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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. The underlying motivation to speak out against this seems to be more about self-preservation (Meechai included perhaps), not necessarily protection of "rights" for peons and serfs.   Meechai trying to be subtle in reminding The Boyz in Green that their time in power was meant to be temporary, so don't go overboard with all this anti-corruption nonsense, as it may come round and bite you later.

  2. Craig and his side kick, Carl Rove, have withdrawn to wander in the wilderness.  A feeling of nostalgia over took me, and so I switched on Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd.  The strangest thing happened next.  My mouse cursor began to move, on its own, like a Ouija board, and came to rest hovering over Transam's vote bubble.


  3. Google Nirvana Boutique Suites Hotel in Jomtien, Soi 4 off the main beach road.  1 bed apartment up on the rooftop (4 floors), kitchenette, etc., own patio, neat decor.   Set back from the scrum, quiet.  Rented a bicycle and rode all over the place from there.  Thought it would be a good place to base out of longer, but you would have to have a chat with the staff or manager to get the price down accordingly.  Good luck finding a place.

  4. 8 hours ago, nickboyuk said:

    Thanks 55 Jay good to hear your experience. She should be OK, she has no ties in the USA. Probably do it in February as its going to take some planning. I have a sort of itinerary already

    That's my feeling based on what you've said, and the lack of relatives in the US is another tick on the positive side. 


    The wife's been through this 3 times now, this was the first time in Thailand though.  I was ready for a rejection by some jaded civil servant who hates his/her job dealing with the masses day in, day out.  But with a little preparation and administrative organization, and a good presentation, she sailed right on through.  Good luck, cheers!

  5. 3 hours ago, khwaibah said:


    Not exactly a rule. It can be used by others.   https://th.usembassy.gov/embassy-consulate/chiang-mai/  I am in Surin and the wife and I use it.

    Good info, thanks, a possible geo restriction using the CM Consulate hadn't even occurred to me, good to know there isn't one.  Wound up using BKK anyway, did the visa business, saw the American Doc for a check up, and raided Villa Market for more Cholula hot sauce!  :tongue:

    • Haha 1
  6. On the application timing, we planned to go 3rd week January and I procrastinated applying until December.   The Consular officer did ask my wife when we planned to go but didn't ask for air tickets.  If so, my wife knew how to couch the logic that spending thousands on air tickets if you don't have a visa in hand, is a bit presumptuous.   I felt her application and history was strong enough on its own merits, and didn't need that extra level of proof. 


    Consulars don't seem to say how long a visa will be.  We didn't know she got 10-years until passport was returned - although I was 99% sure she would get the 10-year this time around.

  7. IMO, your wife's position seems stronger than the average Joe, with that UK visit visa in her passport, and with multiple trips out and back to Thailand.  That lends credibility to the house book as "home", and it's unlikely she would abscond to the US when you live in the UK - unless she's got immediate or extended family in the US, then that puts a question mark in the air.  


    My Mrs. just went through this process last week at US Embassy BKK.  She's had 2 US visit visas before - 1-year and a 5-year, and we've done multiple trips back and forth and to other countries.  Her English skills are good and we did mock interviews to practice the intent and details of our up-coming trip.   On the day, she said there were long queues inside and she over-heard many rejections being handed out; the applicants were unable to explain the intent of their trip confidently and/or devolved into convoluted, dodgy sounding stories.  Said Consulars would try to unravel it in Thai and English, but only for so long, rejected, next.....


    Wife said she stepped up to the window at her turn, female consular machine gunned questions at her, she fired right back quickly and confidently, no hesitation.  After that initial stress test, she said Consular visibly relaxed and approved the visa.  Passport turned up in the post 4 days later with a shiny new 10-year US Visit Visa in it. 


    I had also considered a quick trip up to CM for the reason Khwaibah mentioned above ^, but took our chances with the masses in BKK and it worked out in the end.  


    Good luck, hope she gets it. 

    • Like 1
  8. I would be more concerned about the sycophant Generals surrounding KJU.  What's the SOP for KJU to launch nukes?  Any checks and balances?  Any key Generals who might have the sack to stand up to KJU in the critical moment?   Would that General merely be relieved and pushed into retirement?  Or perhaps shot in the head in a very public way, to remind the others what happens to those who dissent?

  9. Just now, Berkshire said:

    You're right, it's a pretty minor collision.  But in view of the recent string of major accidents, and we're talking sailors losing lives in peacetime, it becomes newsworthy simply because of the pattern of mishaps in this region.  You would think with the previous C7F getting fired, there would be a major shake-up....and there probably was.  Really bad timing for the Benfold and her CO. 

    Of course I understand all that.  My observation was not about that.

  10. I looked around for other news on this, most have it right - a barely newsworthy, minor event but of course, and rather predictably, use it as a springboard to re-hash the Navy's recent string of incidents. 


    The worst was Time.com's huge font headline screaming, "The USS Benfold Just Collided With a Tugboat in Japanese Waters!"  OMG!  You'd think it was the Titanic all over again.


    The lead in para says the Benfold "CRASHED" into the tug. 


    The next line flips it 180, saying the tug "drifted" into the ship, which brings it back into reality.   They continue dialing back their bulls**t incrementally with minimal damage, "scrapes", and then return to Earth, characterizing the whole event as relatively harmless.   Indeed.  Quite the departure from the intentionally dishonest headline.


    Who writes this tabloid s**t?  Curious, I looked up the Time Jouroboob on the By Line.   A 20 something Millennial dingdong, 2016 graduate of Northwestern, BA in Journalism.  She writes on her LinkedIn page, "I cover breaking news and health for TIME, Fortune, Money, and other Time Inc. brands".  


    IMO, she's somewhere between Facebook selfies and amateur Blogger.

  11. Doesn't really bother me, I can manage a day or two without a beer, OMG, the horror.   The daily time restrictions on buying alcohol annoys me more than the occasional buddha day.


    But I agree with others from an ideological, church and State POV.  God botherers have too much influence in government, worse when uniformed goons wearing guns enforce prohibitions based on religion.  The PM himself is prone to a good old tongue lashing about morality, and how much boob and butt is allowed.  Extrapolate this kind of behavior out to the extreme, you wind up with the Taliban, ISIS, etc.  


    Parts of the Land of the Free, Home of the Brave, can be just as or even more invasive.  Some states have no alcohol "dry" counties and towns.  Others only allow State-run liquor stores.  In my native Southern California, I can rock up to a petrol station and walk out with a guilt-free six-pack - even on a Sunday!  :laugh:

  12. 1 hour ago, Naam said:

    living in my home country my tax liability for 2017 would be

    income tax.........39,122%

    church tax...........3.521%

    solidarity tax........1.956%


    plus Vat on every penny i spend 19%

    assuming i spend half of my income VAT is another 9.5%

    total tax load.......54.099% = :bah:


    I had to Google church and solidarity tax.  :sad:

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