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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. 55Jay, on Yesterday, 12:51 , said: Yep, if it swims, crawls or slithers through the water (or mud), it has been eaten or caught/sold.

    I find Thailand completely aggravating having, I suspect like others on this forum, lived by a certain code, a lot of catch and release...

    i find it quite normal that an animal is hunted/caught and then eaten. what i find not only aggravating but disgusting is catching an animal, hurt it, in many cases torture it, and all that for fun and "sports" and boasting about it and with utter arrogance mentioning "living by a certain code" bah.gif

    Luckily freedom of choice allows us to do things that some people don't like. There are extreme religious types who would like to see you dead just for not following their beliefs and adhering to their daily routines. Thankfully we don't have to listen to them. You need to remember that a fish is an extremely simple animal with a brain less evolved than a reptile. It's concepts of pain, suffering etc can't be compared to those of a human. It doesn't have the physiological ability to feel the same way. Fish swim around their whole lives trying to avoid the next big predator that comes along. There's no relaxing.

    Thanks. Naam is still searching for fish to interview instead of confering with his dogs like he normally does. He does keep fish hostage in his garden pond for his own selfish enjoyment and/or to impress others. Maybe he was drunk, or they were asleep at night/zero dark thirty when he posted the hijacks. Anyway...

    Get a chuckle sometimes when some of the boys on the Soi keep a fish or two from the pay pond, take it home, still alive, and hand it over to their Thai Mrs. She can't kill it to clean/prep it, so she'll toss it in the freezer where it dies what we would consider a slow and agonizing death......while the grille is warming up out the back and chilis and garlic are being pounded into submission.

    I never critisize anyone for their beliefs and faith, even as my Mrs. pulls tidy packs of cellophane wrapped protein off the supermarket shelves and believes in ghosts. We live in a Muslim country when not in LOS so contrasting opinions, contradictions and often curious hypocrasy, are part of daily life.

  2. If you are hoping for fishing like Guam then prepare to be dissapointed. sad.png

    I've not fish koh chang, only koh si chang. I will bet it's like most place where you only stand a chance of a good fish if you go out on a boat.

    That's for sure. It was more Guam flashbacks because of the surroundings as I used to reef walk around to a channel cut between a headland and a small island similar to where I was at on Koh Chang (Sea View Resort). Expectations were realistic before I hit the water but it beats being at work.

    I've done some beach casting and Kastmaster tossing at the Navy base in Sattahip down past the Korean camp. Same same. Locals keep talking up squid fishing from the rocks there, but that just doesn't interest me.

    I was encouraged by a post/photos on here a number of months back of Thais pulling what looked like Calico Bass off a rocky beach area in northish pattaya. Dinks, but one or two were very nice in the photos. Mate and I drove up there looking, found the spot (with requisite rubbish strewn around) and endeavor to try one day. I know they are not Calicos, but dark brown spotted bass looking. I'm not good with Thai fish names.


  3. Yeah, I usually stock up if/when I hit the states. Have found a few goodies in and around Pattaya but no exp CM. I found myself in Las Vegas on my birthday a few years ago and stumbled across the big Bass Pro Shop. Credit card got a real work out.

    Topic segway, or maybe a new post if you didn't mind(?), but you piqued my interest mentioning trout in India. I wouldn't parachute on top of you, but I am interested in your trips and experiences with that.

    Thanks and regards,


  4. I can say with that coming to Pattaya would be like throwing petrol onto a fire.

    In my home country I can go months without even touching a drink. Go forward a few years and here I am in Pattaya and being drunk is as regular as having lunch each day. Dinner is of course often missed due to being intoxicated or at best is a doner or a few kebab sticks on Walking Street.

    The problem here is that everything revolves around alcohol and sex.

    For those that think there is plenty to do here that is right but unfortunately everythign revolves around alcohol and sex.

    Sure, if you hang around Walking St.

  5. First time on this island last month. First day at the hotel, a few beers beachside, at high tide, did see some fish jumping around.

    Think I was having Guam flashbacks as on morning #2, about 0630, in the rain, found myself hip deep tossing the silver blue Kastmaster around, not expecting anything and that's what happened. The tide was ebbing, not good timing. Wanted to get a kayak out into the channel but the staff wouldn't give one up until max high tide and at that time, wouldn't be enough time to get out, fish and get back over/through the reef cut.

    Anyway, it was good to be outside, in the water, fishing the backs of the waves. The view back toward the island, with the mountains shrouded in low hanging mist/clouds, and the sound of the waves, was really great.

