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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. 43 minutes ago, dbrenn said:


    Sure this man is boorish, brash and rude. But did he break any laws, and if so why didn't these women go to the cops at the time? Does he have any criminal convictions for sexual assault? Or, could it be that these people are just making noise, to get some kind of compensation to shut up. He's a rich man, right?


    In England too, there is this wave of historic sex abuse cases against most well known celebrities of the time. Very few have actually gone to court, and many of the accusers turned out to be fantasists or people looking to make a buck. Times change - also in England we had comedians such as Benny Hill, who made a career out of bawdy humour, such as slapping women's bottoms in his comedy show. Unthinkable now in these politically correct times of the liberal left, of course.


    I agree, but that's what we all said about our dear Bill Cosby at first.  What?  No way!  That's Mr. Huxtable and the Jell-O Pudding guy from when I was a kid.  Even after a few "copy cats" came out, many were still in denial, figured they were climbing on for a potential pay day. 


    And then more, and more, and finally, he admitted to it.  Damn! 


    Trump's not even denying it this latest thing.  Best he could do was say he's not quite as bad as the guy he says is a sexual predator and a rapist - Bill Clinton.    Gotta hold our tongues on this one, I feel like the "next" thing is right around the corner.  Maybe not.  We'll see. 

  2. Obama had his "clinging to religion and guns" comment leaked.  Romney's 47% comment. 


    Trump has crawled down into the bottom of the barrel with this Bill Clinton, sexual predator/rapist theme. Not a smart move for a smart guy like him to chuck moral rocks from his house made of glass.   Sure enough, Murphy's Law strikes and out comes the Access Hollywood bus recording.   Trump's actually dodged a bullet on this one, it could of been much worse.  But in this, there's no ambiguity, no he said/she said he can spin, just a clear insight into the mind of @ Real Donald Trump, in his own words.  He doesn't even deny it.  


    Instead, he turns right around and associates himself as golf buddies with Bill Clinton, the same guy he's been publicly shaming as a sexual predator and rapist for weeks, and asserts that this kind of locker room banter was normal even for them.  In Trump's Machiavellian way of thinking, that gets it out there as being all good and normal and allows him to parse it by essentially saying, "Yeah, but hey, at least I'm not AS bad as HIM!"   So there you have it, the new gold plated standard for Trump is to compare and contrast his douche baggery with a guy he says is a sexual predator and rapist.   Brilliant move, Donald.  :blink:


    I wonder what he's going to say when the next handful of @ Real Mud comes out about him, and you know it will, probably very soon.  He's already put himself down in the same league with Bill Clinton, so maybe he'll just shrug his shoulders, grimace into the camera and in his New York accent say, "Yeah yeah, Whud Evaaa".


  3. Now or 10 years ago on a bus... a pattern has emerged demonstrating Trump's consistent, unbridled immaturity, adolescent blurting issues, and in this case, an insight into how he fails at assessing situations and people correctly (judgement), and conduct himself accordingly.  


    Trump, smart, savy businessman, meets the young, dashing Billy Bush, a bottom feeding Entertainment gossip "reporter".  10 minutes later on the bus, young Billy baited Trump like a chump and had him singing like a kiss and tell canary.  You can hear Bush and the sound man giggling nervously as Trump apparently thought they were kindered Alpha Male spirits enjoying his tales of prowess at striking out with a married lady.  My impression is they couldn't believe they suckered Trump so easily, and he just kept going and going, they couldn't believe their luck!  Trump was oblivious.


    He can't handle 10 minutes on a bus with Billy Bush, how in the hell is he going to handle a KGB snake like Putin pushing his buttons in diplomatic, verbal judo. 


    Trump's falling back on this special pleading, "Those who REALLY know me, know that's not how I really am".  Well, mate, that's the purpose of a campaign.   Most of us schmucks in the real world (outside Trump Tower) only get one chance, maybe two, then people tend to connect the dots and arrive at a conclusion.   You can't keep acting like a moron, apologize insincerely and repeatedly, and come of as a serious, mature, credible person.


