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Posts posted by Scoop1

  1. Hello All, Scoop1, just stuck my meter in a glass of tap water.


    meter is 11 years old

    Thanks Rice, it looks like 0.70 ms which is a little higher than the town water here, but workable, i would love to know what the reading is on the bottled water from Tesco or the like.

    Thank you very much


  2. I had a friend of mine bring me tomato seeds that were meant to be grown in Southern Florida. Over several years, I planted them in the regular ground, compost, sterilized soil and potting soil. All had the same results. They grew well with strong large stalks. They blossomed and when the tomatoes were marble size, the plants wilted and died. I gave up.

    I gave some seeds to a friend of mine and his Thai wife planted them. She hilled up regular soil and kept the ditch between the rows. She only watered the ditches and not the plants. She grew beautiful large tomatoes.

    Did I try that? No, I was disgusted and had given up. The hills and watering just the ditch may be the answer.

    Hey Gary, something tells me that your "sterilized soil and potting soil" was not sterilized at all, and i dont know where you would find sterilized soil unless it was treated with something like 'Methyl Bromide', if you want my two cents worth, Go Hydro, you will never look back, or dig weeds,but that is only my opinion.



  3. cool!!

    Thanks for the heads up

    What a great effort, tied for 2nd place, and she is only 17 years old, well done Ariya Jutanugarn and well doneThailand.

  4. For those who are interested, the young Thai girl, Ariya Jutanugarn, leads the Australian Womens Masters, on - 11

    UPDATE, 1 off the pace still on - 11

    • Like 1
  5. Hey Cooked, this is from one of my previous post's, it may help you understand a little bit more about seeds and germination, i would dust them in fungicide and if that doesn't work, i think they will be out of date, does the pack have an expiry date ?

    Storing Tomato Seed.

    Tomato seeds will store under the corrrect conditions for about 3-4 years, after this time they will start to lose viability, the dry seeds should be stored in small air and moisture proof containers or sachels and stored in the refrigerator from 0-4 degrees , as this temperature slows the respiration rate of the seed, warm temps and high humidity around the seed will shorten its viable life and rapidly speed up seed ageing, the decreased oxygen inside the sealed sachel or container also acts to slow down the rate of repiration and further prolong the viable shelf life of the seed. It is temperature that mostly determines the rate of chemical reaction within the seed including the rate of respiration. Once the sealed container is opened and is no longer air tight the seed is exposed to increased oxygen and humidity and this will also speed up the the rate of respiration and lower the expected shelf life. So its is a good idea to store only the amount of seed you need to plant out in seperate containers , so you dont break the seal in the containers containing the seed that you dont need, a safe seed moisture level for sealed storage is about 5.5%. Seed extraction should only come from at very least mature green fruit, seeds will germinate best in complete darkness at a temperature of 20-24 degrees and germination rates are less at temps of 15 degrees { lowest ] and 35 degrees [ highest ] a sterile media can also be used in the germiniation process if its available, seeds can also be dusted with a fungicide before planting if you are that way inclined.



  6. Hello All, here's some tom pic's from the Korat Ag Show. Some were in pots outside

    and some in the dirt under netting.

    What is nice is that most are western verities. I just did a quick walk through of the show

    so I may have missed some things or didn't list them as they our not what I like.

    The #750 picture is why I joined TV, people couldn't grow Roma's or falang veges.

    Just to point out a few things I saw there and from my own growing of toms here,

    some just don't grow here for the effort/costs of one or two fruit.

    #751, Giant Belgium the size of pool balls, #752 Yellow Brandywine weren't anything

    to speak about and the White tom in the inside area by the #753 BlackPrince pic, br

    the third BP plant at the lowest cross piece you can see a ripe BP, about what I got

    growing hydro BP's.

    Last Pic is bells on a stick.


    Hey Rice, i was wondering if you had an EC and Ph meter, and if so can you tell me if you have tested the EC and Ph of bottled drinking water is, i read somewhere on here, the Ph was 8.0 and i thought you may have checked it at some stage, the reason for asking is that because of the inconsistent water quality from place to place in LOS i will have to use bottled water to make the Hydroponic Nutrient Concentrate.



  7. Hello All, nice looking toms Scoop1, when you going to come and do your

    craft in LOS?


    Hey, Rice, good to hear from you and thanks for your comment, i was fairly happy with the result because i have never used that system of cultivation with the Gross Lisse and we have had extreme weather here, 40 degrees plus so it wasnt too bad with an average of 4 kg per truss with 6 plants { trusses } per 15 litre drum, LOS is still a work in progress, but i am getting closer and closer and i cant wait to get there and setup a hydroponic greenhouse, i have been looking at places to rent with a little bit of land so i have the room to do this, so i wont be to much longer, i will bring plenty of my favourite seeds with me to get started.



