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Posts posted by seminomadic

  1. To all the posters that regurgitate the misleading propaganda from certain corners of the Christian spectrum about the 'religion of peace', and 'most terrorists are Muslim', please have a look at Mexico, more than 60.000 people tortured, maimed and then killed in the most gruesome ways imaginable in the past 6 years. This is an average of more than 25 people killed per day, each day, over the past 2190 days, and not a Muslims involved.

    Tragic as the situation in Mexico may be, this is a very short-sighted comparison. I'll paraphrase something Alan Watts once said: A war waged for resources or land is an honest war, and will have limited suffering and casualties as there is a goal to be met [obtaining the resources] after which the killing stops. But a war waged in the name of religion is a lot more evil, as one side will not stop killing in the name of righteousness until all of the opposition is annihilated.

    The comment that it is "misleading propaganda from certain corners of the Christian spectrum about the 'religion of peace', " is still valid.

    From the Christian spectrum, sure. Possibly from the Jewish, Hindu and Buddhist spectrum as well.

    Did I forget any?

  2. I don't believe Malaysia really wants the region and one cannot blame them. It is a hotbed of radicals, a poor region and one that could eventually take up arms against the Malaysians.

    They don't need to be part of Malaysia. They more likely see themselves as an independent Pattani, and from where Malaysia's standing, an independent Pattani is more malleable to any Malaysian machinations than a Pattani that's part of TH and so is more desirable.

    Not only that, TH would draw more of this new country's ire than would Malaysia. Mostly if not all upside to an independent Pattani as far as Malaysia's concerned.

    I think the only way to peace is to follow the Northern Ireland/UK model. However, that would require an acceptance of foreign mediation and none of the implicated parties is willing to accept it. Nor has the violence reached the tipping point. The violence is still contained in the south. I am amazed by the fact that there have been no terror incidents ibn other regions. Until that happens, the Thai population's sentiment will be to ignore the situation.

    Agreed. I think the only reason it hasn't manifest in Satun, Krabi etc. is they're not Yawi (sp?)-speaking Muslims, and from what locals tell me, the non-Yawi-speaking Thai Muslims have this sort of zero-tolerance for Yawi interlopers trying to bring the fray to their province. Hearsay, but seems to make sense. Hope it stays that way.

  3. To all the posters that regurgitate the misleading propaganda from certain corners of the Christian spectrum about the 'religion of peace', and 'most terrorists are Muslim', please have a look at Mexico, more than 60.000 people tortured, maimed and then killed in the most gruesome ways imaginable in the past 6 years. This is an average of more than 25 people killed per day, each day, over the past 2190 days, and not a Muslims involved.

    Tragic as the situation in Mexico may be, this is a very short-sighted comparison. I'll paraphrase something Alan Watts once said: A war waged for resources or land is an honest war, and will have limited suffering and casualties as there is a goal to be met [obtaining the resources] after which the killing stops. But a war waged in the name of religion is a lot more evil, as one side will not stop killing in the name of righteousness until all of the opposition is annihilated.

  4. Thai people are in general not equipped and there are not a lot of well advertised places for farangs to go to if they have issues. Let's face it if work sucks your girlfriend left yo u where do you turn if you are here on your own

    Yes, but there are good doctors and psychologists at BNH and Bumrungrad.

    How would you know that? Are you qualified to assess their competency? Maybe they are, maybe they are not. Due to the shortage of mental health professionals, the good ones can pick and choose who they want to deal with. That means the "messy" cases can be avoided, unless the patient's family has lots of money. In Thailand, mental health care comes in the form of potions and pills. It makes it easier for the families and the attending practioner. Have a patient with age related dementia? Dope him up. Have a patient with OCD? No biggie, just dope him up. Have a patient with something like a brain tumor causing odd behaviour? No worries, dope him up and then you don't have to diagnose the underlying ailment.

    Jesus H. Christ guy, I'm trying to suggest an option in response to a post on how limited the options are for the distressed in Thailand, and you lay into me wanting me to offer you proof of their qualifications. Sounds like your doc cancelled your appointment today.

  5. Scientific community would be devasted. Opportunity to learn for young Thai scientists gone out the window due to good old fashioned beurocracy and nationalistic agendas. Sad day for Thailand.

    This government want to keep everyone in Thailand stupid so they can manipulate them into believing whatever this government promises will come true

    What you think the tablet computers are meant for?

    Uhhh, Angry Birds?

    And don't forget being hypnotized by advertising
  6. The way foreigners deal with situation like this in Thailand should be learnt.

    Even you are absalutely right, YOU DONT SHOUT!!!! YOU DONT PRESSURE THEM!!! YOU DONT CHALLENGE THEM.

    Look....The driver returning the wallet after nicking some money out of it.... common ... Who is the most stupid robber??

    I'm not saying that the driver has done nothing wrong but there is something unclear in what the British

    says as if he was the one that make it happens. (Sorry to say that but I hope we all understand here that we discuss here to LEARN.)

    GoodThaiGirl it's interesting to hear your input but understand that teaching foreigners not to shout is no more practical than teaching Thais to accept foreigners shouting. It's a cultural difference and when we're talking about tourists, there's no fixing this. Tourists aren't interested in even a brief course in how to handle confrontations in Thailand when they've spent good money to come here.

    That said, I am genuinely interested in hearing what you suggest we SHOULD do in such a situation rather than telling us what NOT to do.

    If you speak calmly, as you said, and you need to resolve this by getting the police or a manager involved (since HE"S not gonna give you your valuables back!), you'll convince me that the moon is made of cheese before you'll convince me that any Thai staff or bus driver or whatever will give their actual name to the person confronting them, however calmly. In fact, I'll bet you a dollar that the Thai bus driver refusing to tell his name was what sent Whitey over the edge and escalated the situation.

    So please argue with me, tell me what we SHOULD do - even if we try to deal with it calmly, we are powerless because people like this Thai weasel have zero integrity and no accountability, which is what causes many of us to lose our tempers when we've been wronged.

    Tell us the best way to deal with a situation like this in a way that gives us the best chances of recovering belongings and/or ripped off money.

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  7. Tar everyone with the same brush - all "farang" must be dirty old men and /or beer swillers? How many 'farang" currently live in Thailand and how many fit your description? Can you share your in depth research, methodolgy and statistical modelling (if used) with us please? Your perception of the 'real" world must be facinating. But, it is your perception, not reality - unless of course you did do the valid research.

    Equally, your inference that anyone from Isaan is involved in the sex trade is a generative stereotype.

    I guess you'd like statistical modelling & in depth research outlined for you when someone contends that the sky is blue too

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