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Posts posted by seminomadic

  1. I just don't 'get' that. Why target teachers?

    Because in these sick sociopathic muslim nuts' heads, the teachers are the agents of an education system spreading non-muslim-nut-ideas which their ideas are apparently not strong enough to withstand on their own merit.

    It's time to declare the Deep South a war zone. It's time to go in and beat some serious @ss. Some of you of course will reflexively post "Well that attitude is what gave us the Tak Bai massacre and what has made things so bad!"

    Well guess what: the cat's out of the bag. It's been 8 years and it's not gotten any better despite all the efforts of the Thai gov't to reverse the ill-will, not least of all royal initiatives to help develop the deep south.

    For these <deleted>, whose delusions are just like bin laden's, offers of peace/negotiation are perceived as weakness and only caress their deluded egos. Time to put them 6 feet under, time to tell the locals they have to start crossing and turning in the fnckers making the problems or run for the hills cuz the place'll just become a flat-out war zone.

    "No more half-measures, Walter."

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  2. I can't really see any other way than the start by cutting off the heads.

    This is, in reality, the only solution that sees positive results as it has actual historical precedent. Mao Zedong made an example of one gov't official with his hand in the proverbial fortune cookie jar and graft, patronage & bribes stopped almost overnight. Stayed that way until Tienamen Square made bigwigs realize they could shut everybody up and get away with anything and the bullenscheisse started right back up with a fury.

    Nothing more needs to be said than Thai at Heart's statement right there.

  3. So the skin colour of the rapists is irrelevant to the story, and should be left out. ---- It may also shock you to discover that as newspapers traditionally had limited space, that cutting non-essential facts is crucial and plays a huge part in the traditional news writing style.

    Now... please apologise to the class for being such a dunce and insulting people smarter than you, or we'll have to put you in the corner.

    Oh and thanks for edifying us on the history of writing with economy, and how that informs your little rules. Nice to know you're thinking in the right media paradigm nowadays.

  4. Exactly my point. Throwing around 'PC' without really knowing what it means. Repeating, for the 6th time, and still waiting for the answer... what is the RELEVANCE of skin colour in this story.

    Not real quick on the uptake, I guess. Derivative as it may be, I'll re-post Nisa since Nisa did it more artfully, and you managed zero response to it.

    "If we are going to be politically correct then the story should also not mention it took place in Brazil and it should not mention the victims were Thai or female or that the accused were males. Probably also not a good idea to mention the victim had a job since this could somehow be seen as indicating she was a good citizen and this would suggest an unemployed person is not. "


  5. Why does this article emphasize "Black men"? Would it not suffice to say Brazilian males? Does the use of the colour of skin add emphasis to the horrors of this tale?

    Perhaps they were not Brazilian males! Maybe they were indeed "Black Men" from the countries that seem to specialise in drugs as can be seen in parts of Bangkok. These type of people get everywhere and why not Brazil. I think Thai women know the difference between brown and black!

    The skin colour of the perps is totally irrelevant to whether or not they were Brazilians (a large proportion of the Brazilian population is of African or mixed ancestry) and it's also irrelevant to a news story. At best it may be relevant to the police conducting the investigation. But it has no place or value in a news story. Last week, here in Singapore, the headline was 'Caucasian passenger beats taxi driver'. Can you see how that is both irrelevant and offensive?

    Time to come off the PC soapbox, back away from the computer, look in the mirror, and recite: "I've been brainwashed"

  6. Well, aren't they off to a good start with a web site that has no English capability? Isn't that a little corrupt in itself?

    A bit of a stretch, but insofar as it hints at TH's lack of transparency - at ALL levels - I can agree.

    When you work with people who recoil when you even gently ask their name, there is no hope. Nobody takes responsibility for their actions here which is why they get away so easily with what they do.

    But if Thailand was like Singapore- where almost everyone's on the grid, a good chunk of your income is taken out to keep the smooth-running machinery oiled, and you can't get ***** for pennies on the dollar because the laws are actually enforced, would we still want to live here?

  7. Forest fires are the biggest problem. Action has to be taken at village level: hold the village head responsible. Reward a village that had no forest fires and punish a village that did not prevent forest fires. Forbid villagers to graze cattle in the forests if there are forest fires. I wonder if the politicians will have the courage to do 'something'.

    Khon Thai cannot and will not enforce anything. Hence I agree with the other poster that the 900 million baht budget is just another avenue to line their pockets.

    I like hmj's idea but acknowledge it can't work in this culture. Puyaibahn will not accept not getting the money for not having any fires. The Puyaibahn will turn a blind eye when they make the fires on the DL and when whatever committee comes around saying "but you had a fire, it was seen Feb 13th..." he'll say "oh no, that was not our village" or "no, that was caused by lightning"

    but one thing he won't say is "yeah, ok then, we can accept not getting the money"

  8. "Foreign visitors to Thailand are currently at the mercy of four major problems: crime, deception, disasters and, wait for it, degraded tourist attractions, he added."

    I'm not sure they mean degraded, as that would mean the attractions were of some repute in the recent past and have now become less so - but Grand Palace/Wat Po/Sanam Luang aren't any less impressive than they were some years ago.

    They must mean degrading tourist attractions, as in what the women do to themselves to entertain at certain upstairs venues.

    • Like 1
  9. I don't if this is funny or just sad? sad.png Safety zones where only the police have the right to scam tourists?

    Anyone following the news,the last couple of weeks, can not be unaware of that behind many serious crimes committed in Thailand, is a Pol Col or a Pol Maj. All from drugs to murders. And it is not a big secret, that the masterminds behind the drugtrade in Patpong (bulldoze itbah.gif ) are the BIB. So if you want to create "safety zones", maybe BIB-free would be a good start! thumbsup.gif

    Just last night a taxi driver was going on about the drug & taxi mafia ring run by the cops at pat pong.

    Will tourists also be safe from being overcharged by ghost taxis in Pat pong?

    As with most things we read about, this is nothing but lip service.

    Brace for the future.

  10. Sad stuff. Shame on any tourists that pay to go and see such degrading spectacles as these.

    Without the tourists' support, there wouldn't be this despicable spectacle.

    From the thaivisa archives comes this post from NINE years ago. The mindset being that apparently there aren't other sights that would also puts smiles on children's faces.

    Posted 2003-11-27 18:44:06

    Hi all

    Went on an excursion to Safari World today and have to say really enjoyed myself. Before anyone jumps down my throat about cruelty to animals or the problems this place has had with licenses, I understand all these things. Anyway, I pushed them to the back of my mind as the smiles on my children's faces takes precedence. If you have children or just want to see something different it's worth visiting. The orangutan boxing show had me and my ducklings in stitches, along with the dolphin and seal shows. I must admit was a bit worried about the polar bear feeding show - the bear looked very grumpy and it was quite hot today. Once again sorry to the animal lovers who don't approve


    Based on the dopey attempt to justify herself in that post with 'i once joined animal lib I THINK' I realize that Nat rhymes with a word that begins with 'tw'

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