  4. 10 minutes ago, kannot said:

    sometimes lady luck helps, i remember the time a guy  in  the Thai way overtook coming towards me on my  side of the road (  imminent head on collision) when there was  clearly  no room to. I refused to swerve out the way and he  missed me by mm.............looking  in the rear view mirror i saw  his pick up swerve  left right, fishtailing before finally  flipping  over.

    Clearly, his lack of ability at judging distance, potential risk and consequences, is all your fault.   :tongue:

  5. Bahrain is interesting as, on the surface, viewed through the lens of Western human rights SJWs, it's easy to present the Sunni Bahraini royal family as clinging to power by any means necessary.  And they are, of course.


    What is also true, and willfully ignored/downplayed by the human rights SJWs, is the subtle but open secret that Iran was and is very much behind the movement in Bahrain as an extension of their desire for Shi'ite influence and domination around the Gulf, and elsewhere.  That is why (Sunni) Saudi forces were invited into Bahrain at the outset of this present (on-going) uprising, to help keep a lid on it but moreover, to demonstrate Sunni solidarity in a vivid and forceful way to Iran, its agents in Bahrain, and the coalescing revolutionaries. 


    The Shias in Bahrain are Bahraini, no doubt, and that's important.  However, there is an undeniable and highly consequential religious, cultural, familial and historical connection to Iran and by extension, its religious leaders and their agendas.   George Bush Jr. virtually handed Iraq to Iran on a silver platter out of selfish ignorance; a common trait shared by young western SJWs. 


    Bahrain is a small but critical, highly symbolic piece of physical and ideological real estate.  Should it fall, the SJWs will pat themselves on the back and chalk up a victory, then trot off to the next "righteous struggle", as all out sectarian and civil war breaks out in their wake.

  6. 1 minute ago, GAZZPA said:


    I don't seem to be as upset as you are right now.


    Yes, to be frank this whole post I find absolutely disgusting. It is full of racist comments from beginning to end and anyone who has the audacity of speaking out and saying its wrong is attacked as a "limp wrested liberal"


    So, in the spirit of being fair, if I have really taken your comments out of context then I apologise, however if you support the obvious racial profiling point then my comments stand. 


    And perhaps you should take 10.. I am waiting for the moderators to close this topic, can't believe it is still open and permitted. 

    Yes, you were wrong.  I accept your apology, even though it's based on a caveat still rooted in your own lazy rudeness. 


    You've demonstrated what the right wingers say is the liberal tendency to get offended very quickly and lash out in anger - in this case the closest target that turned out not to be a valid target at all.   Donald Trump displays this kind of erratic behavior, shooting from the hip and now having to apologize begrudgingly.    It's also said that the really emotional liberals who freak out, end up trying to squelch others and ban things that don't meet with their approval. 


    Do like Hillary did to Donald at the debate.  Let them talk and reveal themselves, don't run around with your hair on fire, trying to put tape over other people's mouths (keyboards).


  7. Just now, GAZZPA said:

    Out of context, really? I don't think so, your context and comments are very clear.

    What's clear is you are lazy and just jumped to the last page and waded in to a conversation without reading from where it began, made an incorrect assumptions and now you want to lecture me about making assumptions and suggest I'm the bad guy?


    This thread has clearly upset you.  Maybe you should take a break and count to 10.



  8. 10 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

    Really, so the RTP are leading the world in efficient policing are they? Or did almost every other country in the World realise that racial profiling is absolutely the wrong way to police society.


    Wake up fella, you could never make a single comment that would change the view of most sensible people. I will try and make it clear for you,,, You cannot assume that because someone is black they are a drug dealer get it? Get it?


    No more then you can assume that every white person is rich in Thailand, or indeed that they are all not drug dealers. 


    But I suppose you think thats wrong?

    Not at all.  You may have not read back far enough to understand the context.  You are 180 degrees in the wrong direction.


    Point is, it's not about me or what other countries have or have not done or realized.  This is about the RTP.  In Thailand.  In fact, we don't even know the RTP engaged in racial profiling. It was just an assumption based on a rather poorly written article about a failed police raid on Soi 3.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    No, I am aware of reality.


    I am just not prepared to shrug my shoulders, ignore it and open a beer. 


    Not saying you do this but at least one poster has suggested that's what should happen...

