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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. 2 hours ago, Xircal said:


    Bit late though don't you think? To deride somebody today for something that supposed to have happened 30 years ago is spurious at best. 

    Yes but also no, because that's the typical, default reaction.   I would never say bogus claims don't happen for various reasons - political, monetary, revenge, etc.  Of course they do.  


    At this point, and no matter what one's political leanings are, with all the other Trump context coming out, much of it in his own words, it would be more prudent to resist the  reflex and not start dragging the complainants through the mud like some did with Bill Clinton's various accusers.


    I know it's old hat, but other instructive examples we should learn from (but don't seem to) was how the Cosby allegations played out and came to a shocking conclusion.  Another would be the terrible secret that so many men had been holding onto since boyhood, about their priest down at the family's catholic church.


  2. I looked at his previous posts, it seems like he and the Mrs. came here from UK to live long term/retire.  Talk of buying a car and adopting a child, etc., he's touched based with UbonJoe as late as August this year.


    I think he means to apply for an extension of stay based on retirement or marriage, but got his wires crossed.  Hence the money in the bank, which ended up not seasoned long enough, along with the common gaff with bank letter and bank book dates. 


    So right, OP.... what is your intention? 

  3. 2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Au contraire, if the very ordinary Smith got to have a bit of hanky panky with groupies most red blooded men would be jealous. However, groupies don't "go" for ordinary men, as only celebs, no matter how ugly, get women throwing themselves at them to be used any which way.

    We're not talking about a celeb nailing some groupies.  We're talking about a guy knowingly perving on chicks in their dressing room.  I don't ding Trump for being a "red blooded American" who likes hot chicks.  But come on, drop the BS for one second, the shit he was talking about doing, how and why....... is pretty low brow, and kinda creepy.

  4. 33 minutes ago, Silurian said:


    Yeah, these beauty pageant women probably can't say or do much against one of the most powerful men (Trump) in the pageant industry. They would be writing their own career death warrants to state anything and who knows what kind of non-disclosure agreements they have to sign. It would be really interesting to see the wording of these agreements. I've read that most of these entertainment NDAs are really strict and you can't say anything at all against the show or producers without harsh punishment. Those in power make the rules. That is just the way it is.


    Amusing to think that if we took Trump/Clinton names out of this for a moment, and consider a virtual unknown named Smith (no offense to any Smiths out there) who did what Trump said he did, admitted to it and even bragged about it openly, that guy would be lynched as an opportunistic, cheeky pervert by the TVF Hang 'Em High Brigade; and rightly so.     Any attempt to defend the pervert with comparisons would be deemed outrageous to our sensibilities and dismissed as irrelevant to the actions of Smith.

  5. 1 hour ago, Silurian said:


    I wonder if Kellyanne Conway is regretting her latest career choice. Though she does have the knack for dodge, spin and deflect down pretty good now. 


    Conway avoids commenting on Trump's beauty pageant bragging



    The CNN talking head cornered her near the end.  Was Trump's action of going back stage on purpose, under admittedly false pretense, appropriate?  Yes or No?  The question hung in the air for about 1.5 seconds waiting for a speechless Mrs. Conway to answer.


    She's speechless because it's just another moment of pure clarity that Trump is an entitled, exploitative braggart.   I watched early interviews of him, he wasn't like this, at least not so outwardly.  He still had a sense of right and wrong and a "normal" sense of accountability and consequences.   Something has happened to Trump over the years.   It's not just him, there are plenty of examples of rich/famous people turning into very strange, paranoid, delusional people.  We call the rich/influential ones "eccentric".  For us normal folks, it's simply referred to as being unhinged, possibly bat shit crazy.


    I have little doubt there were one or more women who thought Trump was a total creep for doing what he admits to doing at beauty pageants.  What could they say?  Nothing, just suck it up.  It's not a stretch at this point to imagine if one of them had objected, she would be singled out, labeled as a difficult bitch who complains too much.

  6. 5 hours ago, meatboy said:

    thanks for your reply,because i havent been out of the country since 2008 my details are not in the computer.

    i am sure only them that has crossed the border and back in 2013, can do it online.


