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  1. Yes I read the original post and he does not mention not being able to use Skype but you expect me to sift through 3 pages hoping I’ll trip over some EXTRA info. Why not update the first post why he cannot use Skype If you can download Skype onto your phone or PC, then you can 100% make 0800 calls to the UK for free and without needing any bought credit. You can give all and any excuses however you will be wrong. I’ve been using Skype for free calls to the UK for about 20 years so you will not tell me what I cannot do. I was on the Skype free call for 2 hours last week. I guess I’m a lucky one? If the OP does not even want to try the that’s their choice however the rest of will use this free service because it works!!
  2. Just download Skype which is free plus you can dial 0800 numbers for free You can also download the app Mytello for really cheap international calls which instead of Ais 18 THB per minute,I pay 2 Thb
  3. I have used the online system for my last five 90 day reports. I have to say it’s the best thing since sliced bread! So far, I’ve had my confirmation within 48 hours of submitting them. My last report was submitted 3 days later than the required date. Amazingly I received my confirmation within 30 minutes after I submitted it. I made a link to the login page, added it to my browser bookmark bar and edited the name as the date for my next 90 days. This way, I have a constant reminder to complete my next one. It’s great not having to go to immigration at least for reporting when I can do it from anywhere 👍🏾
  4. So we have a bunch of politicians whom don’t smoke, that will order smokers how they must use cannabis within their rules of the law, for a God given plant that has never killed anybody, impossible to overdose, makes you happy horny and hungry and has more uses than verses tobacco, cigarettes and alcohol which are known killers, destroys families, friends and lives of others yet are allowed to be sold to the masses as long as there is a visible warning on the product, cannot be sold to minor and big daddy politician can forbid you buying on Buddha and voting days. Seems like they have all the rules / laws necessary already in place. The only missing link is how to suck money out of the consumer for a plant you can grow for free!
  5. They are practicing now for that very event. You will own nothing. Anything man made is man breakable. When will we learn?
  6. According to a recent report, 10 million locals now use cannabis However before it was legal there were probably like 999,9901 locals smoking weed. The way you are talking you make it sound like it’s new in Thailand but it’s not. Finally Thailand stopped with “the weed made me cut off my dick” or “Weed made me kill my (fill in family members name here)”. Considering no one person ever died from weed overdose ever, I think Thailand should concentrate on drugs that do the most danger like cigarettes, alcohol etc but they won’t as like everywhere in the world, we have corporate greed and we all pay (taxes) to play. How does a government tell you what you can’t in your body but then give you untested injections containing stuff you really shouldn’t put in your body than more people died from than taking weed?
  7. I was curious do I did some checking. So the maximum fine for: Drink and driving after 3rd count is 100K THB Punch someone then 4K THB. but drive your car on the beach and it’s 500K THB fine. Crazy that I see the jet ski towing cars drive up on the same beach everyday and what then… You couldn’t make this up!!
  8. They overkilled the article using ChatGPT to rewrite it in the style of Jordan Peterson
  9. I have watched with my own eyes how checkpoint police will let thais go for traffic infractions like no insurance, helmet, etc yet a foreigner is always charges the maximum fine for any infraction. The minimum / maximum penalty charges are just biased against foreigners and a joke. Make each penalty 1 charge. Why is it left to the police to decide the level of the penalty just adds to the already existing corruption? Years ago, I passed a policeman standing on the side of the road. 1 minute later I was pulled over at a police checkpoint. I was accused and charged for speeding 2KM over the speed limit on a major highway just outside of Phuket yet other cars were overtaking me at much higher speeds. The police showed me their radar gun but when I asked for proof it referred to my car, like a kid having a tantrum, this is when the sour face and shouting starts to appear. For the sake of my time and his negativity, I just paid the fine. They gave me a receipt and I went on my way. 6 Months later I go to renew my tax disc where I was informed that I had an outstanding speeding fine logged against my registration plate. I disputed the charge so they asked me for the receipt!! I explained it was over 6 months ago and as i had paid on the road side and i didn't think I needed to keep the receipt for 6 months. Again out comes the sour face and the "Pay or I am not talking with you" attitude with no further discussion. In this case, I ended up paying twice as they were holding my new tax disc hostage until I paid the fine as I could not prove i had paid the fine previously. Now, I saw that the new penalty for running a red light is now 4,000 THB, what a killing the police could make if they did their job. Stand next to the traffic lights and charge those pesky bikes that run the red lights, they would make millions. Do they not do this as it is probably in the high 90'% these red light runners are thai's? The fact that these runners do it in front of an occupied police box amazes me still. It is a clear money grab that us foreigners stand no chance. Don't get me started with the land office and their tea money.....
  10. I always wondered how it is that the public can be stopped on the street and night club, tested for drugs and extorted yet the testers themselves are not tested before hand. Police and government officials / employees should all be tested monthly for drugs then perhaps, police on meth that shoot up schools and innocent kids that has recently been reported, would not happen. Just a thought.
  11. The fact that in Thailand you will be sued for deformation if you mention the company that allows these scammy barstands to continue in their wicked ways. No real protection for the consumer when Thailand has this policy. I was in the market looking for a newer GPU. I was on one of Aisa's biggest online market places when I saw what I wanted. The thing is, you could clearly see which vendors were attempting to fraud you as: 1. The shop name was just a jumble of letters with no past history of sales or comments. 2. In most cases, they had only the one item for sale. 3. The product page only had the one picture of the GPU and had no real product information unlike the genuine vendors on the same site with the same product. 4. In thai language, they would offer you a discount if you contacted them direct when ordering offsite via the Line app. 5. When contacting the vendor they would either not answer or sent you their line ID to get you off the main platform and get you to send money direct to their bank account. 6. The item is far cheaper than the real identical product on the same platform. I actually made a list of these scammy vendors and informed the online shopping platform of these scam stores on their platform. The stores were removed in a few days only to pop up again under another store name, same product and with the same line ID!! This was over a year ago and still these stores pop up every day on the online shopping platform. I asked the shoping platform that if their chat can block / filter out telephone numbers, emails, etc, why cant they do the same with line ID's in both their chat and within the product description,? I received no answer. It's as if these online shopping companies don't give a damn if vendors fraud their customers as long as they keep getting their sales commissions even if the products are fake or non existent. They also receive the ID's of the scammy vendors when they create their shop so why don't these vendors get reported to the police for fraud? For fun, i ordered a GPU for 20K via cash on delivery. The order went though but as always, it was stuck on the item waiting to be shipped. This went on for about 7 days before the online shopping platform (that has 3 syllables which we cannot mention), cancelled my order on behalf of the scammy vendor. This allows the vendor to continue scamming customers without any fear of being stopped. Please, do your due diligence and NEVER pay for anything outside of the shopping platforms payment system as this is the only way you have any recourse to get your money back.
  12. However, the difference is, E.G. an English person is more likely to Google it then check, send translation to management, check, maybe find a Local Thai and double check. We have all been to those restaurants that the food smells so good but the menu will bring you a smile by offering Frenhc Freis, <deleted> fried rice, side salda or the Weakly spechal, lamp roast - Loverrrly!! Most every mobile phone, computer has access to a spelling checker which will underline the confusing english words and in most cases will offer suggestions. In my many years living here, I have to say that more and more thais are speaking english. Hopefully it will be less confusing as time goes on. As a previous poster said, my Thai is worst than most thai's english so I don't complain. I just get out google translate and the world is right again ????
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