  8. Agree with the posters re what the article is about - if he qualifies he is qualified - this is not a discussion about if he should get paid or not.

    I have discussed this issue with Aussie government people, arguing that the actual costs that the government must pay under the Australian system (and being drawn from the over taxed tax payers money). I would be happy to have my mother over here for more time each year, and she would be happy to spend time here with me. She is not free to choose where she spends her time now because she has been told that part or all of her pension will be cut, which also means her access to health care and lower cost travel in Australia will be lost, if she spends too long outside of Australia.

    She paid tax for many many years before retiring to care for my stepfather before he passed away.

    Now, the next challenges are how to ensure this ruling is extended to all pensioners in a way that the Aussie government saves money, and how to allow private health insurance payments (from Aussie Insurers) to be made to appropriately qualified medical establishments here. Imagine how much the government would save, and thus lower taxes required!!!

    well said, i have paid taxes all my life, i want my pension no matter where i live, i have earned it

    scoop 1

    • Like 2
  9. No doubt the OP has a partner telling him he is moving there. Try it out renting and see what happens, if bored to death then hike it over to CM.

    Yes Rancid, i do have a friend there and she is not telling me to live there, i only wanted a little bit of advice on what the town is like from a farang point of view.

    thank you


  10. Why would anyone plan to settle anywhere without experiencing the place first hand.?

    And to then start getting "pointers" from Chiang Mai expats........well it dafter than my jokes.

    Thank you for your input, i am sure i will be visiting the place first, before i make a decision, i am not as "daft" as your jokes



  11. Hi all, can anyone on tv tell me what Lampang is like? i will be going there next year and may probably settle there, any info would be great from those who live there or have spent some time there



  12. The insurgency tactic to keep the military/police distracted and tied down with escort/patrols is going to be an ongoing success. Understand the children need to have an education, but looks as though nothing is going to change. Hopefully I am wrong.

    Has it been announced that more specialist counter insurgency army personnel are being deployed, with a redoubled effort to seek a political solution?

    "with a redoubled effort to seek a political solution"? There is no such thing as a political solution, when you are dealing with coward muslim extremist's as i have said previously they only know one way, violence and killing of inocent people that is their breeding and belief, so, GIVE TO THEM!! like never before, thats the only way to fix a muslin problem, get rid of them once and for all, and Thailand will be better for it


    Good to see your complete lack of knowledge on how conflicts such as happening in the Deep South have been resolved. Please provide info on where "insurgency" killings has ceased and the local population then enjoy a peaceful existence by purely deploying military force. It is always achieved by utilisation of enforcement agencies and political dialogue (carrot & stick).

    yes thats true, "a complete lack of knowledge", just like Israel and Palestine, how may times have there been political dialogue between those two countries, and how long does the cease fire last, the facts are, that wherever there is muslim extremists there is cowardly violence,and killing of innocent people, what part of that dont you understand, they are INNOCENT PEOPLE !!!!!, defenceless children and teachers . Maybe you should go down there and open some political dialogue with them and see how you end up, its very very simple, simple1, if they dont get what they want they resort to their typical methods of dialogue, killing innocent people



  13. The insurgency tactic to keep the military/police distracted and tied down with escort/patrols is going to be an ongoing success. Understand the children need to have an education, but looks as though nothing is going to change. Hopefully I am wrong.

    Has it been announced that more specialist counter insurgency army personnel are being deployed, with a redoubled effort to seek a political solution?

    "with a redoubled effort to seek a political solution"? There is no such thing as a political solution, when you are dealing with coward muslim extremist's as i have said previously they only know one way, violence and killing of inocent people that is their breeding and belief, so, GIVE TO THEM!! like never before, thats the only way to fix a muslin problem, get rid of them once and for all, and Thailand will be better for it


  14. jamescollister: Have you read the piece from isaanlawyers mentioned by Canada?

    Hi oldestswinger, i read it, and it says its legal, but other posters are of the opinion that is not, so its hard to make a decision on what to do, i guess it will be safer to just rent for a while and suck it and see, but that makes it hard to build anything that can't be moved



  15. I think that the link that I posted by Isaan Lawyers is pretty clear on at least one type of agreement for lease, which would suit your needs. This type of information is quite easy to find actually, and anything that you read here is just someone's experience or interpretation of Thai law. You would do well to do your own due diligence, find your land and do your best on it. My experience with Thai landlords before I bought land was not good. Beware. I had several of them. They have some concepts in thinking that are quite different than our thinking and our laws. Get a specific and well written lease. You would do well to have a lawyer draw one up for you rather than have their (owners) contract.

