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Posts posted by seminomadic

  1. "He added that whereas the <deleted> was already quite established when the Philippine talks began, the Thai insurgents seemed still to be in the stage of cementing their presence."

    That's great. So the TH authorities will wait for these as5holes to bomb and terrorize Buddhists and Muslims alike for a few more years so that they can properly congeal as an entity, then it'll be easier to sit down with them.

    Way to motivate them to keep doing what they're doing, making public statements like that.

    Brace for the future.

  2. I wonder if the complexity of the Thai script discourages learning to read.

    I've proposed this to more than one of my closer Thai colleagues. The prevailing response is that yes it is harder than Western script but doesn't work as an excuse for being lazy to read since Thai people have been used to reading without spaces between words for so long already. I'm generalizing your 'complexity' here into maybe something other than what you intended. If you do intend strictly the complexity of rules/tones, then that is also a nonissue according to my sources.

  3. Would you marry a prostitute back in your home country?

    Yes, I would, as long as she accepted my previous life too.

    Why does being a prostitute make someone a bad person?

    Congrats, you've trumped the OP with the dumbest question.

  4. First thing, BMA, vote this idiot out of office, her and her dopey first-car discount hare-brained populist policy.

    Second, make it MORE expensive to own a car and to drive it, higher taxes on cars and use those funds for more roads. The country's slowly but surely choking itself to death with the traffic thanks to the prevailing "Mai pen rai, gridlock is normal, time is of not so much value" attitude but moreso due to farcical urban planning.

  5. I highly doubt she or someone she hired murdered him, living there as a septuagenarian on his own, after he transferred all his assets there, seeing as how people from Isaan are generally very moral and not at all greedy.

  6. I am vehemently AGAINST any type of marriage, because in the end it likely will cost me my last shirt. Now try to explain that concept to someone who has at least 6 dying grandmothers, a dozen gravely sick water buffalos and a menagerie of unfortunate cousins at home; not to mention that dad urgently needs a new pickup truck and mom cannot live without a more spacious house. No wonder I'm still single. LOL

    Stay out of Isaan.

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  7. I strongly feel the Thai T.V. channels should stop all the ridiculous dubbing of English spoken films and documentaries, I mean, those voices they use........ odd........ anyway, keep the original soundtrack and provide Thai subtitles......promote the English language which will be the uniting language of ASEAN.........or is that too practical for the bureautwats in BKK?

    Not dubbing in the native language and not providing L1 subtitles on the boob tube is one of the main reasons Philippinos have such good English skills.

  8. Wrong again. The key to Thailand's development potential and improvement in Thai people's quality of life involves tackling the traffic problem which is slowly choking the urban centers to death rather than the 'mai ben rai' attitude towards it what with this dunce in office incentivizing people to buy cars.

    Tackling, I said, not putting a bandaid on a sliced artery, which is what the MRT and BTS extensions are.

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