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Everything posted by spermwhale

  1. Actually, they need to sit in a jail a few years for this violent attack. They need to be kept out of society for a while before being sent home and blacklisted.
  2. It's disgusting to me that after all these years of barring foreigners from owning Thai dirt, that they are now considering it for the CHINESE.
  3. I thought the same when I read this post. I've seen many vehicles in Thailand damaged like that after a motorcycle ran into a car. And even if the guy hadn't come to a complete stop, if she veered into his lane and hit him, what can he do?
  4. You forgot six on one gang-banging old fat hookers to save money.
  5. You may get envious stares by other lonely men, but you'll also get stares of disgust from many who know the only reason she's with you. And if you show up to family functions with a girl who is younger than your own kids, the family will think you're a pervert. So there is that. If you don't care what people think then you have nothing to worry about. The younger she is the more compounded it will be. At some point too, she might get bored and leave you for a younger man deciding that all the money in the world isn't worth staying with an old fart with one foot in the grave.. And then you find yourself stuck at 75 taking care of the 2 year old you fathered. I've seen it happen.
  6. It's about time this law is implemented. They should have done this 20 years ago and they could have saved the lives of many lovely Thai kids who flew through their parents' car's windshields in accidents. Even the Richie riches at my kids' international school had BMWs with chilnseats for their kids, but they never strapped them in. I saw one of them have to lock the brakes up and her kid flew into the back of her seat and got a bloody nose. That was going 5kph.
  7. wow great police work there. They found out where the couple is FROM.. Not sure how this advances their knowledge about who killed them. But hey. Thai cops are more concerned about where the people came from than catching the criminal. Now they know they are foreigners, they can go grab a beer.
  8. My Thai friends seem to be doing just fine . They don't need handouts
  9. You have definitely gone native! Good for you. I could never do put ice in my beer, even after 17 years in Thailand.
  10. As an avid weed-smoker, I have to say the price are not bad for the quality of those buds. It's not crappy brown stuff grown in the bush in Laos, obviously. Judging from the pics and THC content, these are high-quality ganja strains. Yes you can get 50 grams of <deleted> Thai weed if you enjoy the harsh smoke.
  11. Quote: Still with this crazy climate change maybe they will start to open a ski resort in Chiang Rai soon!!!! NOT A CHANCE with global warming.
  12. This is yet another reason I left Thailand. There is no ramifications in Thailand for anyone that acts negligently and nobody had homeowners insurance, which includes liability coverage for things like this. And the fine of 10,000 baht is a freakin' joke. Thousands of lives are left in ruins every year in Thailand because most victims of negligence are ever compensated for their injuries.
  13. Really unprofessional and potentially libelous journalism. He has not yet been convicted so you can't say he killed her. He ALLEGEDLY killed her. If the court renders a judgement of guilty only then can you write he murdered her. Once again, if you want to be a news organization, you should hire professional editors who know this basic stuff.
  14. For a country that is so concerned about the welfare of mongrels and animal rights, Thais sure eat a lot of meat. I guess they don't care about the animals when others are doing the killing and they don't have to see it. While. most of these soi dogs are harmless, many are not and if they are in a pack they can be dangerous and lethal to passers by.
  15. I was just going to write: "it's GREEN LIGHT." I wonder every day who edits the stuff Aseannow writes. I think nobody.
  16. Health insurance covers all injuries and illness regardless of cause. So it's not hard at all to find insurance that covers medical expenses after a motorcycle accident. The first step is buying the insurance
  17. Who is "I." Typically in op-eds written in the first person, it is signed by the person writing it. Another journalism tip for those running this site.
  18. Pretty scary that the country has to rely on gangsters to save people after accidents. I've seen them cram people who should have been stabilized and put onto a stretcher into the back of their pickup trucks as the injured grimace in pain. These people have ZERO medical or emergency training and they have ZERO education in rescue services. These turf wars have gone on for years.
  19. This is the list of countries he'll declare war on later after he invades Moldova and the Baltic states.
  20. In most developed countries a merger of this magnitude that concentrates market power in the hands of two competitors would face tough scrutiny by regulators.
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