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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. You Farangs still at it ? Call Guinness.

    Hey, damnit! I resemble that remark! giggle.gif

    I like being a farang, better than an "alien", although I am both. I've never once woken up and wished I were Thai, but I like being married to one. Being a foreigner, an Expat, is what I signed up for. Knowingly. Being called a farang in Thailand is no problemo for me and I often think it has more to do with the disposition of the Farang than the Thai (in most cases). Some folks I see and hear in LOS are so miserable, I feel sorry some of them.

    Fun part is flipping the coin. Drive with my wife in USA and see an Asian on the sidewalk. I get all excited, point, and say "Farang, Farang, Farang!!!" We have a good laugh together, and wonder if our plants are being watered enough back home.

    Life is good. thumbsup.gif

  2. AsI understand it he is a criminal who skiped bail to avoid going to jail, so how did he get a visa to visit the uk?

    from what I read a criminal record is a big no no when you ask for a visa.

    When you pull a stunt like a coup, not many other countries will take you very seriously.

    The turn with the ICC, if we are to believe what's written here, is definately interesting though, we'll see what happens. I would expect, if it is done objectively and professionally, the list of bad guys is going to be very very long.

  3. Good and I hope it takes.

    It has to start with the people's rejection, tired of their sons, daughters, mothers and fathers being killed.

    I predict (but hope against) a spike in violence by motivators to intimidate the people against jumping ship and continue to pressure the people and the government with mounting casualties, fear and chaos.

    Without bigger numbers, these 90 odd folks are in danger of being made an example of. Beheading and burning a few on the road will send a 5x5 message to the population.

    The people, if they are on side, and the Army, together, can proverbially run these guys into the sea.

  4. No, it doesn't bother me. But what bother me is people who continually have to ask this question.

    So being called a name based solely on the colour of your skin doesn't bother you but someone who is sometimes bothered by it bothers you?!

    So people who know you still call you farang? That's rather odd. Does your wife call you farang?

    And your OP is really misleading and inaccurate. People in the US, for example, are referred to by skin color/ethnicity all the time, e.g., African-Americans, blacks, whites, Caucasians, Hispanics, etc. But you're bringing up derogatory racial slurs which "farang" definitely is not. Many have tried to play that game and it only demonstrates their ignorance.

    If your only concern is that people who know you still call you farang, that's one thing (and again, highly unusual). But the term farang is not offensive.

    Where did I say that people who know me call me farang? I didn't. I said that I have been called farang by people even though they know my name such as in the transport office recently and also at the hospital, both of the people in question had my name on documents yet still called me Khun farang. But according to you that isn't rude, it is just Thai!

    And people I come into contact with regularly, like at the local shop, could ask me my name (like I did theirs) but they would rather just call me farang.

    Prefer being called a farang instead of an alien. passifier.gif

  5. Increased drug check points; cops getting done for drug dealing; saw the other article here with video on those folks who did the set up on the traffic cop taking 400 baht - after YT suggested a video on cops arresting people at check point with pistols in their cars (I think it was in Pattaya, not sure) and group of punks were saying to the cops, "Hey, my Daddy is big guy so and so, blah blah blah!" as they stuffed said punk into the cop car; destroying counterfeit goods......

    Cynical or realistic, perhaps one equals the other, but is there an effort being made or is this all coincidence?

    Each article, even effort, taken individually, would seem like just another flash in the pan by BiB, or whomever. Collectively though, what's up?

    Some on here say they prefer Thailand as it is, don't want it cleaned up too much.

    Actual traffic tickets with the option to contest in court later vs. roadside "fines" and be done with it?

    Give the cops a serious raise + hold them strictly accountable? Then, for example -

    - Annual property taxes based on market value of your house, in order to pay for squeaky clean government services?

    - More taxes on beer and cigarettes and no subsidies on other key items?

    What's the ideal balance for expats in Thailand, according to expats in Thailand? Not forgetting about the Thais, but since this is an expat forum.... Wouldn't it be odd to have Thailand be like the UK, or the US, or Australia, all clean, neat and proper (on the surface), like a lepper surrounded on all sides by countries that... aren't. ASEAN?

    • Like 1
  6. These are after the fence and gate went up.

    Still had the gate lights to go on.

    Also the front yard has been cleaned up.

    Would love to have some of that green lawn that 55Jay has.

    Will wait for his reply to Naam.

    Nice one, like the Aussie Roll up garage door too. We are going to buy a second place down in E. or S. Pattaya in the next year or so, and having a secure garage like that, instead of a car port, is on my list.

