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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. 12 minutes ago, ChoakMyDee said:


    The danger in not stemming the flow of Mexican illegal immigrants is they will eventually outnumber the native American population; then the USA will become just like the 3rd world hell hole they came from. That's where the left has a disconnect. They don't realize they are shooting themselves in the foot by importing so many future democratic voters.  The eventual result is the end of western civilization.


    Immigration was never intended to be a charity program for third world poor and uneducated to go to the US and live on welfare. It was meant to bring hard working/well educated people to enhance American society. Donald Trump realizes this and he's the only one with enough guts to speak plainly about it. If he doesn't succeed, the US will be a 3rd world country in approximately 20 years.

    Indeed, and an irony not lost on Native Americans.  :saai:

  2. 48 minutes ago, chilli42 said:

    "... they're now pushing for a serious shift in the party's policy positions, financial resources and grassroots organizing to focus more on an economic populist message that could win back white working class voters who went for Trump."


    Well they had that option with Bernie but we're too fearful to make the necessary break.

    Ding Ding Ding, we have a winner folks.  :thumbsup:

  3. No doubt, the political system and media have reduced to a science, how to manipulate and shape an increasingly unsophisticated public, overwhelmed with repetitive bumper sticker messaging and Pavlovian conditioning.  Many are ill-equipped to identify and deal with it appropriately.  That goes for both tribes and their new, respective "Alt" cousins. 


  4. Clutch, you're right about relationships, including between people here in Thailand and, of course, the dreaded "Ignore" button's getting a work out here on TVF by some.  Guy I know here said he's binned two friendships of 30 years and a business associate. 


    I was also thinking a few days ago, seems to be, in part, shadowing the grief/loss process.  Denial and isolation.  Anger.  Bargaining.  Depression.  Acceptance.  Seem to be stuck in the Anger phase, although adults like Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, have moved through it quickly.  Well, maybe not Hillary.   Not sure where Trump's at.  Bargaining, perhaps.  LOL. 

  5. 8 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Please do ignore me.

    Do me the favor.

    If you mean the Ignore function, I'm not a child, I don't use it.  If I did, I would just do it, not announce with a flourish to seek attention.  


    I always read your posts but in the last few days, sadly, a cursory scan to see if you are still in Man Baby Trump mode yourself........... then scroll on by.  That's ok though, not like you get paid by the reader.  Have a Great Trump Day now, ya' hear!  Cheers!  :laugh:

  6. 9 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    The goal is to resist people thinking the trump regime is normal, to constantly remind people that the man baby didn't even get the most votes, and hopefully to tactically apply the most protest pressure when particularly odious things are about to be passed with the hope of getting them more tempered down.

    The constant refrain when nothing's going on, gets you ignored.  When the time comes for tactical surges, you're not taken seriously.  


    You've been calling him a bloviating orange liar for a year.  A CONMAN!  No need to start taking all his nonsense seriously all the sudden.  At any rate,  I think Obama rattled and outclassed him at their meeting.  I could picture Uncle Mitch explaining the facts of life to Trump.   Culture War Reset?  Pfft, hardly.  Trump's rowing his little boat back to the Center so fast, he's probably given himself whiplash..... and it's only been 6 days.

  7. 42 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    It's about resistance to trump.

    Such a man baby that ran the nastiest hate campaign in American history and has now infected the oval office with a world famous white supremacist American fascist will never unify a country as incredibly DIVERSE as the USA. 

    People that think this was a normal election leading to a normal presidency are tripping.

    Ok, that's what I thought.  Only because you seem to be a sponge for every trend and new millennial term on the internet.   We all know how you feel about this, you've been squealing at high pitch for 6 days about it.   Do you really think you are being effective or accomplishing anything besides making a spectacle of yourself with all the dramatic hand wringing and continuous rants on an obscure website in Thailand?   Just sayin'.


  8. Not too sure about that last bit re: Trump's cabinet.  The talking heads are all abuzz about the circus list of surrogates who stroked Trump's ego during the campaign.  Rudy G, Chris Christie, the ex-Breitbart guy, Dr. Ben "space cadet" Carson, and of course, Kelly Anne Conway as Certified Trump Whisperer-in-Chief. 


    Old Bernie seems to be "over it" and says he's willing to work with Trump on common interests, but pledges to oppose if Trumps starts walking backwards on civil and human rights.





  9. Seems like he blew her off at first so she got some extra persuasion out of the truck. 


    I used to pull the occasional late night at my neighborhood local in my mid-20s.  One time about midnight, we were having a great time, well lubed, when all the sudden the small bar got really  quiet, like one of those 1980's E.F. Hutton television commercials.   I followed everyone's gaze around to the front door and there was my Mexican girl friend, stood there in the doorway like a super hero, arms folded across her chest, jaw set, staring at me like a laser beam.   :crazy:

  10. Good on him.   

    Remember this one from March 2015. 



    Seem to recall an attempt at check point reform.   Must be approved in advance, proper signage and a senior officer had to be present during operation.   I didn't think that last one was going to be a hit with the supervisory officers, made to stand on the highway, skin turning rice farmer brown, sweating their balls off with the rank and file. 


  11. 21 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:


    From a person who was at the Embassy on Thursday, this was all about US and Thai nationals concerned that something was HAPPENING. What it was,  who knows, but in these times people worry about terror attacks. This was nothing about Trump, you probably missed this but there were warnings, threats of attacks on election day in the US. So customers of the embassy were bloody well concerned! People had been mentioning this to the Embassy people inside the compound and people had been phoning up to CANCEL appointments. That is why they put it on the facebook site as they thought it might help some of those people.    Unfortunatly someone decided this was  ... gasp, wait for it ...... DISRESPECTFUL and so the Thai websites plunked it up .... and the populist blatherers had a great time blathering about it


    End of Story!

    Ah, I see....  This is my former line of work  (but not here in Thailand) and I was sitting here thinking this whole thing was very unusual, almost unbelievable given my understanding of the (normal) coordination between host nation and dip security staff.  Thanks for calibrating and filling in the blanks.  Cheers.  :thumbsup: 

  12. Very unusual that RTP would increase security measures without first discussing rationale with the USE BKK RSO shop.  I can see why USE BKK would view this uncoordinated, unilateral action as highly dismissive and disrespectful of normal protocol.   Whether that was meant as a political insult or somebody just forgot to make a phone call, or have a quick meeting to discuss it....is what's interesting to me about this.  Not to mention diplomatic communication via Facebook..... :shock1:


    Having read the RTP spokesman's comments (Coconuts link), at face value,  RTP probably had good intentions based on their view of events around the world; the optics of which the US would prefer to downplay, and not appear to be in "siege" mode as the banana republic burns around them. 


  13. 1 hour ago, trogers said:

    In this day and age, why do you still need to book through an agent, when airlines and hotels have their own online services?


    And if you want the service of an agent, get one with a registered office...

    If the folks in the photo are representative of the group, may not be big internet users.  Not a smart phone between them. 

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