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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. Only got through page 4...

    For a tourist town and country, how about the word opportunistic instead of just racism, discrimination, nationalism, etc.

    Elements of all involved but not one fits exactly on its own.

  2. I'm not one of the "clever" ones but I tried a similar route.

    Mrs. 19" laptop finally crapped out on us so I purchased a new Samsung 22" monitor and connected a Dell Netbook we had, to it. VGA, no DVI/HDMI output available.

    She likes to play those on-line Facebook games and the result was really slow performance with that, and just running the Netbook period, while on its own, using the built in native monitor, it does just fine for what it is.

    Thought it was choking because it had to push out video signal to such a larger monitor size? Ended up putting another CPU out there for her to use with the new monitor.


  3. OK Jim/Ricardo, and thanks also rub'l for refreshing my mem, I think I got hung up the bit before the legal/court part.

    Intent was the US should not legitimize the coup, junta, and any action that came from that unstable period, by not giving T a visa.

    Anyway, others here said it better and I really don't give two farts about Thai politics, what am I even doing here, back to bbq.


    PS: Uncle T, have a good visit to Did-knee-lan.

    • Like 2
  4. Denying him a visa would have been 'taking sides' as well.

    I think you are wrong, and here is why. The USA denies visas to fugitives so denying just another fugitive is not treating him especially well or especially ill. Also if the USA had denied this, you'd never know about it. Thaksin wouldn't tell, the USA wouldn't tell. It would indeed be a totally NEUTRAL event. This visit is not. Now the USA is endorsing Thaksin. That's what he was looking for and that's what he got. Expecting him in Thailand soon now.

    "Fugitive" is not the only category that Taksin could be placed in. He also might be viewed as being an popularly elected head-of-state who was deposed in a military coup and accused of crimes by purveyors of the coup. Political exiles have been given visas to the US before, and in a sense that's what Taksin is.

    That is taking sides then, now, isn't it?

    Not really, merely pointing out he became a "fugitive" after being convicted in absentia by Kangaroo Court.

  5. Maybe all these countries he hangs around in or travels to/through take the Coup and Junta ouster and subsquent conviction, with a grain of salt.

    If the actions of the previous interim Junta and Gov could be taken seriously by another other serious country, Thaksin would of been arrested and shipped off to LOS long ago.

    Then again, the US Gov might have been presented with all the evidence and have a proper international arrest and extradite warrant. If American coppers tackle this monster at the airport arrivals hall, guess we'll have our answer.

    End of the day, nobody, including the Dems, really want Thaksin in a Thai Court singing like a bird. That might get a little awkward.

  6. I was talking to a colleague about kids screaming on flights. He told me that the kids screamed cos their ears hurt and that I should consider that. I considered it and figured that if the parents knew that flying would hurt their precious children's ears and they subjected them to it anyway that the parents are guilty of child abuse and should be reported.

    That's a bit over the top, I do hope you were being TV ironical. LOL.

    I dislike screaming kids who do so for no reason and further, the parents who ignore it. On every flight however, I expect and ready myself for this natural event, usually during descent. If I know it's coming and why, it doesn't seem to bother me as much.

    I have a little compassion as I can still remember first time it happened to me when I was a kid and parents were completely beside themselves trying to teach us how to clear. Sis and I, all teary red faced over the very uncomfortable feeling it gives you, eventually got the hang of it. We then sat there having a laugh, sniffle sniffle, gaping our mouths like goldfish the rest of the way down.

  7. Crazy stuff.

    Like the SMS feature mentioned by CharlieH. Did get a humorous thought ,even as the feature does sound very beneficial.

    - Bzz Bzz, SMS received > ATM w/d, 1,000 Baht.

    - Me calling Mrs, "Are you at the mall?"

    OP, hope you get that sorted out with home bank.


  8. Seeing the shallow water and rocks, guess that answers my question to your more recent thread about Shore Fishing - Getting Started.

    Glad to see you got outside and wet a line, nice fish, did you release or end up keeping?

    Regarding edible, in general and just my opinion, am a bit leery about non-palegics (and filter feeders) close to shore in or near the city areas, especially rock hangers ingesting small fish, invertrabrates and other vegatable matter off the rocks.

    Am, by no means, expert on Thai sewerage and city run off water handling, sure people eat stuff and live to post again on TV, just that I've read and seen a few things that raise a personal caution flag. Duh, I say this as I light up another fag during second cup of coffee. whistling.gif

    Coincidence on the News Forum today.