    Anybody fished Koh Chang or other island beaches with results?

  6. 55Jay, on Yesterday, 12:51 , said: Yep, if it swims, crawls or slithers through the water (or mud), it has been eaten or caught/sold.

    I find Thailand completely aggravating having, I suspect like others on this forum, lived by a certain code, a lot of catch and release...

    i find it quite normal that an animal is hunted/caught and then eaten. what i find not only aggravating but disgusting is catching an animal, hurt it, in many cases torture it, and all that for fun and "sports" and boasting about it and with utter arrogance mentioning "living by a certain code" bah.gif

    Whooops. methinks Naam isn't a fisherman.

    no i'm not, but for many years i used to be a passionate hunter "who lived by a certain code". that code was "never kill an animal for sports or a trophy!" to be fair, i admit that the majority of hunters care a flying fart for that code. therefore, when i visit my brother i refuse to sit with him in the room where he proudly displays, among "justifiable" trophies, those of senseless killed animals.

    I agree displaying taxidermied specimens is a little creepy, but like your brother, just don't give 2 farts what you think. Thanks for sharing your position on fishing and hunting in the fishing forum.

  7. Disagree. He's actually "baiting" in the fishing forum, or is that trolling?

    Naam, thank you, I understand where you are coming from, even if your post was laced with barbs. There I go again, using fishing terminology in the fishing forum.

    Like all of us, you have the requisite anatomical qualification to voice an opinion. You voiced two, so you must be a really big one. sick.gif

  8. He was listed in Forbes as a USD Billionaire before he became PM. In the top 3 in Thailand I recall.

    Thanks for confirming he falsified his sworn asset declaration letter when he stated under oath to only having 25 US millions or so.

    So he started his blatant pathological lying over a decade ago and hasn't skipped a beat since.


    Were asset declarations required when he became PM - or not?

  9. The question needs to be asked, although reasonably cheap in Thailand,.... with a baby, what are you going to do for money? 400k isnt a lot for a year, thats why the criteria exists...good luck anyway.

    The question needs to be asked, although reasonably cheap in Thailand,.... with a baby, what are you going to do for money? 400k isnt a lot for a year, thats why the criteria exists...good luck anyway.

    Thank you!

  10. Yep, if it swims, crawls or slithers through the water (or mud), it has been eaten or caught/sold.

    I find Thailand completely aggravating having, I suspect like others on this forum, lived by a certain code, a lot of catch and release to preserve natural stocks, lure fishing, etc, but it's a different country here and totally different mindset, subsistence economy - survival. There seem to be a niche of "anglers" out there but IMO mostly the former. I once fished a small water supply pond in village. Ran into a gang of Thai guys who were all tricked out with gear and lures, had hot fishing stickers on their pick up, etc., so I thought yeah, here's some switched on dudes! Turns out they were yanking for mud sucker type fish, about 3 to 4 inches, and to my shock and horror, actually kept their catch. 1. Again, that was my western mind taking over, just had to get over it. The resevoir was picture perfect largemouth bass territory if I were back home, so I was tossing my rooster tail at sunset, knowing I was being foolish, but it just felt good doing it even I was just scaring the hell out of the skating water bugs and dragon flys. The gang of Thais sure had a laugh watching, then I got on my motorcy and went home with a few new bites from mozzies and black ants to show for my time "outdoors".

    I don't really enjoy pay ponds but I do it just to be outside. The preparation to fish and the physical act itself, and being outside, is what I enjoy, at least that's all that's left.

    Started out with borrowed medium to heavy rods and line at a small pond near my mate's house. Some of the locals appear to be going after Marlin. I guess hoping get a monster paduc. The first time a number of years back, I put my first ever lump of bread on that boat anchor bread basket contraption I was told to use, I was so embarrassed, shaking my head in disbelief I was ACTUALLY doing such a thing.

    I later reduced to the smaller basket thingy and have now totally binned it. I've taken to using light rods and small spinning reels, 4 to 6lb test and only a spring treble hook I stocked up on at the shop last time in the States. I push down the barbs with needle nose to cause less damage, and press a very small ball of bread on and fly-line it out like that; no weight, no contraptions that'll set off an airport metal detector, etc. The locals look at me, have a giggle at my expense, but I just don't care. They catch paduc or sawai every 30 seconds to 1 minute per cast. Mine might lay out there for a bit longer but eventually I hook up, and those 2 to 5 kg fish are great fun on light tackle. Some of those giggling Thais watch in disbelief that my rig, or lack thereof, actually produced a hook up. It's not rocket science throwing loaves of bread at scarred and bleeding catfish. If my mate or others catch a jarumet or something else we let it go to the horror of any nearby Thai. In the latter, that fish would never see its next birthday but fair play, it's PTP.

