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Everything posted by spermwhale

  1. WHy cover the man's mug up with emojis? Police didn't charge him because they got the phone back? He still stole it. The guy needs to be arrested and then deported. Not sure why they are so soft on the criminal.
  2. :"In fact, the man involved said he even went back out drinking the same night on Walking Street." No doubt returned to his hotel with a honey or two. What a warrior! What a champ
  3. Pot isn't drugs. Drugs are manufactured and processed. Cannabis is a plant, hence, not a drug.
  4. And the description of what the dead man was wearing is also superfluous information.
  5. Living in Thailand for 17 years and having crossed paths while drunk with local guys, I NEVER had a problem. I've always been friendly to Thais and smile and when walking by guys sitting and drinking whisky and one of them calls out at me "YOU YOU." I always smile a and say "Sawasdee kraap" next thing you know they invite me for a drink
  6. I'll say this too: This is shoddy reporting. This is written by Asean Now and the writers there should know the reality of life in Thailand. This line really stood out at me: " Jessica has applied for a visa with the Thai Immigration Bureau, signalling their intent to make this a long-term move." REALLY? You don't just apply for a visa to "signal intent to make this a long term move." There is no such visa for foreigners. There is a visa for work in their case. And they are too young to qualify for a retirement visa. And she is not married to a a Thai so no spousal visa. If she wanted to get a longer-term type visa. she has to put in many years until she can do that. You'd think the reporters in Thailand would know this.
  7. You get what you pay for. Is it worth short-changing your kids?
  8. The grass is always greener. They'll soon find out that they can't send their kids to local schools if they want them to get a proper education and once you factor in international school fees and the cost of buying western food and needing to buy health insurance for the family.. all those cost advantages are gone. Add a car that costs about twice as much as you'd pay in the UK, then you're looking at even greater cash outlays. Add to that the annual hassle and abuse they have to take when renewing their visas. The'll be back soon.
  9. He never said that. What he said was that some scientists had predicted that the polar caps would melt by 2014. He didn't say they would
  10. Well at least she wasn't pooping in a gutter like one Chinese man did a few years ago in front of diners at a streetside restaurant.
  11. you're joking. Give me a break. Not even close.
  12. QUOTE: Chiang Mai's governor, Nirat Phongsitthithawon reassured the community that efforts are being made to control the wildfires REALLY? ever notice that whenever there are wildfires in Thailand, they say that efforts are being made to control the wildfires, but nobody ever talks about specifics. It's partly the reporters' fault for not asking the bigwigs follow up questions like "what exactly is being done?" but they are spoon fed information. I lived in Thailand for 17 years and I still don't know if they actually have firefighters trying to contain wildfires and /or if they have plains that drop water on forest fires like they do in other wildfire areas around the world.
  13. How many times have they sid this? If I had a satang for every time. If they want quality tourists why don't they ban the Russian from using their bank cards and ban Chinese tours. That'll clean things up a lot.
  14. Kinda a joke.. Talking big knowing that Myanmar's won't be breaching Thailand's airspace. The regime nutballs in Myanmar are not interested in starting a conflict with Thailand. They have bigger problems domestically.
  15. Thaiger is a bottom feeding reporting outfit that is worse than the Daily Mail in England or National Enquirer in the US. Their reporting is awful, insensitive, replete with commentary in poor taste. Asean now will become a cesspool of garbage news.
  16. So the foreign guys are named Phi and Shi... RIIIIIIGGGHHHHTTTT. More tripe reporting by Thaiger. What a joke. DOn't believe anything from this outlet.
  17. Trip can get it done. Go Chadchart!
  18. THat's pretty funny, but it's irrelevant where the taxi was taking his passengers. It has nothing to do with the drunk brit breaking the law.
  19. Seems like Thaiger conflates millions and billions. What do you expect from that poor excuse for a news website, Thaiger. Their reporting is unprofessional so it makes sense they don't have proper copy editors on staff.
  20. How do you put the genie back in the bottle? There's a lot of money invested in the industry now. I know an American fellow who is advising a former Army general on growing weed upcountry. TreHe
  21. Good Catch! Do you expect any accuracy from Thaiger. The worst "news" outlet in Thailand. It should not be a source of news on this site.
  22. It's infuriating that someone like that comes to start <deleted> with people in Thailand which is peaceful and one of the safest countries in terms of violence it's disgusting. He needs to be arrested. What a D*** He is the epitome of all that is wrong with America. There are a lot of hyper aggressive people in the states. I noticed it after returning there after living nearly two decades in Bangkok.
  23. Gonna be deported straight to the Russian Army's front lines. Smart comrades.
  24. You'd think that any Russian who is in Thailand to escape the war would be on their best behavior. But this woman is obviously a high-maintenance girl judging from her looks. Now she'll have to return to her homeland where life sucks.
  25. Following the incident, the owner locked the dog in a cage, and someone else offered to take care of him on the same night." By "Take care of" I hope they meant put a bullet in its head.
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