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Everything posted by spermwhale

  1. Did anyone bother reading this rubbish on Thaiger? There is not a single person interviewed or quoted. not a single statistic cited. Not a single company named. Not a single worker interviewed. A complete lack of facts to back up these assertions. The headline looks like a blockbuster investigative article, but the item on Thaiger offers nothing since it is completely devoid of sources.
  2. The problem is that on those types of vehicles they should be the left of the left lane and not in the fast lane, not to mention those types of vehicles ar not permitted on a motorway. It's obviously a danger. These morons are going to get killed.
  3. I find it deplorable that a headline writer and editor would make fun of the man's injuries by using a play on words in the headline and lede sentence of this article. It's really really in bad taste. That kind of headline should not be on an article about someone's suffering. It's disgusting. I expect this kind of rubbish in the comments section from classless on this site, but not from a news source.
  4. The teachers learned it from their teachers when they were kids who learned it from their teachers when they were kids. The dirty little secret in the Thai educational system is corporal punishment. The majority of Thai kids have been beaten, swatted, hit or otherwise abused in some way by a teacher in their youth. If you don't believe me as your Thai spouse or friends. They will tell you it happened to them too.
  5. Meanwhile the Thai girls walk around dressed like tramps and coifed for sex. Foreign tourists are quite conservatively dressed compared to the many Thai ladies.
  6. Good luck putting the genie back in the bottle after poorly drafting legislation that inadvertently made it a giant free for all.
  7. dI guess all the outraged Thais forgot about the Chinese tourist who defecated into a drain next to a sidewalk BKK restaurant in front of dozens of people in 2020
  8. No. .maybe in other developing and third world countries. But Thailand's electricians don't do a good job. Have you been to Thailand Have you seen the wires looped and in incredible disarray ? Have you seen all the exposed wires in public places?
  9. Who of those of us who have lived in Thailand is surprised this would happen? Thai electricians are incompetant. Nothing is grounded (earthed for you Brits). I can't tell you how many times I touched a piece of electronics that was plugged in and got a mild shock.
  10. PRetty shocking. Alld doctors have sown the hypocratic oath to care for anyone who needs it. This is shocking beyond belief all because they fear not getting paid.
  11. He could have gone around the world for more than a week with a group of Pattaya's finest for that money
  12. He was making a classless comment about wanting intercourse with the female cop in the picture. It's strange that that's what came to this cretin's mind when reading the article.
  13. YOu're stereotyping. and you're completely wrong. I interviewed the former Minister of Commeerce under Yingluck and his top aide was a katoey who had been educated at an Ivy League school. My kids dentist is a katoey. I worked at the Nation Newspaper with multiple katoeys who were writing news, and one of my friends is a metals trader and earns more cash than most farangs in Thailand. So yeah, you're stereotyping. I know another who has made her millions in the fashion industry. You only know what you think you know.
  14. Actually it's only backward haters that have a problem with them being called transgender. That's what they are. Keep drinking that wingnut Kool-Aid. If you have a problem with transgenders, why are you even here. ? Keep your Western prejudices at home. It's not appreciated in Thailand.
  15. Thais don't call them that when they speak Thai. which language are you talking about?
  16. Totally agree. The fact that Thapanee even thought he had the power to allow something like this is ridiculous. He has one of the least important portfolios on the cabinet. He basically greenlighted China to spy on its nationals while on vacation in Thailand.
  17. If you feel this way, why do you even live in Thailand? They are an accepted part of society and for you to imply that they all are sex workers is disgusting. I'm sure the Thais absolutely love you, hater. Phobic much?
  18. I'm starting to think that he timed his return to go to jail so he could get free healthcare for some stuff that needs taking care of and since he is going to be laid up, he might as well do it while serving his sentence until his early release.
  19. Not weed. It doesn't make people do stuff like that. Alcohol is the most likely culprit.
  20. I find this hard to believe. I doubt seriously that the Chinese suddenly consider Thailand dangerous after an incident like that. One month's worth of data does not a trend make. The end of the article noted all of the Chinese airlines that have established direct routes to Chiang Mai. It didn't say that any of those flights had been cancelled. And if they are expecting half as many tourists this year due to an event that happened this month, then there is something else going on. 60,000 fewer arrivals in a month still doesn't add up to reduce tourists from 10 million to 5 millions. Also this article states that 60,000 Chinese tourists cancelled their flights leading to a drop of 650,000 to 590,000 from one month to the next. Just because tourism drops by 60,000 doesn't mean they all cancelled. Perhaps those flights were never booked in the first place. What a bunch of rubbish.
  21. I don't get it. Why are they appealing to these different NGOs to get her back? They should be contacting the Swedish Embassy. They can help repatriate her better than anyone else. The article doesn't mention them contacting the Embassy. Helping Swedes there is part of its mission.
  22. Very professional. News from my living room. Not on the scene, but from my apartment ... somewhere.
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