    My secret on the grass? Remembering to lay the sod Green Side Up. Ha ha.

    The photo was taken roughly 6 mos after laying it, so reckon it was still thriving off the chicken manuere underneath and lots of fresh rain water. I put in a 12x6x4 concrete in-ground holding basin around the corner and channel roof run off into it with a down spout. I am not sure if it makes a difference, when it's not raining so much, we use collected rain water, or take a suction off a pump I have running to the pond out back, instead of using city tap water. We have city on pressure sprinkler as well but when possible, not for economic reasons, we do try to use the other vintage.

    According to my green thumb wife, this type of soft grass (she says Japanese?) likes a lot of water, not too much sun, and needs to be cut and cleaned, not allowing dead stuff to build up underneath, which we do. Every now and then, we hand sprinkle some crystaline grass food out. Last, we have a daily, mobile service providing aeration and spot fertilizing, see below. wacko.png Cheers, J.

  7. Read the entire thread quite a while back, stumbled across it again today. Wow, still going!

    This is our basha up in Nakon Ratchasima area. Took a few years to build starting around 2004, plinking away at it month to month since we not living in LOS at the time, finally went over and finished to livable standard by Spring 2007. 2008 refined the external areas, did the driveway and front garden ourselves, a bit daunting at first.

    Mature garden and slight curved drive lends to the feeling of being folded into the property once you get in and shut the gate. There's an equally sized back area with a good size pond, loo, and brick and mortar patio areas, not shown here. Honestly though, the potential falling coconuts make the back patio areas a bit hazardous, we mostly live in the front 1/2.

    Nice thread, VF. Cheers, J.

    PS, couldn't resist: Yes, the occassional snake, have had 2 cobras but mostly I try to shoo snakes off with a broom. I find the chickens are a great alarm bell, in addition to the dogs.

  8. If the cashier suspects fraud, he/she ought to reverse the transaction at minimum and hold the card. Best case, they would call the police and report to the credit card company. Not sure this much effort would be expended in Thailand.

    After the fact, you should raise a fraud complaint with credit card company as soon as possible after you find out.

    Your circumstance is not clear to me and I'm curious. What happened? Wife/GF buy something with your card and after you found out, you disagreed about it? Or did someone else get your card and use it?

  9. Are there fixed term accts in a Thai bank where you can access the interest monthly?

    Always got the idea, and again looking at BB website, interest is accessible only at end of a fixed term acct.

    Was wondering about LOS options, but also not clear on inflow controls USD to THB for non-real estate xaction, and restrictions on repatriating funds at a later date if desired.

    3% is certainly attractive, just don't want to get stuck.

  10. Flown them a number of times but the other direction BKK>LAX via Taipei. Prefer over a US airline. Lounge in Swampy fine for me. In my exp, never had a delay or cancellation, guess we've been fortunate.

    Thought I read somewhere recently they are upgrading their J class to lie flat seats from the OBGYN style, which are ok for smaller folks, but not great for larger sizes, not that I'm that large (5'10"). I've found the cradle/relax position the most comfortable. Cabin crew fine, some English issues (but it is an Asian airline after all, no worries). Wife and I are an easy going lot, so the pre-programmed routine of cabin service works for me, usually don't need extended conversation with the cabin crew. Food just fine, AVOD sufficient on the long leg IMO. Overall, when the ticket price was right, excellent value for money in J class, never tried eco or eco premium with them.



  11. I don't think it's good to generalize the Muslims in the South.

    From what I recall after being there, its a small group that is responsible for these violent acts. They act sporadically and not under the name of an organisation so that they appear bigger than they really are.

    A majority of the Muslims there don't participate in the violence and do not support it. They have, however, gotten so used to hearing about the daily occurrences that they go about life as per normal.

    One young Muslim told me, "If you keep thinking about the fighting going on here, you'll go crazy. Most of us are too busy trying to make enough money to survive and raise our families."

    I don't think it's good to generalize the Muslims in the South.

    From what I recall after being there, its a small group that is responsible for these violent acts. They act sporadically and not under the name of an organisation so that they appear bigger than they really are.

    A majority of the Muslims there don't participate in the violence and do not support it. They have, however, gotten so used to hearing about the daily occurrences that they go about life as per normal.

    One young Muslim told me, "If you keep thinking about the fighting going on here, you'll go crazy. Most of us are too busy trying to make enough money to survive and raise our families."

    Thank you! Unfortunately they are caught in the middle but they, collectively, are the key to "victory". For both sides actually.

