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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. 2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Found out what the other is. It's MS Edge.

    If using internet explorer TV is in colour.


    I tried to download Firefox to see if that works better, but it wouldn't download after 10 minutes so gave up on it.

    Firefox (latest version) is also black and white.

  2. 1 minute ago, chiang mai said:


    A professionally composed and written will, written by somebody such as Kuhn Sumalee in CM will cost about 7k Baht, assuming it is not overly complex and lots of assets are involved.


    An alternate and far cheaper way to go is the Amphur will which costs under 100 baht and is a simple process involving Amphur staff.


    Both achieve the same end result although unless the will involves minimal simple assets, probate is required. I have read reports of posters saying the Amphur will alone is sufficient to allow transfer of simple assets although the discretion of individual bank managers seems to be a major factor.


    Finally, I've read reports that lawyers may charge up to 7% of the value of an estate to conduct probate through the courts for a farang will. I can't comment on the validity of those reports but it might be worth asking questions, if you have the chance.


    Finally finally: some posters have set aside an amount of transition money in an account that is accessible by both parties, that's money to be used in the event of demise that will sustain the partner for x months, during which time probate can be enacted - I think that's a very good approach and I have done similar. Maybe something to consider.

    Was not aware of the Amphur route.  Yes, it's just money in a few accounts here.  Accounts in US  are under TOD rules, no other assets to deal with there either. 


    Good idea about transition funds, thanks.

  3. 1 minute ago, Morch said:


    What people do for a living does not entitle others to take liberties.

    Starts to back the moral, religious right into a corner.  If a hot chick's not wearing a turtle neck and baggy trousers, then she's a loose woman of questionable morality, just asking to be groped..... or worse.  This line of thinking and rationalization was still common place in the 80s and 90s.  Seems to be where the Republican party is, stuck in a time warp vacuum.  Don't even get them started on gays and lesbians. 


    We could set aside the groping/kissing allegations.  Trump's own words about his daughter, other young women, and using his position as an excuse to walk into pageant dressing rooms, is reprehensible all on its own.  He can't refute his own words, his own admissions, backed by women say, yup, that's what he did.

  4. I've seen the Thais smoking pork in those medium sized ceramic water contains/cisterns.  Not ideal, but easily sourced if you draw a blank on the barrels.  


    Beyond that, my buddy here drew up a sketch for a proper, full size smoker and had a Thai guy fabricate at a metal shop in town.  We smoked a small hog last year with mango wood, came out alright.

  5. I live in Korat, wrt to the equipment, out front of the Makro (by the bus station, not the new one across town) there's a restaurant equipment supply shop in the parking lot.  They have that kind of stuff for sale, big dough mixers, slicing machines, mincers.  Haven't noticed sausage gear but it's within the genre of the shop.  Not exact info, but thought I would toss it out there if you happen to get down this way.


  6. 8 hours ago, SOTIRIOS said:

    ....have a look at how many people say that Mars is actually inhabited.....


    ...and some have even been there......


    Other rumors say Trump is from Mars.  Here, the latex human mask he wears slipped a bit at one side, and supporters close enough to see the green skin underneath, were terrified.  Read it on the internet.  It's true.  I promise!.  :tongue:




  7. On 10/22/2016 at 5:23 AM, inThailand said:

    Guys, went to my local Adyudha bank branch in Phuket. 


    Their suggestion to avoid tax of 15% this year and going forward is to close all MTD accounts before the end of the year and open one new one and before earned interest hits the threshold of 20k close it and then open one again. Crazy! But for me, it's a more attractive option then getting a tax Id number and getting on the Thai IRS radar screen.


    Btw...SCB bank has better fixed term savings accounts than before 3, 4 and 9 months at 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5% respectively.  But of couse there is the mandatory tax of 15% on each. So the Adyudha MTD savings account still is more attractive.


    Is anyone buying GBP now?


    I haven't been to my branch yet, but logged in this morning, queried both MTD accounts from 1JULY to now, and see no tax events, retroactive or otherwise.  With a potential combined interest rule, I would of gone over 20,000 interest paid in August. 


    If your branch told you they would not allow you to close MTD accounts to avoid the tax rules, they appear to be contradicting themselves by now suggesting you close your account(s) before the end of this CY.....to avoid taxation.   You could do that at any point during the year, which is precisely what I (and others) have done in the past, based on the bank's own suggestion to do so. 


    Your new comment, however, leaves a niggling idea they could do an end of the year tax sweep on all accounts?  Dunno.  Still plan to visit my branch and pulse them about this.

  8. 9 hours ago, Chicog said:


    Yes. I do it for a living.

    The simple fact that it wasn't addressed personally would have led me straight to the Delete button.


    I was thinking of you when I posted this, as you stand out in my mind (among a couple others) as well versed in this kind of thing. 


    On the email I rcvd, I did hover mouse over the amazon dot com link in the salutation/signature line, and the small pop up window appeared showing www dot amazon dot com.  Even though it looks good, if clicked, could it still be redirected to a 'fake' website?  Is that what's called "spoofing"?

  9. Seems to be a matter of fact explanation, lacking a sense of contrition - Buddhist or otherwise?  Maybe lost in translation and text.  Dumping into the river wasn't really the problem, it was the tide's fault.  Love the expression on his face in the stock photo, probably similar to the one worn by the stingrays in their final moments.


