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Everything posted by gk10012001

  1. There are two things I hate that have changed since my first visit in 2004. 1: USA embassy stopping income letter affidavits. Gosh what a pain to have to do monthly transfers, make sure Thai banks get transfers encoded properly, etc. Can't really blame Thailand for this unless they have pressured the embassies to stop it. 2: The extra Health insurance needed for OA visas and probably others including O visas soon. I have fine global insurance but there is no way I can get the signatures ane exemption form signed off to say that qualifies. 90 day reports are silly and one report at the one year renewal time should be more than sufficient. There are many other changes I don't like but I never expected things to remain the same for decades and none are deal breakers as much as I hate the Police being not really run by civilian control, being under the thumb of the military, no proper court system to help foreigners, etc
  2. I first went to Thailand in 2004. I was elated they had an elected PM. Then a re-elected PM. Then the coup in 2006 to me signaled the down fall. In this day and age of mass communication, it was sad to see a military take over a country. Thailand will not see free elections in my lifetime is my belief.
  3. I did not say that at all. I said that when they announce the statistics they clearly state "confirmed" cases. I have not once seen anybody saying how many more were out there or could be out there. They unfortunately have a vested interest to make things seem worse, certainly the pharmacy companies could as it invoked panic and a "need" to use more of their products
  4. there should be no charge. An investigation would be proper. But arresting and charging is totally disgusting.
  5. Of course the number of cases has been grossly under counted. Entire populations have not been tested so any statistic about number of COVID cases is to be taken with bags of salt. Yet the officials seem to love to only count "confirmed" cases without even suggesting or mentioning that there may be so many more cases out there present or in the past. Flu experts estimate that up to 20% of a population actually get the flu in some seasons. I have no doubt that the alleged mortality rates are so much lower due to under counting of total cases
  6. I never asserted anything. I asked the question. Nobody knows what will happen after the booster shot. Boosters have not been given much yet
  7. There are some attenuated/inactive virus vaccines being worked on. The list is hard to find but they are out there. Novavax uses a protein similar to the COVID protein. That is similar to the older approaches. From what I read, and I didn't realize this, the Sinopharm, Sinovac vaccines uses the old tried and true approach. I read of some others but can't put my finger on them at the moment.
  8. Yes, and then what? 7 months later antibodies may again be gone?
  9. Despite all the initial claims, and trial studies, the bottom line is there is still a lot of long term research and studies and statistics over time that needs to be done. These RNA things really do just trick the body and work much differently than most previous vaccines. Yes they seem to have some plausible benefits. But they are radically different than previous vaccines that used weakened, or dead viral particles. The RNA vaccines are much cheaper and quicker to make versus things such as Flu vaccines which require more advance planning, growth and culture facilities, etc. And even some of those vaccines are not very effective because the flu vaccine makers have to guess in advance what strains to try and fight, and while those are being manufactured and distributed, of course the viruses often mutate.
  10. oh, it is the same as the COVID vampire virus only comes out at night so must quarantine. I am going to go out and get some Lamb's blood and paint it over my front door tonight. That seemed to keep out some bad things according to the Biblical Passover story.
  11. Having been part owner of two restaurants, I assure you that booze sales is the money maker.
  12. There is I fear a high possibility of your home insurance punting and saying your Thai insurance would now be the primary. Had some discussions on this in the past without a lot of resolution. That lady Sheryl that posts a lot about insurance may have some insight
  13. "worth"... depends how it is defined. Lots of things are involved. Large capital investment to build or install the systems, that take 10 years to get the ROI Return on Investment is usually too long for most investors or cities or countries to buy into. And that is not even considering repairs and maintenance. As for transmission, high current DC transmission is making a come back. I worked on some high power systems and motors for large ships so picked up a few research things along the way. Switching and converting the DC in addition to the transmission has improved greatly. Monsterous capability IGBTs for example. It really is a fascinating field. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-voltage_direct_current
  14. I said a taste, not a full course meal! Once or twice a month is enough.
  15. Fair enough and doable. Although I was planning on renting a condo and really prefer checking it out in person once I arrive before signing zee papers. But as others posted, there are options for booking places, canceling, etc. All doable. Just the usual watch out for the Thai "hooks". I love the place and have been 15 times, but there are a lot of gators in the moat waiting to take a bite
  16. agreed. I do not see much different except the words in the link that said proof of lodging for the period. Have people really had to show they were staying in the same place for 9 months or different places but paid in advance for all? I doubt people did that. And the link article said quarantine, but did not specify how long. And now if one is vaccinated, would one not have to quarantine but could still get this 9 month STV method? I would go for that if it were that simple. But I am not paying 9 months in advance for a place.