    Without lambs available for slaughter to create political pressure, the insurgency doesn't have many chips to play with. If you evac'ed all the civilians, and the insurgents actually stayed behind and faced the Army, this would be over in pretty short order. Unfotunately that's not how insurgencies operate.

    The Thai Gov is in a real conundrum due to history, foreign meddling, politics, guilt, nationalistic pride, and "face".

    Giving up and allowing autonomy, which is a breath away from ceding "one inch" of Thailand, is not a political option, and would be seen as weakness...and then here comes the other border fights right on its heels.

    Politically and perhaps even to the average Thai in upper regions, a sense that giving up will mean the deaths of all the civilians and, more closely all the military and police along the way, was for nothing in the end.

    Yes, "normal" folks are stuck in the middle but as in other similar struggles, the citizenry will have to step up and clearly take sides with the Army/Police and drive these groups into the sea if they don't want it, else this won't end. Oppression and freedom both require blood and it is the citizens who must rise up and have the chops to pay the price in blood, unless they are happy to reap benefit gestures from the Government from one hand, while accepting to dodge bombs and bullets as normal daily life. Until something snaps, it'll go round and round with successive governments and PMs, sorta like the long line of American Presidents on Israel/Palestine. JMO.

  12. peace is almost restored...

    PM Yingluck Tells Deep South Of Government's Plans To Restore Peace In Region


    Forty is number of incidences of unrest throughout the Deep South that Internal Security Operations Command Spokesman said occurred in one day.

    Today (and it's barely noon).

    Police in Thailand say insurgents have staged a wave of coordinated attacks in the Muslim-dominated south of the country, burning Thai flags and raising Malaysian flags in their place for the first time in years.

    Friday's attacks come on the anniversary of the 1989 founding of an umbrella separatist group, as well as the anniversary of neighboring Malaysia's independence from British rule.

    Police Colonel Narin Busaman says dozens of small bomb attacks took place in Thailand's four southernmost provinces.

    Now it's afternoon and the Forty has grown to One Hundred And Two.

    Yep, peace is almost restored.

    Southern insurgents hunted down following coordinated attacks

    BANGKOK, 31 August 2012 (NNT) - Following a spate of attacks in the South earlier today, Deputy Prime Minister General Yuthasak Sasiprapa has instructed relevant agencies to review CCTV footage in the areas in search of the identities of the culprits.

    This morning insurgents have staged a wave of 102 coordinated attacks which injured 6 security personnel in the southern border provinces. Thai flags have been burnt and Malaysian flags have been raised on the day that marks the anniversary of the 1989 founding of the Bersatu separatist movement and the 55th anniversary of Malaysia's independence from British rule.

    General Yuthasak confirmed that the attacks will not affect relations between Thailand and Malaysia. He has also notified Malaysian authorities of attempts to link militant separatist attacks to the country.

    In addition, he has coordinated with the Region 4 Army commander in tracking down suspected Muslim insurgents via CCTV footage.

    The Deputy Prime Minister noted that under its umbrella organization, the Bersatu group has launched countless attacks on civilians in the South and it appears that they are planning to strike again.


    -- NNT 2012-08-31 footer_n.gif

    Current Thai Gov is completely incompetent and incapable of solving this long running ethnic, religious, territorial dispute.

    What do you see as the solution?

  13. "they shud try shooting a few politicians instead."

    Here you go... even though your tounge in cheek may of meant politicians in Bangkok.


    As to the OP, following the presumption this was done by Muslim cum ethnic separatists, and viewed through the prism of Islamic extremism, has everything to do with Islam. At least one sect's interpretation and extremist methods in once instance, and in the other, basic Islamic principles.

    Assuming the victim was indeed a Muslim, and that he was the intended target, the act of beheading and then burning, are brutal, extra efforts at humilation and disrespect.

    Beheading is an accepted manner of killing in Islam (sects) for sinners, criminals, etc. We've seen in recent years, this has morphed with Islamic extremists to include anyone who opposes "them" or their ideology.

    Further insult was in burning his body. That is a no no in Islam but is a practice of Budhism so, if you like, a double smack in the face if you connect the dots to the Thai ethnic and religious imposition on (historically) ethnic Malays who predominately follow Islam. There's also a subtle issue with tossing the head seperate from the body..... maybe someone else can comment.

    If they wanted to simply off the guy over a disagreement, shooting him in the head (as reported) and leaving him dead on the road was good enough, but seems like they went the extra mile on this man.

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