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Everything posted by spermwhale

  1. Thais don't call them that when they speak Thai. which language are you talking about?
  2. Totally agree. The fact that Thapanee even thought he had the power to allow something like this is ridiculous. He has one of the least important portfolios on the cabinet. He basically greenlighted China to spy on its nationals while on vacation in Thailand.
  3. If you feel this way, why do you even live in Thailand? They are an accepted part of society and for you to imply that they all are sex workers is disgusting. I'm sure the Thais absolutely love you, hater. Phobic much?
  4. I'm starting to think that he timed his return to go to jail so he could get free healthcare for some stuff that needs taking care of and since he is going to be laid up, he might as well do it while serving his sentence until his early release.
  5. Not weed. It doesn't make people do stuff like that. Alcohol is the most likely culprit.
  6. I find this hard to believe. I doubt seriously that the Chinese suddenly consider Thailand dangerous after an incident like that. One month's worth of data does not a trend make. The end of the article noted all of the Chinese airlines that have established direct routes to Chiang Mai. It didn't say that any of those flights had been cancelled. And if they are expecting half as many tourists this year due to an event that happened this month, then there is something else going on. 60,000 fewer arrivals in a month still doesn't add up to reduce tourists from 10 million to 5 millions. Also this article states that 60,000 Chinese tourists cancelled their flights leading to a drop of 650,000 to 590,000 from one month to the next. Just because tourism drops by 60,000 doesn't mean they all cancelled. Perhaps those flights were never booked in the first place. What a bunch of rubbish.
  7. I don't get it. Why are they appealing to these different NGOs to get her back? They should be contacting the Swedish Embassy. They can help repatriate her better than anyone else. The article doesn't mention them contacting the Embassy. Helping Swedes there is part of its mission.
  8. Very professional. News from my living room. Not on the scene, but from my apartment ... somewhere.
  9. I remember that. I was working at The Nation newspaper at that time as an editor. We had so many hot stories that reporters and editors would discuss in the newsroom that should have been pursued but never were due to the Thai reporters and editors being afraid of the blowback. And when I wrote an article about a local golf course that was scamming a potential buyer, I got reprimanded after it ran and was told in no uncertain terms not to write anything about a subject that may be controversial.
  10. There goes my favorite booty call. I love delivery services like that.
  11. I love reading analyses of currency markets by people who have no idea how they work.
  12. Where is the rat bastard? What I think is really weak is that NO Thai newspaper has the gonads to do some investigative journalism on this murderer and uncover where he lives and what he's doing. Shouldn't be that hard to track him down.
  13. You can't expect much from Thai reporters, nor editors to catch such nuances. I've worked at both the now-defunct The Nation newspaper and the Bangkok Post, after years in U.S. newspapers and Thai reporters are spoon-fed information and even if it's contradictory or doesn't make sense, they are too shy to ask questions, unless they are softballs
  14. Hate much? If you live in Thailand, you shouldn't. You have a miserable attitude, which earns you no friends in the land of smiles
  15. I doubt it very seriously because very few Thai businesses owners bother getting property insurance. During the floods in 2011 the vast majority of claims submitted for property damage were from multinationals doing business in Thailand as well as sophisticated Thai operations. If it's not auto or life insurance, it's an afterthought.
  16. That's tragic for all the vendors and the owners of the property. None of these people are rich. It's hard work doing what they do. Very sad.
  17. Dangerous way to smuggle coke. If one of those bags or capsules break. It's game over.
  18. It's a nice word, but not sure what it means in this context. Prepare for a backlash maybe.. Is a backlash a slam?
  19. Ah.. the classic victim blaming and throw in the word "woke" for added effect.
  20. Was wondering the same thing. What is the crime? I wonder under which statute they were arrested. What about Playskool at Nana Plaza where the ladies dress like school girls?
  21. Sounds like he is just overworked making appointments to the cabinet.
  22. The nice thing about being a foreigner in Thailand is that we are not part of politics and they don't blame us for any issues they have in their country, unlike in other countries. Farang are in a special bubble in Thailand, insulated from the crap. Two days after the coup that ousted Thaksin, I was partying at a bar with the now Mayor of Bangkok, Chatchart Sithipant. I asked him if he was worried for his country and he said "No, we are used to this. It's no big deal. Have a drink."
  23. It's actually kind of impressive that he was able to stay that long in Thailand without getting a visa. I mean, he couldn't get a job without a visa. How did he survive without working? What did he do with all his time?
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