    Then I go home, deflated, and think about my good old younger days in uncontrolled natural lakes, ocean jetties, beaches and off shore kelp beds in a far away land.


  11. In the last 2 weeks I have withdrawn 10,000 baht from my Australian bank using a Bangkok Bank ATM and a Krung Thai machine.

    Using the BB ATM cost me 150 baht+ $A15 charges. With the KT there was the 150 baht but the charge by my Aussie bank was only $A5, a difference of B300. The withdrawal amounts deducted from my Aussie account were different by one dollar $A333 & $A332 (plus the bank charges).


    With the Krung Thai ATM, I could not see an English language button, whereas the Bangkok Bank English button was plain to see. I can read some Thai so that did not bother me. Furthermore, the BB machine gave me crisp new notes, but the KT gave me old grubby ones.

    If you do not read Thai, the BB is probably preferable. If you read Thai you might save $A10 (baht300).

    Yes, I thought KT was muddled on the exhange rate vs. offering to use your card's financial institution (Visa/MC).

    BB and SCB were pretty clear cut on the English transaction screen. Once accepting the 150 baht charge, next was the exchange rate screen which states what they are offering - in my cases a few weeks ago varied between 30.1 or 30.2 Baht to USD. No thanks. Select "Continue without conversion" and you'll get the better card rate, not the Thai bank ATM's lower rate. The diffference on a 10KBaht ATM pull, when it finally hits your account back home, can be around $10 in your favor. Really adds up if using ATM 1x/week for a month.

    As noted by Pib and others, try to find and use an AEON ATM, at least doesn't stick your home bank with the 150 charge.

    This foreign currency conversion "scam" is ever-present if using your credit card to pay for things. Pay attention to what's printed at the bottom of the receipt they give you before you sign. I've taken to telling the clerk/waiter, whatever, to use USD when I give him my MC credit card right up front. Some places can't or don't want to figure it out. Most recently, the Italian restaurant at Silverlake Vinyard couldn't/wouldn't, so I ended up paying cash. While it ends up taking longer, you need to stick to your guns and have them reverse the transaction and make it a Thai Baht transaction; if they can't, pay cash, or accept the stick up the arse. Sizzler in one case took around 20 minutes to figure it out, we stuck to our guns and finally got it reversed and re-done in Baht.


  12. Just there again 2 weeks ago. If you are Biz/1st you will be fine in the Premium Terminal Lounge and dedicated smoking room if that's your thing.

    If you are QR Silver or better, there are dedicated lounges for that in the main terminal. Silver has it's own smoking room.

    Normal terminal does have the PTP lounges and food areas as noted. The internet in the airport is free but as one would expect, pretty slow going.

    4 hours is not that long. Don't worry, about 2 hrs of it will be quality time on scenic bus tours to and from aircraft and terminals. (Just kidding. Sort of).

    Safe travels,


    • Like 1
  13. Blue nails ....... feature of

    Carbon monoxide poisoning ..... faulty water heater?

    Cyanide poisoning .......... more likely as vomiting also caused.

    Bleeding gums and vomiting .......... rat poison.

    A sad and pointless loss of two young womens lives.

    Yes my dear Watson, could have been a faulty (wall mounted electric) water heater.

  14. It's heart breaking to lose a pet, really heartbreaking. The problem in Thailand though is that dogs are allowed to be a pest.

    There should be a cull of soi dogs, and more taught about responsible ownership. That would be a good start.

    Ironic this story and above posted solution are in close proximity to the 2 political issues on today's TV front page. Yes, a slow news day, but sometimes the coorelation is amusing.

  15. Primarily used SCB after Aeon didn't work first couple tries in Korat, BB and a K in there too later on down in Pattaya, same same happened.

    So, SCB was the Dynamic Currency Conversion culprit? Also, Bangkok Bank?

    Not sure why your card wouldn't work in Aeon. There was some discussion on this forum a few years back on certain cards/networks not working in an Aeon machine. Can't recall the specifics, however.


    Aeon worked previously, may of just been a glitch when I tried on that day. Did feel bad sticking CAP1 with a number of 150 fees over a month's time.

    Take care,


  16. so relegated to SCB/BB/K.

    Jay, which bank's ATM did you use that gave you the Dynamic Currency Conversion option? Also, was the debit/ATM card MasterCard or Visa logoed? Or if a straight ATM card, was it Plus or Cirrus networked?