    I think your chances of getting a Thai to sign into an iron clad long term lease that gives you full rights are slim, but good luck.

    Tell you what; I have about a rai just outside of Chiang Mai, that has enough room for a 8x12m greenhouse. I'd lease it to you for 2 years. It has a 2 bedroom Thai style house, very private, no close neighbors, and a couple or 6x2m good dog runs in case you have dogs. It is completely fenced. It is for sale on Thai visa right now, but to be quite quite honest, I am not keen on selling it yet. I don't know what I will want to do in 2 years. I may want to live in Chiang Mai again. Daron

    Thank you for that Daron, i did read that article from Isaan Lawers, and i feel that it is legal to do an usurfuct, and it seems to say, i am very well protected, so i will certainly be using a law firm to get it done properly, at the moment i am just loking at options as to where i want to base myself. can you pm me with the advertisment you have posted, i did see 7 rai for sale or lease in Chiang Dao but i dont know what it was like , the photos were no good, it was in Lahu Village



  16. There is no safe way to own land in Thailand end of story. Company, lease over 3 years. Usurfruct, nothing, none will hold up in court. The Thai constitution says only a Thai may own land in Thailand. Better to save your money and rent or trust your wife with it all, you will not get the right to keep your house, land etc if you separate or divorce.

    Scoop on the company idea, law was changed in 2009, Thais now have to be able to prove they invested their money in the company. Don't think you will find many who want to put money into you having a house. Anyone found to be cheating the system is liable to jail time and fines, wouldn't want that sitting over my head for 30 years or so waiting for a bang on the door from the police.

    As said trust your wife or don't invest, or put the land in a kids name and you are safe until they are 21 at least. Jim


    Thanks Jim, i do understand that, but i dont have a Thai wife and i dont wont to own land, i just want to rent long term and if i want to build something on the land i want to be sure i am 100% protected for the term , whether it be 2, 5, or 30 years whatever, and the website in one of your earlier posts says that i can do that



  17. Canada, just to make it a bit clearer, here a quote from Thai lawyer association.

    A registered right of usufruct is not a contract that can be easily terminated by your wife. Usufruct is a real right and as a real property right governed by book IV PROPERTY and not book III CONTRACTS of civil and commercial code.This means that once the right of usufruct is registered it is more or less guaranteed by law and to terminate it your wife would need 1 your consent or 2 a court order to have it removed from the title deed. For example when you would divorce your wife the usufruct could be terminated by a court as part of the division of assets.

    After your marriage in Thailand, under Thai matrimonial law, property between husband and wife is governed by the statutory system of property between husband and wife (sections 1465 to 1493 Civil and Commercial Code), therefore any agreements between husband and wife made during the marriage affecting their assets (in conflict with the statutory system) could be set aside by the spouses themselves or a court.

    You are protected and your wife is not able to cancel it when she likes, but because you as a foreigner cannot own land in Thailand and buying real estate when married in Thailand often means signing away your rights to the land it is important to obtain legal advice BEFORE you buy land on the name of your Thai spouse. I have included 2 reference links as a start.

    Yes, ok Jim. Thank you. I am unsure of what you are trying to tell me. What I have on my land title deeds (or my wife's I should say) is not a usufruct. My lawyer recommended what I previously stated that I did: register a "seet gep gin" (it's actual name on the agreement is longer than that). I did obtain legal advice from two different lawyers before buying land. They both told me that if I wanted my "investment" to be 100 percent secure that I should NOT purchase land here in Thailand.

    5 minutes later....Actually what I have is a Usufruct agreement. It's just not called that in Thai. It is called as I referred to it "seet (thi) gep gin" I speak Thai well so I do most of my dealings with Thais in Thai. I didn't know that I had an Usufruct agreement.

    for reference and of particular interest, item #6 under myths and facts:

    http://www.isaanlawy...in Thailand.pdf

    I can't find the reference links that you included.


    Hello Jim and Daron, from what you guys are saying i think an Usurfruct is the safest way to rent property in Thailand, is this your opinion?



    That is the conclusion that i came to. I often think that a company would have been better for owning land and it may well be...as long as Thai authorities don't catch on. Possible penalties for that are severe.


    i am not sure Daron, if Thai's have to own 51% of the company, i think that is dangerous, and i think that is one of the problems that happened to that other guy, slipperex!


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