    Their country.  Their rules.  Our ideas, ways and means don't mean anything here.   But having a good bash at the Thais based on our foreign principals, is what TVF is all about!  :thumbsup:

  10. Wow, that video was...... awkward.  You could see him fidgeting and twitching his arms the whole time. 


    His Tweet said "here is my statement".  Should of read "Here's the statement my campaign manager prepared and is forcing me to read".   Reminded me of a little kid forced by his mom to apologize and right at the end, blurts out, "But but but, Johnny is waaay worser than me!", and rats him out for something to take the heat off himself.


    I get that he's trying to characterize all this blow back as hypocrisy and distraction, and doing this video was a rare chance to rise above it and come off like a mature adult.   He was almost there, as robotic as it was, and then he blew it at the end, and did the same distraction shit that he just got done chastising.  God, he's SUCH a douche bag, he just can't shut up and take a little direction.

  11. 2 hours ago, FlorC said:

    Now where is that american dude who was boasting here on thaivisa that with his big salary he was better off in his house by the beach in florida ?

    No big storms like that in Thailand ...

    Right, he said he was a couple hundred meters from the beach, I bet his home insurance premium is really high. 


    In Thailand, doesn't take much to cause flooding, often aggravated by flat land and/or poor/clogged drainage.  Can't say I envy those who build or buy their dream house on a idyllic river here either.

  12. 27 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    There I agree, it was all for show. No real concern about stopping drug dealing.

    If you can concede that the Thai Police would waste those kind of resources on a dog and pony show, and that some police may be corrupt and have "arrangements" with the drug dealers in the area, then it's a short walk to realize they aren't above warrantless searches, random drug tests or racial profiling.

  13. 5 minutes ago, anotheruser said:


    It would be hard not to have a clue. The most modest surveillance would lead anybody to conclude that it is an area that has many Africans dealing in narcotics. Even a 5 year old child knows this. Bluespunk is just talking in circles. almost everybody else reading this understands what goes on in that area and who the main culprits are.

    His principles are right, but his sense of geography is lacking.  :biggrin:

  14. Just now, Bluespunk said:

    If they had a clue they would have stopped and questioned on the basis of investigation/evidence, not colour.

    How do you know they didn't have a clue?  Perhaps the Thai (and other) business owners complained enough, with specifics, to finally get some action. 


    I don't know that was the case.  I suspect the word came down from "upstairs" to the district cop shop, to do a show of force and clean out some of the dregs before the ACD conference. 

  15. 1 minute ago, gstat2 said:

    Are the Dark skinned people going to start their own BLM in Thailand ? Will Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson show up , or the obamas ?

    I reckon the dark skinned folks in that area know the score and exactly where they stand in the pecking order here.  They would probably find it highly amusing to see an old white guy ex-hippie granola eating liberal SJW shouting at the top of his lungs about the alleged injustice against them.

  16. It's not a secret that the police here are ill-trained and generally lack professional acumen.  Applying western outrage seems a bit boy-scout naive.    I would be more up in arms about the notion you can be sat at a pub supping a beer with a friend, and have the Thai police "swoop" in and compel you to pee in a cup for some dodgy sidewalk drug test. 

  17. From the original story/thread, sure is dodgy that an administrative government employee would be out enforcing administrative requirements at 1 or 2am instead of normal government business hours.   And then drop the issue because he got a call from "elders".   Come on!  Total shake down, done at 2am thinking the till would be cashed up after a day's trade.   Finding a customer with a joint was icing on the cake and Mr. Honest Civil Servant surely used that as leverage. 


    This Lance guy has a big set of brass balls on him, that's for sure.  Even with the media coverage outing the whole affair, I would still be a bit nervous if I were him, for a long time to come. 

  18. I visited Samui once.  Hired a boat, took us a short distance away from the beach and anchored off an island for swimming/jet skiing.  The whole time I swam, my skin was irritated, like many pin pricks on my skin.   Was told it was sea lice.  It wasn't really painful, but after 10-15 minutes it was getting more irritating, so I got out and never went back in, or to Samui.   Recall similar experience in Phuket and once in Mazatlan, Mexico but didn't know what it was at the time. 





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