    Hope they get a massive fine, big enough to get their attention, seems to be the thing that works.  Money.

  10. On 10/16/2016 at 2:45 PM, bmiller1985 said:

    Does anyone have an update on this mystery?  I read that he died on September 6, about a week after all the news reporting about him going missing.  After all the news and discussion what happened to this man?

    Right, found the Webster Uni page but doesn't seem to be any info on the internet about what actually happened to him, where he was found, etc. 

  11. Thanks, reading a few older threads now as well.  


    My buddy here tried to do TOD for his wife, for Wells Fargo account in the US.  They told him she had to walk into a branch with him and sign the forms in person.  I did mine via email. 


    He's in the States solo for a visit right now, emailed today saying he was able to fill out the TOD form at a Wells Fargo, then the branch employee said his wife would have to fly to the US to obtain the funds upon his death.  That doesn't sound quite right.  Anyway, got me to thinking about the accounts I have here.


  12. 1 minute ago, Pib said:

    And the way that statement is worded it applies to any combination of Krungsri "savings" accounts, not just the MTD account.  So, if a person say had 2 (or more) Krungsri savings account with only one being a MTD account he would still need to take care in not going over Bt20K in total interest earned "if wanting to avoid the withholding tax" for whatever reason.



    I'm hoping this was just his branch manager, not a company-wide directive.


    Hey, do you still have the link handy for the relevant section of the US/Thai Tax Treaty?  You posted it in a tax thread a long time ago, and I ended up having to pull it out during my visit(s) to the main tax office up here a few years ago - you might remember I had a hell of a time with my first and only tax return.  Like to be armed and dangerous if I have to file on the Krungsi accts.  Will bookmark the page this time too.

  13. Received an email today from Amazon "security-update" saying they found a list of hacked emails and passwords out in the internet wild, and changed my password to protect me.  Can't remember opening an Amazon account, but may have at some point and forgot about it/never used it.


    I Googled around and found this is already "out there", suggesting this might be a renewed phishing attempt based on the old Amazon story line?  There were also articles suggesting Amazon did change some client passwords preemptively earlier this year.  I suppose both could be true at the same time.


    Posting as an FYI mental "bump" if anyone gets similar email.  The Consumer Affairs article from March of this year, while it ends inconclusively, describes the email I got today.  




    Email I got today below with a link to Amazon dot com in the salutation:



    At Amazon we take your security and privacy very seriously. As part of our routine monitoring, we discovered a list of email addresses and passwords posted online. While the list was not Amazon-related, we know that many customers reuse their passwords on multiple websites. Since we believe your email addresses and passwords were on the list, we have assigned a temporary password to your Amazon.com account out of an abundance of caution.

    You will need to reset your password when you return to the Amazon.com site. To reset your password, click "Your Account" at the top of any page on Amazon.com. On the Sign In page, click the "Forgot your password?" link to reach the Amazon.com Password Assistance page. After you enter your email or mobile phone number, you will receive an email containing a personalized link. Click the link from the email and follow the directions provided.

    Your new password will be effective immediately. We recommend that you choose a password that you have never used with any website.

    You can also enable Amazon's Two-Step Verification, a feature that adds an extra layer of security to your account. In addition to entering your password, Two-Step Verification requires you to enter a unique security code during sign in. To learn more about Two-Step Verification, go to Amazon.com Help, go to Managing Your Account, and click More in Managing Your Account, and then click More under Account  Settings.



    This e-mail was sent from an address that cannot accept incoming e-mail. To contact us, please visit the Help section of our website.



  14. 7 hours ago, inThailand said:

    Guys, thanks for responding.


    Attached is the official MTD rate change and underlined by the bank rep is the policy change.

    I am going to the bank today for I still cannot get clarity on when this change takes effect.


    Like many things here it didn't make logical sense that one could open multiple accounts to avoid the tax, but that was Their recommendation. So I did.


    So where do you put your Thai money now? With the political and king situation fund accounts do not look any better, or any less risky. Fixed term accounts are not that attractive either. The idea of getting on the Thai IRS radar by getting a tax Id number and filing a refund is also not attractive, at least to me. I have nothing to hide, but dislike big brother mentality, ex FBAR reporting. 



    Suppose it was merely a verbal/soft work around to begin with, and I can see why it might be a compliance issue they want to clean up.   It was my prime motivation for opening MTDs and have used the procedure a number of times to avoid having to file tax return - which would end up giving me the tax back anyway, so.....


    Individually, at current rates, my MTDs would of slipped in under the wire on 31DEC16.  Combined, the INT accruals went over the line in August.  Shit.  :saai:


    Thanks for starting this thread.  I'll follow up at my Krungsi branch and see what they have to say about the MTD Shuffle.

  15. Before I talk to my banks, like to ping for advice/experience about this here first.


    I filled out/signed TOD forms (Transfer on Death) through my US based financial advisor, covering US investments/portfolio.  If I kick my clogs, my wife is the beneficiary.  


    I've got a few bank accounts between BKK Bank and Krung Si here.  All in my name except for one joint account with my wife, which I put relatively small amounts of money in via iBanking, and we both have our own ATM/Debit cards to access it as needed throughout the month.  Larger sums kept in the other sole accounts with no ATM access.


    Short of having a Will or all Joint accounts, is there a similar TOD process to facilitate transfer of my sole owner accounts to the wife should I be killed/die suddenly?

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