    Just curious, because a few years back on this forum, if I recall correctly, MC/Cirrus, not Visa/Plus, were the only cards subject to the ATM DCC ripoff. Also, have not seen any reports of Bangkok Bank ATMs offering the DCC option -- so just wondering if that might be (one of) the bank(s) you used......


    so relegated to SCB/BB/K.

    Jay, which bank's ATM did you use that gave you the Dynamic Currency Conversion option? Also, was the debit/ATM card MasterCard or Visa logoed? Or if a straight ATM card, was it Plus or Cirrus networked?

    Just curious, because a few years back on this forum, if I recall correctly, MC/Cirrus, not Visa/Plus, were the only cards subject to the ATM DCC ripoff. Also, have not seen any reports of Bangkok Bank ATMs offering the DCC option -- so just wondering if that might be (one of) the bank(s) you used......


    Jim, Cap 1 MC debit/atm card with checking acct. I'm looking at the back now, doesn't have a logo for Cirrus or Plus. Primarily used SCB after Aeon didn't work first couple tries in Korat, BB and a K in there too later on down in Pattaya, same same happened. Note on Aeon: No prob with the Cap 1 card at Aeon Korat and Pattaya last trip, not sure why it wouldn't go this time. Tried both Aeons in Korat mall - the one on the wall and the stand alone out in the main walkway, nada, so gritted my teeth, muttered expletives and walked over to SCB.

    Now that I think about it, the previous trip (Fall 2011) used Aeon exclusively with the then new CAP1 card so I guess I wouldn't have known if dynamic CC option was somehow linked to using a MC logo'd atm card at non-Aeon ATMs. Previously, between 2005 and 2011 when I didn't have CAP1 acct and didn't know about Aeon, was using a US/Visa logo'd debit/atm card on PLUS and do not recall a DCC option screen, 150 fee yes.



  17. 1. Open Capital One, CS, State Farm, get ATM card with no foreign exhange fee and reimbursement of local ATM fees (150 Baht, etc).

    2. Transfer USD in the above mentioned account before you travel, then use the ATM - Aeon nice as it relieves them of some paybacks, don't kill the goose laying golden egg.

    Just returned from 1 mo LOS and for some reason this time, AEON (Korat Mall) wouldn't work for me, so relegated to SCB/BB/K. Didn't try Pattaya AEONs later on during the visit, meant to, didn't make it down that way.

    This time, unlike past visits, after accepting the 150 Baht fee at a non-Aeon ATM, next screen that came up was asking me if I wanted to use that bank's foreign exhange rate and have my debit done in USD at their rate. I had not seen this dynamic forex scam at ATMs before, while well aware of it with farang credit cards for THB transactions. ATM was pimping a 30.2 forex rate! >>>Push the option button to proceed with the transaction without the exhange, and let your US bank do it.

    Worked back my ATMs on line afterward and was pulling 31.X varying day to day based on Int'l forex. Would of cost me roughly $10.00 more per transaction (on 10k THB) if using the ATM's offered forex. Don't fall for the dynamic forex scam. The ATM may be old news for in-country residents, I just hadn't seen it on ATMs before this trip.


  18. Not surprised at all, Obama came right out in public speech and said he was going to refocus military to PAC region, so his boys are out knocking on doors and slipping dollar bills into politician G-strings. Public media, photos are part of the strategy.

    On a lighter note, the caption to the above photo might be, "But General, my water buffalo is sick and, and......".

    Agreed, the "humanitarian/disaster response base" is not the unpin on this...... doing so at U-Tapao, uh... on the beach... in an indirect earthquake/ Tsunami risk area.... isn't a very smart contingency plan. LOL. US is so unpopular, especially anything military related, it would be a huge loss of face, so the public double speak is necessary, but not foolin' anyone.

    US is like a fat girl friend these days. A superstar in bed and she pays well, just don't wanna be seen in public with her. sick.gif

    • Like 1
  19. The part about the male cabin crew being heterosexual and flirting with Thai ladies during the flight is unbelievable, so this invalidates your story.


    Are you Outing all male cabin crew in AirAsia?

    Ladyboys love to chat up normal/real females anyway, makes them feel like "one of the girls".

  20. This is great info. Thanks! Highly suggest flying the Korean Air or Singapore Airlines Airbus A380 from BKK to LAX. Their economy appears to be much nicer than your business class flight. The A380 is very fancy. The flights are from LAX and cost around $1,300. Good Luck!