  9. "Gen Odierno offered to provide technical assistance by sending a team to train Thai military personnel on analytical skill improvement and approach in handling security threat in particular circumstances."

    If I were a sensitive Asian, I would take the offer as an insult.

    Mixed reviews on the 'successes' Iraq and Afghanistan so IMO, the offer should be like a fart in church.

    The LAST thing Americans need is to start meddling in the Southern Thailand issue or even giving the appearance of it. Fresh on the heels of the NASA rejection cum stall job no less.

    I'm glad Gen Prayuth responded as he did, at least as per the article, sorta sounds like a "Thanks, Ray, but no thanks" to me.

    Must pretty humbling for the US envoys pitching their wares and being snubbed by the Thais who won't even accept "free" stuff. Twice.

    Well Iraq, Afghanistan, Libyan and currently Syria are a full success for the army.

    If you count killed enemies against killed US soldiers and than it is a success like never before in history.

    Thank you. Wasn't just referring to body counts, rather a broader view from a couple perspectives, which would inevitabely take this thread way off course.


  10. "Gen Odierno offered to provide technical assistance by sending a team to train Thai military personnel on analytical skill improvement and approach in handling security threat in particular circumstances."

    If I were a sensitive Asian, I would take the offer as an insult.

    Mixed reviews on the 'successes' Iraq and Afghanistan so IMO, the offer should be like a fart in church.

    The LAST thing Americans need is to start meddling in the Southern Thailand issue or even giving the appearance of it. Fresh on the heels of the NASA rejection cum stall job no less.

    I'm glad Gen Prayuth responded as he did, at least as per the article, sorta sounds like a "Thanks, Ray, but no thanks" to me.

    Must pretty humbling for the US envoys pitching their wares and being snubbed by the Thais who won't even accept "free" stuff. Twice.

    • Like 1
  11. Seeing the shallow water and rocks, guess that answers my question to your more recent thread about Shore Fishing - Getting Started.

    Glad to see you got outside and wet a line, nice fish, did you release or end up keeping?

    Regarding edible, in general and just my opinion, am a bit leery about non-palegics (and filter feeders) close to shore in or near the city areas, especially rock hangers ingesting small fish, invertrabrates and other vegatable matter off the rocks.

    Am, by no means, expert on Thai sewerage and city run off water handling, sure people eat stuff and live to post again on TV, just that I've read and seen a few things that raise a personal caution flag. Duh, I say this as I light up another fag during second cup of coffee. whistling.gif

    Duh again, that was Expat J's other thread. Anyway.....all good stuff. Cheers, J.

  12. Seeing the shallow water and rocks, guess that answers my question to your more recent thread about Shore Fishing - Getting Started.

    Glad to see you got outside and wet a line, nice fish, did you release or end up keeping?

    Regarding edible, in general and just my opinion, am a bit leery about non-palegics (and filter feeders) close to shore in or near the city areas, especially rock hangers ingesting small fish, invertrabrates and other vegatable matter off the rocks.

    Am, by no means, expert on Thai sewerage and city run off water handling, sure people eat stuff and live to post again on TV, just that I've read and seen a few things that raise a personal caution flag. Duh, I say this as I light up another fag during second cup of coffee. whistling.gif

  13. Perhaps the reluctance of the driver to comply in this case is being pulled over under a flock of diarrheic seagulls... sick.gif

    We all know it's Songkran, but anybody catching this internationally is going to wonder. Seagulls was my 2nd (and more amusing) thought. My 1st was that there was a REALLY useless painting and decorating team working nearby.

    The only reason I kept reading was that photo. LOL.

  14. Admin author to other Admins as the Post button is clicked - "Watch this!"

    For serious, frustrated expats on involvement in Thai Politics, refer to page 432, para 16, subpara (a) of the "So Ya' Wanna Retire in Thailand" handbook. thumbsup.gif

    I lost my copy of the handbook...where can I get a new one?

    On the 13th I'll most likely have a few Sing's & try not to burn

    any steaks...then shag the ole lady and eventually sleep.

    Yeah, you got the right idea, I see you are not biting your nails down to a bloddy nub until Friday then.

    LOL, I lost my copy too, I just remember some parts like that one, and another comes to mind, such as: 1) Election, 2) coup, 3) election, 4) coup. Wash, rinse, repeat.



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