    Think I remember reading something about that on these pages.   Have you actually tried the online report and it didn't work for you? 


    If so, wonder if telling Immi about that, they could do something at your next in-person visit to enter you into the computer/system to facilitate you being able to do 90 day reports online.   Always found the female Sergeant down the left end of the customer service counters (in the main hall, not 90 day office), to be quite helpful.  She was still around last time I was there, I hope she never gets transferred.

  7. 1 hour ago, losworld said:

    DeNiro is a joke.  Too bad cause I like him as an actor.  Tough guy I thnk not just a wrinkled old 145 pound 70 year old guy thinks he's tough probably from pretend life in his movies.  Not long ago he cowered to Hollywood by pulling a controversial film from his Tribeca festival. 

    Not sticking up for DeNiro, but that film got yanked for good reason, not cowardice.  Seem to recall Donald Trump was rambling on about this vaccination issue at an early Republican debate and was corrected by none other than Dr. Ben Carson. 



  8. At the local markets, we started using the cloth shopping bags when the PM first did his pitch to the public about this.   We do "our part" and think maybe we would make a positive example to others.   I've yet to see any of the local folks using a cloth bag, it just didn't catch on.  Perhaps no tangible incentive in their day to day lives and of course, they use some of the plastics in the bin - as do we.  


    As for the vendors, I used to decline the plastic bag in a positive way, smile and say "PM say no bag, save the earth!".   Vendor might smile, vigorous head nodding, "Ohhh, chai, chai, yes, ok, ok, save eart, hee hee hee".   Lasts about 2 seconds, then right back to normal.  *#-o d'oh! What to do....


    On 10/7/2016 at 1:59 PM, meatboy said:

    as we are talking about korat immigration,having had 2 setbacks april and september this yr.doe's anyone know of agents that will do your 90day report for you.i have been warned it could happen again while DRIVING.

    extensions must be done in person [correct] ?so as both are due november i have to take a chance,something you do every time you venture out on these roads.

    MB, have you tried doing the 90 day report online?  I just did mine today and it worked.  If you try, make sure you use Internet Explorer browser.  I tried a few times with Firefox and couldn't get it to work. 

  10. 58 minutes ago, The Dark Lord said:

    White pepper keeps pussy away?


    i am pissed off al local pussy using my BMW as a bed and scratching my paint whilst climbing on to the car. If I put white pepper on the car it will keep the pussy at bay yes?

    Cats are fairly smart, so if you can catch them on the car a few times, and scare the living s**t out of them, they'll associate car with danger, and find another place to lay about. 


    Did read that pepper works in the garden, suppose you could try it on the car, careful how you apply it to avoid unintended consequences.


    We used a car cover for a while.  Looked as if the cat would jump up onto the car, causing the cover to slide a bit on the paint, making him dig in its claws for more traction =  straight through the thin cover onto the paint....   Not too many cats around our place though, we have dogs, which also helps keep them at bay.  We have more problems with birds perched in the beams/rafters of the covered car park, crapping on the 2 cars below.  We have chickens too (not my choice) and they occasionally jump up on the cars and that's even worse than a cat.


  11. Been trying to 90-day report on-line the past few days, usually just drive out there and do it in person and make a "day" of it.   The data just wouldn't input on the screen though, the site tab and location bar in the browser (Firefox) flickering. 


    Remembered the Internet Explorer issue today, tried that browser and went straight through, printed "pending" bar code receipt, no problems.  When all else fails, try reading the directions!  Duh!  :laugh:

    • Like 1
  12. At least the intelligence report wasn't "leaked" by some unknown internal source. 


    On the surface, of course it's right and preferred for the police to inform the public.  There have been incidents where a bomb has gone off and turns out the police had some info about it in advance, but didn't share it with the public, and were (rightly) lambasted for that. 


    Media, social and alternative in particular, speculates and that morphs into a new set of faux 'facts' that don't resemble the original statement, and goes viral on social media.  Trying to unwind that after the fact sends the same into orbit about the oppressive government stifling the media and free speech. 


