foreign Retirees: Must present a health insurance policy covering medical expenses in Thailand no less than USD 50,000. The remaining coverage period shall not be less than 10 months on the date of the application, OR provide evidence of savings of at least USD 100,000 held in a Thai or overseas bank account for no less than 12 months before the date of application. High earners must have proof of personal income of at least USD 80,000 annually at the time of application In case of having personal income only between USD 40,000 to USD 80,000/ year, the applicant must invest at least USD 250,000 in Thai government bonds, foreign direct invest or Thai property https://www.thaiembassy.com/thailand-visa/thailand-long-term-resident-ltr-visa
  20. If somebody met the listed requirements, it seems like the Thai Elite Visa would be a decent option also, and with few if any strings attached. The eliminating the annoying and silly 90 day reporting would be nice, but the Elite folks in general will handle that as long as you are in a few cities and locales in Thailand. And at the moment the Elite visas don't have any health insurance requirements. Just some details to consider
  21. 1. So the US embassy or Thai officials or some contracted company can't or won't check or verify a US citizen's income verification for the old income affidavit of only 2,000 USD a month but they are going to peek and poke for 1,000,000 USD in USA assets? 2. 18 months process? 3. ● Wealthy Pensioner (LTR-P): Retirees aged 50 years and older who have. an annual pension or stable income How large a pension is needed? would USA social security of $40,000 a year satisfy that?
  22. All throughout Pattaya, the little Doner sandwich carts are fantastic. As are the little Burger stands. But I hope they don't shut out too many small Mom and Pop eateries. It is good to sit down. But I have seen Pattaya landlords or companies asking crazy high rent amounts and many small shops just can't afford that. Sad to see
  23. what's the difference? Does one's belief make something true or not? Can one do anything about it? If it gives somebody piece of mind to believe in something, be it God, Jesus, a flat Earth, the Earth sits on the back of a giant tortoise, or whatever, then so be it. It is all man made thoughts with no proof except some correlations that to quote the statistical people, does not prove causation.
  24. The problem is "card" rulings are often subjective and vary massively between different officials, honest or corrupt. Who will govern the system? How are disputes handled? Is there any oversight, review process, arbitration, appeal, etc? oh wait, this is Thailand.
  25. As for health insurance, if something relatively minor happens, go to a local private clinic instead of any hospital emergency room. Prices are cheap, service is good. In Florida, that is the way to go. Cali is similar.
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