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Everything posted by spermwhale

  1. "top lawyer" decha ... My loony bin ex wife retained this bulldog lawyer in her custody fight against me in family court. He was outrageous, loud and aggressive and the judges reprimanded him again and again. Fortunately my deranged ex wife falsely thought he was colluding with me and my lawyers to lose the case, so she fired him and filed a complaint against him with the Thai bar association to have his license revoked. Now he's countersued her for million and millions for sullying his reputation. . He's not a good lawyer though. He's a loud mouth.
  2. It's likely a mistranslation. All of these articles are either written in English by Thais or written in Thai and translated into English by a Thai who is relatively fluent in English. I worked as sub editor at both the Nation and Bangkok Post and I'll tell you there was always vague phrases like that or misuse of words that would raise questions. A good copy editor would have gone back to the reporter to make sure that he wrote was correct. My bet is that the police said that they are unable to say what the motive was.
  3. another armchair detective with no knowledge of the crime speculating nonsense. Electronic transfers are easily done and nobody would in their right mind would arrive with a stack of cash like that and keep it at home, especially a westerner.
  4. If he's Swedish, he was probably drunk as a skunk
  5. There is a large Swedish and Norwegian community in Hua Hin and Cha Am.
  6. The more it surges the less boom boom will be had in Thailand.
  7. This practice has been going on for more than two decades
  8. Yes. If Thai police ask for a drug test, you have to comply. They send you behind a screen with a cup to pee in it or in the bathroom. One by one.
  9. That the exchange rate was good was because Thailand was still reeling from its 1997 financial crisis and a weak currency usually connotes a bad economy. And during Yingluck's time in office, the exchange rate went the opposite direction as the baht gained strength. At that point anyone depending on foreign income was hurting.
  10. Actually, they need to sit in a jail a few years for this violent attack. They need to be kept out of society for a while before being sent home and blacklisted.
  11. It's disgusting to me that after all these years of barring foreigners from owning Thai dirt, that they are now considering it for the CHINESE.
  12. I thought the same when I read this post. I've seen many vehicles in Thailand damaged like that after a motorcycle ran into a car. And even if the guy hadn't come to a complete stop, if she veered into his lane and hit him, what can he do?
  13. You forgot six on one gang-banging old fat hookers to save money.
  14. You may get envious stares by other lonely men, but you'll also get stares of disgust from many who know the only reason she's with you. And if you show up to family functions with a girl who is younger than your own kids, the family will think you're a pervert. So there is that. If you don't care what people think then you have nothing to worry about. The younger she is the more compounded it will be. At some point too, she might get bored and leave you for a younger man deciding that all the money in the world isn't worth staying with an old fart with one foot in the grave.. And then you find yourself stuck at 75 taking care of the 2 year old you fathered. I've seen it happen.
  15. It's about time this law is implemented. They should have done this 20 years ago and they could have saved the lives of many lovely Thai kids who flew through their parents' car's windshields in accidents. Even the Richie riches at my kids' international school had BMWs with chilnseats for their kids, but they never strapped them in. I saw one of them have to lock the brakes up and her kid flew into the back of her seat and got a bloody nose. That was going 5kph.
  16. wow great police work there. They found out where the couple is FROM.. Not sure how this advances their knowledge about who killed them. But hey. Thai cops are more concerned about where the people came from than catching the criminal. Now they know they are foreigners, they can go grab a beer.
  17. My Thai friends seem to be doing just fine . They don't need handouts
  18. You have definitely gone native! Good for you. I could never do put ice in my beer, even after 17 years in Thailand.
  19. As an avid weed-smoker, I have to say the price are not bad for the quality of those buds. It's not crappy brown stuff grown in the bush in Laos, obviously. Judging from the pics and THC content, these are high-quality ganja strains. Yes you can get 50 grams of <deleted> Thai weed if you enjoy the harsh smoke.
  20. Quote: Still with this crazy climate change maybe they will start to open a ski resort in Chiang Rai soon!!!! NOT A CHANCE with global warming.
  21. Exactly what I thought when I read the article. It's racist.
  22. This is yet another reason I left Thailand. There is no ramifications in Thailand for anyone that acts negligently and nobody had homeowners insurance, which includes liability coverage for things like this. And the fine of 10,000 baht is a freakin' joke. Thousands of lives are left in ruins every year in Thailand because most victims of negligence are ever compensated for their injuries.
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