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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. Just now, sjaak327 said:

    The wole electoral college is undemocratic. I do agree that members of that college should not be allowed to vote differently from the people they represent.


    I stronly believe that the head of state should be elected by popular vote only.

    When did you start having these strong beliefs?

  2. 2 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    So they have no respect for the current constitution, the current process, wish to ignore who the people in their state voted, and wish to impose their views on the people they represent regardless of what those people want.


    How very liberal and democratic of them.

    Would you say the same thing if the situation was reversed?

  3. 1 minute ago, LivinginKata said:


    So never mind the 126+ million US citizens who voted.


    It really the folks who hold the 538 electoral votes.


    Why bother with the expense of a national vote when these 538 call the election.

    Yes, that about sums it up, and why John Podesta came out on stage that night, and told the remaining Clinton supporters and staffers to head on home.  And why Clinton ultimately delivered a concession speech - with class and aplomb. 


    +2 million votes is an impressive figure but my home town (San Diego) has 1.3 million inhabitants, so in real, geographical terms, it's not that persuasive, and probably why Hillary isn't out there stumping for the popular vote movement or to dump the electoral college system. 

  4. There are EC voters who intend to flip their intended vote to Clinton but at the moment, not enough (37) to change the outcome.


    "At least a half-dozen Democratic electors have signed onto an attempt to block Donald Trump from winning an Electoral College majority, an effort designed not only to deny Trump the presidency but also to undermine the legitimacy of the institution."



  5. 24 minutes ago, wealthychef said:


    Hmm.  How does post 827 in any way answer my request for information about an official announcement?  Nice to learn a good way to refer to earlier posts. though

    The OP itself says the policy was approved yesterday by the interim cabinet.  Goes on to say it's not clear when the policy would be implemented.  Most TVF members would replace "when" with "if", and there's certainly precedent behind that skeptical outlook.


    Last but not least the OP itself says point blank, this policy is intended to increase medical tourism.  


    Your instinct on this are probably spot on.


    Page 34 and counting.  Reminds me of the communications exercise where you whisper a message to the first of 20 people and have them whisper repeat it on down the line.  :laugh:



    8 minutes ago, wealthychef said:

    There are 34 pages of posts.  Can you please just repost a link if you have it?  

    Not a link (Post 827^) confirming details on the OP, rather draws a link to medical tourism, which is the stated aim of the proposed policy in the OP.   Would indicate this has nothing to do with Non-O and extensions based on marriage, retirement, etc.  

  7. 5 minutes ago, puukao said:


    even you have the CHANCE to bash AMERICANS, why do it????????????????????????????????  WHY?????


    the money will have to be in BAHT.......so soon the Baht will be the strongest currency in the world!!!!!!


    and rents will go to 50,000 baht month and the poor will cry more and more!!!!!!


    Simple....run to Cambodia....while you are still alive!!!!

    He's not bashing, it's a realistic statement.  I imagine some Americans do get creative with it. 


    The US Income Affidavit form is expressed in US Dollars.  Thai Immigration converts the amount to verify it meets (or exceeds) the required amount in Baht.    This will have zero impact on FOREX or rent. 


  8. 6 minutes ago, puukao said:

    Don't get all mad at me if you didn't plan properly for retirement!!!!  It's YOUR life, it's important to make lots of money and not spend it on bar girls.  Then the expats come here and eat bad, get super fat and go to hospital for months and months......lol....


    money always gets people here all crazy..........if it's an INSECURITY, do something about it!!!!!!


    remember....this is just the beginning


    in 5-years, new visa regulations will be 30 million in the bank (Thai Bank)!!!!!!!

    Nobody's mad at you.  You just have an overly active imagination. ^ Clearly ^.

  9. 10 minutes ago, puukao said:


    And i'm pretty sure bank funds FROZEN, then seized......a nice 3 million baht!!!!!  and likely a house sold...