  17. so now, the hotels that paid for whatever it took to be certified ASq SH or whatever will now be raising holy heck for having spent money but now people can go stay elsewhere?
  18. I like going to Pizza Hut just next to Big C up the road a bit. Personal Pan pizza, some fries and a pepsi. A taste of home. Peruse the Bangkok Post, do the daily Suduko. enough of a view there out the windows onto second road
  19. Heck, I never wanted Terminal 21! The Dolphin roundabout was a mess, but I would rather be sitting in the old KISS restaurant that was on the corner. But that shopping plaza semi indoor outdoor area was dead space and never did any business that I could see, so I understand if the owners sold out to developers. I just don't go to a city just for malls. I got plenty of malls here in the USA and I don't frequent them much at all. Good for a walk around now and then on a cold winter day, or even on a hot summer day. But I prefer Pattaya circa 2004. That had enough for me
  20. From the link in the article. Nothing particularly bad about that, but it does not say how long a quarantine, or if after Nov 1, if vaccinated if no quarantine is needed. The real sticking point for me though is showing proof of lodging. I NEVER pay in advance for any long length of time. Very risk in Thailand. And I plan to visit a few different places during those 9 months and not just stay in one place. Sure one could rent a place in Pattaya, and still travel and stay a week in Phuket or whatever. Depending on the rate it may be cheaper to maintain the first place even while paying for others Then, they must show evidence of payments for their lodgings during their stay in the kingdom, which can be a rented house, a rented condominium room or a title deed of a condominium room. They are also required to have health insurance, with a minimum of US$ 100,000 cover for COVID-19 treatmentvalid for the entire period of their stay in the country. They must also have health and accident insurance coverage of40,000 baht for out-patient treatment and 400,000 baht for in-patient treatment.
  21. well the current STV I believe is expiring or ending soon. SoThais, being the un original copy cats they are, are kind of copying that again, but with a different strings attached. I am over 50 so most likely will go for the "new" Non Imm O visa that the USA Thai embassies are now offering. Before they had OAs but that requires Thai insurance, in addition to of course the COVID stipulations. The O visa before, was only available if in Thailand. The O visa for long stay and elibigible for retirement extensions, at the moment does not requie Thai insurance/ My global insurance is fine for anything I might need in Thailand, although for simplicity I may get the cheapest Thai insurance available just to smooth things out. I can afford it, and if it makes things easier, it may be worth spending the bucks. I am still waiting to see how the Nov 1 open with Vaccination proof really works and if there will be good enough airline flights through countries and with airlines I like available
  22. Well as of today the exchange was "up" to 33.5. Not the same as 43 or so on my first trip in 2004, but getting palatable.
  23. Yes I heard that some hotels had apps for updates, or to order or select menu/food choices etc. No idea what would happen if a person did not have internet or smart phone. On all my past holidays in Thailand, I never stayed more than two months (Visa exempt and then 30 day extension). I never brought my laptop, I would occasionally use the hotel comupter or an internet cafe for some routine emails and what not. As long as the hotel has wifi, my Smartphone for which I have not switched a number to nor got a sim card for or bought any plan for, does support wifi right out of the box so I plan to bring that. I still have a 3g voice and text only phone which will go away soon and I am still deciding on what kind of plan I want here in the USA or what will work if I travel. When one lands in BKK is WIFI available? If so how do you connect or log in to it? Is it open or does one have to register when connecting to it
  24. I think that display "You don't have any devices" is referring to the fact that you have not activated Blue Tooth or are not connected to any other Blue Tooth devices. I think the app tries to ping and communicate with other devices near it that use Blue Tooth. That is how it tries to track who, what and where. That should not affect downloading the app.
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