    So right, we've seen the PM be heavy handed with the media in the past.  No doubt.  But in this case, because there is an obvious, very real precedent for the media to do exactly what he's talking about, I've got no quarrel with him telling them to chill the F out, stick to the known facts and don't make s**t up to increase their clicks and ratings over competitors.

  13. 4 minutes ago, sahibji said:

    Morakat you are right. there is an angle of feeding the dogs as doing good Karma.

    Religion, its followers in particular, often do more harm than good.  In the case of "karma", exacerbating the soi dog problem, for their own personal/selfish gain.   Then again, they don't see soi dogs as "problems", so there is no problem to exacerbate.  :thumbsup:

  14. 3 minutes ago, Morakot said:


    The irony is that in Bangkok the municipal authorities do provide animal control. You can bring any soi dog and have it check for rabbis and neutered for free.


    No one bothers; in fact people seem to worship soi dogs nowadays and routinely bring them "alms". Random cooper who shoot an out-of-control dog that attacked people, found himself dragged in front of a judge. :ohmy:

    Ah, Ok, I don't live down there, didn't know that.


    Yes, remember that article about cop shooting the dog. 

  15. The next/final debate, the moderators need to have control over the microphones and be able to simply turn them off when it's the other person's "turn" to answer a question in that kind of venue.  I know that seems micromanaged and would normally be unnecessary, but this isn't normal, and Trump simply can't control himself.  It would actually help save him from himself by reducing the amount of stupid shit he says, which, increasingly, he's compelled to apologize for or calibrate after the fact.    Trump.  Microphones.  Cameras.  Not a good combo for him.

  16. I wouldn't take my dog up to the shops by my house.  Too many soi dogs about that have claimed the territory as theirs.  Once they gang up, pack mentality kicks in, they can rip a dog to shreds. 


    That's one thing (of several) that sucks about Thailand,  but was also a problem in other 3rd/Developing countries I've lived in.  In the ME, there were roaming packs of semi-wild/unsocilaized "soi" dogs and there were a number of incidences over the years of them attacking people on bikes and lone joggers passing by "their" area.  There was no formal/government animal control system, but every now and then, the local cops would go around in pick up trucks and shoot a whole bunch of them.

  17. 6 hours ago, Srikcir said:

    I'm still interested in this thrice attempted suit from the woman who claimed, when she was 13, serviced Trump and was later raped by him while tied to a bed with pantyhose at one of the parties thrown in NYC back in the day by Jeremy Epstein - later convicted for soliciting underage girls for sex/pedophilia.   Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Jeremy Epstein..... the social connections and interactions between these 3 guys are there.


    In the last few days, a Federal judge has revitalized this case, which has been bubbling around in the background for a year.  

    Fed Judge Order Link


    Not champing at the bit about this, but if there's fire behind this smoke, which is starting to feel more and more likely, then it deserves some more looking into.

  18. 39 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

    Not sure he was referring to religion, but I could be wrong.


    Example, your family have faith in your driving ability and judgement every time they get in the car right? And if your judgement is appalling their faith in you is misplaced. So, everyone has to have faith in something be it wordly or religious.


    Anyway, don't want to overcomplicate this or get to heavy. My applicable point is this, that Grandad had a duty of care to drive sensibly with his grandson /family in the truck. Their faith in his ability to drive responsibly and avoid unnecessary risks with youngsters on board was seriously misplaced as he seems to put their well being and safety in the necklace he wears. He should be ashamed of himself for risking the lives of and nearly killing his family members,,, never mind his bloody necklace.


    Yes, you could be wrong.  I'm content to wait for a response from him, if any.  If none, that's fine by me too.


  19. 1 hour ago, sahibji said:

    we all need some sort of faith. if your faith in amulets is strong perhaps some divine power is protecting you. best of luck.

    No, "we all" don't.  You use mealy mouthed, conditional words like "if" and "perhaps".  :bah:   


    Which means you've got no effin' idea what you're on about, you're just regurgitating someone else's  made up nonsense.   "If" you knew anything, you would say so and then, "perhaps", you wouldn't sound like such a twit.

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