    I did price the Singapore service to SFO...the main problem for me was the length of the flight and the two, as opposed to one, layover/stop (BKK-SIN-NRT/HKG-SFO) plus the fact that one has to backtrack to SIN then back up north to HKG or NRT, and then on to the west coast. However, after my UA experience, I'm open for anything else next trip (maybe Korean or Asiana or my old standby EVA).

    FB - Thanks for the info, and the photos really brought it home. I appreciate the effort you took/are taking as this route to the west coast is of interest to many, and has reinforced what I had thought when considering the UA offerings, which initially sent me off reading up on ANA being many bookings were clearly stated as UA operated by ANA on the first BKK sector. Info from Lomatopo was really interesting and valuable too, obviously well travelled, good stuff.

    Safe travels and regards to Cali.


  21. I think most people understand that there are mechanical/safety issues, and that they should be addressed before departure. Once can hardly blame UA for this? No other carrier is going to deal with this scenario any differently. (OK, maybe some will defer the maintenance, and/or fudge the records?)

    Not sure what to say about the subsequent connection at NRT? After a delay departing BKK you must have figured out that your connection time would be reduced? You made the flight? So did any bags? Again not sure how an Asian carrier is going to handle this any better? Believe me when I tell you that you didn't miss any great snacking in the RCC at NRT. wink.png

    I did mention, several times no less, that there are equipment swaps and that this should not be wholly unexpected.

    Quoting my post #3: "On UA it may be a crap-shoot: lie-flat BKK-NRT-SFO, or old-style on one or both segments."

    I believe you purchased the ticket knowing this, and decided price was most important? Kvetching about it now seems lame?

    I wasn't expecting much, this being an American flagged carrier but I guess I was just hoping for better. United certainly met my expectations smile.png

    What most surprised me was the ancient aircraft and its cabin fittings. I flew in such cabins 15 years ago and at that time, they were already old. Truly, I didn't think anyone still flew such fossil planes, at least not on their premier international routes. I surely haven't flown in such a cabin in over a debate of flights on Asian carriers. The plane probably had the mechanical problem because it was so old.

    As for the IFM's, they were it were all basically indelible, save for the rolls and desserts. I will be packing my own provisions for the return flight.

    I'm not complaining (okay I am) but just offering up my opinions for the benefit of others who may be considering United for their future travels.

    Yep, most appreciated and so far, your experience supports my general apathy toward US carriers these days, some more than others. However I appreciate running an airline ain't easy, <deleted> happens, just some put up a better screen show than others.

    Safe travels, look forward to 2nd half trip report when you get back.


  22. Stay away from UA business...I just flew BKK-SFO on them and worst biz-class I have ever experienced. Never again!

    FB - Would you mind to give a few details on that UA flight to SFO please? I was looking at that J route but always hesitate being a US carrier and in readings, was not clear if the bird on that route had lie flats or still those OBGYN angled seats. Thanks,


  23. Agreed, also FF member, J class some of the best and most consistent product I've experienced since I started winging with them a couple years ago. Usually only take them on promotion rate just because of the Doha hang time which in my case is generally 4 hours, but the Premium Terminal does make the wait a bit more bearable. Leaving on holiday today, availed some great biz class tickets on that 3-day 25% off sale they had last month although I missed the 4 hour turn so will end up there for 6 this time. Oh well, we'll get going, hit the lie-flat button turn on the Bose NR, then look forward to a pleasant woman serving coffee and breakfast over the Andaman Sea.

    Although those in the industry who work there do have common complaints, not uncommon for ME airlines and seemingly a growing trend everywhere, focused on <deleted> management at or near the top and running the HR level right at the edge of legality when it comes to scheduling crew. There is what we see, shiny clean Qatar planes and great cabin service (compensating for the Doha Airport "bus tours"), then there is the soft underbelly we don't see. I also catch myself trying to sneak a peak into the cockpit on boarding to see who's up there, and hope for at least 1 brain up forward especially if we are flying to a more complex airspace (such as EU/US, LOS isn't so bad) and if something happens to #1, hopefully #2 doesn't fall apart and can fly the computer to get us on the ground in one piece. Any landing you can walk away from is a good landing. Any landing you can walk away from and the airplane is still usable, is a more goodererer one.

  24. Anyone taken an organized tour to Korea? Be over for a month in a couple days, wife wants to go, saw 1 for 22,000 Baht each inclusive hotel, airfare, tours, etc. I haven't been since 1990 and only to Pusan.

    Just wondering if anyone has done this, recommendation for tour company.



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