    What  makes you "pretty sure" about that?  Can you cite one example where a retiree or married person with 400/800k Baht, respectively, in a Thai bank, had those funds FROZEN and then seized?

  10. 1 minute ago, soalbundy said:

    ''Applicants for the visa are expected to be foreigners who live in provinces such as Chiang Rai , Chiang Mai , and Chonburi the spokesman said''  How very strange so if you live in Bangkok it doesn't apply. It appears this isn't for foreigners per se but for a select few who want it.

    "Expected" does not equate to "requirement".

  11. 6 minutes ago, atyclb said:

    true but speaking the language of the cuntry you live in can be fairly important.

    anyway is it just me but these topics about thai girls-dating are like beating a dead horse.  

    Yes, this recurring theme proves time and again that people are different, even in a culturally predictable Asian country.  Any comment starting with, "Thais girls are....." will wind up being pulled apart when people start telling their stories.  I do enjoy the occasional comment from a TV member who's dated a financially stable, independent Thai lady who turned out to be far more mercenary than the bar girl he ended up marrying and having kids with. 

    • Like 1
  12. ^^^ He got dimed out.  Most likely by competing rivals or a vindictive ex-gf.  Who knows.  


    Cops get tipped off to specific vehicles leaving X point for Z, set up a check point at Y, and just wait for it.    I often thought if I was doing it, would load up and start driving, then make a random stop and change vehicles without telling anyone. 

  13. Recall Jingthing mentioned this in another thread.  A distinction between Federal law and basic civil/human rights afforded to everyone.


    As a special interest group, I admit being impressed at how organized and tenacious they are, and how they capitalized on a willing Obama Administration to achieve quite a bit in a relatively short period of time, compared to previous years.   Also that they went from being hopeful about a Hillary Clinton administration likely to keep carrying the ball down field...... to the horrifying prospect of a hard right Trump administration tinkering around with social/legal/religious issues.


    I recognize "they" aren't done yet, however, my feeling right now is middle America (whatever that means anymore) has a dose of LGBTQ123XYZ fatigue in lieu of broader concerns.   I think another hard push on the bathroom issue, for example, would be incredibly tone deaf and possibly counter-productive.


    I'm concerned about Roe v Wade.  If that is overturned somehow, the US of A is, IMO, in a whole heap of trouble, and we won't be talking about which bathrooms TGs can or should pee in.  That said, I "get" that it is all linked.  Focus should be preserving what "we've" got and focus on calibrating the Dem/Progressive party and win the election in 2020.

  14. Don't doubt openly racist nutters are stretching their legs, just saying the video put up isn't a good example of it.   I read somewhere recently US KKK membership, for example, is very small.  Southern Poverty Law Ctr estimates 6,000 nationwide.   Anti-Defamation League about 3,000.   In a country of 330 million people.


    Media outlets with an agenda will conflate incidents to make it seem worse than it actually is, in order to feed the newest "revolution".  They are, in effect, doing the same thing they indict Trump for. 


    If the media actually cared, they would use their influence to marginalize these marginal nutters into obscurity.  Just ignore them.  No air time, don't even mention them.  They know how to do this selective non-coverage.  Ask Jill Stein, she'll tell you all about it.  Or Bernie Sanders, at least when he first started campaigning.  Bernie Who? 

  15. Well, in the video I saw a swastika and "Hell Trump" (maybe Go To Hell Trump?) spray painted on a church. 


    If you apply the left's favorite red neck, Jesus loving Trump supporter stereotype, such as Publicus and others do frequently, including the Yuk Yuk Ma and Pa Kettle example in this thread, well, those god fearin' folk aren't inclined to be spray painting on a house of god, nor would they tell Trump, who they support, to go to hell.   It would appear that spray paint "hate crime" was perpetrated by..... liberal anti-Trumpists.


    The picture posted of a large swastika with "Make America White Again" is also a reverse spin theme used by anti-Trump people.  They use the swastika to indicate Trump is like Hitler, reference to David Duke/KKK support, etc.

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