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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. 3 hours ago, maximillian said:


    Go to the loo in Central, BigC, Tesco or such, you will find toilets without bum guns.

    Personally I make sure to bring a bottle of water with me but the majority are using the

    "dry wipe" with paper and many throw the used paper in the bin.

    Touché, good point.  I got caught out once at a mall, not long after dining at one of the restaurants therein.  We have to muddle through holidays in Murica.  No bidet or bum guns, so we resort to those moist baby bum wipes.  :sad:

  2. 17 hours ago, Credo said:

    Ah, well, so do I, at least part time and almost all of the past year.   Your friend is WAY off base:

    We just had the hottest November ever. And 2017 could be the city's hottest year



    Rainfall was minimal this year.  

    Like a lot of this sensational headline click bait trend these days, this article starts with a big bang, but by the time you get to the end, they've dialed it way back. 


    But, it sells and attracts clicks and views.   Climate change zealots can point and chortle, "See!  It's real!  Says so right here, you stupid Trump voting red neck climate change global warming deniers!". 


  3. On 1/2/2018 at 1:53 PM, pumpjack said:

    human shit and lots of it as people are expected to put their toilet paper into a plastic bin

    Do you still wipe your arse with toilet paper?  The good old western "dry wipe"?  :sick: 


    Typically, folks use toilet paper to dab off water after using the bum gun.


    But yes, the trash lorries are not a bed of roses.  I do them a favor and put all the recyclables into a separate bin, although the old fella who rides around my moo baan on his bike, usually beats them to it. 

  4. Just now, watcharacters said:



     I've been with the bank/brokerage house  a long time and have made no secret about my location.   So far so good and I'm  100% satisfied with their customer service.


    I anticipate receiving my replacement cards today and for some strange reason, they sent each card in its own FedEx package.       They picked up the cost so I'm not concerned about having two separate deliveries

    Roger that. 

  5. 16 hours ago, watcharacters said:

    There is a fraud report in the makings.   Again  committing any crime during  a serious holiday  period is a positive thing  for a criminal.


    I'm not sure if I made this clear or not.     I used   a TMB ATM nearly two years ago (1-8-16).    I have had  no other association or contact  with the bank since then  until this fraudulent withdrawal took place.    I'll call my  US bank tonight and hope I can reach the man who is  assigned my case.

    Sidebar comment - Some US banks, 2 of mine in particular, are very sensitive to clients who live outside the US.  Of course you don't have any choice but to pursue a fraud report with your US Bank in this case but I would be mindful about potential, unintended consequences.   I've had two brushes with this in the past, the last, most recent one, being when I locked myself out of on-line login and had to call them to get it reset.

  6. 3 hours ago, steven100 said:

    All cards are susceptible to the cloning signals. Wrap alfoil three times around the card ... then stay a minimum distance of 1 meter from anyone especially near the ATM.

    This blocks all chances of being cloned.

    LOL, nice dodge.


    If your cards are not RFID, then wrapping in alfoil is as pointless as lathering yourself in SPF-50 sun screen lotion to protect against moon burn on an overcast, moonless night.


    Maintaining 1m separation from others is, however, an excellent counter-measure against pick pocketing, accidental impregnation of random females, accusations of being a Sky Train pervert, and provides a small measure of deniability when passing gas..... unless there are thermal fart detectors installed, then you're busted.



  7. 3 hours ago, steven100 said:

    I remember this was discussed some eight months or more ago, now before going anywhere I wrap my cards in alfoil to block the clone signals and I always keep a one meter clearance from any other person. 

    Do you have cards susceptible to the "cloning signals"?

  8. Sounds just like .....LAST YEAR, er, I mean the year before.  It's 2018 now. 


    We were on the Florida panhandle for the month of February and got caught up in that storm and blast of cold that came down from NW Canada.  Cold as a witch's titty for us Thailand people, but even the locals were bundled up.


    I recall hearing about N. Florida agriculture getting ice/frost during some winters in the past 30-40 odd years, it happens. 

  9. 3 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

    With Syria on the back burner and Rocket Man preaching peace and love, is Iran about to become the focus for extending the US's hegemonic "war on terror"?


    Not according to Fox News or CNN, of course. Me? I'd rather pull up a stool, pour a drink and listen to what the cynical old barflies at the Moon of Alabama have to say on the subject. Illuminating as the old lunar orb herself.





    "Moon of Alabama".  Never heard of it.  Bookmarked, looks velly interwrenching.  Thanks! 

  10. 5 minutes ago, craftyhen said:

    or Geoffrey...



    Geoff might perish in an unfortunate accident one day.  Brakes on the car fail.  Slip on a banana peel and fall down a flight of stairs.  Bitten by 15 King Browns which, apparently climbed in through an open window and under his bed sheets. 

  11. 1 hour ago, malibukid said:

    the retail cost for one once of cannabis is around $250 which is absurd. most people will be lawfully growing up to 6 plants in their backyard

    Wow!  Really?  I wondered if that would happen.  Taxes and greed.  Hopefully availability and competition beings the price back down the Earth. 


    Keeping it so high will encourage continued influx of foreign weed, untaxed and sold at normal, reasonable prices under-the-table.  California State Narcos will get their own War on Drugs, kicking down doors to arrest them for tax avoidance.  :wacko:

  12. 2 hours ago, Mansell said:

     Hopefully California learns from Colorado and their issues. Because the federal government doesn't recognize the sale of marijuana as legal so no bank will take the money, and we are talking sometimes millions of dollars. So these shops have to get on armed guards to transport their money to some safe holding place. So millions of dollars are floating around and California will have to deal with this issue.

    Is that because of federal regulation of banks, and specifically, to get the FDIC protection, you have to tow Fed's line?   Yet California regulates and collects taxes off the sale.  Weird conundrum persists.


    Stacks of cash is going to be an alluring target.  Won't be surprised if gang bangers and opportunists start an armed robbery spree, getting into street gun fights with armed, private security. 

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